American History From 1865 Midterm Exam

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Samuel Gompers and the American Federation of Labor called for

Shortening work hours

Like other progressives, President Wilson believed that those nations that did not follow the rules

Should be forced to do so

What motivated most nineteenth-century immigrants to leave their homes?

Social and economic change at home

From where did most immigrants to the United States come after the 1880s?

Southern and Eastern Europe

Who led the Noble and Holy Order of the Knights of Labor?

Terence Powderly

Congress passed which of the following laws to suppress dissent?

The Espionage Act.

Before the Farmers' Alliance came into existence, American farmers tried to influence legislation through membership in

The Grange

Which of the following acts of Congress did not implement President Wilson's "New Freedom"?

The Tariff Commission.

What event united Mexicans and radicalized their revolution?

The U.S. invasion of Veracruz

As a result of the Spanish-American War,

The United States acquired the Philippines, Guam, and Puerto Rico.

Where trade was concerned, why was it difficult for the United States to be neutral?

The United States exported the things that both sides needed and would pay for

John Muir was

The founder of the Sierra Club

The "New Women" of the progressive era symbolized

The growing strength and influence of American women in social and political change

The Democrats linked currency policy with

The lives of workers and farmers

What background characterized most of America's leading businessmen?

The majority were native born and relatively educated.

Whereas Henry George reasserted the values of hard work and self-restraint, Edward Bellamy embraced

The modern cult of leisure.

The earliest immigrants to the United States mostly came from where?

The most developed nations

In nativists' view, why were immigrants a particularly dire threat to America?

They brought crime to American cities and undermined politics

On what did opponents and supporters of the military draft of 1917 agree?

They hoped the draft would deliver the nation's best for military service.

Which of the following statements refers to lynchings?

They were a means of enforcing segregation through the use of terror.

Sacco and Vanzetti were believed to be a threat to the United States because

They were self-proclaimed anarchists.

Why was there a shortage of agricultural workers in the South during Reconstruction?

Thousands of emancipated blacks left the South to pursue opportunities in the North.

How did the writer of Progress and Poverty want to finance government?

Through a single tax on rising rents.

What was the purpose of the Civil Service Commission when Congress authorized its creation in 1881?

To award federal jobs on the basis of merit rather than patronage

What was the purpose of the Interstate Commerce Act?

To curb monopolistic and discriminatory practices by railroads

What was the goal of the National Civil Service Reform League?

To prevent political parties from filling government positions with supporters

What did advocates of a single tax hope to accomplish with this method of public finance?

To restore wealth to those who produced it

What was the principal goal of terrorist organizations such as the Ku Klux Klan?

To restore white supremacy in the South

Most American millionaires at the turn of the twentieth century

Traced their ancestry to England and were Protestant

What business device did John D. Rockefeller employ to control the petroleum industry from production through refining and marketing?


Eugene Debs advocated

Unionization of all of the employees in an industry

According to Walter Lippmann, the sinking of the Lusitania

United Englishmen and Americans in a common grief.

What was the destination of most international migrants in the nineteenth century?

United States

The Hog Island fiasco demonstrated that

Volunteerism and good will would not necessarily be enough to organize the war effort

The term "disfranchisement" refers to the process by which African Americans were denied the right to


Following the election of 1896,

Voter participation declined

President Lincoln's plan for Reconstruction required 10 percent of what group to swear future loyalty to the United States?

Voting population of a state in 1860

Jane Addams ascribed the quick ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment in 1920 to

War psychology

President Taft's "dollar diplomacy"

Was designed to replace military force with economic leverage to implement foreign policies in Latin America

The Pullman Strike of 1894

Was one of the bloodiest labor conflicts in U.S. history. Was the result of desperate workers joining Eugene Debs's railway union. Resulted in 60 workers being killed by federal troops.

Which amendment to the Constitution officially ended slavery, or "involuntary servitude," in the United States?

13 Amandment

The ministers of the "Social Gospel" advocated which of the following?

A belief that corporate capitalism was organized sin

What is a "trust"?

A business device by which different producers agree to operate as a single company to control competition.

Edward Bellamy's novel Looking Backward was

A literary device used to advocate a Utopian society

How many voters would have had to swear allegiance to the Union under the Wade-Davis Bill?

A majority

What did the Republican Party's nomination of Ulysses Grant for president in 1868 signify?

A retreat of the Republican Party from radicalism

Workers did not necessarily object to efficiency or modernization or even profits. They wanted

A share of the benefits

What prompted moderate Republicans to grow increasingly more radical during Reconstruction?

A violence aimed at freed people

Employers such as George Pullman sought which of the following?

Absolute control of the workplace

"Jingoes" were those who

Advocated the need for the United States to expand globally for strategic, religious, and economic reasons

The "Great Migration" between 1917 and 1918 referred to the movement of

African Americans from the rural South to the urban North and West.

What criticism did radical Republicans have of the Freedmen's Bureau?

Agents sided with landowners against the interests of freed people too often.

When the Spanish-American War ended, President McKinley wanted

All of the Above: Guam, Puerto Rico, & Hawaii.

Progressives can be characterized as

All of the above

The National American Woman Suffrage Association was

All of the above A coalition of women's suffrage groups. Led by Carrie Chapman Catt and Anna Howard Shaw. Initially successful in getting states to grant the right to vote to women.

Compared with other nations of the world, President Wilson believed the United States

All of the above As the sole voice of reason. Had to remain aloof in the conflicts in Europe. Had to keep the "great economic processes of the world of business alive."

What set W. E. B. DuBois apart from the majority of progressives of his time?

All of the above Drafted legislation and sent it to Congress instead of waiting for Congress to act. Advocated the use of power to protect citizens Believed federal administrators should intervene in the economy

The Mexican Revolution of 1911

All of the above Was spurred in part by resentment against foreign businessmen, particularly those in the petroleum industry. Was led by a group of intellectuals and planners called cientificos. Began because Mexico nationalized oilfields in Mexico owned by Americans

The presidential election of 1916

All of the above Freed Wilson to pursue a more vigorous foreign policy. Was a narrow victory for Wilson. Had women suffragists campaigning against Wilson.

The War Industries Board created by Wilson was created to regulate

All of the above: Prices, Manufacturing, & Transportation.

The influenza pandemic of 1918 was

All of the above: Global in its impact, killing about 30 million people worldwide, A variant of a "swine flu", & A virus that spread rapidly throughout the soldiers on the front and civilians whose immunities were reduced because of wartime conditions.

The "Roosevelt Corollary" to the Monroe Doctrine said that

All of the above: If there was chronic wrongdoing or the potential for revolution in a Latin American nation and intervention was necessary to protect the status quo and/or American interests, the United States would do the intervening, European nations had no business intervening in Latin American politics, & If any nation intervened in Latin American politics, it would have to deal with the United States.

President Roosevelt helped create the modern environmental movement by

All of the above: Increasing the number of acres of land in the Federal Reserve, Professionalizing the forest service, & using the power of the presidency to build support of Americans for conservation policies.

President Wilson's "New Freedom" policies included

All of the above: Lower tariffs, Increased competition, & Vigorous antitrust enforcement.

In calling for war with Spain in 1898, President McKinley announced that America's war aims included

All of the above: Recognition of Cuban independence, Protection of endangered American property in Cuba, & Restoration of peace in Cuba.

What was the basic controversy in the Hetch Hetchy Valley debate?

All of the above: The Hetch Hetchy Valley was located in Yosemite National Park, Water in the valley was needed for use in San Francisco's municipal water system, & The controversy pitted naturalists against the needs of urban populations.

The American Expeditionary Force in June 1917

All of the above: Was led by Commander John J. Pershing, Arrived in France ready and willing to fight the Germans, & Was composed of about 40,000 men and 16,000 women.

Some argued that if the United States failed to expand its economy overseas

All the above. The nation would be taken over by more powerful nations, The United States would no longer have a frontier of its own for expansion, & The United States would decline just like the Roman Empire.

By the late summer of 1918,

American troops had arrived in France.

Progressivism was

An alternative option for social change to the more radical forms, such as socialism.

What group finally decided the presidential race in 1876 in favor of the Republican candidate Rutherford B. Hayes?

An appointed electoral commission composed of a majority of Republicans

Where business was concerned, the Square Deal included

An attitude of mutual respect and recognition between employees and employers who would attempt to deal with one another in a fair manner.

What precipitated the massive immigration of European Jews to America?

Anti-Jewish pogroms in Russia following the assassination of Czar Alexander II

How had Frances Willard and her Woman's Christian Temperance Union come to view alcoholism by the end of the nineteenth century?

As a public health problem.

According to J. P. Morgan's views, __________ were more important than industrialists.


James P. Morgan dominated what American industry?

Banking and Financing

Which of the following technologies was instrumental in building almost insurmountable trench lines during World War I?

Barbed wire

Roosevelt's "New Nationalism"

Called for the protection of the individual against privilege

Northerners who came south in the aftermath of the Civil War to introduce reforms or capitalize on opportunities were known as


Which of the following inventions improved the lives of Western farmers?

Cattle Drives

"Boss" rule in city governments was possible because

City bosses could trade municipal jobs for votes

An example of the progressives' ambivalent attitude toward democracy is their belief that

City governments needed to be more businesslike and less democratic

Although the Freedmen's Bureau mostly dealt with labor relations, these often spilled over into matters of

Civil Rights

Wilson's "Fourteen Points" included all of the following except

Closed diplomacy

What activity did the Sherman Anti-Trust Act outlaw?

Combination in restraint of trade

The term "Red Scare" referred to the American fear of


Black Codes

Confined black freedoms with laws that singled out blacks for unequal treatment.

What first symbolized the transfer of initiative in Reconstruction from the executive to the legislative branch?

Congress overriding President Johnson's veto of the Civil Rights Act and the extension of the Freedmen's Bureau

The popular press in the 1890s characterized strikers as

Contrary to progress

The term "vertical integration" means

Controlling as many aspects of business as possible

Battles in the Spanish-American War were fought in

Cuba and the Philippines

The Supreme Court's 1896 decision in Plessy v. Ferguson

Defined the "separate but equal" principle

In response to the sinking of the Lusitania, Woodrow Wilson

Demanded the immediate end to submarine warfare.

Where did the majority of immigrants find new homes in America?

Eastern cities near factories

Voluntary associations concentrated less on rousing voters than on

Educating them and lobbying officials already in office

Which of the following statements about the Atlanta Compromise is accurate?

Employers should hire black workers rather than relying on immigrant labor.

Woodrow Wilson feared that American participation in World War I might

Erase 15 years of progressive reform.

The Fifteenth Amendment

Established native birth or naturalization as a definition of national citizenship.

Secretary of State William Henry Seward's view of American foreign affairs was linked to

Expanding American trade

Unlike their predecessors, progressives were comfortable with

Expanding government power to implement change

In August of 1914, as war began in Europe, most Americans

Felt that America should maintain a neutral role in the conflict

The Philippines posed a challenge to the United States because

Filipino guerrillas fought the American occupation forces for independence.

According to the Banks Plan,

Former slaves signed year-long contracts and earned a small percentage of the crop, or $3 per month.

According to Theodore Roosevelt, what united civilized nations?

Global trade and communications

President Wilson sent American troops to all of the following except


The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) won its first court battle in 1915 against the

Grandfather clause, which denied the right to vote to the descendants of slaves

Which of the following nations was not part of the Allied Powers?

Great Britain

Most blacks who held elected office in southern states during Reconstruction

Had been free in the prewar period.

Minstrel shows generally depicted what?

Happy plantation life.

The industrialized nations focused their struggle for industrial and military supremacy on

He believed the future of the United States was dependent on controlling global trade

Theodore Roosevelt symbolized the expansionist beliefs in which of the following ways?

He believed the future of the United States was dependent on controlling global trade.

Why did President Andrew Johnson say he vetoed the Civil Rights Act of 1866?

He doubted whether blacks were qualified for citizenship

Why did Theodore Roosevelt feel an obligation to enter politics as early as the mid-1880s?

He saw a unique opportunity to gain a personal advantage in his future business career.

According to some historians, what crucial mistake did Woodrow Wilson make after the cessation of hostilities?

He staked the success of the peace treaty on his own popularity.

How did President Lincoln dispose of the Wade-Davis Bill?

He used a pocket veto

Which of the following statements characterizes Theodore Roosevelt's approach to the nation's natural resources?

He was a conservationist who tried to balance commercial and public interests.

Why did Grover Cleveland think the federal government should allow southern whites to control their states?

He was committed to the authority of local government.

Jane Addams was one of the founders of

Hull House

On what grounds could the United States seize territory, according to Theodore Roosevelt?

If it was in the world's interest.

What did Strong and others of like mind think was the greatest threat to America?


Where did Andrew Carnegie first work after his family immigrated to the United States?

In a textile mill

How did most of those immigrating to the United States travel by 1900?

In steamboats

What was accomplished by the Second Reconstruction Act passed in July 1867?

It ensured black suffrage by placing the army in charge of voter registration.

What did the Reconstruction of Act of March 2, 1867, provide?

It established former Confederate states as territories and divided them into military districts

What was the impact of the Harrison McKinley Tariff on foreign affairs?

It gave the president new authority in trade relations with other countries.

What was the greatest weakness of the Interstate Commerce Commission when it was founded?

It lacked power to enforce its rules

What was the first accomplishment of the Fourteenth Amendment?

It overruled the Dred Scott case defining citizenship.

Other than getting laborers to work their land, how did the sharecrop system benefit landowners?

It reduced their risk when cotton prices were low.

How did sharecropping help shape the social system of the postwar South?

It tied the southern economy to agriculture, particularly cotton.

Why did President Wilson ask Congress for a declaration of war?

It was the only way the United States could control the peace following the war.

Who published an expose of slums and other urban problems titled How the Other Half Lives in 1890?

Jacob Riis

How did most Americans feel about the nation's natural resources by the end of the nineteenth century?

Most Americans accepted the idea that government should oversee the distribution of natural resources

What term did Edward Bellamy use to describe his dream of social peace with little government interaction?


The last great land rush in the continental United States occurred in 1893 in


"Nativism" refers to

Opposition to immigration

Progressive presidents, like progressive Americans, wanted

Orderly, managed change.

The United States intervened in the civil war in


What were "greenbacks"?

Paper currency backed only by the word of the United States

What motivated the assassin who shot President James A. Garfield in 1881?

President Garfield failed to appoint him to a federal position he sought.

Who was the Republican Party "boss" of New York state politics?

Roscoe Conkling

Which of the following nations was not part of the Central Powers?


The economic history of the United States late in the nineteenth century was

Sandwiched between financial panics in 1873 and 1893.

Southerners who collaborated with northerners after the Civil War were known as


Which of the following now-ordinary provisions was or were introduced by the progressives?

Secret ballots and voter registration

The U.S. Senate refused to ratify Wilson's Treaty of Versailles because, among other reasons,

Senators feared that U.S. involvement in the League of Nations would mean that American troops might be sent into Europe and settle European disputes.

In comparison with other American presidents, President Wilson

Sent more American troops to Latin American nations than any other American president.

Southern cities, with few exceptions, were

Service centers

What labor system for former slaves developed soon after plantation owners reclaimed their land after the Civil War?

Share Crop System

How were most cattle raised in the West?

by the open-range method and worked mostly from horseback

The reservation system was intended to

prevent outbreaks of violence between Native Americans and white settlers

Late in the nineteenth century

the role of women in society was changing

Why did Congress create the Freedmen's Bureau in 1865?

to assist in the distribution of confiscated land to former slaves

What was the intent of the Dawes Severalty Act?

to break up reservations into separate plots for Native American families

What was the purpose of the Homestead Act?

to settle the West with independent small farmers

Why did radicals call for the impeachment of President Andrew Johnson?

Johnson violated the Tenure of Office Act

The Open Door policy was designed to

Keep the markets of China open to the United States.

In the nineteenth century, partisan politics was

Largely a masculine affair.

In Josiah Strong's view, what made Anglo-Saxons superior to other cultures?

Love of liberty and pure Christianity.

Which of the following encouraged African Americans to relocate from the South to the North during the war?

Lynchings, intimidation, and racist attitudes at home.

In 1903, President Roosevelt created the Department of Commerce and Labor to

Make corporate activities transparent, or public knowledge.

Who was the Irish immigrant whose discoveries made the United States the leading producer of copper in the world?

Marcus Daly

Which of the following statements refers to the Boxer Rebellion?

McKinley sent troops to China to protect Americans and American possessions.

Most American women who participated in voluntary reform movements were

Members of the educated middle class

Who primarily filled the jobs in new factories erected in the second half of the nineteenth century?

Migrants from farms and small towns

What effect did reports of violence against freed people have on Congress?

Moderate Republicans were radicalized.

What political issues were considered most appropriate for women's interest and participation?

Moral Reform Movements

In retrospect, Frederick Jackson Turner's "frontier thesis" contained the following contradiction:

More homesteaders claimed lands after the 1890 census than before.

What groups formed the backbone of the new segment of society known as "middle class"?

Professionals such as attorneys and medical doctors

Which of the following statements most accurately characterizes the progressives of the turn of the century?

Progressivism was a widespread, many-sided reform effort

Those who advocated a harsh peace for the South and citizenship for former slaves were called what?

Radical Republicans

What was the only enterprise in America that could be called "big business" before the Civil War?


According to the thinking of the time, increasing the money supply would

Reduce interest rates and make credit more available

During the war, the Ford Motor Company

Refused to stop manufacturing cars.

With reference to President Taft's "dollar diplomacy," President Wilson

Renounced it but used it himself

Ida B. Wells-Barnett used which of the following tactics to expose the horrors of lynchings?

Research, exposure in the popular press, and organization of investigators across the nation

What is meant by the term "redemption"?

Restoration of local, white control in former Confederate states

Eugene V. Debs was

The president of the American Railway Union.

What enabled Americans to learn of important events in Europe within 24 hours or less?

The transoceanic cable laid in 1866

The United Mine Workers' 1902 coal strike resulted in

The use of federal arbitration to resolve the strike

Progressives who believed that science and God were on their side believed that

Their solutions should be forced on Americans

Who first coined the term "muckraker" to describe progressive era investigative journalists?

Theodore Roosevelt

"Robber Barons" was a term applied to

Wealthy "captains of industry."

Why did supporters of women's suffrage oppose ratification of the Fifteenth Amendment?

Why did supporters of women's suffrage oppose ratification of the Fifteenth Amendment?

In a famous speech in 1896, __________ said, "You shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns, you shall not crucify mankind on a cross of gold."

William Jennings Bryan

In the election of 1908 William Howard Taft defeated

William Jennings Bryan

The Democrats met in Chicago in 1896 to select their candidate. They chose

William Jennings Bryan

Which of the following statements about the 1896 presidential race is correct?

William McKinley's "front porch campaign" carried the northern industrial states.

When the Nineteenth Amendment was ratified in 1920,

Woman suffragists linked woman suffrage with the nation's war aims.

The term "Jim Crow" refers to

a minstrel show character. Any form of racial segregation. A group of laws enforcing segregation.

The Panic of 1893 was

a period of economic decline in the United States that included the failure of many American businesses and banks.

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