American History Midterm Final

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The Invasion and Settlement of North America (1550-1700) Spanish were the first to reach Southern and Western U.S.


The US needed some strategies to win this fight. The ___ started sending troops to the Rio Grande, and we offer to purchase the New Mexico and California territory for 30 million dollars. And the US was encouraging the Mexicans in the west to support independence from Mexico and annexation by the US. By sending troops to the border Polk is provoking a fight; he doesn't want to start the fight.


population cont. to grow, and in 1619 they needed to establish a government. They created the House of Burgesses. Was the first representative democracy.


Europeans like to go to ______, to get things to trade like spices and cloth.


1 of the problems was that Mexico felt that it was illegal for the US to annex Texas because they thought that it was still theirs. There was also a border dispute the US and Texas was claiming that the border was at the ____1___. Mexico claimed that the southern border was at the ___2__.

(1) Rio Grande River (2) Nueces River

_____(1.)_____ was given charter to colonize in Virginia, 1587 he sent man named ___(2)___to lead expedition of men, women and children to Roanoke. They want to settle area. Lot of tense relations between English and natives. John went back to look for help cause of tense relations with the Natives, isn't able to come back for about 3 years. England at war with Spain. Couldn't physically get out of England ships getting attacked. Colony had disappeared without a trace when he return all colonists were gone, no sign of struggle. Nothing left except the word Croatoan carved into a tree. Roanoke= lost colony.

(1.)Sir Walter Raleigh (2.) John White

Texas was part of Mexico. Mexico won its independence from Spain in _____


He doesn't want to have to fight 2 wars at once so he gave up on the idea of taking all of Oregon (Polk) no 54 40 idea. They decided to divide Oregon at the __th parallel.


___% of English population were peasants most lived in open field communities. Everyone worked together to decide what to grow, they would use surplus to trade for what they needed. With the increase in domestic manufacturing, landlords and merchants influenced Parliament to make the Enclosure acts


in 1858 there was an election for an open senate seat that was currently held by Stephen Douglas. Douglas was running for re-election against an unknown republican ______. On paper it looked like it was going to be an easy victory for Douglas, but Lincoln challenged him to a series of debates over the issue of slavery and the territories and Douglas accepted.

Abraham Lincoln

The Portuguese traveled all the way around _____ to get to India.


Phillip the Spanish king is involving Spain in a bunch of other foreign wars, he spent lots of money on the wars, which hurt Spain's economy. Lots of Spanish left Spain and moved to _____. Phillip died in 1598. Spain was declining.


Eventually the______ residents began to outnumber the Mexican residents and they resented any attempt of the Mexican government to exert more control. The Americans started to rebel against Mexico.


The ______/ Know-Nothing party was also formed, they were Anti-immigrant and anti-Catholic, they were very secretive. They wanted to ban immigration to the US. They gained a significant amount of support. Belief of Nativism is spreading- they favor American born people over immigrants.

American Party

The Mexican government started to encourage ________ to settle in Texas. They didn't have a large population, so they wanted more people to help cultivate and settle. But the Americans who moved there didn't adopt the Mexican culture like Mexico was hoping for. And the southerners brought the institution of slavery with them.


Who America is named after, was a cartographer, he traveled to South America and called it Nuevo Mundo.

Amerigo Vespucci

This device was made because of the Renaissance, is an instrument that helps with navigation, helps you figure out where you are on a map, lines of latitude and longitude, nautical map.


Mexico government tries to put down rebellion so this is when we get the ______. The Texan rebels were actually defeated at The Alamo.

Battle of the Alamo

thin body of water that separates 2 large land masses, used to be the land bridge. Now is body of water between MOTHER RUSSIA and Alaska.

Bering Strait

The abolitionists are infuriated and they set up a rival government in Topeka, Kansas, because they know people from Missouri voted illegally. Both sides start to get violent against each other, which earned Kansas the nickname "______".

Bleeding Kansas (does Kansas need a Band-Aid?)

both the northern Whigs and democrats wanted to end the joint occupation of Oregon. They wanted the US to kick out the _____ and take it all for themselves.


a lot of Americans ventured of the Oregon trial and settled in ______. Cattle ranching was the big industry over here. Some Americans hope to follow what Texas did. They want to get enough settlers and make it a state, but they don't have enough people yet. It is still owned by Mexico.


This was made because of the Renaissance, is a lightweight ship, travels faster.


One senator named _____ from Massachusetts delivered an impassioned speech that lasted 2 whole days and was called "The Crime Against Kansas" he verbally attacked Slavery in the South and kept calling out one of the Southern Senators Andrew P. Butler of South Carolina

Charles Sumner

An Italian guy who says he can find another trade route to India and not have to take the Portuguese way. He thought that you could sail west out of the Atlantic and end up back around to India eventually. The Spanish king and queen Ferdinand and Isabella fund his journey. Made 4 voyages total. When he reaches India he wants to convert them to Christianity.

Christopher Columbus

This device was made because of the Renaissance, it is magnetic and it always points north.


between 1590-1640 series of crop failures because of cold weather.

Crop Failures

was a slave in Missouri whose owner took him to free territory and then brought him back to Missouri. ______ appealed to the court and said that living in a free territory made him a free man, suing for his freedom. His case made it all the way to the Supreme Court and they ruled against Scott. They said that he had no authority because he was not a citizen and never would be. And that living in a free territory does not make you free because territories cannot have laws about slavery, only states can. This sparked a lot of debates, the north is not happy about it. The South is happy with this decision. It just leads to more conflict between north and south.

Dred Scott

This country wasn't interested in spreading their religion, were interested in setting up trading posts. Mostly furs.


Gave landlords the right to fence in their land and graze sheep in the area. Either have to spin wool or leave. The peasants risk going to America because they have nothing to lose. Is a social cause of English Colonization.

Enclosure Acts

The first _______ ventures in North America failed - mostly because of issues with financing, supplies, or harsh weather


In the 15th century, ________ became more interested in the rest of the world.


Portuguese controlled the route from Africa to India and they wouldn't let other countries through. meanie butts...

Europe Reaches the Americas (1450-1550)

The Spanish King and Queen who fund Columbus' journey to find a new trade route to India.

Ferdinand and Isabella

This man is another Spanish Conquistador, he conquered the Inca Empire in Peru.

Francisco Pizarro

He was searching New Mexico area for gold. Never found any gold, he found Grand Canyon and several Native American villages.

Francisco Vasquez de Coronado

1600's. Explored mostly in the northeast. First permanent _____ settlement was Quebec in 1608. Not a lot of people migrated over here. Ones that did come wanted to become involved in fur trading. Looked for new fur suppliers all over America.


_____ were still pretty destructive to the natives. European disease killed a lot of the natives. Provided market for furs, natives want control. Tried to convert natives to Christianity. They sent over Jesuits over to convert natives to Catholicism weren't brutal like Spanish were no forced labor. Coexisted peacefully. Needed them for fur trade.


was the most controversial part of the compromise of 1850. Some people saw it as the government protecting slavery, abolitionists often challenged it and still helped runaway slaves and would drive slave catchers out of town and they would hold riots. Resistance to the slave act was even greater because of Uncle Tom's cabin which depicted the life and struggles of a slave.

Fugitive Slave Act

The Spanish sailed for ____, _____, and _____. Wanted to convert Native Americans to Christianity. Main goal was to find gold, get rich, and be powerful and remembered by all.

God, gold, and glory

in 1848 gold was discovered in California. News got out and in 1849 80,000 migrants moved to California looking for gold called the ____. California puts together a state constitution and they apply for statehood as a free state. Southerners block California form entering the state because it would upset the slave state.

Gold Rush

When the 2 sides started to fight in 1846 congress declared war on Mexico. The US was able to defeat Mexico by 1847. And in 1848 they signed the treaty of ________- it ended the Mexican American war, it recognized the US claims to Texas with the border at the Rio Grande, and it allowed the US to purchase the Mexican Session which we purchased for 15 million.

Guadalupe- Hidalgo

______ comes along and he creates 6 laws called the Compromise of 1850. 1. California would enter the union as a free state, 2. They established a boundary between Mexico and New Mexico. 3. The slave trade in D.C would be outlawed. 4. They said that slavery would be decided by popular sovereignty in the New Mexico territory- all people get to vote. 5. Slavery would be decided by popular sovereignty in the Utah territory. 6. Fugitive slave act- said that by law citizens as police in the north had to return runaway slaves.

Henry Clay

He was hired to explore to the U.S. He named the Hudson River, and set up trading posts in modern day N.Y. Few Dutch settlers and it made them vulnerable to attack from other nations, British were able to take over all Dutch territory.

Henry Hudson (Englishman)

This man was against the spread of Protestantism, he was a devout Catholic, pope named him the defender of the faith. His first wife Catherine of Aragon she could not have a son, she had a daughter named Mary (bloody Mary). He wanted the marriage annulled so he could marry Ann Boleyn, pope would let him so he made his own religion, Anglican church or church of England. Makes himself the head if it and gives himself the annulment. Created Anglicanism.

Henry VIII

In the election of 1844, Whigs nominated ______ who is still campaigning on the American system. He was staying away from the issue of Texas at first but when he mentioned that he might support the annexation of Texas he lost support in the north. Polk easily won this election and Texas was brought into the US as a territory in 1845.

Henry clay

This man is a Spanish Conquistador and he brought down the Aztec empire in Mexico. The revenge of Montezuma begins. Cant drink the water in mexico. Had a prophecy that their god would return, they think this man and his people were their God. The men slaughter all the Aztecs, Montezuma "poisoned" the water, anyone of European decent would get sick from drinking the water.

Hernan Cortez

He was looking for riches in the south-east (1540's). Was very brutal to Natives because he was angry at not finding any gold.

Hernando de Soto

first immigrants came over as these. They would sign a contract with a wealthy person that they would work for them from 5-7 years and in exchange they got passage to America and food and shelter upon arrival. Was like this for many years.

Indentured Servant

In the election of 1856 ____ won the election; the new Republican Party carried 11 states which is not bad. Democrats won, republicans will be a formidable enemy.

James Buchanan

In the election of 1844 democrats nominated ________ "Fifty- four Forty or Fight" is his campaign slogan, wants the fifty four forty line, if they didn't give it to him he would fight, he appealed to north and south because he supported both annexations.

James K. Polk

Virginia and Maryland 1607 Virginia Company sent their first expedition to America. Weren't interested in settling. Only traders. Settled in swampy area that they named ________ after King James the 1st. Leader was John smith. When got to it they chose not to grow food and immediately began looking for gold. A lot of people die because there is no food. Got a lot of diseases, malaria.


What is the first permanent English Settlement in the U.S?


French theologian, he believed in the idea of predestination- God decides for you whether you will be saved or not. He says that humans have no free will, cannot determine their faith by the way they live. He believed that the bible was the ultimate authority in the church.

John Calvin (Created Calvinism)

was one of settlers in Virginia and brings tobacco, use it as a cash crop and start to make a profit. Saved the colony. Became first permanent English settlement in the U.S. Tobacco made Virginia into a settler colony, more English family's came. Chesapeake colonies are only in Virginia and Maryland.

John Rolfe

After a lot of struggle the _____ act was approved in 1854 and it repealed the Missouri compromise.

Kansas- Nebraska

1560's Spanish wanted to find gold but they had gold too. They wanted to prevent other European countries from settling in America. English were in Caribbean attacking Spanish ships. French Protestants settling in Florida but Spain already claimed it. ______ ordered his troops to expel the Protestants out of Florida. Killed about 300 French Protestants 1565.

King Philip II

The leader of Spain and all its territories, was a strict Catholic, wanted to remove heretics from all Spanish territories. Not allowing religious freedom.

King Phillip of Spain

belief that America in its republic intuitions should expand west to the Pacific Ocean. Thought this was ordained by God. Area was mostly owned by Mexico at this time. American started to expand further west claiming more territory for the US.

Manifest Destiny (yo yo whats up my peeps? So this is the first slide and I just want to say welcome to hell! Or at least a mild version of it...In total there are 880 notecards so if yours doesn't say that you have that many then you need to refresh the page!)

Man who created Lutheranism

Martin Luther

German Catholic monk, nailed the 95 theses to the door a church in Germany. 1517. He didn't like the whole thing about indulgences. He was declared a heretic, and was excommunicated from the Catholic church. The printing press was invented in the 15th century, it was written and spread so everyone could read his ideas. 1. He believed that salvation was given by God (grace). 2. The key to salvation is faith 3. He downplayed the role of the clergy, anyone can speak to God, don't have to be clergy member 4. The bible is the ultimate authority in church maters.

Martin Luther (king Jr.?)

For the election of 1848 the free soil party nominated _____

Martin Van Buren

was an expansionist just like Polk, during his administration he purchased a strip of land west of Texas called the Gadsden Purchase which we got from Mexico and it completed the contiguous 48 states. He purchased it to complete a transcontinental railroad which he purchased for 15 million.


the belief that money equals power.


Natives spread out across this continent and head south. Europeans arrive where the natives are. 40 million natives in Mexico and Guatemala. 15 million natives north living above America, U.S and Canada.


The Texas Annexation was put off by both Jackson and Van Buren. Congress blocked it during President John Tyler's presidency. 1) Domestic issue: slavery was allowed in Texas, if they added Texas as a slave state then it would outbalance the number of slave states and no slave states. 2) Because it was an international issue, _____ warned the US that if we tried to take Texas we would be asking for trouble.


when Polk became president Texas was annexed as a state. So ____ cut off diplomatic relations with the US, wont trade or deal with US, they don't recognize that we exist. Polk wanted to further expand even more into their territory. We get into a couple of land disputes with Mexico


First Americans came from Asia, they walked. They were hunting and chased wild game into North America. North America and Asia used to connect. Land bridge = Glacier. Glacier melted after ice age ended. Were trapped.


there were some people in congress that thought popular sovereignty would be a good idea for the _______. It should automatically be a free territory, leads to a lot of fierce debate.

Nebraska territory

was jointly occupied by the British and the Americans. In the 1840's more and more Americans started to travel to _____, lots of fertile land and valuable harbors. 100,00s of Americans traveled along the Oregon trail to settle.


Catholic church was very wealthy and very powerful. Priests, monks, and popes were known to be corrupt. They would sell offices, if you wanted to be cardinal you could pay for it, and they also used it for favors. Pay money and your sins would be forgiven (indulgences). Different people started protesting about the Catholic church, wanted reformation. They created a whole new set of religion (Protestantism)

Origins of the Protestant Reformation

The system that Queen Elizabeth created which told merchants that they could keep their wages low for spinning and weaving wool, they could make a ton of money. Is not good for the peasants.

Output system

Butler has a nephew in the congress called Congressman _____, brooks gets tired of his uncle being verbally attacked. One day he walked into the senate chamber with his cane and beet Sumner over the head repeatedly until his cane breaks. Sumner suffered brain damage and wasn't able to return to the Senate for over 3 years. It shows us that the north and south continue to separate. The tension can be felt between the political parties.

Preston S. Brooks (weirdo with some issues...)

This man is the leader of Portugal around the 1450-1550's, sent ships to explore the African coast. Once they were in Africa the Portuguese began trading humans, were the first to join in on the African Slave Trade. Slave trade was normally between tribes, and they traded prisoners of war and criminals. Then the Portuguese started trading normal people.

Prince Henry (Henry the Navigator)

In the 1560's this Queen began ruling for England, she is a protestant.

Queen Elizabeth 1

the Kansas- Nebraska act had upset abolitionists and the free Soilers because they saw the opportunity for slavery to spread. Anti-slavery Whigs and Democrats as well as free Soilers left their parties and formed a new one called the _____ party, their platform was to oppose the spread of slavery, they were not an abolitionist party. They are against slavery for economic reasons; they want to protect the small farmers.


The man who traveled down Mississippi river to the Gulf of Mexico. Named after King Louie the XIV (14th) = Louisiana.

Robert de la Salle

1563 _____ sent Franciscan missionaries to the Americas to convert natives to Catholicism. Tired to convert natives to be more like them. Missionaries were harsh. They would whip sinners and spirit worshipers, would use them for free labor, and exploited their farming for their own profit. Relations between the natives and the Spanish were really tense.


Were very brutal men who mistreated Native Americans by beating them, raping them, and killing them. Only wanted them for work.

Spanish Conquistadors

The Spanish established a fort at _______ so they could protect Florida from outsiders. First European settlement in the U.S.

St. Augustine

________ was a senator from Illinois introduced a bill in congress that would divide Nebraska into 2 different territories, to the north would be the Nebraska territory and south would be Kansas. The bill allowed popular sovereignty in both sections. The congressional debate was fierce. The north saw the bill as a plot to turn the territories into slave states. The south strongly defended the bill.

Stephen Douglas

A way that increases the wealth of England, found a way to make money on imports, taxes on imports. England now has the money and ships to challenge Spain for the control of the Western Hemisphere.


They created this battle cry called "Remember the Alamo" as inspiration to not give up.


In 1836 ______ declared itself independent from Mexico. They wrote their own constitution and legalized slavery.


This was the result of the Spanish invasion of the Americas, meeting of Eastern and Western hemispheres. They would exchange food, plants, animals, and ideas, and also diseases. Killed 15-90% of the Native American populations. Made forced conversions, natives who survived were forced into Christian baptisms.

The Columbian Exchange

In 1566 Protestants in the Spanish Netherlands revolted against King Phillip and became independent. They were referred to as...

The Dutch Republic (or Holland)

England starts to emerge as the world economic power after Phillip died. They started using a new system in the textile market, which helped them produce more textiles and make more money. Cloth, fiber. It was called the output system. Merchants would pay peasants to spin wool and weave it into cloth in their own facilities (house). The cloth was sold in England or in foreign markets.

The Dutch and English Challenge Spain

In 1588 Queen Elizabeth 1 sent troops to assist the Dutch in their rebellion against Spain. Spain gets mad at England. Phillip sends Spanish Armada to invade England, wanted to bring Catholicism back to England and the protestants out of Holland. They know the Spanish armada's strengths and weaknesses and are able to defeat the Armada.

The Dutch and English Challenge Spain

Queen Elizabeth of England wanted to make the most money that she could for England. She encouraged domestic manufacturing, make everything in England. She also encouraged the output system.

The Dutch and English Challenge Spain

rebirth, started in the 15th century in Italy, and spread to the rest of Europe . Classical, heritage, learning. Blended classical idea with modern ones, new architecture, art, politics, and inventions. Increase in the people wanting to be educated.

The Renaissance

was made up of small farmers who didn't want slavery to spread. Is not a moral issue for them, they still side with the Sothern's. For them it's an economic issue. The small farmers cannot compete with the plantation owners.

The free soil party

Columbus sees land which he thinks are little islands near India and calls them the ________. But are actually what we know today as, The Dominican Republic. He calls the people there Indians. He brought men, tame animals, and slaves to work and to colonize.

West Indies

small land owners. They migrated to America also.


In the election of 1848 ____ wins easily. Millard Fillmore was his Vice President. He dies in office, he had a gastrointestinal disease. Millard Fillmore becomes president.

Zachary Taylor

In the election of 1848, Polk did not run for reelection, the Whigs nominated ______.

Zachary Taylor

who was a military hero from the Mexico war, was known as "Old Rough and Ready" He was form Louisiana and he was a slave holder.

Zachary Taylor

in the election of 1852 democrats nominate _____, Whigs had been divided over the issue of slavery for a while and Henry Clay finally died in 1852 and after that he was the glue that held the party he wins from this election and the Whigs disappear.

franklin pierce

The battle keeps going and about a month later the Texan rebels win, and Texas officially becomes _______. Mexico would never recognize the independence of Texas but they would stop fighting to get it back. Texas requested annexation to the US, wanted to be added as a territory to the US.


In the election of 1844 the _____ were asking for expansion the southern democrats began to demand the annexation of Texas. Expansion was the key issue in this election.

northern democrats

each territory has to decide whether they will be slave or free. The race was on to see which side could populate these territories the fastest instead of a government. Once there was enough settlers in Kansas the territory held elections. During these elections a lot of pro-slavery people from Missouri crossed the border and voted illegally for the pro-slavery candidate. They voted for pro-slavery and Kansas set up a _____ government in Lecompton Kansas.


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