American. Literature Unit 2 Test

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fact of being sacred; holiness

What kind of person would most likely be guilty of treason?

someone who betrays his or her country

Which sentence states the central comparison in " There is a solitude of space"?

Compared with the solitude of a soul admitted to itself, the solitudes of space, sea, death seem like society.

In "I Heard a Fly buzz when I died" what do the details suggest most clearly about death?

Death may not happen as we expect it to occur

Considered altogether, what do the details in these examples of the poetry of Emily Dickinson suggest most clearly about her attitude toward society?

She prefers being a private person, not a public one.


A comparison using "like" or "as"


A comparison without using like or as

In " They shut me up in Prose", what does the speaker compare to being shut up " in Prose"?

Being put into a closet as a little girl

Which of the statements best identify verbal traits of the speaker in "The love song of J. Alfred Prufrock?

He criticizes some of his own statements, he often asks questions, he often repeats himself


betrayal of trust or faith, especially against one's country


beyond the limits of possible. experience

Consider the details in the selection from "Song of Myself", in "I Hear America Singing", and in "On the Beach at Night Alone" What can you infer about Whitmans attitude toward other people?

He greatly appreciates other. people and he believes that he has a connection. to other people.

what feeling does the description of the Nebraska farm in a Wagner Matinee create?

It creates a feeling of home for the nephew but a feeling of regret for the aunt.

If a city street. can correctly be described. as teeming, which. of the following is true?

It is swarming with people.

Which of America's qualities does Whitman most stress in "America"?

Its permanence

What group of workers does Whitman focus on in "I Hear America Singing"?


Which statements best express the speaker's view of love in "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock"?

Love has disappointed him and he is afraid to commit himself

In the selection from "Self-Reliance," what view of human potential does the author hold?

Most people fail to appreciate or live up to their potential

In the selection from "Nature," what overall view of nature does the author take

Nature can inspire the human spirit

Which sentence best states what society requires from people, according to the selection from "Self-Reliance"?

People must conform and give up their individualism in order to gain resources

Characterization of Aunt Georgiana

She is musically inclined and she appears somewhat stiff and worn, and because she has lived a harsh, monotonous, and solitary life on the plains of Nebraska, her skin is leathery and yellowed.


boring; dull

Which sentence contains. an example of onomatopoeia?

The murmuring tide soon lulled the campers to sleep.

In the preface to the 1855 edition of Leaves of Grass, Whitman state, "The United States themselves are essentially the greatest poem." What does he cite to support his opinion?

The vitality and diversity of Americans.

In Hamadi, why is Susan's friend upset?

Tracy is upset because the guy she likes is with another girl

In "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock," with what type of people does the speaker plan his possible visit?

Upper-class people

What can we learn about Susan when she visits Hamadi and invites him caroling?

We learn that Susan enjoys Hamadi's presence and that she likes to have him around.


a monarch or ruler

Which event would most likely be associated with the word sovereign?

a queen's coronation

According to the selection from "Nature," how does the author feel when he walks outside at twilight on a cloudy day?

almost overwhelmed with happiness and energized despite the dark setting

How does the author of the selection from "Nature" describe himself when he loses himself in a natural setting?

as a transparent eyeball

In " The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock", how does the speaker thing other view him?

as an aging, conventional person of little consequence


condition of being held prisoner


exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally.


fruitful; abundant




go off topic in speaking or writing


introduction to a musical work; overture


large number of people or things; masses


like something associated with an empire; magnificent or majestic


major themes, features, or elements


more abundant


musical introduction to an opera or symphony


people who pay for the wrongdoing of others


ruler of highest rank and authority, especially of an empire

What is the. "singing" that. the speaker hears in "I Hear America Singing"?

the individuality of. Americans in various walks of life


things not decided or finalized

Which of these phrases best describes the attitude of the speaker in" The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock"?

timid and self-doubting

What is the theme of Hamadi?

to refrain from being judgemental


very great in size

What can we learn about individualism from each of the selections we read?

we learn that the definition of individualism can range for many people. Individualism for Emily Dickinson was being private. Individualism for Walt Whitman is that we are different and unique and that's what makes us beautiful. Individualism in Hamadi is to not be afraid of being yourself. Individualism in A Wagner Matinee is to follow your dreams. Individualizing in T.S Elliot to not let anything hold you back. Individualism for Ralph Emerson to conform to society so you can find out who you are.


wide range

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