AMNG chapter 5

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Americans are more likely than the French or British to believe that everyone should be equal politically and less likely to think that it is important that everyone be equal economically. What do these differing views reflect? a. Differences in the countries' political cultures b. Differences in the countries' constitutions c. Differences in the countries' demographic trends d. Differences in the countries' geographies


An American who belongs to the orthodox cultural class holds what belief? a. Morality is as important as, or more important than, self-expression. b. Self-expression is as important as, or more important than, morality. c. Economic equality is as important as, or more important than, political equality. d. Political equality is as important as, or more important than, economic equality.


Two opposing views exist about the importance of the culture war. One view holds that it is a myth perpetuated by political leaders and the media. Which of these statements describes the rival view? a. More and more people are choosing party affiliations based on the party's position on moral issues. b. Most people are politically disengaged and are becoming more so. c. The culture war is an exaggeration of beliefs brought over by our immigrant ancestors. d. Only academic intellectuals and the political elite are involved.


What strain of Protestantism was especially dominant around the time of the writing of the U.S. Constitution? a. Puritanism b. Methodism c. Catholicism d. Lutheranism


Which of the following is the primary source of U.S. political party affiliation? a. Family b. Wealth c. Religion d. Education


Which of these is a good example of civic competence? a. Voting because you believe your vote can make a difference b. Feeling obligated to vote c. Refusing to vote d. Voting along party lines


Why do the leaders of some left-leaning groups support preferential hiring and promotion practices for minorities and women? a. They believe the disadvantages minorities and women face are the result of inequalities in the economic system rather than flaws in the individuals. b. Women and minorities fund these groups. c. They believe in equality of outcome. d. They believe in the superiority of women and minorities.


Compared to citizens of other nations, Americans are most likely to believe in what value? a. Accepting external forces as they come b. Hard work c. Social harmony d. Economic equality


Compared to the average European, the average American is more likely to have what orientation toward religion? a. The average American is more likely to question the existence of God. b. The average American is more likely to acknowledge clear standards of right and wrong. c. The average American is more likely to separate religion and politics. d. The average American is more likely to condemn students for wearing religious symbols in public schools.


In the United States, most people, regardless of their job, think of themselves as belonging to what socioeconomic group? a. The elite b. The middle class c. The poor d. The wealthy


In what area of political participation do Americans consistently lag behind many European countries? a. Contacting government officials b. Voter participation c. Participating in local government d. Attending campaign events


What explains the unusually high confidence Americans had in their government in the 1950s? a. The media manipulated Americans into believing the government was doing a good job. b. Americans expected far less of the government. c. There was little disagreement on major issues. d. People rallied behind the government due to the country's precarious position in the world.


A classic study of political culture found that, of the five nations the study examined, the citizens of what country had the strongest sense of civic duty? a. Italy b. Germany c. The United States d. Mexico


According to scholar Robert Putnam, what determines the level of trust among members of a community? a. Political strife b. Wealth c. Social capital d. Education


Compared to citizens of Sweden, Americans are more likely to do what? a. Defer to the decisions of experts and specialists who work for the government b. Preserve social harmony c. Challenge governmental decisions in court d. Vote


In 2002, Americans showed the importance they place on religion when they protested a federal appeals court attempt to ban what? a. The Declaration of Independence b. The Bill of Rights c. The Pledge of Allegiance d. The Constitution


Which of the five important elements of the American view of the political system do some individuals use to argue against welfare programs? a. Equality b. Liberty c. Individual Responsibility d. Civic duty


Why are Americans more likely than citizens of many other Western democracies to accept income inequalities? a. Americans are less materialistic. b. Americans dislike change. c. Americans value equality of opportunity more than equality of outcome. d. Americans support increasing socioeconomic stratification.


Why do significant conflicts over policy persist even though Americans share a common political culture? a. Self-interest b. A human tendency toward conflict c. Differing interpretations of beliefs d. Misunderstanding of policy issues


Compared to citizens of Japan, what value are Americans more likely to emphasize? a. Preserving social harmony b. Respect for hierarchy c. Group decision making d. Competition


Even though equality is a foundational American value, Americans denied political equality to African Americans for generations. Besides values, what helps explain this contradiction? a. The media b. Biology c. Fear and inhibitions d. Self-interest and social circumstances


How do typical American economic values reflect the American belief in liberty? a. Most Americans are anti-tax. b. Most Americans support raising the minimum wage with inflation. c. Most Americans support extensive government involvement in the economy. d. Most Americans support free enterprise


What personal characteristics most often result in differing interpretations of political values? a. Geographic location and education b. Age and income c. Geographic location and income d. Age and education


Which of the following characterizes Max Weber's Protestant ethic? a. Forgiveness b. Questioning the law c. Observing traditional ceremonies d. Hard work


Which of these statements best fits the way most Americans view liberty? a. All people should have equal resources. b. No person or entity should be able to tell anyone else what they can or cannot do. c. People can disobey any laws they feel are unjust. d. People should be free to do as they please as long as they don't hurt anyone.


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