Anatomy and Physiology Chapter 4: Tissue

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Simple columnar epithelium

can be found lining inner surface of the stomach, intestines, and some areas of the respiratory and reproductive tracts.

Intercalated disks

cardiac muscle fibers have faint cross striations (as in skeletal muscle) and thicker dark bands called________


carry impulses toward the cell body.


cartilage cell

Elastic cartilage

cartilage with elastic, as well as collagenous, fibers; provides elasticity and firmness, as in, for example, the cartilage of the external ear

Simple squamous epithelium

consists of a single layer of very thin and irregularly shaped cells.

Stratified squamous epithelium

consists of several layers of closely packed cells, an arrangement that makes this tissue especially adept at protection.

Muscle tissue

contracts to produce movement

Epithelial tissue

covers the body and its parts; lines various parts of the body; forms continuous sheets that contain no blood vessels; classified according to shape and arrangement

Stratified transitional epithelium

epithelial cells layered one on another, all of varying shape, capable of stretching without injury

Stratified squamous epithelium

epithelial cells layered one on another, the most superficial layer being flattened squamous cells


principal organic constituent of connective tissue


protein found in elastic fiber

Connective tissue

provides structural and functional support


scientist that studies organisms that lived in the ancient past


scientist that studies tissue structure and function


scientist who studies cells


scientist who studies disease processes


secreting into a duct; opposite of endocrine


secreting into the blood or tissue fluid rather than into a duct; opposite of exocrine


secreting structure

Nervous tissue

sense, conducts, and processes information

Goblet cell

specialized cell found in simple columnar epithelium that produces mucus


structural unit of compact bone tissue made up of concentric layers (lamellae) of hard bone matrix and bone cells (osteocytes); also called haversian system


supporting cells of nervous tissue; also called neuroglia

attached to bones

Skeletal muscle is a. smooth b. involuntary c. identified under a microscope by branching muscle fibers d. attached to bones

helps from the walls of blood vessels and hollow organs

Smooth muscle- a. is found in the heart, b. produces voluntary body movements, c. has multiple nuclei per cell or d. helps form the walls of blood vessels and hollow organs

Haversian canal

the canal in the haversian system that contains a blood vessel; also called central canal

Haversian system

the circular arrangements of calcified matrix and cells that give bone its characteristic appearance

Basement membrane

the connective tissue layer of the serous membrane that holds and supports the epithelial cells

Fat tissue

adipose tissue; specialized to store lipids

Skeletal muscle tissue

also known as voluntary muscle; muscle under willed or voluntary control

Simple columnar cells

are arranged in a single layer lining the inner surface of the color or large intestine. These epithelial cells are taller than they are wide, and the nuclei are located toward the bottom of each cell.

Red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets

are the three cell types common to blood.

Loose fibrous connective tissue

areolar connective tissue- type of connective tissue consisting of fibers and a variety of cells embedded in a loose matrix of soft, sticky gel; also called

Simple columnar epithelium

arrangement of columnar (taller than wide) epithelial cells in a single layer

Simple cuboidal epithelium

arrangement of cuboidal (tall as wide) epithelial cells in a single layer

Simple squamous epithelium

arrangement of squamous (flat) epithelial cells in a single layer


branching or treelike; a nerve cell process that transmits impulses toward the body


the intracellular substance of a tissue; for example, the _____ of bone is calcified, whereas that of blood is liquid

Cell body

the main part of a neuron from which the dendrites and axons extend

Cardiac muscle tissue

the type of muscle tissue that makes up most of the heart wall


It is mainly areolar tissue that makes the _____ of the body. It is the fibrous material that helps bind the skin, muscles, bones, and other organs of the body together.

Cancellous bone, spongy bone

Inside each bone is a type of bone called ____ or _____. The term ____refers to something that is made up of a lattice.

Brown fat

A special kind of adipose tissue called ______ actually burns its fuel when the body is cold to produce heat. This heat, along with shivering by muscles, helps restore homeostasis of body temperature.

Brown fat

A special kind of adipose tissue called ________ actually burns its fuel when the body is cold to produce heat.

Reticular tissue

A type of fibrous connective tissue called _________ has thin, delicate webs of collagen fibers called reticular fibers.

Cell body

All neurons are characterized by a _______ and two types of process 1) one axon, which transmits a nerve impulse away from the cell body, and 2.) one or more dendrites, which carry impulses toward the cell body.

Adipose tissue

All types of ______ also secrete hormones that help regulate metabolism and fuel storage in the body.

Transitional epithelium

An example is the wall of the urinary bladder. The ability of _________to stretch easily without damage keeps the bladder wall from tearing as urine fills the bladder.


An example of a fluid form of connective tissue is a. water b. blood c. saline or d. perspiration

Skeletal muscles

Are attached to bones and, when contracted, produce voluntary and controlled body movements.

Muscle cells

Are the movement specialists of the body. They have a higher degree of contractility (ability to shorten or contract) than any other tissue cells.

Epithelial cells

Because _____ are packed close together with little or no intercellular material between them, they form continuous sheets that contain no blood vessels.

Simple squamous epithelium

Because of the thin structure of ______, substances can readily pass through its cells, making transport its special function.

Muscle tissue

Besides producing movement, _________ can also maintain contraction to provide stability- and even body heat. Unfortunately, injured muscle cells are often slow to heal and often are replaced by fibrous scar tissue if injured.

Hematopoietic tissue

Blood forming tissue is ________.


Bubble-filled structures among simple columnar epithelial cells that produce mucus are ________ cells.

spongy bone

Cancellous bone is also referred to as a. osteons, b. haversian systems, c. cartilage, or d. spongy bone


Cartilage cells, which are called ______, are located in many tiny spaces distributed throughout the matrix-giving this tissue the appearance of Swiss cheese.


Compact and cancellous are which major type of connective tissue?

Osteons, haversian systems

Compact bone is made up of numerous structural building blocks called ____ or ______.

Haversian systems, osteons

Compact bone is made up of structural building blocks known as ________ or ________.

Dense fibrous connective tissue

Consists mainly of thick bundles of strong, white collagen fibers that are packed closely together. A few fiber-producing cells are scattered among the bundles.

Elastic cartilage

Contains few collagen fibers but large numbers of very fine elastic fibers that give the matrix material a high degree of flexibility. This type of cartilage is found in the external ear and in the voice box, or larynx.

Smooth muscle

Contraction of ______ in the tubes of the respiratory system, such as the bronchioles in the lungs, can impair breathing and result in asthma attacks and labored respiration.

Smooth muscle

Contractions of _____ propel material through the digestive tract and help regulate the diameter of blood vessels.


Dense fibrous connective tissue consists mainly of thick bundles of strong, white ________ fibers that are packed closely together.


Fat tissue

Cardiac muscle

Forms the wall of the heart, and the regular but involuntary contractions of _____ produce the heartbeat.

Exocrine, endocrine

Glands of the body may be classified as ______ if they release their secretion through a duct or as ______ if they release their secretion directly by diffusion into the bloodstream.


Glands that release their secretion into the bloodstream are known as ________.


Hyaline, fibrocartilage, elastic are which of the major types of connective tissue?

Simple, stratified

If categorized according to arrangement of cells, epithelial tissues can be classified as-1. ____ single layer of cells of the same shape. 2. ___ many layers of cells; named for the shape of cells in the outer layer.

Squamous, cuboidal, columnar, transitional

If classified according to shape, epithelial cells are identified as 1. _______flat and scalelike 2. ________cube-shaped, 3. ____higher than they are wide, 4. ____ varying shapes that can stretch

Collagen, elastin

In loose fibrous connective tissue, some of the fibers are made of ________, a strong but flexible fibrous protein. Some are stretchy fibers made of rubbery ________ proteins. These elastic fibers help tissues return to a shorter length after having been stretched, as in the loose tissue beneath the skin.


Is a protein that forms microscopic, twisted ropes within the matrix of many tissues. It gives a tissue flexible strength.

Reticular tissue

Is found in bone marrow, for example, where it helps support cells of the blood-forming hematopoietic tissue. It is also found in the spleen and lymph nodes, where it supports developing cells of the immune system.


Is perhaps the most unusual form of connective tissue because its matrix- blood plasma- is liquid. It has transportation and protective functions in the body.

Transitional epithelium

Is typically found in body areas subjected to stress and must be able to stretch. In many instances, up to 10 layers of differently shaped cells of varying sizes are present in the absence of stretching. When stretching occurs, the epithelial sheet expands, the number of cell layers decreases, and cell shape changes from roughly cuboidal to nearly squamous (flat) in appearance.


Like a bath sponge, the lattice forms many interconnected hollow spaces-giving this bone type the name _________. These beams are nearly as hard as compact bone; however ____ bone cannot be compressed like a wet bath sponge. In fact, the crisscrossing pattern of the bony lattice adds strength-just like the crossed beams that often support roofs of buildings


Loose fibrous (areolar) adipose (fat) white and brown, reticular, and dense fibrous (both regular and irregular) are which major type of connective tissue?

Areolar tissue

Loose fibrous connective tissue is also called ________ ________.


Nerve cells, or _______, which are the conducting units of the system.

special connecting and supporting cells of nervous tissue

Neuroglia are a. nerve cells b. a type of dendrites c. a type of axon d. special connecting and supporting cells of nervous tissue

White fat

Numerous vesicles have formed inside the adipose cells where large quantities of triglyceride lipids accumulate. These clear lipid-storage vesicles scatter light like so many snowflakes, giving ordinary adipose tissue a whitish appearance-giving it the alternate name _____. The triglycerides move into storage after a meal and out of storage as energy-producing nutrients are needed by other tissues.


Secretory cuboidal cells usually function in tubes or clusters of secretory cells commonly called _____

Simple cuboidal

Single layer of cells that are as tall as they are wide

Simple squamous

Single layer of flatten cells


Single layer of tall cells that wedge together to appear as if there are two or more layers.

Simple columnar

Single layer of tall, narrow cells

subjected to stress

Stratified transitional epithelium is typically found in body areas- a. subjected to stress b. requiring transport c. requiring protection d. requiring the formation of tubules

Goblet cells

The "open spaces" among the cells are ______ that produces mucus. The regular columnar-shaped cells specialize in absorption


The ____ tissues are mostly matrix with the cells few and far between.


The _____tissue have very little matrix because the cells are so closely connected to each other.

Fibrous, bone, cartilage, blood, hematopoietic tissue

The five major types of connective tissue in the body.


The fluid material between the cells is called the ________.

Nervous tissue

The function of _______ is to provide rapid communication between body structures and control body functions.

Epithelial tissue, connective tissue, muscle tissue, nervous tissue

The main kinds of tissues that compose the body's many organs are


The matrix fibers of ______ are encrusted with mineral crystals to give it the characteristics of reinforced concrete


The matrix of ____ is hard because it has a dense packing of collagen bundles encrusted with mineral crystals containing calcium. They are a storage area for calcium and provide support and protection for the body.

Hyaline cartilage

The most common type of cartilage in the body is called ____. It is found in the support rings of the respiratory tubes and covering the ends of bones that form joints.

Neurons, glia

The nervois tissue consists of two kinds of cells: nerve cells, or _____, which are the conducting units of the system, and the special connecting and supporting cells called glia or neuroglia.

Compact bone

The solid form of bone that makes up the outer walls of bones in the skeleton is called ____. It is made up of numerous structural building blocks called osteons or haversains systems.

Hematopoietic tissue, adipose

The spaces within cancellous bones are filled with blood-forming ________ or ________


The strongest and most durable type of cartilage is -a. hyaline, b. fibrocartilage, c. elastic, or d. chondrocyte


The strongest and most durable type of cartilage. The matrix is rigid and filled with a dense packing of strong collagen fibers. ____ disks serve as shock absorbers between adjacent vertebrae and in the knee joint.


The term ______applies to this bone type because it is a chaotic lattice of branching beams.


The thin watery matrix of blood- _____-has no fibers at all (except when forming a blood clot), which allows it to remain free-flowing,

Hyaline cartilage, fibrocartilage, elastic cartilage

The three major types of cartilage

Tendons, ligaments

The tissues of ____ and ____ is dense with strong, twisted fibers that give the matrix a thick, ropelike quality.


The type and quality of the ________ and fibers between cells determine the qualities of each type of connective tissue.


The word _____ means "netlike," and it aptly describes the netlike structure of this tissue.

Skeletal, cardiac, smooth

There are three kinds of muscle tissues: ___muscle tissue, _____ muscle tissue, _______ muscle tissue.


Tissues differ in the amount and kind of fluid material between the cells. The ____ varies in amount and composition among various tissue-which reflects the variety of functions among tissues types.

Loose fibrous (areolar)

Type of connective tissue with the structure of loose arrangement of collagen fibers, elastic fibers, and cells. Located-area between other tissues and organs (fascia). Function-connection

Adipose (white and brown fat)

Type of connective tissue with the structure of- cells contain triglyceride vesicles. Locations: White fat- area under skin; padding at various points. Brown fat-pockets within white fat of neck and torso. Function: White fat-protection, insulation, support, nutrient reserve, regulation. Brown fat-heat production, regulation

Dense fibrous (regular and irregular)

Type of connective tissue- Structure dense arrangement of collagen fiber bundles forming straps or sheets. Location-tendons, ligament, skin (deep layer), fascia, scar tissue. Function- flexible but strong connection.


Type of connective tissue- Structure-liquid matrix with flowing red and white cells. Location- blood vessels. Function transportation


Type of connective tissue- structure liquid matrix with dense arrangement of blood cell-producing cells. Location-red bone marrow. Function- blood cell formation

Cartilage (hyaline, fibrocartilage, and elastic)

Type of connective tissue- structure-hard but somewhat flexible gel matrix with embedded chondrocytes. Locations- Hyaline (part of the nasal septum, area covering surfaces of bones at joints, larynx wall, rings in trachea, and bronchi) ; fibrocartilage (disks between vertebrae and in knee joint; elastic (external ear) Functions- Hyaline-firm but flexible support; Fibrocartilage-withstands pressure. Elastic-flexible support

Bone (compact and cancellous)

Type of connective tissue-structure Hard, calcified matrix arranged in osteons (compact) or network of beams (cancellous). Location- skeleton. Function-support, protection.


Type of connective tissues with the structure - network of fine collagen fibers. Location-bone marrow, spleen, lymph nodes, cancellous bone cavities. Function-supports blood-producing cells and immune cells.

Simple squamous

Type of tissue located in alveoli of lungs with the function of diffusion of respiratory gases between alveolar air and blood.

Simple cuboidal

Type of tissue located in glands, kidney tubules with the function of secretion, absorption.

Simple squamous

Type of tissue located in lining of blood and lymphatic vessels with the function of diffusion, filtration, and osmosis

Stratified squamous

Type of tissue located in surface of lining of mouth and esophagus with the function of protection

Stratified squamous

Type of tissue located in surface of skin (epidermis) with the function of protection

Simple columnar

Type of tissue located in the surface layer of lining of stomach, intestines, parts of respiratory tract with the function of protection secretion, transport (absorption)


Type of tissued located in the surface of lining if trachea with the function of protection

Polysaccharides and proteoglycans

Various ________ and ______ are commonly found in a tissue's matrix. These molecules can provide various functions such as linking among cells, absorbing shocks, regulation of tissue function, and lubrication.

Adipose tissue

When it begins to store lipids, areolar tissue can develop into __________ or fat tissue.


Which of the following is not a classification of epithelial cell shapes? a. squamous b. basal c. cuboidal d. transitional

Smooth muscle

___ helps form the walls of blood vessels and hollow organs such as the intestines and other tube-shaped structures in the body.

Cardiac muscle

____ fibers branch and connect to various other cardiac fiber branches to produce a three-dimensional, interlocking mass of contractile tissue.


____ matrix has the consistency of a firm plastic or gristlelike gel.

Cardiac muscle

_____ fibers have faint cross striations and thicker dark bands called intercalated disks


_____ or striated muscle is called voluntary because willed or voluntary control of ____ muscle contractions is possible.

Smooth (visceral) muscle

______ is said to be involuntary because it is not under conscious or willful control.


________ is present in some tissues and gives them the ability to stretch and rebound easily.


________ tissue provides structural and functional support.

Stratified squamous epithelium

______protects the body against invasion by microorganisms. Most microbes cannot work their way through a barrier of _________tissue such as that which composes the surface of skin and mucous membranes.

Smoother muscle

_cells are seen as long, narrow fibers but not nearly as long as skeletal or striated fibers. Individual ______ cells appear smooth (that is, without cross striations) and have only one nucleus per fiber.

Glia or neuroglia

a nervous tissue cell- special connecting and supporting cells called ___ or _____

Connective tissue

exists as delicate, paper-thin webs that hold internal organs together and give them shape. It ialso exists as strong and tough cords, rigid bones, and even in the form of a fluid-blood.

Epithelial tissue

forms sheets that cover or line the body


function for blood plasma (a. gland, b. cardiac muscle, c. matrix, d. mainly areolar tissue, or e. chondrocytes.)


function for cartilage (a. gland, b. cardiac muscle, c. matrix, d. mainly areolar tissue, or e. chondrocytes.)


function for exocrine-(a. gland, b. cardiac muscle, c. matrix, d. mainly areolar tissue, or e. chondrocytes. )

Mainly areolar tissue

function for fasica (a. gland, b. cardiac muscle, c. matrix, d. mainly areolar tissue, or e. chondrocytes.)

Cardiac muscle

function for intercalated disks (a. gland, b. cardiac muscle, c. matrix, d. mainly areolar tissue, or e. chondrocytes.)


general name for the fibrous connective tissue masses located throughout the body, surrounding various organs


glia- supporting cells of nervous tissue; also called _________


group of similar cells that perform a common function is called ____

Hyaline cartilage

has a moderate amount of collagen in its gel matrix, giving it a translucent, glasslike appearance. The name means "glassy".

Regular dense fibrous connective tissue

has it is collagen fiber bundles arranged in roughly parallel rows. This type of connective tissue makes up tendon- the strong straps that connect muscle to bone. It provides great strength and flexibility but cannot stretch. Such characteristics are ideal for these structures that anchor our muscles to our bones.

Simple cuboidal epithelium

is a single layer of cells that are, on average, about as high as they are wide-thus exhibiting a cube shape. This tissue does not form protective coverings but instead forms tubules or other groupings adapted for secretory activity, which is why they appear to form ringlike arrangements in cross section.

Skeletal muscle

is characterized by many cross striations and many nuclei per cell. Individual cells are long and threadlike and are often called fibers.


is like jelly, made up mostly of water with various interlocking fibers that thicken in. The kinds and amounts of fibers can produce a variety of matrix tupes-all with different functions.


is present in some tissues, and its rubbery quality gives tissues the ability to stretch and rebound easily.

Hematopoietic tissue

is the bloodlike connective tissue found in the red marrow cavities of bones and in organs such as the spleen, tonsils, and lymph nodes. The type of tissue is responsible for the formation of blood cells and lymphatic system cells important in our defense against disease.

Connective tissue

is the most abundant and widely distributed tissue in the body. It also exists in more varied forms that any of the other tissue types. It is found in skin, membranes, muscles, bones, nerves, and all internal organs

Loose fibrous connective tissue

is the most widely distributed of all connective tissue types. It is the "glue" that helps keep the organs of the body together.

Areolar tissue

it consists of webs of fibers and of a variety of cells embedded in a loose matrix of soft, sticky gel.


large molecule made up of a protein strand that forms a backbone to which are attached many carbohydrate molecules

Stratified transitional

many layers of varying transitional shapes, capable of stretching

Stratified squamous

many layers; outermost layer(s) are flattened cells

Reticular tissue

meshwork of netlike tissue that forms the framework of the spleen, lymph nodes, and bone marrow

Connective tissue

most abundant and widely distributed tissue in the body; has numerous functions

Hyaline cartilage

most common type of cartilage; appears gelatinous and glossy

Smooth muscle tissue

muscle that is not under conscious control; also known as involuntary or visceral muscle; forms the walls of blood vessels and hollow organs


nerve cell process that transmits impulses away from the cell body


nerve cell, including its processes (axons and dendrites)

Dense fibrous connective tissue

tissue consisting of fibers packed densely in the matrix


transmits a nerve impulse away from the cell body

Areolar connective tissue

type of connective tissue consisting of fibers and a variety of cells embedded in a loose matrix of soft, sticky gel; also called loose fibrous connective tissue

Hematopoietic tissue

type of connective tissue that is responsible for the formation of blood cells and lymphatic system cells; found in red bone marrow, spleen, tonsils, and lymph nodes

Stratified transitional

type of layer located in urinary bladder with the function of protection

Pseudostratified epithelium

type of tissue similar to simple columnar epithelium; forms a membrane made up of single layer of cells that are tall and narrow but have been squeezed together in a way that pushes the nuclei into two layers and thus gives the appearance that it is stratified

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