Anatomy & Physiology II Lecture (Connect: Heart) Cardiovascular System

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cardiac cycle

A __________ ___________ is the time from the start of one heartbeat to the initiation of the next.

purkinje fibers

A component of the conduction system called __________ __________ are found within ventricular walls and their large diameter allow for rapid action potential propagation.


A trained male athlete has a larger heart than a woman who does not exercise so we would expect his heart rate to be (higher or lower).

atrioventricular node

After initiation, the muscle impulse travels from the SA node to the _____________ ___________.

positive inotropic

An agent that causes an increase in stroke volume is known as a __________ __________ agent.


As we age, fat (adipose tissue) is deposited in the epicardium, and so this layer becomes (thicker or thinner).


Blood enters the right ventricle through the right ____________.


Blood vessels visible in the posterior view of the heart include the superior and inferior vena cava(e) and the ____________ veins.

stroke volume

Cardiac output is determined by __________ __________ and heart rate


Cardiac output is normally expressed as____. a.) Minutes per liter b.) Liters per heart contraction c.) Liters per minute


During ___________ contraction, __________ valves are open. a.) Atrial; AV b.) Atrial; semilunar c.) Ventricular; AV d.) Ventricular; semilunar


During atrial contraction the atria are contracting and the ventricles are ___________.


During isovolumetric contraction, the AV valves are forced closed and the semilunar valves remain (open or closed).


During isovolumetric relaxation, the _____________ valves close to prevent blood backflow into the ventricles.


During the cardiac cycle, blood only passes from the atria into the ventricles if the _____________ valves are open.

bicuspid, tricuspid

During the final stage of the cardiac cycle as the atria relax and blood returns to fill the ventricle the __________ and ___________ valves reopen.


During ventricular diastole, blood is allowed to flow through the right ___________ valves into the right ventricle.


Each semilunar valve is composed of _______ (insert number) thin, half-moon shaped, pocket like semilunar cusps.


Factors that result in an increase in venous return include ___________ and a decreased heart rate. a.) Exercise b.) Sitting c.) Sleeping


For the last half of the cardiac cycle, all four chamber are in _________ together.

coronary sinus

Identify letter A in the image.

opening of coronary sinus

Identify letter A in the image.

right auricle

Identify letter A in the image.

simple squamous epithelium

Identify letter A in the image.

right atrioventricular valve

Identify letter B in the image

left ventricle

Identify letter B in the image.

right ventricle

Identify letter B in the image.

areolar connective tissue, adipose connective tissue

Identify letter B in the image. (There are 2 tissue types for letter B; list both types)


Identify letter C in the image

left auricle

Identify letter C in the image.


Identify letter C in the image.

papillary muscle

Identify letter C in the image.

anterior interventricular artery

Identify letter D in the image.

aortic semilunar valve

Identify letter D in the image.

areolar connective tissue

Identify letter D in the image.

pulmonary arteries

Identify letter D in the image.


Identify letter E in the image.

inferior vena cava

Identify letter E in the image.

left atrioventricular valve

Identify letter E in the image.

left ventricle

Identify letter E in the image.

atrioventricular node

In the cardiac conduction system, a muscle impulse is generated at the SA node. It spreads throughout the atria and to the _____________ __________.


Late ventricular relaxation is an important time for ventricular __________.


Like the right atrium, the left atrium also has _____________ muscles in its auricle.


Parasympathetic innervation (increases or decreases) the heart rate, but generally tends to have no effect on the force of contractions.


Prevents backflow of blood into the left atrium. a.) Right atrioventricular valve b.) Pulmonary semilunar valve c.) Left atrioventricular valve d.) Aortic semilunar valve


Prevents backflow of blood into the left ventricle. a.) Right atrioventricular valve b.) Pulmonary semilunar valve c.) Left atrioventricular valve d.) Aortic semilunar valve


Prevents backflow of blood into the right atrium. a.) Right atrioventricular valve b.) Pulmonary semilunar valve c.) Left atrioventricular valve d.) Aortic semilunar valve


Prevents backflow of blood into the right ventricle. a.) Right atrioventricular valve b.) Pulmonary semilunar valve c.) Left atrioventricular valve d.) Aortic semilunar valve


Rheumatic heart disease can cause _________. a.) Valvular stenosis b.) Valvular insufficiency c.) Aortic dissection


Stroke volume (SV) in a healthy adult is approximately __________. a.) 130 mL b.) 60 mL c.) 90 mL d.) 70 mL


Stroke volume (SV) is equal to _______ minus ______. (use abbreviations for your answer)


The (right or left) atrioventricular valve is called the tricuspid valve.


The _______ is positioned between the right ventricle and pulmonary trunk. a.) Aortic semilunar valve b.) Pulmonary semilunar valve c.) Tricuspid valve d.) Bicuspid valve


The _________ system is responsible for transport of blood in the body.


The __________ septum forms a thin wall between the right and left atria.

pacemaker potential

The ___________ __________ is the ability to reach threshold without stimulation.


The ___________ reflex protects the heart from overfilling.


The ____________ valves open when the ventricles contract and the blood forces its way into the arterial trunks.

stroke volume

The amount of blood that leaves the heart during the ventricular contraction is called the ___________ ___________.

atrioventricular sulcus

The atria are separated from the ventricles externally by a relatively deep coronary sulcus (or _____________ _________) that extends around the circumference of the heart.


The atrial reflex is initiated when ______________ in the atrial walls are stimulated by an increase in venous return.

interventricular septum

The atrioventricular bundle extends from the AV node into and through the _____________ _________.


The chordae tendineae attach to the lower surface of cusps of the ____________ valve and prevent the valve from flipping into the atrium when the right ventricle is contracting.

papillary muscles

The cone shaped muscular projections of the right ventricular wall are called __________ ____________.


The endocardium is composed of a _________ squamous epithelium, called an endothelium, and a layer of areolar connective tissue.


The entrance into the __________ is located at the superior aspect of the left ventricle.


The first heart sound heard with a stethoscope is the result of the ____________ valves closing; producing a "lubb" sound.

foramen ovale

The fossa ovalis occupies the former location of the fetal _________ ________, which shunted blood from the right atrium to the left atrium during fetal life.


The function of the cardiovascular system is to maintain adequate ____________ of all body tissues.


The heart is innervated by the __________ nervous system.


The heart is located left of the body midline posterior to the sternum in the _____________.


The heart is surrounded by a visceral and parietal ____________.

epicardium, myocardium, endocardium

The heart wall consists of three distinctive layers: ___________, ____________, and _____________.

sinoatrial node

The heartbeat is initiated by the specialized cardiac muscle cells of the __________ _________, which are located in the posterior wall of the right atrium, adjacent to entrance of the superior vena cava.

purkinje fibers

The left and right bundles conduct the impulse from the AV bundle to conduction fibers called __________ _________.


The left atrioventricular valve has _______(insert number) cusps.


The myocardium is the (thickest or thinnest) of the three heart wall layers.


The outer portion of the pericardium is a tough, dense connective tissue layer called the ___________ pericardium.


The posterior-superior surface of the heart is called the __________.


The pulmonary circulation includes the movement of blood to and from the _________ for gas exchange.


The purpose for the delay in the conduction of the action potential from the AV node to the bundle branches of the ventricles is to allow ________. a.) The atria to complete their filling. b.) The atria to complete their contraction. c.) The pulmonary valves to close.


The purpose for the delay in the conduction of the action potential from the AV node to the bundle branches of the ventricles is to allow ________. a.) The pulmonary valves to close b.) The atria to complete their contraction c.) The atria to complete their filling


The relaxation phase of a heart chamber is termed ___________.

interventricular septum

The right and left ventricles are separated by the ___________ __________.

pulmonary trunk

The superior region of the right ventricle narrows before it leads into the ___________ __________.

left, right

The systemic circulation is movement of blood from the __________ side of the heart to the systemic cells of the body and back to the __________ side of the heart.


The visceral layer of the serous pericardium is also called the ________. a.) Epicardium b.) Myocardium c.) Endocardium


The wrinkled flap-like extensions visible in the anterior view of the heart are the _________.


Toward the end of ventricular filling, the left and right __________ contract simultaneously.


True or False: Afterload is the pressure that the heart must work against to pump blood into the systemic circulation.


True or False: Conditions such as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy only affect elderly patients.


True or False: Cross bridge cycling in cardiac muscle cells involves thick and thin filaments just like in skeletal muscle cells.


True or False: The innervation by autonomic centers in the brainstem does not initiate a heartbeat, but it can increase or decrease the rate of the heartbeat.


True or False: The nodal cells of the sinoatrial node are responsible for acting as the "pacemaker" of the heart.


Venous return is the amount of blood that returns to the heart, and an increase in venous return would mean an (increase or decrease) in stroke volume.


When heart rate and stroke volume increase, cardiac output (increases or decreases).


Which of the following does NOT occur during the atrial contraction and ventricular filling phase of the cardiac cycle? a.) The ventricles have reached their EDV. b.) Blood flow into the atria from the veins is restricted. c.) The ventricles have reached their ESV. d.) SA node initiates atrial contraction.


Which of the following is NOT a cause of an increase in venous return: a.) An increase in end diastolic volume b.) An increase in stroke volume c.) A decrease in cardiac output d.) An increase in preload

nodal cells

_________ ________ in the SA node are the pacemaker cells that initiate a heartbeat.

cardiac output

_________ _________ is a measure of how effective the cardiovascular system is in fufiling its function in transporting life supporting substances through the body.

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