anatomy chapter 12

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47) When does refraction of light occur? A) When light passes at an angle from one medium to another with a different density. B) When light passes at a right angle from one medium to another with a different density. C) When light passes at an angle between two media with identical densities. D) When light passes at a right angle between two media with identical densities.


48) Sensory fibers from the __________ cross over at the optic chiasma. A) left side of each retina B) medial (nasal) side of each retina C) lateral (temporal) side of each retina D) right side of each retina


19) Max returns to his dorm room late at night to find his roommate throwing up. The smell is at first so bad that Max wants to vomit too, but after helping his roommate clean up, the odor seems to fade. Max has experienced __________. A) damage to his sensory receptors B) sensory adaptation C) sensory stimulation D) a hallucination


22) What is projection? A) Awareness of a stimulus B) Awareness of location where stimulus occurred C) Intrepretation of stimulus, giving it meaning D) Diminshed receptor response to ongoing stimulus


28) How do pain receptors differ from other somatic receptors? A) They are stimulated only by damage to skeletal muscle. B) They adapt very little, if at all. C) They are not able to project impulses back to their origin. D) They adapt more rapidly than other receptors.


Carlee was born with a genetic mutation that results in nonfunctional rhodopsin. The function of which structure(s) will be affected? A) Cones B) Lens C) Rods D) Ciliary body


Olfactory receptors are examples of what class of sensory receptor? A) Thermoreceptors B) Mechanoreceptors C) Chemoreceptors D) Proprioceptors


The inner ear is located within which cranial bone? A) Parietal bone B) Sphenoid bone C) Temporal bone D) Occipital bone


Pain that feels like it is coming from a part other than the part being stimulated is called __________ pain.


Receptors stimulated by changes in temperature are called __________.


Impulses from the spiral organ travel to the central nervous system via the vestibulocochlear nerve. ⊚ true ⊚ false


Sensory receptors are specialized cells or multicellular structures that detect changes in the environment. ⊚ true ⊚ false


Tears contain an enzyme that reduces the risk of eye infection. ⊚ true ⊚ false


Arnold enters a darkened movie theater on a sunny summer afternoon. At first, he can not see objects. After several minutes he begins to see more clearly. What happens as his eyes adapt to the darkness? A) Rhodopsin, which was depleted in the bright sunlight, has to rebuild. B) Iodopsins, which were depleted in bright sunlight, have to rebuild. C) The iris needs time to correctly adjust to altered lighting. D) The optic nerve had fatigued in the bright sunlight, and it has to recover.


As you are walking to class, another student is walking towards you. You experience __________ as your retinal cones detect color and send impulses to your visual cortex. Then you experience __________ when you become aware that the student is wearing a red coat. A) sensation; perception B) sensation; projection C) perception; sensation D) perception; projection


Lorelei thinks of the days of the week and months of the year as particular colors. What is the name of her condition? A) Synesthesia B) Neuropathy C) Nystagmus D) Macular degeneration


Transmission of pain impulses within the posterior horn of the spinal cord can be inhibited by compounds called __________, released in response to signals from several areas of the brain. A) enkephalins B) endorphins C) epinephrine and norepinephrine D) cannabinoids


Violet has a condition in which her auditory ossicles have fused together. As a result, she exhibits __________. A) conductive deafness B) sensorineural deafness C) vertigo (dizziness) D) otitis media


What region of the retina provides the sharpest vision? A) Fovea centralis B) Optic disc C) Conjunctiva D) Ciliary body


What structure is part of the inner tunic of the eye? A) Retina B) Cornea C) Choroid coat D) Sclera


Where are receptors for the special senses located? A) Primarily in the head B) Throughout the integumentary system C) In the fingertips D) In internal organs


29) You drop a book on your foot. Immediately, you feel a sharp, stinging pain. Pain fibers called __________ are responsible for this sensation. Then, about a minute later, you feel a dull, lingering pain. Pain fibers called __________ are responsible for this sensation. A) slow pain fibers; fast pain fibers B) fast pain fibers; slow pain fibers


38) Where are the receptors for hearing located? A) In the ampullae B) In the spiral organ C) In the utricles D) In the saccules


35) When cleaning his ear canal with a cotton swab, Garrett pushes the swab into the external acoustic meatus as far as he can. When he is met with some resistance, he pushes harder and suddenly feels a sharp, intense pain. He then notices that all he can hear from that ear is a constant ringing. What damage has he most likely done to the ear? A) He has damaged the stapes so sound vibrations are not being transmitted to the inner ear. B) He has torn the skin of the ear canal, and now blood is preventing sound waves from reaching the tympanic membrane. C) He has torn the tympanic membrane so sound is not being transmitted to the middle ear. D) He has torn the oval window so sound vibrations are not being transmitted into the inner ear.


42) Why are images detected by the lateral retina blurry? A) Because there are no rods in this region. B) Because there are more cones than rods in this region. C) Because there are more rods than cones in this region. D) Because the retina is thinner in this region.


66) While working in a lab without protective glasses, Thad, a research assistant, accidentally sprays himself in the eyes with a nerve agent that blocks contraction in smooth muscles. How will his eyes be affected? A) Only able to detect black, white, and gray tones B) Inability to move eyes up and down C) Inability to focus or to adjust pupils D) Loss of pigment in iris and choroid coat


The olfactory receptors are examples of what class of receptor? A) Thermoreceptors B) Mechanoreceptors C) Chemoreceptors D) Proprioceptors


What is the immediate result of stimulation of the hair cells of the spiral organ? A) Stimulationof motor neurons in the auditory nerve B) Formation of otoliths C) Release of neurotransmitter D) Deformation of the tectorial membrane


What is the treatment for a cataract? A) Removal of the cornea B) Anchoring the retina in place C) Removal of the lens D) Using medication to reduce production of aqueous humor


Where is the spiral organ located? A) In the scala vestibuli B) In the scala tympani C) In the cochlear duct


Which of the following is not a primary taste sensation? A) Sweet B) Salty C) Pungent D) Sour


15) The decreased responsiveness to an ongoing stimulus is called ___________. A) sensory deficit B) receptor integration C) interpretive assimilation D) sensory adaptation


20) Sensory impulses originate at receptors in response to __________. A) neurotransmitters B) decreasing permeability of nerve cell membranes C) subthreshold potential D) local changes in their cell membrane potentials


26) What is the destination of fibers of the spinothalamic tract transmitting pain and temperature information? A) Hypothalamus B) Cerebellum C) Brainstem D) Thalamus


34) What occurs as a result of the tympanic reflex? A) The auditory ossicles become less closely attached to each other. B) Vibrations are amplified within the inner ear. C) The auditory tube is reduced in diameter. D) Vibrations are transmitted less effectively to the inner ear.


36) Structurally, taste receptors are __________. A) free nerve endings B) hair cells C) modified connective tissue cells D) modified epithelial cells


64) What condition can be treated with a cochlear implant? A) Torn tympanic membrane B) Otosclerosis C) Conductive deafness D) Sensorineural deafness


77) Hair cells of the spiral organ are located on the __________ and depolarize in response to sound. A) vestibular membrane B) tympanic membrane C) tectorial membrane D) basilar membrane


9) The adjustment of the thickness of the lens, as when going from far vision to near vision, is called __________ .


8) When you cry, your nose becomes runny because your eyes fill with tears that then drain through the superior and inferior __________, into the lacrimal sac and the nasolacrimal duct, and finally into the nasal cavity.


The __________ is the transparent anterior portion of the outer tunic of the eye.


In the condition called benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, debris within a semicircular canal of the ear moves the crista ampullaris, stimulating hair cells. A lingering sensation of spinning occurs after slight movements of the head, and persists after actual movement has stopped. This disorder is affecting the sense of __________ equilibrium.


84) Thermoreceptors are stimulated by changes in chemical concentrations. ⊚ true ⊚ false


92) When the radial muscles of the iris contract, the diameter of the pupil decreases. ⊚ true ⊚ false


98) Sound vibrations are conducted from the malleus to the stapes to the incus. ⊚ true ⊚ false


Cones are more sensitive to light than rods, but rods are important for color vision. ⊚ true ⊚ false


Referred pain occurs when the brain projects the sensation back to the location in the body where the pain originated. ⊚ true ⊚ false


Some sensory nerve fibers from the retina of the right eye cross over to the left side of the CNS in the thalamus. ⊚ true ⊚ false


The __________ rectus muscle rotates the eye away from the midline.


2) The process by which the brain causes a sensation to seem to come from the area of stimulated receptors is called __________ .


Retinitis pigmentosa is a disorder in which the photoreceptors of the retina slowly degenerate. At first, the ability to see in dim light and grayscale is lost. Of the two types of photoreceptors, the __________ must be degrading first.


The __________ is the ossicle that transmits sound vibrations to the inner ear by vibrating the oval window.


89) The conjunctiva is a layer of tissue that lines the inner surface of the eyelids and covers most of the anterior surface of the eye. ⊚ true ⊚ false


97) Impulses from taste receptors travel to the central nervous system via the facial, glossopharyngeal, and vagus nerves. ⊚ true ⊚ false


Stretching of tissues can cause pain sensations to arise from visceral organs. ⊚ true ⊚ false


Tears flow across the surface of the eye and are drained by the canaliculi. ⊚ true ⊚ false


The optic disc is medial to the fovea centralis and is the site from which nerve fibers from the retina leave the eye and become part of the optic nerve. ⊚ true ⊚ false


When all three sets of cones are stimulated, a person senses white light. ⊚ true ⊚false


14) What type of receptor detects and responds to pressure? A) Baroreceptors B) Thermoreceptors C) Photoreceptors D) Chemoreceptors


18) What statement describes a receptor potential? A) Local graded potential that reflects strength of the stimulus. B) Series of action potentials with a frequency that reflects strength of the stimulus. C) The strength of stimulus that is necessary to trigger a sensory impulse at the receptor. D) The diminishing number of action potentials that are generated as the strength of stimulus increases.


70) The auditory tube runs between the throat and the __________. A) auditory cortex B) middle ear C) inner ear D) auricle


Receptors for the sense of static equilibrium are located in the __________ which contains chambers called the __________. A) vestibule; utricle and saccule B) semicircular canals; ampullae C) cochlea; scali vestibuli, scali tympani, and cochlear duct D) inner ear; anterior and posterior chambers


Which of the following structures are NOT responsible for the refraction of light? A) Cornea B) Lens C) Aqueous humor D) Retina


The auditory ossicles are located in the inner ear. ⊚ true ⊚ false


The stapes transmits vibrations to the round window of the inner ear. ⊚ true ⊚ false


The utricle and saccule contain the sensory receptors associated with the sense of dynamic equilibrium. ⊚ true ⊚ false


Receptors for the general senses are only located in the head. ⊚ true ⊚ false


31) Muscle spindles and Golgi tendon organs are receptors for __________. A) proprioception B) pain C) equilibrium D) touch and pressure


43) In the rods of the retina, the visual pigment called __________ breaks down to _________ when stimulated by light. A) rhodopsin; retinal and opsin B) retinal; rhodopsin and opsin C) opsin; retinal and rhodopsin


56) The protein miraculin, which is found in taste-altering "miracle berries", causes acidic foods like citrus fruits, soda, and vinegar to taste like candy. Which of the following is the most likely mechanism for the effects of miraculin? A) Miraculin inactivates sweet receptors, so only sour receptors will detect sweet compounds. B) Miraculin amplifies umami receptors, enhancing umami flavors. C) Miraculin alters sweet receptors on the tongue and causes them to perceive carbohydrates as sour. D) Miraculin alters sour receptors on the tongue and causes them to perceive acids as sweet.


What causes the lens of the eye to thicken? A) Suspensory ligaments pull on the lens capsule. B) Ciliary processes relax. C) Pupillary constrictors relax. D) Ciliary muscles contract.


What is glaucoma? A) Clouding of the lens B) Unchanging pupil size due to decreased responsiveness of iris muscles C) Inflammation of the conjunctiva D) Increased pressure in the eye due to excess aqueous humor


What type of structures are temperature receptors? A) Hair cells B) Encapsulated nerve endings C) Specialized epithelial cells D) Free nerve endings


52) Following the path of sound transmission, what is the correct order of auditory ossicles? A) Malleus → incus → stapes B) Incus → malleus → stapes C) Stapes → malleus → incus D) Incus → stapes → malleus


54) The sense of taste requires that molecules bind to receptor proteins located __________. A) on taste hairs B) in taste pores C) on cell bodies of taste cells D) on sensory axons of the taste buds


55) Acids in foods stimulate __________ receptors while alkaloids (including strychnine and nicotine) stimluate __________ receptors. A) sour; bitter B) bitter; sweet C) umami; salt D) salt; sour


61) What change results in farsightedness after the age of forty-five? A) Loss of lens elasticity B) Shortening of the eyeball C) Lengthening of the eyeball D) Changes in curvature of the cornea


71) What is the order of structures through which light passes as it travels to the retina? A) Cornea, aqueous humor, lens, vitreous humor B) Aqueous humor, cornea, lens, vitreous humor C) Vitreous humor, lens, aqueous humor, cornea D) Cornea, lens, aqueous humor, vitreous humor E) Aqueous humor, vitreous humor, cornea, lens


80) In dim light, the ________ muscles of the iris are stimulated to contract, resulting in __________ of the pupil. A) radial; dilation B) circular; dilation C) radial; constriction D) circular; constriction


You are carrying a box when your friend suddenly places another heavy box on top of it. Your muscles respond by immediately __________ because receptors called __________ sense the rapid muscle lengthening and cause a reflex response. A) contracting; muscle spindles B) relaxing; muscle spindles C) relaxing; Golgi tendon organs D) contracting; Golgi tendon organs


32) What stimulates Golgi tendon organs? A) A muscle has become metabolically active. B) A muscle is stretched nearly to its limit. C) A muscle starts to relax after strenuous exercise. D) A muscle is contracting with minimal tension.


39) What is the function of a stretch reflex? A) To initiate the stretch of a muscle B) To contract a muscle that is stretched C) To limit the amount of tension a muscle can generate D) To relax a muscle that is over-stretched


57) What is detected by the hair cells in the semicircular canals? A) Sound waves B) Direction of motion C) Frequency of the sound D) Position of head


59) "Lazy eye" is a condition in which the muscles of one eye fail to position it correctly, resulting in a lack of coordination between the two eyes. In an example where one eye constantly looks directly upward, what extrinsic eye muscle is too weak to function correctly? A) Superior rectus B) Inferior rectus C) Lateral rectus D) Inferior oblique


62) The lack of __________ results in colorblindness. A) rods B) a type of cone C) a cornea D) a lens


65) What type of receptor is responsive to vibration, heavier pressure, and stretch? A) Cristae ampullaris B) Lamellated corpuscles C) Tactile corpuscles D) Golgi tendon organs


67) What condition is due to an abnormality in the curvature of the lens or cornea, resulting in some areas of blurry vision? A) Presbyopia B) Astigmatism C) Hyperopia D) Myopia


69) What structure contains the receptors for the sense of hearing? A) Ampulla B) Spiral organ C) Utricle D) Semicircular canals


After taking a bite of pizza, sensory receptors are stimulated in your mouth. What is the order of information flow that results? A) Stimulation of sensory receptors → perception → sensation → impulse sent to CNS B) Stimulation of sensory receptors → impulse sent to CNS → sensation→ perception C) Stimulation of sensory receptors → sensation → impulse sent to CNS → perception D) Stimulation of sensory receptors → perception→ impulse sent to CNS → sensation


How is stereoscopic vision produced? A) Both eyes see identical views of an object. B) Each eye sees a slightly different view of an object. C) Rods of one eye are stimulated and the cones of the other eye are stimulated. D) One eye refracts the incoming light differently than the other eye.


Jared has been an avid fan of rock music for many years and has attended numerous concerts, getting as close to the stage as possible. He has never worn earplugs or protective earwear. Now in his 50s, he has become hard-of-hearing and can no longer detect quiet sounds or low talking. How might his symptoms be explained? A) His tympanic membrane has hardened. B) His hair cells are permanently damaged and desensitized to loud sounds. C) He has developed a brain tumor that puts pressure on the vestibulocochlear nerve. D) He must have used the antibiotic streptomycin while at a concert which weakened the structures in his inner ear, making them less able to respond to sound waves.


List the components of the middle (vascular) layer of the wall of the eye. A) Cornea and sclera B) Ciliary body, iris, and choroid coat C) Retina, macula lutea, and fovea centralis D) Optic disc and optic nerve


What is the correct order of segments of the visual pathway? cortex cortex cortex cortex A) Optic nerve → optic chiasma → optic tract → thalamus → optic radiations → visual cortex B) Optic nerve → optic chiasma → optic radiations → thalamus → optic tract → visual cortex C) Optic nerve → optic tract → thalamus → optic chiasma → optic radiations → visual cortex D)Optic nerve → optic radiations → optic chiasma →thalamus → optic tract → visual cortex


What structure is part of the innermost layer of the wall of the eye? A) Ciliary body B) Retina C) Choroid coat D) Sclera


11) Where are receptors for the general senses located? A) In a few clusters within the head B) Only in the integumentary system C) Widely distributed throughout the body D) Throughout the visceral organs


13) The interpretation of sensory input by the brain is referred to as ___________. A) reception B) sensation C) perception D) recognition


24) Tactile and lamellated corpuscles are examples of __________. A) interoceptors B) baroreceptors C) exteroceptors D) proprioceptors


27) What type of receptor allows a pole vaulter to keep track of his position in mid-air? A) Lamellated corpuscles B) Pain receptors C) Proprioceptors D) Baroreceptors


78) What structure produces tears? A) Conjunctiva B) Nasolacrimal duct C) Lacrimal gland D) Lacrimal sac


Which receptor/stimulus pair is correct? A) Baroreceptors: stimulated when injury occurs to nearby tissue. B) Nociceptors: stimulated by increase in blood pressure. C) Thermoreceptors: stimulated by light energy. D) Proprioceptors: stimulated by changes in tension in muscles and tendons.


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