Anatomy, Chapter 7/8

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The depression on the distal anterior humerus that accommodates the head of the radius during elbow flexion is called the ___________ fossa


The typical number of bones in the adult skeleton is

(206 bones)

The ossification of the limbs and girdles is completed when a person is about age


34. There are _______ intervertebral discs.


33. The vertebral column (spine) consists of _____ vertebrae with intervertebral discs of fibrocartilage between most of them.


41. The vertebral column (spine) consists of _____ vertebrae with intervertebral discs of fibrocartilage between most of them.


How many cranial bones are found in the skull?


The bones of the upper and lower limbs and the pectoral and pelvic girdle comprise the _________ skeleton


The bones of the upper and lower limbs and the pectoral and pelvic girdle comprise the______skelton.


the _______ skeleton


Name the two regions of the skeleton:

Appendicular Axial

40. The first cervical vertebra (C1) is also called the _____.


The first sign of limb development is the appearance of limb________________Around day 26-27.


The first sign of limb development is the appearance of limb_________around day 26-27.


The dome of the top of the head (or skullcap) is called the


List the bones of the pectoral girdle

Clavicle and scapula

Name the suture that connects the frontal bone to the parietal bones

Coronal suture

Identify the sutures of the parietal bones


The depression on the distal anterior humerus that accommodates the coronoid process of the ulna is called the ______ fossa.


The depression on the distal anterior humerus that accommodates the coronoid process of the ulna is called the___________ fossa.


Identify the bones that comprise the pelvic girdle. Select all that apply.

Coxal bones, Sacrum

42. A heavy blow to the cranium that causes the bones to cave inward would be a _____ fracture.


24. Which structures are found on the tympanic part of the temporal bone:

External acoustic meatus, Styloid process

Which structures are found on the tympanic part of the temporal bone?

External acoustic meatus,Styloid process

The longest and strongest bone in the body is the ________


The longest and strongest bone of the body that measures about one-quarter of a persons height is the__________.


39. The cranial bones are separated at birth by gaps called _____.


A round hole through a bone that allows passage for nerves and blood vessels is called a


Name the smooth area of the frontal bone just above the nose:


The capitulum of the humerus articulates with the ________ of the radius.


What part of the femur articulates with the acetabulum of the os coxae?


Which part of the femur articulates with the acetabulum of the os coxae?


The capitulum of the humerus articulates with the _______ of the radius.


The bone contained in the brachium is the ____________.


The bone that articulates with the glenoid cavity of the scapula is the _____.


The bone that articulates with the glenoid cavity of the scapula is the ___________.


nucleus surrounded by a ring of fibrocartilage is called the _____________ disc.


nucleus surrounded by a ring of fibrocartilage is called the _______disc


28. One aspect of the human skull is the flattened facial features. Flatter facial features allow the skull to be


45. Elongated cracks in the cranial bones are _____ fractures.


Name the three auditory ossicles:

Malleus, Stapes, Incus

25. The prominent bony process posterior and inferior to the ear that is filled with small air sinuses and serves as an attachment for a major neck muscle is the

Mastoid process

29. Name the bony bump that can be palpated behind the earlobe.

Mastoid process

35. Name the bony bump that can be palpated behind the earlobe:

Mastoid process

A baby born with part of a limb missing (typically missing long bones) has a condition called _____.


The depression on the distal posterior humerus that accommodates the ulna is called the ______ fossa.


The depression on the distal posterior humerus that accommodates the ulna is called the ___________ fossa.


The two skull bones that form most of the cranial roof and part of the walls are the


The clavicle and scapula are bones within the ____________girdle.


The clavicle and scapula are bones within the________ girdle.


The foot is called the ___________ region.


The 2 coxal bones and the sacrum from the ________ girdle.


A person born with extra fingers or toes has a disorder called ______.


44. Name the fontanels:

Posterior, Anterior, Mastoid, Sphenoid

36. What are the functions of the vertebral column?

Protects the spinal cord, Allows for movement of the skull and trunk, Supports the skull and trunk

30. What are the functions of the vertebral column?

Protects the spinal cord,Allows for movement of the skull and trunk, Supports the skull and trunk

The depression on the distal anterior humerus that accommodates the head of the radius during elbow flexion is called the ______ fossa.


The lateral bone in the forearm is the _______.


The lateral bone in the forearm is the ___________.


The lateral bone in the forearm is the _________________.


The bones that meet at the elbow include ________.

Radius, ulna and humerus

43. Name the bones that provide protection to the contents of the thoracic cavity and the superior portion of the abdominal cavity.


The articulation between the hip bone and the sacrum is the _________ joint.


The sacroiliac joint is the articulation between the ilium and the _____.


Cranial bones of the skull:

Sphenoid Bone. Frontal bone. Temporal bone. Parietal bone. Occipital bone. Ethmoid bone

The relatively flat and vertical portion of the temporal bone is called the


The ankle is called the ______ region.


The lateral walls and part of the floor of the cranial cavity are formed by the _____bones


31. Describe the advantage of having the skull balanced on the center of the vertebral column:

The head is less likely to tip forward.

37. Two functions of the ribs _____.

To protect the liver, kidney, and spleen., To protect the thoracic organs.

for the hip muscles called_______________.


muscles called the greater and lesser _____.


The distal end of the humerus has two smooth condyles. These condyles are called the:

Trochlea and capitulum

The distal end of the humerus has two smooth condyles. These condyles are called the _____.

Trochlea, Capitulum

The deep C-shaped surface at the proximal end of the ulna that wraps around the trochlea of the humerus is the ___________________.

Trochlear notch

The part of the temporal bone that borders the external acoustic meatus and contains the styloid process is the


The medial bone of the forearm is the ____________.


The medial bone of the forearm is the_____________.


What is the medial bone of the the forearm?


Structures at the distal end of the radius include ______.

Ulnar notch, Styloid process

Ulnar notch

articulates with the end of the ulna

Lambdoid suture

at the posterior margin of the parietal bones and occipital bone

Squamous suture

between lateral margin of parietal bones and temporal bones

Sagital suture

between parietal bones

Coronal suture

between parietal bones and frontal bone

Styloid process

bone point that can be palpated proximal to the thumb

The depression on the distal anterior humerus that accommodates the coronoid process of the ulna is called the _______________

coronoid fossa.

The arm proper

from the shoulder to the elbow is the ________., Brachium

The three bones that fuse to form the hip (coxal) bones are the:


27. The name of the bones given to the malleus

incus, and stapes are the auditory__., Ossicles

26. The eight facial bones are:

lacrimal, maxillae, zygomatic, vomer, inferior nasal conchae, nasal, palatine, mandible

The prominent process on the proximal end of the ulna that forms the point of the elbow is the__________ process.


The appendicular skeleton consists of ______.

pelvic girdle,lower limbs,upper limbs,pectoral girdle

The skeleton is divided into the axial and appendicular regions. The axial skeleton includes the

skull, vertebral column, and thoracic cage.

Radial tuberosity

termination of the distal biceps brochii tendon


the bones of the skull that enclose the brain are called the,Cranium

The bones of the upper and lower limbs

the pectoral girdle, and the pelvic girdle form

for the hip muscles called the greater and lesser _____


The condition illustrated in the picture

where the feet are adducted and plantar flexed is calle,Clubfoot or talipes

The opening of the cranium

where the spinal cord meets the brain, is the foramen Magnum

The temporal bone structure that extends anteriorly to form part of the zygomatic arch(cheekbone) is the

Zygomatic bone

The condyle that articulates with the ulna is the


The condyle of the humerus that articulates with the radius is the


38. Within the vertebral column

a cartilagenous pad consisting of an inner gelantinous

32. Within the vertebral column

a cartilaginous pad consisting of an inner gelantinous

The head of the femur articulates with the ______ of the os coxae.


The complete absence of limbs at birth is a condition called_______________.


Articular facets

articulate with the scaphoid and lunate bones

Just beyond the neck of the femur are two large

rough processes that provide attachments

On the proximal femur are two large

rough processes that provide attachments

On the proximal femur are two large

rough processes that provide attachments for the hip

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