Anatomy Exam 1

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A 23-year-old jockey falls from her horse and complains of a headache, backache, and weakness. The radiologic examination would reveal blood in which of the following spaces if the internal vertebral venous plexus was ruptured? A. Space deep to the pia mater B. subdural space C. epidural space D. subarachnoid space E. interlaminar space

subarachnoid space

A burn affecting the epidermis and the superficial part of the dermis is a A. superficial (first degree) burn B. full thickness (third-degree) burn C. deep partial-thickness (first-degree) burn D. partial thickness (second-degree) burn

superficial (first degree) burn

Red bone marrow is involved in the formation of A. plasma B. adipose C. the periosteum D. blood cells E. Cartilage

blood cells

Bob is being chased by a wild banshee, and impulses from the _________ division of the autonomic nervous system increase his heart rate


Where does the thoracic duct drain into the systemic circulation?

the junction of the left subclavian vein and left internal jugular vein

Osteoblasts are ______, whereas osteocytes are ______. A. bone-forming cells; mature bone cells B. bone-dissolving cells; mature bone cells C. mature bone cells; bone-forming cells D. bone-forming cells; bone-dissolving cells

bone-forming cells; mature bone cells

The most accurate way to determine the exact degree of spinal curvature in a child with scoliosis is by which of the following? A. calculation of the Cobb angle B. measurement of waist asymmetry C. measurement of rub hump deformity D. calculation using a scoliometer

calculation of the Cobb angle

Muscle cells that are striated and under involuntary control include

cardiac muscles

osteons are associated with A. spongy bone B. compact bone C. medullary cavities D. synovial joints E. fontanels

compact bone

the regionally named layer of tissue which encloses and binds muscle groups together is the A. deep fascia B. intermuscular septum C. neurovascular bundle D. skin E. subcutaneous tissue

deep fascia

Sutures (stiches) would be placed in which tough layer of the skin in order to sew up the lacerations? A. epidermis B. deep fascia C. dermis D. subcutaneous tissue E. superficial fascia


The part of a spinal nerve that supplies the (intrinsic) true back muscles and the skin overlying them is the: A. dorsal primary ramus B. dorsal root C. ventral primary ramus D. ventral root

dorsal primary ramus

The portion of the skin that serves as a barrier to water loss is the: A. subcutaneous layer B. dermis C. epidermis D. superficial fascia E. investing fascia


Which of the following is not correct concerning the skin? A. the dermis is usually thicker than the epidermis B. the dermis contains smooth muscle and nervous tissue C. the epidermis is composed of stratified squamous epithelium D. the subcutaneous layer is between the dermis and the epidermis

the subcutaneous layer is between the dermis and the epidermis

In evaluating an infant, you notice that there is no lumbar lordosis. What may this tell you about the infant?

they have not begun to walk upright.

A 29-year-old female elite athlete was lifting heavy weights during an intense training session. The athlete felt severe pain radiating suddenly to the posterior aspect of her right thigh and leg. The patient was taken to a hospital where an MRI was performed. Which nerve was most probably affected?


A man has a herniated intervertebral disc between the 4th and 5th lumbar vertebrae. If this disc compresses the spinal nerve and the intervertebral foramen immediately posterior to the disc, which spinal nerve would be affected? A. L3 B. L4 C. L5 D. Si E. S2


during the first day of class, a student lacerated his finger while putting a new blade on his scalpel. The cut penetrated the skin and it was necessary for him to go to the ER to have it stitched up. Which layers would the ER physician include in the stitches in order to close only the skin? A. dermis, subcutaneous tissue, deep fascia B. dermis, superficial fascia, deep fascia C. epidermis, dermis D. epidermis, dermis, investing fascia E. epidermis, subcutaneous tissue

epidermis, dermis

Which of the following is recognized as a risk factor for osteoporosis? A. obesity B. male sex C. estrogen deficiency D. African-American race

estrogen deficiency

An examiner touches the forehead, cheeks, and chin of a patient with a cotton wisp to test the sensation of light touch in these regions. Which of the following cranial nerves is tested by the examiner? A. Facial Nerve B. Trigeminal Nerve C. Abducens Nerve D. Accessory Nerve E. Vagus Nerve

facial nerve

During the stages of fracture healing which of the following is responsible for producing collagen? A. Osteoclasts B. Chondrocytes C. Glycosaminoglycans D. Fibroblasts


the periodontal ligament that holds a tooth in its socket is classified as a _______ joint. A. sutural B. synchondrosis C. gomphosis D. syndesmosis E. synovial


what type of potential occurs in response to the opening of a mechanically-gated or ligand-gated ion channel? A. action potential B. synaptic potential C. graded potential D. action potential

graded potential

articular cartilage of a long bone is found A. on the outer epiphyses B. in the medullary cavity C. along the diaphysis D. covering the entire bone E. within the epiphysis

on the outer epiphyses

during repair of a bone fracture, which cells are responsible for depositing new bone?


When the internal vertebral venous plexus is ruptured, venous blood may spread into which tissue and space?

Epidural fat is shown in the MRI scan. In addition, the internal vertebral venous plexus lies in the epidural space; thus, venous blood from the plexus may spread into epidural fat.

A patient is first seen with burns to the entire right arm, the anterior right leg, and the genitals. The estimated burn surface area would be calculated as:

(9+9+1) = 19%

Rhomboid mm.

-s.p. to medial edge of scapula -adduct scapula -inn= dorsal scapular n.

Given these events: 1. Acetylcholine diffuses across the synaptic cleft 2. Secretory vesicles release acetylcholine 3. Action potential reaches the axon terminal of a motor neuron 4. Acetylcholine combines with receptors on the motor endplate 5. A muscle impulse is produced

3, 2, 1, 4, 5

the intervertebral disc A. Is is found between all adjacent vertebrae B. Adds about 1/4 to entire length of vertebral column C. Is a type of synovial joint within the vertebral column D. Contains a compressible liquid center E. Is perforated by the needle when performing a spinal tap

Adds about 1/4 to entire length of vertebral column

inferior scapular angle

Bottom angle of scapula

A football player suffers a herniated (ruptured) intervertebral disc in his neck. The disk compresses the spinal nerve exiting through the intervertebral foramen between the 5th and 6th cervical vertebrae. Which spinal nerve is affected? A. C4 B. C5 C. C6 D. C7 E. C8


A 62-year-old female presents to the ER with significant back px without radiation after lifting a 15-pound box. She denies any previous trauma or injuries. Past history includes a hysterectomy (age 42) and a 49-pack-year smoking history. Her current weight it 107 pounds. Lumbo-sacral spine film indicates a spinal compression fracture at level L4. Which of the following tests would you perform to further assess the patient's findings?

CT (computed tomography) of the spine

A 48-year-old man goes to his physician because of pain and paresthesia along the lateral aspect of the leg and the dorsum of the foot. The patient's symptom suggests impingement of the L5 spinal nerve resulting from a herniated intervertebral disc. The L5 spinal nerve most likely exits between which of the following vertebrae? A. L3-L4 vertebrae B. L4-L5 vertebrae C. L5-S1 vertebrae D. S1-S2 vertebrae

L5-S1 vertebrae spinal nerves in the thoracic and lumbar vertebral region exit the vertebral canal below their associated vertebrae. Therefore, the L5 spinal nerve exits below L5, between L5 and S1.

a 26 year-old male was lifting a heavy object two weeks ago when he felt a sudden onset of low back pain. He describes pain in the low mid-back at the belt line aggravated with movement. Radicular symptoms are noted in the left buttock down the leg to the dorsal aspect of the foot. He denies any urine or bowel complaints. His examination demonstrates an inability to stand on his toes and a positive straight leg raise. Which of the following is the most appropriate diagnostic study in this patient? A. Discography B. MRI C. CT D> Electromyelogram


When standing in anatomical position, the palms of the hands face A. superiorly B. inferiorly C. anteriorly D. posteriorly E. laterally


A 45-year-old man is admitted to the hospital because of severe pain in the back and lower limb. Radiograph examination reveals spinal stenosis syndrome. Which of the following conditions is most likely to be confirmed by MRI examination? A. Hypertrophy of the supraspinous ligament B. Hypertrophy of the interspinous ligament C. Hypertrophy of the ligamentum flavum D. Hypertrophy of the anterior longitudinal ligament E. Hypertrophy of the nuchal ligament

hypertrophy of the ligamentum flavum

Muscles that contract to maintain a stable posture, such as standing in place, exhibit ____________ contractions. A. isotonic B. eccentric C. concentric D. isometric


in order to expose the spinal cord from the posterior side comma it is necessary to remove the: A. laminae, pedicles, and ligamenta flavum B. laminae, spinous processes, and ligamenta flavum C. pedicles, spinous processes, and posterior longitudinal ligament D. transverse processes, pedicles, and ligamenta flavum

laminae, spinous processes, and ligamenta flavum

A 42-year-old man is brought to the emergency department after sustaining a fall while working on a construction site. He complains of neck pain but denies any sensory changes. He is neurologically intact on examination. X-rays are obtained showing a hangman's fracture. Why is there minimal spinal cord damage with this type of fracture? A. due to the type of injury B. C2 fractures are stable C. odontoid process is intact D. pedicles are intact E. large vertebral canal diameter

large vertebral canal diameter

In a trauma patient who has a suspected cervical spine injury, the X-ray view that will identify the majority of significant injuries is A. lateral B. oblique C. anteroposterior D. odontoid


After a 26-year-old man's car was broadsided by a large truck, he is brought to the emergency department with multiple fractures of the transverse processes of the cervical and upper thoracic vertebrae. Which of the following muscles might be affected? A. trapezius B. levator scapulae C. rhomboid major D. serratus posterior superior E. rectus capitis posterior major

levator scapulae

If one does a laminectomy (removing the laminae of two adjacent vertebrae) to expose the spinal cord, which ligament must be removed? A. anterior longitudinal B. denticulate C. ligamentum flavum D. ligamentum nuchae E. posterior longitudinal

ligamentum flavum

Exposure to ultraviolet light darkens skin by stimulating synthesis of


A young toddler presents to her pediatrician with rather new onset of bowel and bladder dysfunction and loss of the lower limb function. Her mother had not taken enough folic acid (to the point of a deficiency) during her pregnancy. On examination, the child has a protrusion of the spinal cord and meninges and is diagnosed with which of the following conditions? A. spina bifida occulta B. meningocele C. meningomyelocele D. klippel feil syndrome E. syringomyelocele


Latissimus dorsai muscle

muscle of the back that moves the arm posteriorly and medially toward the vertebral column (adduction)

Nerve fibers scattered throughout the dermis are associated with A. bones, tendons, and muscles B. muscles, glands, and sensory receptors C. fingernails and toenails D. hair, melanocytes, and pores

muscles, glands, and sensory receptors

A 75-year-old man presents with thoracic back pain lasting several months. He is able to perform regular tasks but notes that the pain is worse with activity. He denies any radicular or myelopathic signs. On examination, he has full lower extremity better strength and there is an obvious dowagers hump. X-rays of the thoracic spine are obtained, and a Cobb angle is calculated at 55 degrees. What is the best initial management for this patient? A. spinal orthoses (brace) B. spinal fusion C. acupuncture D. alendronate (used to slow bone loss) E. physical therapy

physical therapy the patient's case presentation describes thoracic kyphosis with mild symptoms. The initial treatment of choice for mild to moderate symptomatic kyphosis is exercise-based treatment, which is best performed with physical therapy and should be continued at home.

Quasimodo, the "Hunchback of Notre Dame," suffered from an abnormal thoracic curvature called kyphosis. In this condition, the accentuated convexity of the curvature is: A. anterior B. caudal C. lateral D. medial E. posterior


Lamellar (Pacinian) corpuscles are responsible for detecting sensations of A. pain and itching B. temperature C. light touch D. pressure and vibrations E. change in muscle length

pressure and vibrations

the kidneys are positioned posterior to the peritoneum, thus they are A. intraperitoneal B. supraperitoneal C. retroperitoneal D. posteriorperitoneal E. thoracoperitoneal


A 12-year-old female presents for a routine sports physical. The physical exam reveals asymmetry of the posterior chest wall on forward bending. This is the most striking and consistent abnormality of which of the following? A. spondylosis B. scoliosis C. herniated disc D. spondolisthesis


Ventral (anterior) roots of spinal nerves contain fibers of _________ neurons A. sensory B. motor c. inter D. association E. recurrent


A neuron with a cell body in the dorsal root ganglia could convey what type of fibers? A. motor to the deep back muscles B. motor to the pectoralis major muscle C. sensory from the skin overlying the trapezius D. sympathetic preganglionics to the suprarenal medulla E. visceral efferents to the stomach

sensory from the skin overlying the trapezius

When preparing a client for a thoracentesis, the PA should assist the client into which of these positions? A. prone with the head turned to one side B. High Fowler position with the arms at the side C. Semi-Fowler with the arms crossed in front D. Sitting while leaning forward over a pillow

sitting while leaning forward over a pillow

At resting membrane potential, ions are distributed such that _____ ions are most abundant outside of the neuron, which _______ ions are abundant inside the neuron. A. sodium, potassium B. potassium, sodium C. chloride, sodium D. chloride, potassium

sodium, potassium

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