Anatomy Final

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which of the following statements about aging and joints is false?

articular cartilage thickens

epithelia tissues can be classified into various categories according to...

cell shape and number of layers

the four basic types of tissues in the body are

connective, muscle, nervous, epithelial

the visceral layer of the glomerular capsule (Bowman's capsule):

contains cells called podocytes

the nutrient artery of a long bone

divides into branches that supply the marrow and the inner portion of the diaphysis

the kidney is ___ to the stomach


the male reproductive duct that is six meters long but is tightly coiled into a 3.5 cm distance is the

ductus epididymis

the ability of skin to stretch and recoil is due to the press of ____ in the _____

elastic fibers, dermis

which joint shows a hinge motion?

elbow joint

cell junctions that are little tunnels made of connexion connecting two cells are

gap junctions

which of the following is NOT a function of a gallbladder?

synthesize bile

which of the following terms could describe a joint at which flexion and extension are the only movements? 1. pivot joint 2. hinge joint 3. monaxial joint 4. biaxial joint

2 and 3

from deepest to most superficial, the cells pass through the layers in what order? 1. stratum spinosum 2. stratum basale 3. stratum corneum 4. stratum lucidum (only in thick skin) 5. stratum granulosum

2, 1, 5, 4, 3

which of the following are true of yellow bone marrow? 1. It is the main site of blood cell production 2. it is located in the medullary (marrow) cavities of long bones 3. It is located in hipbones, sternum, ribs, and vertebrae. 4. it is a site of energy storage in the form of triglycerides. 5. it becomes more abundant relative to red bone marrow with increasing age due to the conversion of red bone marrow to yellow bone marrow

2, 4, 5

place the following ducts in the correct order, from the site of sperm production to the point of exit from the body

2, 8, 6, 4, 1, 5, 3, 9, 7

nervous tissue

all of these choices

normal bone growth and replacement depend on the presence of

all of these choices

three layers of tissue surround each kidney. they are, in order from innermost (deepest) to outermost (most superficial): 1. renal capsule 2. visceral peritoneum (serosa) 3. adipose capsule 4. renal fascia

1, 3, 4

the strength of the diaphysis of a long bone is due to 1. the presence of compact bone 2. the longitudinal orientation of the osteons 3. the presence of the trabecuale

1 and 2 are both correct

alpha and beta cells in the endocrine portion of the pancreas: 1. can be found in the pancreatic islets (islets of langerhans) 2. secrete their hormones into the pancreatic duct 3. secrete hormones that regulate calcium levels in the body 4. are responsible for maintaining homeostatic levels of glucose 5. aid in the production of enzymes used for protein digestion

1 and 4

epithelial tissue forms part of which layer(s) of an artery wall? 1. tunica interna (intima) 2. tunica media 3. tunica externa

1 only

the uterine tubes:

1, 2, 4 only

put the following in order for endochrondral ossification

1, 3, 4, 2, 5, 7, 6

____blood flows through the following vessels in what order: 1. arteriole 2. capillary 3. thoroughfare channel 4. metarteriole 5. venule

1, 4, 2, 5

the articular cartilage 1. consists of two layers: an outer layer of dense fibrous connective tissue and an inner layer of loose connective tissue. 2. firmly binds the articulating bones. 3. covers the surfaces of the articulating bones at a synovial joint. 4. helps absorb shock and reduces friction at a synovial joint

3 and 4 only

skeletal muscle fibers (cells) have the following anatomical characteristic(s)

all of these choices

spongy bone is located

all of these choices

the onset of menopause occurs when:

all of these choices

a lamella is

a ring of matrix

an osteon (haversian system) is

a structural unit of compact bone

name the two most specific body cavities that would be sectioned if a transverse plane were passed through the umbilicus

abdominal and vertebral canal

which of the following is a vascularized tissue?

adipose tissue

which of the following is an adrenal gland hormone that is essential for life?


serous membranes are associated with the

all of the choices

appearance of the epiphyseal line means

all of these choices

connective tissue may contain

all of these choices

epiphyseal plates of growing bones may be classified as

all of these choices

functions of the skin include

all of these choices

what bone disorder is best described as inadequate calcification of the extracellular matrix, usually caused by a vitamin D deficiency?

all of these choices

what structure(s) of the synovial joint absorb(s) shock from external forces that are placed on it?

all of these choices

which of the following is found in the stratum basal?

all of these choices

which of the following statements about joint classification is true?

all of theses choices

a good description of nutrient foramen is that it

allows blood vessels and nerves to penetrate compact bone tissue

the masculinizing hormone that functions to promote development and maintenance of male secondary sex characteristic is:


articular discs of synovial joints

are found in the space between the ends of the bones

a characteristic of osteoclasts is that they

are responsible for the destruction (resorption) of matrix and the release of calcium into the bloodstream

calluses form in areas that

are subject to friction

all three types of fibers (collagen, elastic, and reticular) are found in which of the following tissues?

areolar connective tissue

contraction of the ____ causes "goose bumps"

arrector pili muscle

which joint allows a gliding movement to occur?

between carpal bones

which joint could be called a saddle joint?

between trapezium and first metacarpal

the central canal of a bone contains

blood vessels and nerves

the harness of bone is due to crystallized inorganic mineral salts such as calcium phosphate. the flexibility and tensile strength of bone are due to organic molecules such as collagen fibers

both statements are true

the thinnest-walled blood vessels in the body are


which type of muscle tissue is involuntary and contains desmosomes and gap junctions in structures called intercalated discs?


which of the following would take the longest time to heal?


the central canal is in the...?

center of the osteon

what anatomical structure is being described using the following anatomical terms: medial to the ear (otic), lateral to the nose (nasal), inferior to the eye (orbital), and superior to the maxillary (upper) teeth?

cheek (buccal)

the levels of the structural organization from least complex to most complex are as follows:

chemical, cellular, tissue, organ, system

which of the following is an organic part of bone matrix that gives bone its flexibility and tensile strength?


the tissue that contains erythrocytes, leukocytes, and plasma belongs to what tissue group?

connective tissue

functions of the skeletal system do NOT include...

control of body temperature

the mid ventral mass of erectile tissue in the penis is a

corpus spongiosum penis

which of the following terms best describes a bluish skin color must likely resulting from an inadequate amount of oxygen circulating in the blood?


a major change in bone tissue that occurs with aging that leads to increased brittleness is...

decreased production of collagen

tattoos are created by injecting ink with a needle into the


which type of joint has the most movement?


which of the following is a false statement about epithelium?

epithelial tissue is a highly vascular tissue

an epithelial membrane consists of

epithelium plus connective tissue

the narrow strip of epidermis found on the surface of the proximal border of a nail is called

eponchium (cuticle)

fibrous connective tissue firmly holds the articular surfaces of bones together in

fibrous joints

the 2 portions of a nephron that commonly contribute to the juxtaglomerular apparatus are the:

final part of ascending limb of nephron loop (loop of Henle) and afferent arteriole

in the anatomical position, the palms of the hands face:


the peritoneal fold situated as a "fatty apron" anterior to the small intestine is the _____

greater omentum

the transformation of a single fertilized human egg cell into a unique individual is a good example of what human life process?

growth and development

the flexible connective tissue that joins the anterior extremity of a rib to the breast bone (strernum) is

hyaline cartilage

the epiphyseal plate is

in a young bone, the site of growth in length

elastic arteries ____:

include the largest diameter arteries in the body

materials move between capillary blood and interstitial fluid through:

intercellular clefts

growth in length as a bone develops is called ____ growth


the composition of lymph most closely resembles:

interstitial fluid

the areas between neighboring osteons contain

interstitial lamellae

the word that best describes the position of the gallbladder relative to the appendix is


a good description of a medullary (marrow) cavity its that it

is a region of bone that contains yellow bone marrow

thyroxine (T4) is a hormone that:

is secreted along with T3 into the follicles of the thyroid gland

which of the following statements about stratified squamous epithelium is true?

it consists of two or more layers of cells

which of the following is not true of periosteum?

it covers and protects the bones

the layer of areolar connective tissue underlying the epithelium of the mucosa of the GI tract is called the _____

lamina propria

blood in systemic circulation travels from the ____, then through arteries, capillaries, and veins, to the ____

left ventricle, right atrium

structures that are most responsible for holding bones together at a synovial joint are


abundant capillary networks are located in the


a characteristic of osteocytes is that they

maintain the daily metabolism of bone tissue

spermatogenesis and oogenesis are the only processes in the body where ______ occurs :


which of the following statements about skin color is false?

melanin is produced in the organelles of epithelial cells and then migrates to the hypodermis

food proteins are broken down into amino acids, building blocks that can be used to build new proteins that make up muscles and bones. this is a good example of what human life process?


which of the following is an anatomical feature of the small intestine that serves to increase the surface area for digestion and absorption?


the thickest part of the uterus is the:


the two organs systems that have the primary responsibility for regulating body activities are

nervous and endocrine

the corpus luteum:

none of these choices

the matrix of loose connective tissue is produced by

none of these choices

peristaltic contractions;

occur in the stomach, esophagus, small intestine, and large intestine

osteocytes are the mature bone cells that develop directly from


activity of which of these cells is responsible for the remodeling of the bony callus as the final step in fracture repair?


canaliculi allow nutrients to diffuse into mature bone cells located within the lacunae of the osteon. which of the following are those mature bone cells?


which of the following pairs of terms is INCORRECTLY matched?

pancreatic polypeptide; inhibits secretion of insulin and glucagon

the membrane covering the outer surface of the heart is a ____ membrane


the membrane covering the outer surface of the lungs is called the

parietal pleura

which of the following is not related to bone?


____ protects us from disease by producing antibodies

plasma B cells

a function of fibroblasts is to

produce the protein fibers found in the matrix of connective tissue

intramembraneous ossification is the process that

produces flat bones like the cranium

the femur and humerus contain

red bone marrow in the proximal epiphysis

a nephron consists of two parts:

renal corpuscle and renal tubule

the right lymphatic duct receives lymph from all of the following EXCEPT the:

right side of the body inferior to the ribs

the thoracic (left lymphatic) duct receives lymph from all of the following EXCEPT the:

right upper limb

the primary type of movement permitted at a pivot joint is


A ___ section of the body or organ would reveal its right and left side


which of the following does NOT drive the contents of the colon into the rectum?


the surfaces of the bones at a gliding joint perform the movement(s) of

side to side movement

microvilli are most likely to be found in which type of tissue?

simple columnar epithelium

which of the following statements about sinusoids is TRUE?

sinusoids are found in the liver, spleen, and red bone marrow

the integument consists of which of the following?

skin and subcutaneous layer

concerning diarthroses, one may speculate that as mobility increases, _____ decreases


the greatest amount of keratin in found where?

stratum corneum

cardiac muscle cells (fibers) have the following anatomical characteristics/


the action that moves the palm of the hand into anatomical position is


which of the following is NOT a type of ligament that helps maintain the position of the uterus?

suspensory ligament

a ___ is a type of joint in which two bones are held together by a disc of fibrocartilage


if a joint is enclosed in a tough connective tissue capsule and if it contains a joint cavity, it is classified as


together, the skin, hair, nails, glands, and associated muscles and nerves are an example of a


which joint shows the motions called elevation and depression?


the sphincter of the hepatopancreatic ampulla (sphincter of Oddi) directly control the flow of bile between:

the common bile duct and the duodenum

which of the following statements is false?

the diaphragm separates the abdominal cavity from the pelvic cavity

a good description for a ball and socket joint is

the only synovial joint that allows triaxial movement

most specifically, the heart is located in...

the pericardial cavity

the female gamete (ovum) is not formed until meiosis II is completed when:

the secondary oocyte has been fertilized by the sperm

a difference between veins and arteries is:

the tunica internal (intima) and tunica media are thinner in veins than in arteries

An accident report submitted by an officer who is a former anatomy student contains the following statement: "the victim suffered a severe blow to the mental region." this means:

the victim was struck on the chin

as keratinocytes move to the surface

they eventually die and are sloughed off

cortical nephrons lack one portion of the renal tubule that is found in juxtamedullary nephrons, the:

thin segment of the ascending limb of the nephron loop (loop of Henle)

which one of the following is characteristic of spongy bone tissue, but not of compact bone tissue?


melanocytes synthesize melanin from which amino acid?


the layers of an artery wall that is/are responsible for vasoconstriction and vasodilation is/are the ___:

tunica media

which of the following structures would not be located entering/exiting the renal hilum?


the structure attached to the soft palate that helps close off the nasopharynx during swallowing is the ____


which of the following structures is NOT a portion of a nephron?

vasa recta

the ____ contain(s) the largest volume of blood when the body is at rest

veins and venules

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