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distal tarsal bones

cuboid and cuneiforms

tibialis anterior inserts on


lateral ad medial meniscus of knee joint acts as

cushion for femur impact on tibia

shape of popliteal fossa


foot region

distal to ankle joint


divot in head

tibialis anterior

dorsiflex foot at ankle invert foot support of medial foot arch

fibularis tertius

dorsiflexes and everts foot

fibularis brevis

evert foot

extensor hallucis longus

extend great toe dorsiflex foot

vastus intermedius

extend leg at knee

vastus lateralis

extend leg at knee

vastus medialis

extend leg at knee

extensor digitorum longus

extend toes dorsiflex foot

gluteus maximus

extends hip extensor of flexed femur at hip joint lateral stabilizer of hip and knee joint laterally rotates and abducts thigh inserts on IT band

anterior leg muscles are


acetabulum is where which bone will articulate

femoral head

what areas is the tibia related to

femur of thigh and leg

lateral leg muscles are


lateral leg muscles

fibularis longus fibularis brevis

condyles of the femur

fits into tibia

biceps femoris

flex and laterally rotate leg at knee joint extend and laterally rotate thigh at hip joint

Flexor Hallacus Longus (deep leg)

flex great toe

rectus femoris

flex thigh at hip joint extend leg at knee joint


flex thigh at hip joint flex leg at knee joint


flex/medially rotate leg at knee joint extend/medial rotate thigh at hip joint


flex/medially rotate leg at knee joint extend/medially rotate thigh at hip joint

flexor digitorum longus (deep leg)

flexes 4 toes


flexes hip

psoas major

flexes hip

posterior leg muscles are


interosseuos membrane ]

forms membranous joint between leg bones


fuses ischium and pubis at age 9

origin muscles of IT band

glute max and TFL

deep glute muscles

glute medius glute minimus piriformis gemellus inferior and superior quadratus femoris obturator internus

which regions is the femur related to

gluteal and thigh

superficial glute muscles

gluteus maximus tensor fasciae latae iliotibial band

which glute muscles abduct the hip

gluteus medius and minimus

medial thigh muscles

gracilis, pectineus, adductor longus, adductor brevis, adductor magnus, obturator externus

where in the hip bone does the sciatic nerve run thru

greater sciatic notch

obturator artery supplies

head of the femur

gluteal and thigh region joins at

hip joint


hip socket that holds femoral head

Head of femur is covered with

hyaline cartilage

fovea of femur head is not covered with

hyaline cartilage

floor of femoral triangle

iliopsoas, pectineus, adductor longus

most superior hip bone


the articular surface is where

ilium articulates with sacrum

hip bone

ilium, ischium, pubis

superiorly, where does the fibula articulate

inferior aspect of lateral condyle of proximal tibia

hip joint location

inferior to middle third of inguinal ligament

what makes of the base of the femoral triangle

inguinal ligament

femoral triangle formed by

inguinal ligament, sartorius, adductor longus

tibialias posterior

inversion and plantar flexion of toes support medial arch while walking

What part of the hip bone do we sit on?

ischial tuberosity

most posterior hip bone


the proximal end of the tibia helps form

knee joint


lateral (fibular) collateral ligament

where on the tibia does the femur condyles sit

lateral and medial tibial plateau

obturator internus

lateral roation extended femur at hip joint abducts flexed femur at hip joint

obturator externus

lateral rotate thigh at hip

gemellus superior and inferior

lateral rotation extended femur at hip joint abducts flexed femur at hip joint


lateral rotation of extended femur at hip joint abduct flexed femur at hip joint

quadratus femoris

lateral rotation of femur at hip joint


lateral side

tarsals, metatarsals, phalanges are related to

leg and foot


muscle to bone

intermediate tarsal bone


talus articulates with which other ankle one


lateral to medial containment of femoral triangle (NAVEL)

nerve, artery, vein, empty, lymphatics

Does the fibula articulate with the femur?


the ligament of the head of the femur surrounds ______

obturator artery

the obturator nerve passes thru

obturator foramen

where does the patella sit

on top of anterior portion of femur

ligament of the head of the femur attaches

one end of fovea and other end to acetabular fossa

knee joint ligaments

patellar posterior cruciate anterior cruciate fibular collateral tibial collateral

where does the patella sit on the femur

patellar surface

where does the femur articulate

pelvic bone at hip joint

glute muscles rotate hip

piriformis obturator internus gemelli quadratus femoris


plantar flex foot

fibularis longus

plantar flex foot evert foot support foot arch


plantar flex foot flex knee

Why is the popliteal fossa important?

point where major nerves and vessels pass btw thigh and leg

plantar flexion

pointing toes

apex of femoral triangle

points inferiorly and ends in adductor canal which descends medially down thigh opening into popliteal fossa

pelvic axis is measured when and why

pregnant females to ensure natural birth can happen

iliopsoas made up of

psoas major and iliacus

what glute muscles are flexors of the hip

psoas major and iliacus

most anterior hip bone


patella is embdedded in

quadriceps tendon

which anterior thigh muscles make up the quads

rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, vastus intermedius

tendons of the foot are bunched together by


Illitobial band

runs down lateral thigh and inserts on tibia

pelvic brim

separates true and false pelvis

LCL and MCL prevent

side to side movement of knee joint

symphysial surface

site of articulation between pubic bones

knees locked when

slight medial rotation of femur on tibia making ligaments tight to stand

abduction of toes

spread toes apart

popliteus function

stabalize knee by resisting tibial lateral rotation -unlocks knee joint by laterally rotating femur on fixed tibia

tensor fasciae latae

stabalize knee in extension inserts into IT band

the fibula is not weightbearing but ____


which retinacula keep the tendons of the foot in place

superior extensor retinacula inferior extensor retinacula

tibial articular surface articulates with which ankle bone


which main ankle bone articulates with the tibia and fibula



talus calcaneus navicular medial cuneiform itermediate cuneiform lateral cuneiform cuboid

proximal tarsal bones

talus and calcaneus

tarsal tunnel function

tendons of leg muscles pass thru on way to foot and toes

popliteal fossa formed by

thigh and leg muscles

plantar foot muscles: layer 4

third plantar interosseous first dorsal interosseous

Which bone of the leg is weight bearing?


where is the fibula anchored to distally

tibia; forms lateral malleolus of ankle joint

anterior leg muscles

tibialis anterior, extensor digitorum longus, extensor hallucis longus, fibularis tertius, fibularis longus, fibularis brevis

plantar aponeurosis

tough connective tissue that supports walking

where is the attachment of the knee joint menisci on the tibia

tubercles of intercondylar eminence

false pelvis

upper part forming ala

anterior thigh muscles

vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, vastus intermedius, rectus femoris, sartorius


weightbearing motion with knees locked

cruciate ligaments of knee function

- cross for stability

femoral triangle contains

-femoral vein, artery, and nerve - lymphatics that pass from ab to lower limb

plantar foot muscles: layer 1

abductor hallucis flexor digitorum brevis abductor digiti minimi

gluteus medius and gluteus minimus

abducts hip abduct femur medially rotate thigh holds pelvis secure over stance leg prevent pelvic droop on opposite swing side

2 main components of hip joint other than synovial membrane

acetabulum and femur

where do the hip bones fuse and form

acetabulum by triradiate cartilage

gastroc and soleus insert on

achilles tendon


adduct and flex thigh at hip joint

adductor brevis

adduct and medial rotate thigh at hip

adductor longus

adduct and medial rotate thigh at hip

adductor magnus

adduct and medial rotate thigh at hip


adduct thigh at hip flex leg at knee

plantar foot muscles: layer 3

adductor hallucis flexor hallucis brevis flexor digiti minimi

the foot is subdivided into

ankle metatarsus digits/phalanges

the foot is distal to

ankle joint

The patella sits what to the knee​ joint?


leg muscle compartments

anterior posterior lateral

posterior cruciate ligament attachment

anterior femur to posterior middle tibia

spines of the hip bone

anterior superior iliac spine anterior inferior iliac spine posterior inferior iliac spine posterior superior iliac spine

compartments of thigh muscles

anterior, medial, posterior

thigh region location

anterior: btw inguinal ligament and knee joint

acetabular labrum

area where rim of acetabulum sticks out

patellar ligament attaches

attaches patella to tibial tuberosity

Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) attachment

back of femur to front of tibia

politeus location

back of knee


bend foot back

gluteal region location

between iliac crest and gluteal fold (defines lower limit of butt) - does not have anterior side

leg region location

between knee and ankle joint

posterior thigh muscles

biceps femoris, semitendinosus, semimembranosus

true pelvis contains

bit of ilium, all of ischium and pubis

linea aspera

bone line on femur that runs posterior


bone to bone

acetabular fossa is filled with


ankle joint has


biceps femoris has how many heads and what are they

2 ; short and long

what age do the hip bones fuse


the obturator foramen is formed by how many bones


leg is also known as


plantar foot muscles: layer 2

lumbrical muscles flexor hallucis longus (tendon) flexor digitorum longus (tendon) quadratus pantae

what goes thru the femoral triangle

major blood supply, femoral and sciatic nerves enter thigh from ab

The tibia is ______________ to the fibula.



medial (tibial) collateral ligament

distal end of knee joint helps form

medial malleolus and most of the surface for articulation of leg w foot

medial border of femoral triangle

medial margin of adductor longus

lateral margin of femoral triangle

medial margin of sartorious


medial, intermediate, lateral

intermediate cuneiform

middle cuneiform

lateral cuneiform

most lateral cuneiform (closer to pinky toe)

medial cuneiform

most medial cuneiform

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