Anatomy Polymers

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glycogen (polysaccharide)

(animal starch b/c storage): if you eat too much glucose the pancreas sends message to the liver to pull it out of the blood stream and they are hooked together to form glycogen. This maintains homeostasis and the liver and muscle cells store it because they require the most energy and can then break it down into glucose for ATP; by hooking glucose molecules together it removes water molecules making it easier to store


(catastrophe) takes big molecules and breaks them down

unsaturated fatty acid

(oil); take away some hydrogens, not straight chain, kinked, double bond b/w carbons where missing H, plants, molecules farther apart aka liquid so better for you

types of carbs

-monosaccharides= simplest sugars and a monomer -disaccharides= two sugar molecules together -polysaccharides= multiple sugars joined together in long chains

three types of RNA

1. mRNA: carries the "recipe" for a protein from DNA to the ribosome 2. tRNA: brings specific amino acids to the ribosome for addition to growing protein 3. rRNA: major structural component of ribosomes

chromosome vs chromatin

1. ready to divide, tightly coiled vs 2. uncoiled, in nucleus, doing its job


3 fatty acids

monomers of RNA

5C sugar, phosphate group, nitrogenous base



nitrogenous bases of RNA

Adenine (A) and Uracil (U)=double bond; Cytosine (C) and Guanine (G)= triple bond

nitrogenous bases

Adenine (A) and thymine (T)= double bond; guanine (G) and cytosine (C)= triple bond



two types of nucleic acids

DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) and RNA (ribonucleic acid)


a three carbon molecule


add hydrogen to unsaturated means straightens kinks out... makes saturated

secondary protein structure

alpha helix and coil of amino acid chain. Bends primary structure into an alpha helix or beta pleated sheet held together by side groups *need side chains to hold coil in place for alpha helix* *interactions among side groups must be in place for beta pleated sheet*

monomers of proteins

amino acids: 20 different amino acids are bonded together to form thousands/millions of different kinds of proteins in living things in different combos and sequences

nitrogen important because

amino group in amino acids

every amino acid has...

amino group on L and carboxyl on right

why does membrane have to be a bi-layer

b/c water on both sides and hydrophobic tails wouldnt like it so we get semipermeable membrane (H20 can move in and out despite hated area)

how is energy from polysaccharides harvested?

broken down by digestive process into monosaccharides which will be used by cell to make ATP


building blocks for polymers made up of subunits

dna replication bubble

can open up in multiple places to save time

saturated fatty acid

cant hold any more hyrogens then already does, straight chain, glycerol and fatty acids, fat, atoms closer together so (semi) solid at room temp, no double bonds

example of enzyme

catalase breaks down hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) which is a normal byproduct of chemical reactions but is toxic to cells and takes a lot of time to decompose to H2O and molecule can break down 40 M molecules of H2O2/sec

in plants vs fungi

cellulose for cell wall vs chitin for exoskeleton (and dissolvable structures for medical procedures)


diverse hydrophobic molecules made up of monomers BUT NOT POLYMERS LIKE OTHER BIOMOLECULES...commonality is no affinity for h2o


energy molecules that include sugars and their polymers; body's first source of energy but dont use directly... they take energy out of bonds to transform it into ATP

lipids used for

energy storage (1 gram of fat contains twice as much energy as gram of carb), insulation (layers of fat under skin to conserve heat), protective coatings (cell membranes as phospholipids), cushion (against physical or mechanical injury to internal organs and structures

why animals have fats and not oils

fats solid @ room temp. and therefore if obese liquid>fat would be gross and wouldn't be able to move effectively...plants dont move.


formed when added to water (droplets)

monomers of lipids

glycerol and fatty acids

explain phospholipid structure

hydrophilic head made of phosphate, choline, and glycerol, hydrophobic tail that is kinked with both saturated and unsaturated chains


identity proteins that have a carbohydrate chain on outside that identifies who they are (ID tags)


important part of membrane; keeps phospholipid tails from sticking together and gives flexibility and stability to membrane

structural functions

in hair, nails and claws; acts as enzymes ie catalase for H2O2 which is toxic for cells so breaks it down

tertiary protein structure

involves folds and large loops, has polypeptide backbone, hydrophobic interactions, disulfide bridges, and ionic bonds, hydrogen bonds make loops

What are polymers

large molecules consisting of many identical or similar subunits linked together


lipids consisting of four fused rings with various side groups

difference b/w monomers of carbs and proteins vs lipids

lipids have 2 monomers: glycerol and fatty acids join for 1 polymer

fatty acids

long straight chain of carbon atoms both saturated and unsaturated

structure of DNA

long, double stranded molecule, double helix with coding side (read by mRNA) and non-coding side, double stranded for protection from breakage, sugar-phosphate backbone, codes for proteins and one gene=one trait=one protein

what are id proteins good for and bad for

macrophages destroying bacteria b/c know what it is and bad for organ transplants b/c easy to reject


made by animals, solid or semi-solid @ room temp, saturated, ie. butter, lard, fat on meats


made by plants and fish, liquid @ room temp, unsaturated, ie cod liver oil and olive oil

DNA monomers

made up of 5C sugar, phosphate group, and nitrogenous base to make up a nucleotide

dehydration synthesis

monomers are linked together by removing a water molecule ANABOLIC

which are functional

not primary, secondary; most only functional with tertiary

what else has double phospholipid bilayer


divided into two groups

oils and fats

peripheral proteins

on outer edge (sides)


one fatty acid plus glycerol and usually on 1st carbon

trans configuration

opposite side= straight molecule

bond between amino acids

peptide bond


polymers are disassembled into their monomers by a process that adds a water molecule


proteins that act as catalysts (substances that speeds up chemical reactions rate what WITHOUT taking part in the reaction); lowers activation energy needed; required for almost all chemical reactions that happen in living things

more about DNA

provides info for own replication, allows info to be passed on to next generation, directs RNA synthesis thereby controlling protein synthesis, found in nucleus of cells except when nuclear envelope breaks down during mitosis and meiosis

dehydration synthesis of disaccharides

put together by removing water molecules from side chain of H and OH

cis configuration

same side=bent molecule

primary protein structure

sequence/chain of amino acids made up of peptide bonds

fluid mosaic model

so many components and MOVEMENT; cholesterol, transmembrane proteins, glycoproteins

transmembrane proteins

span inside and outside and help molecules diffuse through w/ facilitated diffusion. ie glucose


specialized lipid molecules that have only two fatty acid chains instead of three (diglyceride); the third OH group is attached to a phosphate (P4); both hydrophobic and hydrophilic behavior towards H2O

examples of polysaccharides

starch (storage) in plants and cellulose

cholesterol as a steroid

steroid from which other steroids are made including sex hormones

hormones and examples

substances (not all proteins ie steroids) produced in one organ of the body and sent to target another organ ex. testosterone (testes to muscles and leads to broad shoulders, adams apple, more muscular) and estrogen (ovaries lead to hour-glass figure, breasts etc)

induced fit of enzyme

substrate in active site of enzyme...hug;)

example of disaccharide

sucrose (glucose and fructose) and maltose (glucose and glucose)

specific for what

temperature, pH, substrate...denatures if not optimal


the most numerous molecules in body and have many functions: contacting muscle fibers (actin and myosin), transporting oxygen (hemoglobin), providing immunity (antibodies), regulating other proteins (hormones)


two fatty acids plus glycerol, usually on 1st 2 carbons

quaternary structure

two or more tertiary structures put together to form a protein

energy of activation

two reactants... same products and up with same amount energy at end...different amount of time

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