Ann Franke

Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!

What is a call up and who was it for?

A call up is when you're taken to a concentration camp. It was for Ann's dad. pg 17-18

Name one way in which Anne shows her humor and personality.

The way she figures out how to talk more to people. page 12

What advice does Otto give Anne before they go into hiding?

He says she should bring her stuff with them. pg 17

What is the name of Anne and her friends' ping pong club and why?

It's called The Little Dipper Minus Two. The reason is because the constellation Little Dipper has seven and there is five of them so that's why the minus two is there. pg 10

Where is the hiding spot located and who knows the Franks are hiding?

It's located in Otto's office building. Mr. Kugler, Mr. Kleiman, Miep and a twenty-three-year-old typist named Bep Voskuijl knew the Franks were hiding. pg 20

Why does Anne decide to have a diary? What does she refer to her diary as?

She has a diary because she can't talk to her friends about everyday things (page 8-9). She calls it Kitty. (Page 10)

What kind of student is Anne? What is her most challenging subject?

She is a good student. She is struggling in algebra. pg 11-12

Where was Anne Frank born? Where did Anne Frank live for most of her life?

She lived in Frankfurt. She lived there until she was 4.(page 9)

Who is the only living creature Anne says goodbye to?

She said goodbye to Moortje, her cat. pg 19

Give a brief description of the house.

The large warehouse on the ground floor is used as a workroom and storeroom and is divided into several different sections, such as the stockroom and the milling room, where cinnamon, cloves and a pepper substitute are ground. Next to the warehouse doors is another outside' door, a separate entrance to the office. Just inside the office door is a second door, and beyond that a stairway. At the top of the stairs is another door, with a frosted window on which the word "Office" is written in black letters. This is the big front office -- very large, very light and very full. Bep, Miep and Mr. Kleiman work there during the day. After passing through an alcove containing a safe, a wardrobe and a big supply cupboard, you come to the small, dark, stuffy back office. This used to be shared by Mr. Kugler and Mr. van Daan, but now Mr. Kugler is its only occupant. Mr. Kugler's office can also be reached from the hallway, but only through a glass door that can be opened from the inside but not easily from the outside. If you leave Mr. Kugler's office and proceed through the long, narrow hallway past the coal bin and go up four steps, you find yourself in the private office, the showpiece of the entire building. Elegant mahogany furniture, a linoleum floor covered with throw rugs, a radio, a fancy lamp, everything first class. Next door is a spacious kitchen with a hot-water heater and two gas burners, and beside that a bathroom. That's the second floor. A wooden staircase leads from the downstairs hallway to the third floor. At the top of the stairs is a landing, with doors on either side. The door on the left takes you up to the spice storage area, attic and loft in the front part of the house. A typically Dutch, very steep, ankle-twisting flight of stairs also runs from the front part of the house to another door opening onto the street. page 20-21

What is Anne's relationship with Mr. Keesing like?

They joke around with each other. pg 12

A What is unusual about Anne and Hello's relationship? B Who is Anne in love with?

What's unusual is Hello is 16 years old and Ann is pg 14-15

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