ANT206 Primates: Prosimians : Lemur, Loris, Tarsier
Derived Character
a character that has changed since the last common ancestor
Shared derived character
a character that has changed since the last common ancestor and is shared by two or more species
Primitive Character
a character that has not changed from the ancestral condition
Lemuridae; Lemurs, Sifakas, Indriids Range, Dental Formula, Diet, Social Organization, Other
-Location: Madagascar -Dental: -Diet: Fruit & Leaves -Social: Female Dominant groups, pairs -Other: Post-Orbital Bar, Grooming Claw -Among the most primitive primates; very diverse group; some nocturnal, some diurnal, some frugivores, some insectivores, some folivores, range in body size, -Diversity likely due to lack of competition form other primates
Lorisidae; Lorises & Galagos Range, Dental Formula, Diet, Social Organization, Other
-Location: Africa & South East Asia -Dental: & Dental Comb -Diet: Insects & Fruit -Social: Solitary but social: females have region to self (solitary), males have larger regions that may overlap, social during breeding / small groups -Other: Most Nocturnal; excellent night vision -Arboreal (live in trees); loris slow moving galapagos fast
Tarsiiformes; Tarsioidea; Tarsiers
-Location: South East Asia -Dental: 2:1:3:3 & 1:1:3:3 -Diet: Insects -Social Organization: Pairs -Other: Post Orbital closure, unfused mandible -Vertical clinging and leaping locomotion, nocturnal extremely large eyes, Lemur traits: grooming claw & unfused mandible Anthro traits: post orbital closure, dry nose
-The most primitive primates unfused mandible, post-orbital bar, moist nose -Only found in Asia & Africa -Nocturnal in areas where they are sympatric with monkeys and apes
Why study primates
-models of human origins -extremely diverse in size, ecology, diet, shape, behavior and social organization -have adapted to many different environments -give us insights into ecological relationships -they are our closest relatives
Classification focusing on evolutionary relationships (uses shared derived traits)
Anthropoidea : 4 Features (mandible, teeth, orbital bar/closure, claw/comb, nose)
Most Derived Traits -Fused mandible - or -Post orbital closure -Dry nose
Lemuriformes : 6 Features (mandible, teeth, orbital bar/closure, claw/comb, nose)
Most Primitive Traits -Unfused mandible - -Post orbital bar -Tooth comb -Grooming claw -Moist nose
Features of Primates
Pentadactyly: having five toes/fingers Retention of Clavicle: maneuvering of limbs Generalized Skeleton Increased Visual Acuity Post-Orbital Bar / Post Orbital Closure Grasping hands and feet Reduced Reliance on Olfaction: smaller noses Nails on Digits Increased Encephalization Small Litters: increased reliance on learning and importance of social behavior; slow infant development; infants helpless; mother-infant bond critical for teaching infants social skills Generalized Dentition
Primate Taxonomy : Prosimians vs Anthropoids
Primates -Prosimians: primitive traits a)Lemuriformes & b)Tarsiiformes a)Lemurs & Lorises b)Tarsiers -Anthropoids: derived traits a)Platyrrhines (new world) & b)Catarrhines (old world) a)Cuboids (new world monkeys) b)Cercopithecoids (old world monkeys) & b)Great Apes & Humans
Tarsiiformes : 5 Features (mandible, teeth, orbital bar/closure, claw/comb, nose)
Both Primitive & Derived Traits -Unfused mandible - -Post orbital closure -Grooming claw -Dry nose