ANTH205 Exam 1 (chapter 1 - Anthropology, Ethnocentrism, Culture)

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Americans are ______ of the world population.



A set of shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices that characterizes an institution, organization, or group + "software of the mind"

Study of humankind


Study of past human activity based on the material remains left behind


Who called culture the totality of human behavior, ideas, history, institutions, and artifacts?

Edward B Taylor

Claude-Levy Strauss believes all humans have the same culture and there are no differences between us (T/F).


Archaeology studies the past through the analysis of documents (what people say happened) (T/F).

False (history)

Who called culture the "software of the mind?"

Geert Hofstede

Who studied cultures of IBM workers in different countries and regions, trying to understand basic cultural differences between them.

Geert Hofstede

Study of past human activity based on documents


Unlike ethnography, what does survey research do?

Is conducted with little or no personal contact between study subjects and researchers

Who was Imo?

Japanese macaque that discovered that sweet potatoes tasted better when washed

Who was one of the founders of both anthropology and sociology?

Lewis Henry Morgan


Making value judgements about another culture from perspectives of one's own cultural system

Who said that culture is behavior determined by techno-environmental factors?

Marvin Harris

Which field studies the problems connected with existence, knowledge, values, reason, and language?


Who said that culture is a population of memes?

Richard Dawkins

Who said: "The unexamined life is not worth living."


Which country publicly challenged the morality of Article 5 in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Nobody should be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman, or degrading punishment)?

The United States of America

Cultural relativism

The argument that behavior in a particular culture should not be judged by the standards of another

What is a likely action by an ethnocentric person?

To decide that their own culture is best and ridicule others because they are different

The main objective of this course, as stated in the first class is:

To explain that although we may sometimes look rather different, we are all very much alike

Anthropology differs from other disciplines that study human beings because it is comparative, holistic, and global (T/F).


Anthropology is the study of humans, past and present (T/F).


Archaeology studies the material culture of past societies (what people left behind) (T/F).


Claude Levy-Strauss believed that cultures could be superimposed, compared, and analyzed because we all think in the same way (T/F).


Culture is learned (T/F)


Ethnography is the branch of anthropology that gathers data and aims at describing the nature of ethnic groups (T/F)


Ethnology is the branch of anthropology that compares and analyzes ethnic or national divisions of humanity (T/F).


Normative mandatory patterns are patterns people must follow (T/F)


Multicultural curriculum

a necessary part of education in a multicultural world that is getting more integrated every day

What is a wrong definition of culture?

an attribute of a single individual

Humanities study human condition through:

analytic methods, critical methods, and speculative methods

Anthropology is divided into four main subfields: biological, linguistics, cultural, and ____________.


Applied Anthropology focuses on:

contemporary human problems and solutions

Which is not considered part of the humanities?


What is the most popular research method for cultural anthropologists?


An etic approach investigates how locals think, categorize the world, express thoughts, and interpret stimuli from a situation within the culture analyzed (T/F)


Anthropology is purely a social science and physical sciences do not play a role (T/F).


History is the study of fact and not opinion (T/F).


The line between inherited and acquired behavior has been clearly defined by neurologists and anthropologists working together (T/F).


Which field studies the lands, features, inhabitants, and phenomena of Earth?


What is Bronislaw Malinowski not well known for?

his fieldwork with San

Which is not a common method found in the study of Humanities?

it uses empirical methods

What would maladaptive cultural encourage? a. overpopulation b. pollution c. overconsumption d. all of the above e. none of the above

none of the above

Which of the following field is a part of Social Sciences? a. physics b. chemistry c. geology d. math e. none of the above

none of the above

Which of these patterns are of interest to anthropologists?

patterns of life, distributional patterns, historical patterns

Independence Day commemorates

the adoption of the Declaration of Independence by the Continental Congress

Critical skills are:

the most important intellectual tool for leading professional life

Biological Anthropology

the study of evolution


the study of how languages originated, spread, and changed

Cultural Anthropology

the study of living people

Urban Anthropology focuses on problems like:

transportation within large cities, problems related to work in urban societies, acculturation of migrant populations in industrial countries, changes in family structure triggered by migration from agricultural to urban environments

According to Pascal Boyer, memes are cultural units that can be transmitted, can change, and adapt, survive or disappear


An emic approach investigates how locals think, categorize the world, express thoughts, and interpret stimuli from a situation within the culture analyzed (T/F)


Anthropology is both comparative and holistic (T/F).


Behavioral patterns are the percentage of people in a society or culture that do one thing (T/F)


Claude Levy-Strass believed that cultures could be compared because we all think in similar ways (T/F).


Cultural resources management is a form of applied archaeology (T/F)


Culture is a central concern to anthropologists (T/F).


Culture is a set of shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices that characterizes an institution, organization, or group (T/F).


Culture is learned but can affect our biology and is our adaptive mechanism (T/F).


History, Business Administration, Political Science, Economics, Education, Geography, Law, Psychology, and Anthropology are considered social sciences (T/F).


Linguistic anthropology studies the history and evolution of languages, and structures of languages (T/F)


Normative preferential patterns are patterns that should follow but often do not (T/F).


Sociology studies society and social activity (T/F).


Sociology studies the social activity of people (T/F).


Subcultural groups can be international (T/F).


applied anthropology focuses on our modern problems


biological anthropology studies primates and human diversity, evolution, and genetics (T/F)


ethnographies form the database for comparative culture studies


Real culture

what people really do

Ideal Culture

what people say they do

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