Anthro Exams 1&2 Questions

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_________ status is one that you earn through your accomplishments, whereas _________ status is something that a person is born into and usually cannot change.


The process of sharing and passing on culture across generations and between populations is called:


According to Roscoe's descriptions and examples, which of the following is NOT one of the roles two-spirits could perform in their communities?

tribal elder

What is polygyny?

A situation in which a man has more than one wife at the same time

Biomedicine could also be considered a form of ethnomedicine.


The process by which children are taught their culture is called


Match the following aspect of culture change and globalization on the left with its description on the right.

"standard of living" - Mainly quantitative, western-centric measure of culture change and progress, including standards like per capita income, literacy rates "quality of life" - An open ended qualitative measure of the impact of culture change and progress. Asks culturally specific questions glocalization - Aspects of globalization where a non-local idea, product or practice is altered so it becomes more "locally platable" syncretism - feature of globalization and culture change when two different cultural belief systems, ideas or practices meet or combine into a new

Which of the following is a good example of ritual behavior?

-A college graduation ceremony -A basketball player eating the same meal before every game -A persons everyday morning routine as they get ready for work -All of the above

In the article "How Did Jews Become White Folks," the author argues that Jewish immigrants became labeled as white over time. How did this population do this?

-They took advantage of post WWII educational opportunities -They took advantage of economic opportunities and became middle class -Earlier, very popular anti-semitic stereotypes and prejudices were no longer the majority opinion in the united states or around the world -all of these answers

Anthropology is a holistic science, which means:

-We study people in the past and present -We study people everywhere that they live -We study both the biological and cultural aspects of humanity -All of these answers

In the article "Beyond Spam," we learn about anthropologists who live among their people who constitute the target market of their employers. The reason for doing this is to:

-better understand the motivations for people to eat Spam -better understand the demographic make-up of Spam eaters -better understand how and when people consume Spam -all of these answers are correct

Most animal communication systems are ________ , meaning there is little room for innovation. Whereas human communication systems are ________ , allowing for lots of flexibility.

-closed -open

Read the following situation and decide which term (A-D) best describes the situation: This famous scholar has done extensive research into the mechanics of how our body language can impact our brains. They have found that when a person stands in a high power pose for at least two minutes, testosterone levels will rise and cortisone levels will fall, leading to a subsequent feeling of confidence. Conversely, this work has shown that lower power poses result in an increase of stress hormones, causing a person to feel weak and inferior.

Amy Cuddy

What two different concepts does the following situation best exemplify? John and Mary had their first daughter in a local hospital, where the doctor confidently announced, "It's a girl!" They spent the next couple of days in the hospital, counting her fingers and toes, and making sure she had all of the right "parts." All seemed well until their daughter began to grow older, and it was clear that she did not identify with being a girl. It was clear that she was most comfortable, most "herself," when she dressed in boy's clothing, went by a more masculine name, and had her hair cut short.

Assigning one's sex vs. identifying with a particular gender

In "Tricking and Tripping," Claire Sterk had to deal with multiple ethical challenges during her fieldwork with. Which of the following is NOT one of the issues she faced?

Being asked by the police and local community groups to pass on insider knowledge or intelligence about drug deals or crack houses.

The placebo effect can be described as:

Belief in treatment efficacy

Read the following situation and decide which term (a-d) best describes the situation: Bruce and Carina had never met, but their wedding day was arriving soon. One year ago, their families had met to arrange their marriage, and since then, the two families had been busily planning the wedding celebration. One of the biggest expenses for Bruce's family was the gifts and money that they were to give to Carina's family in exchange for her hand in marriage. Women in their culture are thought of highly, and are valued not only for their reproductive potential, but for the responsibilities they shoulder in the household.

Bride price

Match the following anthropologists on the left with the concept, idea, or culture they are well known for.

Bronislaw Malinowski - Long term fieldwork where the natives point of view is gained by living among the people, learning their language and taking part in their Geral Murray - Knowledge of the culture and economy of rural Haitian peasants was used to design and implement a successful reforestation program Dr. Paul Farmer - Brings medical care and cheap drugs to underserved parts of the world where people regularly die from treatable diseases Richard Lee - Built trusting relationships with his informants despite having to refrain from sharing his modern goods with them; subsequently learned

Match each of the theoretical orientations on the right with the most appropriate key figure on the left.

Charles Darwin - the process where by organisms better adapted to their environment tend to survive and produce more offspring Horace Miner - took an epic perspective to make the familiar strange Louis Henry Morgan - the theory that people, individuals, and groups are subject to the same Darwinian laws of natural selection as plants and animals Franz Boas - looked for the particulars of a culture to understand its development and contemporary characteristics

In the documentary Gender Revolution, we learn about Brian who was born intersex and then doctors incorrectly assigned him as female. Brian's condition is known as:

Congenital Adrenal Hypoplasia

In the article "Tricking and Tripping," Sterk talks about her own internal struggles in working with prostitutes in NYC. In particular, she often felt that it was emotionally and physically jarring to leave her study subjects out in the elements to return to her nice warm house. This would be an example of:

Culture Shock

Which of the following statements is false?

Culture commonly emerges out of the blue and remains fixed over time (it's static).

In the article The Price of Progress, Bodley argues that there are many often overlooked consequences of culture change experienced by people upon which "progress" is forced. Which of the following is NOT one of the consequences described in the article?

Decrease in overall dental health

The following methods can best be described as addressing what types of questions in anthropology: using pseudonyms in ethnography, not making information up, and trying to find ways to give back to the community.

Ethical questions

A person's gender expression is directly tied to their sexual orientation.


Anthropologists primarily study individuals and their unique characteristics rather than the shared characteristics of the entire group.


Archaeologists study dinosaur bones.


Collecting and analyzing dreams and ideas about dreaming practices—like you did in class, and like Robin Sheriff does in her research—is a good example of quantitative anthropological research.


Corporate anthropology was used to discover that many people who consume Spam today do so primarily because it is cheap and has a long shelf life.


Gender variance beyond the binary categories are new ideas that have only recently emerged in Western cultures only.


In his role as an applied anthropologist, Logan Cochrane was able to validate concerns about local "harmful traditional practices" surrounding prohibitions about men and young boys eating poultry or eggs. In short, he found that the international development agency had a good understanding of the practice, and he worked with them to educate the native villagers about the negative impacts of their food taboos.


In the article "Body Ritual Among the Nacirema," the author makes some of the most boring of daily activities appear foreign and bizarre. He does this by presenting the Nacirema culture from an emic perspective.


You, your parents, and your children constitute your family of procreation.


In the film Gender Revolution, it was clear that performing surgeries to "fix" intersex babies was an option that most of the intersex people Katie Couric interviewed or researched would agree was a good choice.


Kinesics, or body language, are universally shared among humans. Thus, if you go to another country and wink at someone, it will always mean the same thing as it does here in the States.


Most Barí women have multiple husbands.


The US Census today has far fewer racial/ethnic categories than it did back in 1790.


The rule of Hypodescent in the United States holds that someone's racial identity can be considered Black or African American only if they have at least five African American ancestors.


True (A) or False (B), in the history of anthropology, "living fossils" refers to evidence of prehistoric cultures found by early archaeologists and explorers.


True or false, according to Jared Diamond, by looking at archaeological evidence, one can infer that the shift from hunting and gathering to agriculture had a positive impact on parts of life like social and gender inequality.


True or false, the one positive feature of the shift to agriculture, according to Jared Diamond, is that communities shifted from a dependence on seasonal and weather-influenced foraging practices, to a reliance on a stable, singular crop—like rice or wheat.


In the film clips from "The Story of God" with Morgan Freeman, we learned about the new field of neurotheology, which studies the impact of meditation, prayer, and religious worship on the human brain. What were the results of Morgan Freeman's CAT scan when he was meditating on religio

Freeman's frontal lobes were more activated

Read the following situation and decide which term (a-d) best describes the situation: //Koka and Kasupe lived in neighboring waterholes, and routinely traveled the short distance to visit with each other. When they saw each other they would exchange small gifts of arrows or other tools, and would often use this ongoing gift exchange as an excuse to find the time to visit. Kasupe, at times, had even lived with //Koka because of a strained relationship with his wife and her brothers. Kasupe would inevitably welcome //Koka when this happened, and integrate him into the daily life of the waterhole.

Generalized reciprocity

In the film Then There Were None, a number of examples of culture change are shown. Which of the following is not one of them?

Hawaiians not being able to afford the cost of living in their own homeland

Men who dress as women in India, but whose gender role is unique, is called a:


Match the following description with the subsistence pattern that best applies: Groups that cultivate small garden plots for a few years until the plot is expended. The old plot is left to go fallow and rejuvenate and a new plot is found for the next round of slash-and-burn cultivation.


___________ refers to the many complex ways that an individual may define themselves.


Match the following description with the subsistence pattern that best applies: Groups that employ more sophisticated technologies and domesticated animals to produce surplus on permanent fields

Intensive Agriculturists

In the article "When Brothers Share a Wife," the author discusses fraternal polyandry in Nepal and India. According to this article, which of the following statements about fraternal polyandry is FALSE?

It is a cultural adaptation to the high labor demands of rice cultivation

Please match the following theorist to their explanations about the purpose of religion in people's lives.

Karl Marx - religion is a tool of the elite that is wielded to keep the working poor from questions the status quo in society. it is an "opiate of the masses" Clifford Geert - religion is a place where important ideals and beliefs of a society are symbolically reflected Bronislaw Malinowski - religious beliefs an practices serve to calm peoples anxiety and uncertainty over things they have no control over Emile Durkheim - religion brings people together, and serves to create a sense of shared community and belonging

In studying the use of silence among the Western Apache, the anthropologist noted that there was one commonality underlying all six situations:

Keeping silent was a way to deal with uncertainty and unpredictability in a temporarily ambiguous relationship

This linguistic anthropologist studied the absence of speaking (that is, silence) among the Western Apache. He found that silence was chosen when people were dealing with uncertain and unpredictable relationships.

Keith Basso

In the film clip Being Black in Latin America, we see that Brazil officially sees itself as a "racial democracy." What does this mean?

That because of hundreds of years of racial mixing, racial categories don't matter in Brazilian society—ideally, inequalities based on race don't exist.

Soon after Magda moved to the city, a friend told her "you are going to get nothing if you don't have a boyfriend." What does this mean?

Magda needed to find a variety of boyfriends who would be able to help her live from day to day—to find food and shelter.

__________ pastoralism is characterized by the entire community moving with the herd, whereas ___________ pastoralism is characterized by only segments of the population moving with the head and the rest of the population staying put.

Nomadic; transhumance

Please match the following terms related to our discussions of ethnicity to the most applicable example:

Origin Myths - the story of the Pilgrims arriving in America on the Mayflower and the first Thanksgiving Ethnic Symbols - The huipil, a beautifully embroidered shirt commonly worn by certain groups in Mexico. Symbolic Ethnicity - seen on St. Patrick's day a "Kiss me, I'm Irish!" t-shirt Ethnogenesis - As a mixtec immigrant from Oaxaca, mexico spends more and more time living in the U.S. she begins to identify more and more closely

Read the following situation and decide which term (A-D) best describes the situation: Jack went to rural South Africa to research the connection between religion and the HIV/AIDS crisis in the region. In order to gather information, he picked a local Evangelical church to attend on a weekly basis, and began to cultivate relationships with the parishioners there. Jack spent his days in the field hanging out with the church member's families, sharing meals with them, attending community events like weddings, birthday parties, and funerals, and embedding himself in their everyday lives as best he could. Jack was practicing:

Participant observation

Read the following sentence and decide which option (a-d) makes the sentence most accurate: Racial groups are often assigned to groups of people and are narrowly defined; whereas ethnic groups are often self-defined and managed, and more holistically defined.

Passage is correct as is; no changes needed

Match the following description with the subsistence pattern that best applies: Groups that rely on herds of domesticated animals for part or nearly all of their diet.


In the modern world system, peripheral nations:

Serve primarily has sources of raw materials, agricultural products, and cheap labor.

According to Planet Money, what technological innovation made sending products half-way around the world economically viable for manufacturers and distributors?

Shipping containers

In class, we saw a clip from the TV show Friends. The different styles of communication shown in the conversations of the characters varied by gender. What area of study in linguistics would look at gendered differences in language and communication?


Read carefully through the paragraph below and decide which of the options (A-D) is best so that the statement is as accurate as possible: Throughout human history, scholars have noted that when agricultural societies adopt foraging practices, various negative consequences initially transpire. These include a decrease in dental health, a decrease in overall nutrition due to a less diverse diet, and an increase in the rate and spread of infectious disease.

Switch "agricultural" with "foraging"

In the film about Doing Anthropology shown in class, the three MIT anthropologists discuss what aspect of their work as anthropologists?

The importance of combining participant observation with interviews as part of their research.

Match each of the sub-fields of anthropology on the right with the most accurate description:

This field relies on artifacts to learn about human behavior in the past - archaeological anthropology This field of anthropology studies how languages change over time and how they are related. - linguistic anthropology This field uses techniques like ethnographic fieldwork and participant observation to study the culture of living people. - cultural anthropology This field of anthropology studies human evolution and biological variation. - physical/biological anthropology

Among the Barí, the optimal number of "secondary fathers" is one, in addition to the woman's husband.


Anthropologists often note that culture is "all encompassing," meaning that there are many parts of our culture behavior are subliminally programmed and that we don't think about concretely on a daily basis.


Fraternal polyandry may potentially fall by the wayside as more women become educated and family planning practices (contraception) become more widespread.


Identity can be something assigned to you, or something you choose for yourself.


In the early twentieth century, many used "scientific" theories as a way to justify and support limits on immigration by Jews, Poles, and Italians and to bolster popular beliefs that real Americans were white, and real whites came from northern and western Europe.


In the film Planet Money Makes a T-Shirt, we see that the t-shirt begins production in a developed nation, before traveling to one or more underdeveloped nations, and then being sold in a developed nation.


In the past, doctors would often choose which gender would be assigned an intersex infant based on the shape and size of their genitals.


Richard Lee's experience with the Christmas ox showed that he had been accepted by !Kung society -- they treated him no differently than they would any other hunter who brought home a large kill.


Tanya Rodriguez was successful as an anthropologist because she embedded herself into people's lives and kitchens to understand why they eat what they eat.


The !Kung San people depend on relentless teasing and insults to instill humility and maintain a sense of equality and egalitarianism in their community.


The Day of the Dead-celebrated every year in Mexico and other Latin American countries-involves many rituals both sacred and profane.


The different segments and agents participating in market-based economies typically are far more removed from one another than in non-market economies.


True or false, in his article "Price of Progress," Bodley argues that measurements used to determine indigenous cultures' standards of living are ethnocentric, and often do not provide a complete picture of the subtleties of the situation.


True or false, kin who are related to you by marriage are your affines, while those related to you by blood are your cognates.


True or false, we could define racism as a culturally constructed system of classification created and re-created based on a wide variety of physical characteristics.


Within every culture, there are subcultures that have their own norms, assumptions, and practices—and possibly even their own languages and belief systems.


Select the answer from the box that best matches the vocabulary on the left.

Two spirit - Men who dress as women or women who dress as men and create unique third or fourth gender role in many Native American societies Hijra - Man who dresses as a woman in India but who's gender role is unique to this class of person Sworn Virgin - Women who take an oath of celibacy and become, in the eyes of society, her family, and herself, a male

A _________ is usually either a man who dresses as a woman or a woman who dresses as a man and held unique third or fourth gender roles in many Native American societies.


Countries like the United States are characterized as "me" cultures, meaning what?

We are taught to be independent and are driven by our accomplishments

Countries like the United States are characterized by individualism, meaning what?

We are taught to be independent and are driven by our accomplishments

When Bronislaw Malinowski lived among the Trobriand Islanders he brought his scientific background with him, but he found that many of the Islanders commonly used elements of magic in their daily lives. Which of the following describes the most common situation in which magic was evoked for the Islanders?

When fishermen would venture out into the dangerous open ocean

Read the following situation and decide which term (a-d) best describes the situation: When Paul Farmer first started working in Haiti, he took time to really look at the overall health of the local populations. He didn't just look for the physical and material causes behind the presence and spread of various diseases, but also focused on the realities of their everyday lives—their living situations, their work, their family life, and their belief systems. It was only after he had gathered all of this information—both the scientific medical data as well as people's own stories, understandings, and assumptions about their bodies, health, and illness—did he come to any conclusions as to the state of their health, and most importantly, how to improve it.

a biocultural approach

The Hindu religion has millions of gods in its pantheon. We would call it a __________ religion.

a polytheistic

Anthropologists who apply their knowledge, skills, methods, access, and experience to help solve pressing human issues are called:

applied anthropologists

Read the following situation and decide which option (a-d) best describes what is going on: Brenda is an anthropologist whose research focuses on maternal-child health in India. The Indian government has been pushing a food supplement program for pregnant and nursing mothers, with the hopes of bettering the nutrition of this population, and in the long run, decreasing maternal and infant mortality rates in the region. The government agency originally had supplied a ration of rice to the women, but soon found out that the women were just giving their shares to their husbands and older children instead of consuming it themselves, and were puzzled and concerned enough to seek outside help. Brenda was hired by the agency, and because of her experience and knowledge of the community, was able to explain that because of a patriarchal culture which instills the value of self-sacrifice on the part of mothers and wives, the women would always offer what was seen as a more valuable food to their husbands first. She suggested that the agency instead provide the women with rations of less desirable, but equally as nutritious grains such as ragi, instead.

applied medical anthropology

Match the following type of applied anthropology on the left to the best description on the right.

applying skeletal analysis and techniques in archaeology to solving criminal cases - forensic anthropology applying anthropological theories and practices to the needs of private sector organizations, especially industrial firms - corporate anthropology deals with intervention, prevention, and policy issues and analyses the socioeconomic forces and power differentials that influence access to care - applied medical anthropology surveying and exacavating a site that has been marked for construction or renovation--often within a very short time frame - contract archaeology

Read the following situation and decide which term (A-D) best describes the situation: Every morning Henry sat in his study, pouring over the latest journals, letters, and reports sent back to London from faraway places around the world. Some of his favorites included missionary's accounts of their contact with a newly "discovered" group of Indians living in central Brazil. After Henry read over the accounts, he would develop his own theories that explained the life styles of the Brazilian Indians—theories that would place the group somewhere along an evolutionary spectrum from "primitive" to "civilized." We'd call what Henry did:

armchair anthropology

Anthropologist George Gmelch examined the rituals, taboos, and sacred objects of magic that are in almost constant use in which of the following sports?


Children learn paralanguage primarily:

by observing and imitating everyone around them

Someone who identifies as ____________ feels that the sex assigned them at birth matches their gender, while someone who identifies as ____________ feels that the sex assigned them at birth does not match their gender.


A multilingual speaker who switches back and forth between dialects in different social situations is practicing:


Dan is a millennial and while he does not consider himself very religious, he loves to attend UNH football games. When asked why he loves football so much, Dan says he likes the feeling of being part of something bigger than himself and sharing a common experience with his friends and with other Wildcat fans. Dan also says he loves the electrical feeling in the stadium when the team is doing well and all of the fans are cheering together.

collective effervescence/communitas

Read the following situation and decide which term (A-D) best describes the situation: Ralph feels closer to his uncle Mac (his father's brother) than he does to his uncle Mike (his mother's sister's husband), probably because Americans put primacy on the blood connection. In Ralph's case, uncle Mac would be considered his _________ kin, whereas uncle Mike would be considered his __________ kin.

consanguineal, affineal

Read the following situation and decide which option (A-D) best describes what is going on: "I just don't understand why any woman would agree with or support the idea of female genital modification—of whatever kind, I don't even want to hear any more about it," said Maureen. "The practice is barbaric, and not to mention it's often dangerous to the health of the woman!" Her friend Fred just looked at her, and responded, "I know it's hard to really wrap your mind around, but it might be easier to understand if you took the time to listen to why the practice still exists based on the explanations given by the people from within that culture." "Some parts of our culture are just as odd, no? Just think of all of the things that probably seem strange to outsiders about our own culture—what about plastic surgery, tanning, wearing makeup, etc.?" he finished. Fred is advocating that Maureen practice:

cultural relativism

Groups of people sharing a common background, language, religion, historical experience, descent, or geography are often referred to as:

ethnic groups

This term refers to a particular culture's way of explaining how we get sick, why we get sick, and how we can get better.


Read the following situation and decide which option (A-D) best describes what is going on: Dan routinely went to the farmer's market every Saturday morning during the summer. This summer, he frequently saw African refugees shopping at the fruit and vegetable stalls. "Wow," he thought to himself, "they look so strange, and the women are covered head to foot in long dresses and head scarves. Don't they know that it is summer time, that it is too hot to wear so many clothes, and that they look funny? Don't they want to look more American? Why wouldn't everyone want to blend in better when they live here, and look more normal, more like us?" Dan was experiencing:


Because of my profession as an archaeologist, I use a lot of different words to describe soil. A linguistic anthropologist would call my soil vocabulary a

focal vocabulary

Which of the following is considered a type of magic that involves performances that imitate the desired result, such as manipulating a voodoo doll?

imitative/sympathetic magic

Before an anthropologist works with any study subject, they must first obtain

informed consent

Stratigraphy is important in an archaeological excavation because it

is a record of deposits at the site

Read the following situation and decide which term (A-D) best describes the situation: Sara had spent the last two years in the field doing research for her dissertation. While doing research, she had carried out dozens of interviews and had hundreds of conversations with people in the community. Her relationship with Deborah was different, though. Sara depended on Deborah for a wide variety of things—everything from introducing her to others in the community, to interpreting for her when needed, to helping to explain things that she didn't quite understand. Deborah was Sara's:

key informant

For Week 6, you watched the TEDTalk "Power Posing" by Amy Cuddy. In this talk, Dr. Cuddy describes how our body language can impact our minds - in how we feel both emotionally and physically. A linguistic anthropologist who studies ____________ is also interested in how humans communicate through non-verbal means (gestures, body language, facial expressions, etc.).


_________ involves all of the nonverbal gestures, facial expressions and body language used by someone to communicate.


The term ethnicity involves a group of people emphasizing shared __________.

language, historical experience, and/or religion

Anthropologists refer to the smallest parts of words that can be put together to form more complex words as:


Which of the following is NOT one of the cross-cultural characteristics of marriage that we discussed in class?

must be between partners of the same sex

Read the following situation and decide which term (A-D) best describes the situation: Harry has been offered a new job in Aspen and he has to sell his Mutt Cuts van ASAP in order to get the $6000 he needs for his move. Lloyd offers Harry $3000, knowing full well that Harry has no choice but to sell the van for half price because of his current circumstances.

negative reciprocity

In today's highly technologized world of emails, texts, tweets, and posts, it is often difficult to understand from words alone how someone is feeling, or what the tone of their message is. Thankfully, we have new innovations (like emojis) and old ones (like punctuation marks) to help us convey the tone of our messages. These optional language features help to convey meaning and would be considered part of our:


Read the following situation and decide which term (a-d) best describes the situation: Traditionally, the Sami have pursued a variety of livelihoods, including coastal fishing, fur trapping, and sheep herding. Their best-known means of livelihood is semi-nomadic reindeer herding. Currently about 10% of the Sami are connected to reindeer herding and 2,800 are actively involved in herding on a full-time basis. For traditional, environmental, cultural and political reasons, reindeer herding is legally reserved only for Sami people in certain regions of the Nordic countries.


What form of marriage (a-d) does the following situation best exemplify? Two men in Kenya have agreed to marry the same woman, taking turns to stay with her and helping raise her children. Joyce Wambui had been torn between two lovers for more than four years wand was unable to choose between them. So she joined in a contract stipulating that Sylvester Mwendwa and Elijah Kimani would "share" her. The contract states: "We have agreed that from today we will not threaten or have jealous feelings because of our wife, who says she's not ready to let go of any of us. Each one will respect the day set aside for him. We agree to love each other and will live peacefully in marriage."


A __________ is a religious practitioner who is part of an organized religion, has formalized training in religious doctrine, but who cannot communicate directly with the supernatural. A _________ is a person who has received divine revelation from a supernatural, but often comes from humble roots.


For last week's fieldwork exercise, you observed peoples' behavior for 20 minutes in a public space and then surveyed them. The type of data you collected would be called:

qualitative and quantitative data

Read the following situation and decide which option (A-D) best describes what is going on: At least six days a week, Marieka's preferred breakfast is spam, eggs, and bacon. However, when Marieka's mom calls to ask if she's been eating healthfully, she reports that most days she goes to the Juicery for an açaí bowl, which she knows her mom believes to be the healthiest of breakfast choices. This situation exemplifies what aspect of human behavior that fieldwork can help to illuminate?

real vs. ideal behavior

Dr. Sarah Parcak uses what unique tool to help her uncover potential archaeological sites around the world?

satellite imagery

When Dwight is at school, he typically refers to himself as an engineering major, first generation student, and straight male. However, when he is with his co-workers at the factory, he refers to himself as a middle-class, hard-working, football-loving guy. Dwight's shift in identities based on his social context is an example of:

situational negotiation of identity

The process by which social stress becomes absorbed by the body and manifests as physical suffering is known as


A person's ___________ refers to their social position within a group, whereas a person's __________ refers to the part they are expected to play by society.


The realities of Magda's life—things like sexual violence, poverty, political instability, migration and movement, and a lack of access to quality health care—are together a good example of the power of __________ to shape her health and life course.

structural violence

Read the following situation and decide which answer (a-d) best describes what is going on: Before Europeans landed in the "New World," there were several sophisticated and thriving indigenous empires in what is now Latin America. When the Spanish eventually colonized Latin American, one of the biggest influences they brought with them was the Catholic religion. Immediately upon arrival, Spanish priests and missionaries began converting the indigenous communities from their native belief systems to Catholicism, and often forbid traditional ceremonies and religious practices. Over time, traditional practices of Catholicism were often mixed with vestiges of native, indigenous religious and spiritual beliefs. As native people began to practice Catholicism, traditional saints began to take on some characteristics and personalities of indigenous gods, making it easier for local populations to buy into the new religion. Even today, in many rural places in Latin America, a church filled with statues of Catholic saints might also be the location of pre-Catholic rituals like annual animal sacrifices.


Which of the following is NOT an important characteristic to note about artifacts?

time of day it was recovered

Early anthropologists, like Louis Henry Morgan, suggested that all cultures would naturally evolve through the same sequence of stages, a concept known as:

unilineal cultural evolution

Look at the kinship chart below. What type of descent does it best represent?

unilinear descent

Archaeological field survey involves

walking and looking for artifacts.

One's gender identity refers to

your psychological sense of yourself related to your gender

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