Anthro Final- Economic Systems

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Once taxes are taken into consideration, how many months out of the year does the average person in the United States work for the various level of government?

4 months.

Under the Homestead Act of 1862, how long did a person need to farm a 160-acre piece of land before the federal government would consider that person the owner of that land?

5 years.

___ occurs when prices are subject to supply and demand and do not necessarily involve money.

Commercial exchange.

Why do members of food-collecting societies not own land individually?

Land had no intrinsic value to collectors.

___ is the accumulation of goods by a particular place, for the purpose of subsequent distribution.


The concept of private ownership of land is least likely among

food collectors.

In general, which type of economic activity provides the most leisure time?


An indirect form of ___ is taxation.

forced labor.

All societies divide labor by __ and __

gender and age

When goods or services are given to another without any apparent expectation of a returned gift, we call it

generalized reciprocity.

In contrast to food collectors, horticulturalists

generally grant individual families the exclusive right to land while in use.

Among the ǃKung, children living in nomadic camps

had virtually no work.

Among horticulturalists,

individuals almost always make their own tools.

Of the following economic activities, which finds the individual ownership of land most important?

intensive agriculture.

Of the following economic systems, which has the need for the higher level of technology?

intensive agriculture.

Private ownership of land would most likely be found where people make their living through

intensive agriculture.

Why don't foragers have private ownership of land

it's a collective ownership and allows all people access to the resources.

Every society has access to natural resources and cultural rules for determining who has access to particular resources and what can be done with them. These include

land division into measurable units.

Compared to horticulturalists, nomadic pastoralists

own relatively few personal goods.

The giving of gifts without any immediate return or conscious thought of return is most common in

societies of food collectors and horticulturalists.

Of all food collectors, who probably had the most sophisticated weapons?

the Inuits.

Among food collectors, tools generally belong to

the person who made them.

By "market exchange", anthropologists mean

transactions in which prices are subject to supply and demand, whether or not the transaction takes place in the market place.

___ assumes that individuals seek to maximize the return (in calories and nutrients) on their labor in deciding which animals and plants to hunt or collect.

Optimal foraging theory.

Which of the following statements best described the land ownership situation among the Hadza of Tanzania?

The Hadza do not believe that they have exclusive rights over the land they use.

In all of the societies studied by anthropologists, people are assigned different tasks based on their

age and gender.

Among pastoral nomads, wealth is usually measured in


The kula ring is an example of

balanced reciprocity.

Generalized reciprocity is most likely between

close kin.

People are most likely to be forced to work in

complex societies.

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