Anthro Test 7

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_______________ is a consequence of change that happens to work favorably for a population. A. Adaptation B. Progress C. Acculturation D. Assimilation E. Modernization

. A. Adaptation

Today, about _______________ people in almost half of the world´s countries are either internally displaced or have crossed international borders as refugees. A. 35 million B. 47 million C. 1 billion D. 11 million E. 73 million

A. 35 million

__________ did extensive research on peaseants and also worked tirelessly to promote ethics in anthropological research. A. Eric Wolf B. Bronislaw Malinowski C. Frederica de Laguna D. Raymond Firth E. Clifford Geertz

A. Eric Wolf

Slum areas around the globe are characterized by their __________. A. Impermanent housing and inadequate sanitation B. Exclusive criminal element C. Division into areas of wealth and poverty within the slums D. Enforced segregation by ethnicity or race within the slums E. All but d

A. Impermanent housing and inadequate sanitation

Which of the following statements about diffusion is incorrect A. The cultivation of the potato diffused to the New World from Ireland. B. Most of Anglo-American culture is borrowed from other cultures. C. Cultural borrowings are so well integrated into the existing culture that few people are aware of their "alien" origin. D. A culture tends to borrow elements that are compaitable with the existing culture. E. The tobacco plant was domesticated by the American Indians.

A. The cultivation of the potato diffused to the New World from Ireland.

One by-product of colonial dealings with indigenous peoples has been the growth of _______________ and the use of anthropological techniques and knowledge for certain "practical" ends. A. Ethnology x B. Applied Anthropology ? C. Qualitative Anthropology D. Ethnography E. Quantitative Anthropology

Applied Anthropology

According to the North American anthropologist Ralph Linton, about 90 percent of any culture's content comes from _______________. A. Invention x B. Syncretism C. Revolution D. Primary innovation E. Diffusion ?


___________ are the developers of the world's largest array of nutritious foods and the primary contributors to the world's varied cuisine. A. Africans x B. Native Americans ? C. Italians D. French E. Chinese

Native Americans

Most people plan for the future by looking at treands in ______. A. Recent history B. Third-world countries C. Food supplies D. Ancient history E. Hemlines and fashion

Recent history

_________ may be defined as the beliefs and patterns of behavior by which people try to control those aspects of the universe that are otherwise beyond their control. Religion ? Political organization Kinship Common-interest associations Government


Religion, magic, and witchcraft are all similar in which of the following ways? They all disappear once modern education and scientific training expand.x They all share the common goal of improving social relationships within a community. They are all associated with morose nonconformists who try to destroy society. They provide explanation of events and are mechanisms of social control. ? They are all morally neutral.

They provide explanation of events and are mechanisms of social control

Ancient populations and early hominids like Neanderthals have a scarcity of formal written documents, and so what anthropologists conclude about their belief system through burials is often based on ethnographic analogy or assumptions. True False


Animatism is a belief that an impersonal force enlivens nature and what many of us in Western culture would traditionally see as "inaimate" objects - metal, water, etc. True False


In anthropology, "priest/priestess" is a generic term for fulltime religious specialist; for example, both a Jewish Rabbi and an Islamic Imam would be priests. True False


Prior to the mid-20th century, what types of external migration were most important? A. Voluntary, involuntary, and selective x B. Voluntary, forced, and imposed ? C. Forced and diasporic D. Voluntary and involuntary E. Selective, forced, and imposed x

Voluntary, forced, and imposed

In the video On the Road with Evo, Evo Morales is a charismatic president who has promised Bolivians a better social future through the privatization of the country's national resources and the "throwing off" of the "Colonial legacy". How would anthropologists characterize his politics and policies? A. as a revolution x B. as ethnocide x C. a revitalization movement ? D. as a process of adaptation E. as a process of acculturation

a revitalization movement

Islamic fundamentalism is having a strong resurgence in which of the following countries? Albania Iran Algeria Afghanistan all but a

all but a

Anthropologists are trained to develop effective predictions of the future because they _______. A. Are holistic in perspective. B. Are good at seeking how parts fit together into a larger whole. C. Are trained to have an evolutionary perspective. D. Are able to see short-term trends in longer-term perspective. E. All of the above ?

all of the above

Which of the following represent the social functions of religion? initiation rites among the Australian aborigines that teach tribal lore rituals of garden magic among the Trobrianders that keep everyone working systematically at the dull, routine job of garden maintenance myths that define divinely sanctioned roles for males and females rites of passage that mark the transition from one life stage to another All of the above

all of the above

As a result of prolonged firsthand contact between societies A and B, which of the following might happen? A. The cultures of A and B might fuse, becoming a single culture with elements of both. B. Society A might retain its distinctive culture, but lose its autonomy and come to survive as a subculture such as a caste or ethnic group. C. Society A might be wiped out by society B, with only a few scattered refugees living as members of the dominant society. D. Societies A and B would each retain their distinctive cultures living side by side in peace, harmony, and prosperity. E. All but "d"

E. All but "d"

A "spiritual system" requires a formal structure and set of organized practices for dealing with the supernatural. True False ?


Spirituality and religion are both strictly personal affairs. True False


The Ethiopian Orthodox Church is not a real religion, as its claims to house the Arc of the Covenant and members who carve buildings out of stone in response to visions is more like a cult than a church. True x False


While "religions" offer an explanatory framework for why things may happen the way that they do, it is up to the "spiritual" to give culture ethical guidelines on why we should act in certain fashions, and to explain good and evil. xTrue False ?


Belief in ________ is found in societies in which women make a major contribution to the economy and are relatively equal to men in power and authority. Mana x Gods x Ancestor worship Fetishes Goddesses? Goddesses ?


Global corporations _______. A. Have been disintegrating since the 1950s x. B. Were very common during the Colonial period. x C. Promote relativistic rather than ethnocentric ideas. D. Have become a major force in the world today since the 1950s.? E. Have been widespread in Western culture since medieval times. .

Have become a major force in the world today since the 1950s

Ceremonies such as bar mitzvahs, elaborate wedding ceremonies, baby showers, and graduation parties that help individuals make major changes in their lives are referred to as rites of _______________. transition x intensification separation passage ? incorporation


The major difference between animism and animatism has to do with whether the supernatural force which occupies an entity is _______________. personal or impersonal (a being or an impersonal force without identity) ? natural or supernatural a god or an ancestral spirit a priest or a shaman an example of witchcraft or of divination

personal or impersonal (a being or an impersonal force without identity)

A rabbit's foot in Western culture; the overwhelming sense of beauty associated with which a particular place such as Yosemite or the top of Pike's Peak, or Luke Skywalker telling Han Solo, "May the Force be with you"—all of these may be used as examples of _______________. animism animatism pantheon sympathetic magic divination .


_______________ is typical of peoples who see themselves as a part of nature rather than superior to it. Christianity Judaism Islam Animism Pantheonism .


Cultures are adaptive systems that _______________. A. are usually unstable. x B. always change gradually. x C. usually remain stable even if conditions change. D. are constantly changing. E. never change.

are constantly changing

Chicle, a substance from wild sapodilla trees, was used by the indigenous peoples of Central America and Mexico and served as inspiration for modern day: A. glue x B. chewing gum C. toothpaste D. balloons E. bicycle tires

chewing gum

The violent eradication of a an ethnic group's cultural identity is called ___. A. Genocide x B. Ethnocide ? C. Acculturation D. Extinction E. Homocide


Acculturation differs from other types of processess of change because it always involves an element of _____. A. Improvement B. Force C. Religious change D. Cultural decline E. Innovation


According to Chan monastics in Taiwan, what causes people to have different life circumstances, some poor and some rich? laziness overpowering emotions and attachments atheism (disbelief of a spiritual force) their transformation from animal to human selves karma accrued in previous lives

karma accrued in previous lives

Copernicus' discovery that the earth orbits the sun rather than vice versa was a _______________. A. secondary innovation that was deliberately developed by Copernicus to destroy the Church. x B. primary innovation that met the cultural goals and needs of his time. x C. secondary innovation that put into application the discovery by Ptolemy that heavenly bodies moved on crystalline spheres around the earth. D. result of ideas diffused from India. E. primary innovation that was out of step with the needs, values, and goals of his time.

primary innovation that was out of step with the needs, values, and goals of his time

_______________ is viewed most simply as organized belief in the supernatural, and all fulfill numerous social and psychological needs. Voodoo Religion ? Curanderismo Magic Shamanism x


A _______________ is a deliberate effort by members of a society to construct a more satisfying culture. divination rite of intensification fetish segmentary lineage system revitalization movement

revitalization movement

The recent Zapatista uprising in Mexico is considered a(n) _______________. A. Economic catastrophe x B. Ethnocide x C. Revolution ? D. Tribute to Emiliano Zapata E. Act of Terrorism


The spontaneous flowers, notes and cards left in memorial at the World Trade Center after 9/11/2001 are an example of (a): Rite of Intesification Magic Revitalization Movement Rite of Passage Rite of Transformation

rite of intensification

What is function of Rites of Intensification such as the spontaneous memorials of 9/11 and roadside crosses at accident scenes? to repair self-esteem and identity of both the group and individuals to provide support in transitions through major life stages to help resolve crisis in group life by expressing solidarity ? to use myths to pass on important truths to the next generation to ask for the ancestors' protection for the dead as they journey on

to help resolve crisis in group life by expressing solidarity

According to the anthropologist doing research on black magic in Mexico, there are effects that magic has on participants which cannot be explained - and whether these effects are "real" or merely perceived as real has little functional difference. True False


The widespread occurrence of shamanism and the remarkable similarities between shamanistic traditions wherever found are consequences of _______________. culture universal neurological inheritance similar ecclesiastical organization diffusion hallucinatory drugs

universal neurological inheritance

Which of the following nature-oriented religions has 310,000 adherents today in the United States? Lutheran Buddhism Shintoism Wicca ? Holy Rollers


Many magical incantations require the use of fingernail clippings of the intended victim. This is an example of _______________. imitative magic x contagious magic witch magic ? nightmare magic fetish magic

witch magic

The Ibibio make a distinction between which two practitioners? sorcerers and magicians x witches and sorcerers ? magicians and witches shamans and magicians witches and shamans

witches and sorcerers

Weekly newspapers are an example of cultural diffusion, as they first began in: A. 1920s Holland x B. 17th C. Germany ? C. 15th C. China D. ancient Egypt E. France, during the Revolution x

17th C. Germany

In New England, the culture of English-speakers replaced the various cultures of Native Americans living along the coast. Your text says that this occurred because _______________. A. Native American culture was superior to English-speaking culture. x B. English-speaking culture was superior to Native American culture. C. It is inevitable that English-speakers will replace other cultures that they encounter. D. The success of English-speakers was only a temporary setback for the progressive development of Native American culture. E. A combination of accidental factors contributed to the success of English-speakers in establishing colonies along coastal New England. ?

A combination of accidental factors contributed to the success of English-speakers in establishing colonies along coastal New England

Which of the following represent the negative consequences of ethnocentrism? A. Ethnocentrism strengthens social solidarity. x B. Ethnocentrism contributes to a sense of person worth. C. Ethnocentrism provides a feeling of psychological gratification that one is living the right kind of life. D. By believing that another culture is inferior to yours, you can, with a sense of righteousness, destroy its temples, cottage industry, polygynous practices, etc., in order to bring it into line with your culture's standards of appropriate behavior and belief. ? E. Ethno centrism confers a sense of pride in and loyalty to one's own cultural traditions

By believing that another culture is inferior to yours, you can, with a sense of righteousness, destroy its temples, cottage industry, polygynous practices, etc., in order to bring it into line with your culture's standards of appropriate behavior and belief

In biblical times, chariots and carts were widespread in the Middle East, but by the 6th century roads had deteriorated so much that wheeled vehicles were replaced by camels. This illustrates that Processes of Change is sometimes due to _______________. A. Revitalization x B. Diffusion C. Secondary invention x D. Primary invention x E. Cultural loss ?

Cultural loss

_______________ magic is based on the assumption that things that are like each other somehow have a connection with each other; and thus if you do something to one, it will affect the other. Fetish Pseudo- Imitative Compulsive Contagious .


The !San were forced off their land in the Kalahari, and spent 60 years living in different parts of South Africa until a court settlement allowed them to return in 2002. The majority of the !San did not cross an international border, though they still considered themselves in exile. Anthropologists would describe this population as: A. Refugees B. Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) C. Economic Migrants D. Revitalization Movement E. Diaspora

Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs)

Today in the U.S. there are 3-5 million followers of _______________. Islam Buddhism Hinduism "New Age" beliefs Judaism


The chance discovery of some new principle that can be applied in a variety of ways is ________. A. Diffusion B. Primary innovation C. Applied anthropology D. Primary syncretism E. Millenarism

Primary innovation

A deliberate attempt by members of society to construct a more satisfying culture may be called a ______. A. Secondary Innovation x B. Syncretism x C. Enervating Movement D. Revitalization Movement ? E. Primary Innovation x

Revitalization Movemen

The Branch Dividians in Waco, TX under David Korash were an example of: Rite of Intesification Magic Revitalization Movement ? Rite of Passage Rite of Transformation

Revitalization Movement

Female Genital Circumcison among the Mnde of Ghana to enhance sexual reproduction is an example of (a): Rite of Intensification x Magic Revitalization Movement Rite of Passage ? Rite of Transformation

Rite of passage

Although the Hopi Indians have adopted a number of items from European Americans, such "borrowed" things are combined with traditional ones, as in the ritual use of cornmeal that is required by ancient tradition. This is an example of _______________, A. Inspiration B. Syncretism C. Ingenuity D. Imagination E. Creativity


The life-cycle rituals that Tewa individuals go through correspond to the 12 stops made by the Summer and Winter People in the Tewa origin myth; the division of Tewa society into two halves is reflected in the origin myth of two groups that eventually unify; and the role that priests play in mediating between human and supernatural worlds is similar to the role that priests play in mediating between the two halves of society. Such parallels suggest that _______________. The Tewa are irrational. x The Tewa are gods masquerading as humans. The Tewa are dominated by their priests. Tewa society is torn by religious doubt and conflict. x Tewa beliefs reflect and strengthen Tewa society. ? .

Tewa beliefs reflect and strengthen Tewa society

The British introduced cricket to "civilize" the Trobriand Islanders.What happened? A. The Trobrianders were so upset at losing their traditional customs that they rebelled against the British rulers. x B. The Trobrianders gave up competitive sport altogether C. The Trobrianders accepted the game and played it the way the British played it. D. The Trobrianders changed the game so that it became more like the traditional Trobriand contest involving display of prestige, use of battle magic, and erotic dancing. E. The Trobrianders preferred baseball to cricket

The Trobrianders changed the game so that it became more like the traditional Trobriand contest involving display of prestige, use of battle magic, and erotic dancing.

_______________ is an explanation of misfortune based on the belief that certain individuals possess an innate, psychic power capable of causing harm, including sickness and death. Imitative magic Contagious magic Witchcraft all of the above none of the above


One of the consequences of the development of global culture has been _______________. A. the replacement of traditional cultures by more adaptive, modern cultures x B. a resurgence of separatist movements C. reduction in the number of anthropologists D. the disappearance of differences between people x E. reduction in the possibility of war

a resurgence of separatist movements

The United States is dedicated to eradicating coca from Bolivia, despite many of its traditional uses. It can be argued that this is an example of: A. Oppression x B. Globalization ? C. Secondary innovation x D. Imperialism E. Genocide


In Church Carver, an old man has carved seven churches out of solid rock with only a hand axe after receiving a vision. This is an example of how people structure their lives around their religious experiences. How did he confirm his vision as a true guide for his life? he caught a flying eagle out of midair as the vision said he consulted a priest who confirmed the vision he fasted, prayed, and received an answer in tea leaves he went on pilgrimage to Lalybella on Timkat, and was blessed he saw a second vision, this one of the Ark of the Covenant, carried by an angel

he caught a flying eagle out of midair as the vision said

Anthropologists are ______, meaning that they take into account many interacting factors to understand the functioning of a complex whole. A. Evolutionary x B. Holistic ? C. Cross-cultural D. Relativistic E. Ethnocentric


In Kenya for many years mothers would tie a dark band of string given them by a spiritual healer around their baby's wrists for the first year of life. The belief was that the dark color of the string was so like the dark spots of measles, the color strengthened the medicine it was infused with to keep the disease away. This is an example of what property of magic? sorcery x active witchcraft passive imitative ?


Rites of _______________ help groups get through crises such as drought or some other external threat to the survival of the group. separation revolution rebellion passage intensification ? .


A friend asks you what anthropologists mean when they talk about witches. You tell him that traditionally, anthropologists saw witches as: like the children currently accused in West Africa, able to control supernatural forces for evil, but they may not even know they are doing so like the children in Harry Potter, who go to school to learn specific spells and potions to do magic for both good and evil like Disney witches, who can choose to be good or evil and have inborn supernatural powers purely a matter of local belief, because as science and logic comes to a society they replace all superstitious views

like the children currently accused in West Africa, able to control supernatural forces for evil, but they may not even know they are doing so

Just 16% of the world's adult population claim to be _______________. Catholic x Muslim Jewish Protestant non-religious


You are a Central Asian nomad. You and your family are migrating westwards, and have just wiped out a farming village. You are wondering how you can carry some of the booty from the raid, since the horses already have too much to carry. You watch your daughter playing with a small toy that has two little wheels made from dried, twisted grass. Suddenly you jump up and shout the Central Asian equivalent of "Eureka!" and within several days have rigged up a crude two-wheeled cart that can be pulled by a horse. You have just produced a(n) _______________. A. Primary innovation x B. Example of acculturation x C. Example of Applied anthropology D. Syncretism x E. Secondary Innovation ? Secondary innovation

secondary innovation

The anthropologist Arnold Van Gennep analyzed ceremonies that help individuals through crucial stages of their life cycles. He said that each ceremony may be analystically divided into three stages: _______, transition, and incorporation. separation initiation inculation intensification revitalization


In southern Africa's Swaziland all types of illnesses are generally thought to be caused by _______________ or _______________. viruses/bacteria x negative kharma/negative attitude sorcery/loss of ancestral protection ? poor hygiene/poverty none of the above

sorcery/loss of ancestral protection

In the video "Scarification" we saw how young people of the Bessoribe have their __________ marked with scars to signify the rite of passage from youth to adulthood. face x stomach & chest ? upper thighs lower arms back .

stomach & chest

Which of the following is an example of animism? a lucky baseball bat the goddess Athena in Greek mythology the god Zeus an ancestral spirit the malevolent spirit inside your baseball who jumps erratically through the air just as you think you're about to hit a home run

the malevolent spirit inside your baseball who jumps erratically through the air just as you think you're about to hit a home run

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