Anthropology Chapters 1-4 Test

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When did anthropology emerge as an academic discipline?


The idea of biological evolution was first proposed by

Lamarck in the late 1700s

Which of the following is the most significant aspect of the salvage paradigm?

anthropologists need to collect information from societies before they die out

During fieldwork, cultural anthropologists

( learn the local language, record people's economic transactions, study how environmental changes affect agriculture) all of the above

Increasingly, professional anthropologists are

( women, members of ethnic and racial minorities, indigenous peoples) all of the above

Linguistic anthropologists traditionally study

(how our language evolved, how our mouths form words, how indigenous people classify their social worlds) all of the above

The comparative method

(is a general approach, holds that no society or behavior should be seen in isolation, refers to the practice of comparing two or more cultures) all of the above

Examples of social institutions are

(kinship, marriage, farming) all of the above


(presents a major problem for anthropologists, means you think your culture is superior to others, is a common feature of culture) all of the above

Who was responsible for the theory of functionalism?

Bronislaw Malinowski

The thinker who developed evolutionary theory in the nineteenth century was

Charles Darwin

The nineteenth-century British anthropologist credited with the development of the concept of culture through an evolutionary perspective was

E. B. Tylor

Who was responsible for the theory of social evolution?

E. B. Tylor

The American anthropologist responsible for the concept of historical particularism was named

Franz Boas

The theorist most connected with post-structuralism is

Renato Rosaldo

A key principle of the holistic perspective developed by Franz Boas is

a goal of synthesizing the entire context of human experience

The Greek philosopher Aristotle proposed that all life was arranged in

a great chain of being

The subfield of anthropology that studies the material remains of past cultures, often focusing on the rise of cities, is called


The subfield of anthropology that studies human evolution, including human genetics and hu- man nutrition, is called

biological anthropology

A taxonomic structure is one that

both names and classifies all organisms according to a system

One of the central ideas of Darwin's theory of evolution was the idea that

change in organisms was related to their adaptability to a particular environment

The subfield of anthropology that studies human diversity, beliefs, and practice is called

cultural anthropology

The moral and intellectual principle that one should withhold judgment about seemingly strange or exotic beliefs and practices is known as

cultural relativism

The ability of African cichlids, a popular pet fish, to develop highly similar body shapes de- spite coming from two different and geographically distant environments is an example of

developmental bias

The process of learning culture from a very young age is called


Assuming your culture's way of doing things is the best is called


The refinement of Darwin's theory has shown that

evolution can only be measured or seen across generations within a population

The term diversity, when defined anthropologically, is

focuses on multiplicity and variety

The theory of culture that proposes that cultural practices, beliefs, and institutions fulfill the psychological and physical needs of society is called


The perspective that aims to identify and understand cultures in the entirety is called


A key element of the scientific method, which both explains things and guides research, is


What process involves shifting from an agricultural economy to a factory-based one?


A symbol

is something that conventionally stands for something else

One of the more important ways that anthropology contributes to the development of evolu- tionary theory is that

it challenges the biological reductionism of much evolutionary theory

Why was the discovery of penicillin in 1928 useful in our understanding of evolution?

it demonstrated that bacteria could quickly develop the ability to resist antibiotics

The success of simple life forms such as bacteria challenges one of the early ideas about evo- lution because

it demonstrates the oversimplification that comes from thinking humans are more highly evolved

Culture is

learned and shared

The subfield of anthropology that studies language use is called

linguistic anthropology

Plasticity can be understood as not being Lamarckian because

modification happens before genetic changes appear that keep the change in place across generations

The process by which inheritable traits are passed along to offspring because they are better suited to the environment is

natural selection

In terms of the extended evolutionary synthesis, large-scale agriculture, which produces mas- sive amounts of both food and pollution, can be understood as a form of

niche construction

The influence of figures like Isaac Newton, Francis Bacon, and Galileo Galilei on the intel- lectual history of evolution is that they showed the importance of

observing nature and using evidence to build knowledge

Western colonial powers understood the different customs and cultures of the people they colonized as

proof of their primitive nature

Techniques that classify features of a phenomenon and count, measure, and construct statisti- cal models are collecting and analyzing

quantitative data

What prompted intellectuals to start systematically explaining the differences among people?

the Industrial Revolution

Even though anthropologists use parts of the scientific method, some don't see what they do as science because

the complexity of social behavior prevents any completely objective analysis of human culture

The primary ethical responsibility of anthropologists is to

the people or species they study

One of the important ways that genetic material is moved between different populations, such as through gene flow, is

through the choice of a sexual partner

The most enduring and ritualized aspects of culture are referred to as


The core idea of Darwin's and Wallace's ideas—descent with modifications via natural selec- tion—is intimately tied to what larger force?


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