Anthropology quizzes

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The main goal of cultural anthropology is to

understand why people behave and think the way they do.

An emic approach focuses on

what people in the study area say about their own culture.

In a patrilineal kinship system, a married couple is most likely to reside

with or near the parents of the groom

A key marker of gender coding in spoken English in the U.S. is

women's greater use of tag questions

Language refers to

words speech written forms of communication communication based on arbitrary symbols. ((( all of these))))


((((((none of these))))) first emerged among humans around 10,000 years ago. is more developed in contemporary North America than in contemporary China. is being destroyed by globalization. is predominantly transferred through genes

An ethnography is

(((((all of these.))))) the main way cultural anthropologists present their findings about culture. an important aspect of anthropological research. a descriptive writing about a culture

A key factor that helps in selecting a research project is

((((all of these)))) relating to a current issue of importance such as refugee movements finding a topic that has been neglected by previous researchers a certain degree of intuition and luck. finding a place that was studied long ago and merits restudy.

Provide an example of a "Secondary Social Group"

A Secondary Social Group is characterized as a large or small group consisting of people who identify with each other on some form of common basis or ground which is generally impersonal or of short term. In Some instances, the individuals within this type of social group may never meet or interact. These groups often aim to complete tasks, rather than maintaining and developing relationships as expressed in a primary social group . A specific example of a secondary social group would be a college class. In this sense, the members of this group meet for only short periods of time over a span of a few months. Even though the members may have similar interests and are all characterized as students, the purpose/goal of the group is about the task (learning said subject) instead of the relationships. compare it to primary

Explain what a household is

A household is characterized as either one individual living alone or multiple people living within a shared space, these individuals may or may not be related through kinship. More prominently, households include people who are related through kinship. The two major forms of household are nuclear households and extended households. A nuclear household is a group which includes one adult couple with or without children. An extended household on the other hand involves more than one adult married couple.

Provide at least one example of the things you would expect from a true friend.

An example of something I would expect from a true friend is compassion. In this sense, it is important to be empathetic and genuinely there for the said person not just in times of need but on a daily basis. In other words, a true friend is someone you can count on and compassion is a very vital characteristic.

The popularity of blue jeans among youths around the world is an example of


A religion with many zoomorphic supernaturals is


Please explain what institutional migration is providing one example. Your Answer:

Institutional migration involves individuals who shift into a social institution either freely or against their choice. A few prominent examples include that of monks, the elderly, prisoners, and people in the military. As more extensively explained within the text, individuals within the military are often required to learn and adapt to new cultures as they are constantly moving to different areas, often at times against their choice. This often results in them to adhere to different cultures which can often be overwhelming. For those who are required to stay at foreign places for long amounts of time , studies have shown an increase in suicide, interpersonal violence, and readjustment problems when returning home. This is due to never being fully comfortable in one place or the other, also known as circular migration.

A religion that traces its origin to an important male figure is

Islam Correct! all of these Christianity Rastafarianism Buddhism

The major religion of people of the Central Asian states is


Which of the following statements about the Minangkabau culture is accurate?

It is the world's largest matrilineal culture.

The adult male bonobo who is skilled at symbolic communication with human researchers is


Malinowski, Levi-Strauss and all cultural materialists propose different theories about the role myths play in religion. Please select a myth in a religion (Christina, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, etc.) and associate it with any of these schools of thought. Your Answer:

Levi- Strauss viewed myths as a way of helping people cope and deal with deep contradictions such as life and death or good and evil. A myth that embodies this perspective is the concept of Karma within Buddhism. Karma allows for everyone the opportunity to achieve a better rebirth through good behavior and fairness towards others. This myth helps those within the religion cope with life and death especially as they are under the impression that doing good throughout their lifetime will grant them good after death. This also related to the idea of good and evil in the sense that those who are "good" will be rewarded through a better rebirth while those who are "evil" will be punished.

With its population of 2.9 million and its vast territory, __________ is the most sparsely populated country of the world.


Please discuss one aspect of the anthropological study of "migration" as discussed by the author. Your Answer:

One aspect of the anthropological study of migration as discussed by the author is its categories based on spatial boundaries. There are three major categories of migration studied by anthropologists including that of internal, international, and transnational. Fist off, internal migration involves the movement of individuals within country boundaries in which the most common form is rural to urban migration. The underlying reason for this increased interest in urban areas is labor availability as rural areas were unable to sustain growing populations and needs. Moreover, international migration involves individuals moving across country boundaries. The major reason for this form of immigration involves work related reasons as well in which some of the major destinations include Australia, Canada, the United states, etc. Lastly, Transnational migration involves individuals who regularly move back and forth between countries and forms a new cultural identity. This kind of immigration has vast effects on the immigrants as they lose a sense of having a true home. Similarly to the other forms, transnational migration is also caused by economic factors mainly.

Please discuss one aspect of transnational migration. Your Answer:

One aspect of transnational migration is the negative impact it has on a migrants emotional state in term of their sense of self, citizenship, and entitlements. Most transnational migrants, especially those of low income, spend large amounts of time working in various places as where they move depends on the availability of labor. A major group that embodies transnational immigration is that of Pastoralists. Because of this constant movement, these migrants tend to lose a feeling of having a real home and lack a sense of belonging and instead find support and inclusion among communities of other transnational migrants within similar conditions.

Choose one of the four field of anthropology and describe it briefly.

One of the four fields of anthropology in which I will be describing is Biological anthropology, also referred to as physical anthropology. Overall, Biological anthropology involves the evolution and variability of humans as biological entities, which embodies various different areas of focus. The first major sub field of biological anthropology is that of Paleoanthropology which involves the development and origins of early humans through the study of fossils, more specifically to understand evolution. The next major sub field of biological anthropology is human biological variation which focuses on the differences between organisms and species by genetic or environmental factors. The last major sub field of biological anthropology is primatology which is the study of primates which enables us to compare human similarities to primates and the concept of human evolution. Overall, Biological anthropology is a mixture of biological and social sciences which is essential to answer questions about adaptability and evolution.

What is pastorialism?

Pastorialism is one of the five modes of livelihood which relies on the raising and tending of domestic animal herds and the use of their outputs, especially that of milk and meat, which makes up a majority of the diet. Across the globe, the most popular domesticated herd animals include camels, sheep, cattle, goats, and horses. This mode of livelihood is practiced within varying environments among Europe, Africa, and Asia and is considered a very extensive strategy. Means of production are mainly sought out by families and or groups of families in which there are distinctive gender roles. For instance, the men are usually in charge of the actual herding and raising of the animals, while the women are in charge of handling and or processing the products of the animals. Overall, Pastorialism is a sustainable and efficient mode of production that poses many economic, social, and environmental benefits animals products make up more than 50 percent of diet

What do play and leisure activities reveal about culture? Your Answer:

Play and leisure activities, which often overlap, reveal many aspects about culture. For example, they can express the social roles of people involved, how the activities relate to group identity, why some activities involve teams instead of individuals, the goals of the game and how those goals are achieved, how the activities separate and or connect different groups within societies as well as countries, and how much danger or violence is involved. As a result, activities of leisure and play can serve as reflections of cultural ideals as well as social relationships.

The claim that a person's language determines the person's thought is called

Sapir-Whorf hypothesis

__________ is a culture-specific syndrome in Spain and Portugal and common among Latino people in the United States; it is associated with a stressful incident or situation.


List at least three aspects of personality discussed by the author.

The first major aspect of personality discussed by the author is that it is largely influenced through socialization, in which culture is learned through both formal and informal processes. Another major aspect of personality discussed within the text is that there is no such thing as a natural infant as culture begins to impact infants as early as within the womb, based on certain sounds, and as soon as they are born, based on how people handle and or interact with them. A third major aspect of personality discussed in text is that there are two major personality types among children including nurturant responsible, which involves caring and sharing acts towards other children, and dependent dominant, which involves less caregiving, acts of dominance, as well as a higher dependence on parents.

Brideservice involves

The groom working for the bride's family

What mode of livelihood or social grouping does a "gang" represent to a youth in a large city?

The social grouping that a gang represents to a youth in a large city is that of countercultural, which embodies individuals who are not a part of the mainstream and or refuse to conform to the dominant culture or social order. Most youth gangs are formed within urban areas in which they are looked down upon by most adults/ law enforcement and are perceived as a social problem. one of the major causes of the global spread of these youth gangs is the decline of urban industrial base which has lead to great levels of poverty. In this sense, gang members are said to be victims as they strive to be economically successful, however, their social conditions push them to embark on illegal pursuits as they do not have the proper means to do so through legal pathways.

Explain the effects of globalization in many societies around the world.

There are various effects associated with globalization among various societies around the world including that of frequent borrowing of words or phrases, increased spread of global languages, and increased language extinction. For instance, a pidgin is a language that blends elements of at least two parent languages in which certain phrases and words can be "borrowed" and or implemented. A specific example of this is Tok Pisin, a language within Papua New Guinae, consists of multiple languages including English, Chinese, Samoan, and Malaysian. Moreover, globalization has also resulted in the growth and spread of global languages in which "ninety percent of the worlds population speaks 4 percent of the worlds languages." Lastly, globalization has results in a decrease and even extinction of many indigenous and minority languages especially involving indigenous languages in the Americas, Asia, Africa, and Siberia

The country of ________________ imprisons more people than any other country in the world.

United States

Explain what is meant by the term "Disease of Development."

What is meant by the term "Disease of Development" is a health issue that is caused or worsened by developmental economic projects. A specific example of this is the dramatic increase in the disease Schistosomiasis within tropical countries due to the construction of irrigation systems and dams. This disease is caused by parasitic worms found in fresh water which are able to penetrate the skin of people who are swimming or bathing in the contaminated water. Large dam sites are considered to be great environments for this parasite as they slow the rate of water flow, thus increasing the rates of schistosomiasis. As a result, the direct cause of this medical issues' increase is that of an economic project, thus making it a Disease of Development.

Describe what participant observation means when conducting research.

When conducting research, participant observation means when an anthropologist actually becomes part of the said group they are interested in by living as a group member for a considerable amount of time while gaining observational data. This form of research provides an inside and or first hand view of a groups beliefs, values, and way of life in which one can be provided a much more in depth understanding of the culture. For example, Bronislaw Malinowski lived within the Trobriand Islands for two years in which he lived as one of the group members by learning their language and practicing their customs and values. participant observation is especially important because the groups under examination often become conformable with those who adhere to their way of life in which they are less likely to alter their behavior to please the researcher as they will see the researcher as one of them, thus providing much more true and accurate data.

Why do women have a significant level of power in some Chiefdoms?

Within some chiefdom's, women have a significant level of power for varying reasons. For instance, in terms of the Iroquois, even though cheifdoms are run by a single Chief, which is a male, both women and men are often included within the appointing body. Along with this, the men were often involved in far away wars in which women controlled the crops, especially maze, in which they could refuse production to warriors in order to disagree and or over rule a plan.

Please provide an example of how gender division of participation and roles in music reflects overall societal patterns of equality.

Your Answer: An example of how gender division of participation and roles in music reflect overall societal patterns of equality is that of the Temiar of Malaysia in which their musical customs express balance between males and females. For instance, males are the spirit mediums who sing to energize spirits, however, their role is not of greater significance or rank compared to the women's role in singing choruses. As a result, the performance of male spirit mediums and women in the chorus overlaps to create one of general community participation. These rather egalitarian music roles reflect the gender roles of Temiar society. For example, they have very flexible marriage and kinship rules, as descent is bi lineal, marriage is based on mutual desire, and serial monogamy is common. Even though the males have a small advantage over women in terms of rituals and politics, females are still integrated, just as their music, to create a more general community participation.

How does the author define art?

Your Answer: The author defines art as the application of style, skill, and imagination to sound, matter, and movement that goes beyond what is purely practical. Moreover, these components of art can be applied to an endless array of mediums and activities ranging anywhere from a meal to an oral story. Based on this definition, all cultures are said to have some form of artistic undertaking in which it is considered a human universal. Not only does this definition involve the artistic product itself, but also the individual making the art, the process, and the variations in art.

An example of a life-cycle ritual is

a coming-of-age ceremony for young men or women.

Brideprice refers to

a gift to the bride's family from the groom's side.

Culture shock occurs when

a person has shifted from one culture to another.

Humoral healing systems are based on

a philosophy that seeks balance among various bodily fluids and forces

The two most important factors on which the division of labor is based in horticultural societies are

age and gender.

Large extended households tend to be most prevalent in which mode of livelihood?


Family planning occurs

at the state level (((((all of these))))))) at the global level. at the local (family) level.

Property relations in foraging societies are best termed

based on the concept of use rights.

The current anthropological definition of religion says that it is

beliefs and behavior concerning supernatural beings and powers.

The Yanomami region is located

between Brazil and Venezuela.

Neolocal residence for married couples is most associated with

bilineal kinship systems. ((( all of these ))))) a mode of livelihood that benefits from a flexible labor force. You Answered Western industrialized society

One reason why foragers typically have low rates of population growth is because

breast-feeding occurs over frequent and long periods of time, thereby suppressing ovulation

Vocal communication among nonhuman primates is referred to as

call system.

When doing fieldwork, establishing rapport

can involve exchanging gifts with the local people.

Parents' desire to have children is affected by

children's labor value infant and child mortality rates. ((((((all of these))))) economic costs of raising children. children's value as support during parents' old age.

The Ju/'hoansi of the Kalahari desert have a healing system that is


Retired Husband Syndrome and awas are examples of

culture-specific syndromes

Research that is guided by a hypothesis is called:


The most frequent motive for direct infanticide reported cross-culturally is that the infant is

deformed or very ill.

According to the textbook, kinship is based on which three factors?

descent, sharing and marriage

The regional pattern of unbalanced child sex ratios in India is related to

different patterns of livelihood and marriage exchange in the northwest compared to the south and east.

Expressing religious beliefs through explicit and direct statements is termed


The tendency to apply one's own cultural values in judging the behavior and beliefs of people raised in other cultures is known as


What is the worst punishment that foragers could potentially exert upon a member?

expel her from the group

A recent disorder in Japan related to sleep is

falling asleep during the day.

Which mode of livelihood has characterized most of human existence?


A factor in high rates of wife abuse in rural Kentucky is

geographical isolation

One thing that all languages have is


Compared to a nuclear household, an extended household

helps care for elders creates tensions among co-resident wives establishes a larger pool of resources that can be shared Correct!((( all of these)))) establishes a wider base for child care.

Boys are most likely to be socialized into nurturant/caring behavior in which mode of livelihood?


Children have the most tasks in which mode of livelihood?


An example of indigenous knowledge is

how to prevent insects from destroying crops. how much rainfall to expect and when to expect it (((((all of these))))) what foods grow best in what conditions. how types of soil differ

Biological anthropologists focus on

human evolution and contemporary human variation

Medicinal chewing of coca leaves is

important in Andean rituals and health practices

A reason for the emergence of linguistic anthropology in the United States is the

interest in recording disappearing languages


is a mode of livelihood based on domesticated animal herds and the use of their products, such as meat and milk

The gender division of labor in the agricultural mode of livelihood

is more segregated than in temperate foraging societies


is most likely to be practiced in situations of uncertainty


is often a response to economic conditions.

A cultural relativist would view contemporary Nacirema culture as:

just as interesting and worthy of study as any other.

The point at which a language no longer has competent users is referred to as

language extinction.

The incest taboo

leads to exogamy.

Social control in small-scale societies is centered around

maintenance of social relationships (((((all of these)))))) informal enforcement the use of personalized mechanisms such as gossip or shunning norms

Treating the effects of poverty on health with pills is referred to as _________


The indirect expression of religious beliefs through stories about supernatural beings and forces is referred to as


In examining what is labeled "ethnic conflict," structurists point to the causal role of

natural resources.

Linguistic anthropologists study

nonverbal communication. how languages are related. (((all of these)))) how languages change over time. how contemporary languages differ in terms of structure, grammar and sound systems.

As opposed to a shaman or shamanka, a priest or priestess tends to

occupy a hereditary position have their success judged in terms of their ritual knowledge. be more formally trained. (((all of these)))) live in state-level societies

The research method in cultural anthropology that involves living in a culture for an extended period while gathering data is

participant observation.

In the United States, conflict within middle-class neighborhoods is significantly focused on

pets, especially dogs.

Sounds that make a critical difference in a language are referred to as


The term "medical pluralism" refers to the

presence of multiple health systems within a society.

People in northern Thailand hung wooden penises on their houses in order to

prevent an attack of ghosts who kill men.

Human language has an infinite capacity for generating very efficient messages, a feature called ___


Archaeologists use which of the following as research materials?

remains of ruined houses pieces of old pottery contemporary garbage heaps prehistoric stone tools ((((all of these))))

Carnival is an example of a

ritual of inversion.

An increasing prevalence of the disease __________ is attributed to the construction of high dams and irrigation in many parts of the world.


An example of work that usually fits into the category of the informal sector is

sex worker.

The highest level of militarization is found in which form of political organization?


In foraging societies, people who are violent, or do not contribute to the well-being of society are

subject to negative public opinion.

On the basis of his experience in the Trobriand Islands during World War I, Bronislaw Malinowski is generally considered to be:

the "father" of participant observation.

Of the following cultures, fathers play the greatest role in infant caretaking among

the Aka

One thing about which most cultural anthropologists agree is

the importance of doing fieldwork.

A prominent value in Japan about the body, called gotai, refers to

the importance of keeping the body whole even after death.

Critical military anthropologists study

the military as a power structure. post-conflict situations. the dynamics of war. (((( all of these))))) the armed forces

Studies attempting to test for innate ("inborn") gender differences have found that

the relatively smaller size of girl babies may predispose them to higher rates of crying than boy babies. (((( none of these)))))) boy babies are more independent since they cry less when separated from their care-takers. boy babies appear to be more aggressive than girl babies because they learn to walk sooner boy babies smile as frequently as girl babies.

A historical view of high rates of violence among the Yanomami emphasizes

the role of the increased presence of Westerners in the region.

The cultural materialist interpretation of the Hindu belief in sacred cows points to

their economic and environmental value.

A general feature of African religions is that

they involve elaborate initiation rituals.

Among the Old Order Amish of the United States and Canada,

those who enter business try to retain Amish family values by working at home and selling products from home

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