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Highest dominant male Sneak male Flashy attractive male Kind and friendly male

4 kinds of male tactics used by animals to get females

1. Universals of Psych Development? 2. Differences in Psych Development 3. Perceptions of individuals and psych development? 4. Understanding culture and culture change though psych?

4 main questions of Psychological Development.

Chain of Being

A basic chain of complexity Plants -> Animals -> Humans


A belief in dual existence for all things-a physical, visible body and a psychic, invisible soul.


A belief in supernatural beings


A bilateral set of close relatives.


A caste in India for a third gender (transgendered individuals). Often Eunichs and a spiritual role. Marginalized and outcasted.


A category of people who happen to fall within a particular, culturally distinguished age range.


A category of people who have about the same opportunity to obtain economic resources, power, and prestige


A clan tracing descent through the female line


A clan tracing descent through the male line.


A class of people who do not own their own labor or the products thereof.

Cash Crop

A cultivated commodity raised for sale rather than personal consumption by the cultivator


A custom whereby a man is obliged to marry his brother's widow.


A custom whereby a woman is obliged to marry her deceased sister's husband.


A description of a society's customary behavior and ideas

Operational Definition

A description of the procedure that is followed in measuring a variable

AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome)

A disease caused by the HIV virus.


A fairly small, usually nomadic local group that is politically autonomous. There are small groups within. Nomadic. Foragers. Tend to be egalitarian. Least complex, small scale. Ways to deal with conflict - song duel, physical conflict.

Nuclear Family

A family consisting of a married couple and their young children.

Extended Family

A family consisting of two or more single-parent, monogamous, polygynous, or polyandrous family linked by a blood tie.

Independent Family

A family unit consisting of one monogamous (nuclear) family, or one polygynous or one polyandrous family.


A feast among Pacific Northwest Native Americans at which great quantities of food and goods are given to guests in order to gain prestige for the host.


A form of shifting cultivation in which natural vegetation is cut down and burned off. The cleared ground is used for a short time and then left to regenerate

Neolocal Residence

A pattern of residence whereby a married couple lives separately, and usually at some distance, from the kin of both spouses.


A person who exercises authority, usually on behalf of a multi community political unit. This role in generally found in rank societies and is usually permanent and often hereditary.


A person who holds a powerless but symbolically unifying position in a community within an egalitarian society; may exercise influence but has no power to impose sanctions.


A person who spends some time living with, interviewing, and observing a group of people to describe their customs


A plant or animal associated with a clan (sib) as a means of group identifications; may have other special significance for the group.


A political unit, with a chief at its head, integrating more than one community but not necessarily that whole society or language group. Formalized. Ranked. Horticulture/agriculture. Chief position is hereditary.


A prohibition that, if violated, is believed to bring supernatural punishment.


A ranked group, often associated with a certain occupation,in which membership is determined at birth and marriage is restricted to members of one's own caste.

Statistical Association

A relationship or correlation between two or more variables that is unlikely to be due to chance.


A religious intermediary, usually part-time, whose primary function is to cure people through sacred songs, pantomime,and other means; sometimes called a witch doctor by Westerners.

Clan (or Sib)

A set of kin whose members believe themselves to be descended from a common ancestor or ancestress but cannot specify the links back to that founder; often designated by a totem.


A set of kin whose members trace descent from a common ancestry through known links.


A short-term use of force, generally planned and organized, to realize a limited objective.


A social and economic unit consisting minimally of a parent and a child.


A social construct with roles created by society and culture. An IDENTITY.


A socially approved sexual and economic union, usually between a man and a woman, that is presumed by both the couple and others to be more or less permanent and that subsumes reciprocal rights and obligations between the two spouse and between spouses and their future children.

State Organization

A society is described as having this when it includes one or more states.


A sound or set of sounds that makes a difference in meaning to the speakers of the language

Historical Archaeology

A specialty within archaeology that studies the material remains of recent peoples who left written records


A speech sound in a language. Multiple of these make up morphs/words


A state of recurring hostility between families or groups of kin, usually motivated by a desirer to avenge an offense against a member of the group.

Bride Price (or Bride Wealth)

A substancial gift of goods or money given to the bride's kin by the groom or his kin at or before the marriage.


A substantial transfer of goods or money from the bride's family to the bride.


A supernatural, impersonal force that inhabits certain objects or people and is believed to confer success and/or strength.


A system of required labor

Double Descent (or Double Unilineal Descent)

A system that affiliates individuals with a group of matrilineal kin from some purposes and with a group of patrilineal kin for other purposes.


A term anthropologists and psychologists use to describe the development, through the direct and indirect influence of parents and others, of children's patterns of behavior (and attitudes and values) that conform to cultural expectations. Also called enculturation.

Homo Sapiens

All living people belong to this one biological species. IT means that all human populations can interbreed. The first ones emerged 200,000 years ago

Secondary Institutions

Aspects of culture, such as religion, music, art, folklore, and games, which presumably reflect or are projections of the basic, or typical, personality in a society.

Malinowski and Radcliffe-Brown

Associated with Functionalism

Franz Boaz (Father of Anthropology)

Associated with Historical Particularism/Cultural Relativism

Margaret Mead and Ruth Benedict

Associated with Identity and Personality.


Associated with Interpretive Anthropology and is the guy who studied the Balanese cock fights.

EB Tylor

Associated with Unilineal Evolution


Associations or relationships that almost all scientists accept.


Baby talk, exaggerated facial expressions, elongated vowels, precise pronunciation and grammar, cross-cultural


Being accorded particular respect or honor


Belief in one or many sentient/personified supernatural forces (gods)

Biological Determination

Belief that behavior is determined by biological factors.

Cultural Determination

Belief that culture determines behavior


Believed to be not human or not subject to the laws of nature.


Believing that there is only one high god and that all other supernatural beings are subordinate to, or are alternative manifestations of this supreme being.

Communal Land Management

Benefits and problems of this: +many caretakers +land security +pulled/shared resources -tragedy of the commons/collective goods problem

Applied Anthropology

Branch of anthro that concerns itself with applying anthro knowledge to achieve practical goals, usually in the service of an agency outside the traditional academic setting.


Branch of anthro that seeks to reconstruct the daily life and customs of people who lived in the past and to trace and explain cultural changes. Often lacking written records, must try to reconstruct history from the material remains of human cultures.

Natural Selection

Charles Darwin's theory of "survival of the fittest"


Children of siblings of the opposite sex. They're the father's sister's children and the mother's brother's children.

Parallel Cousins

Children of siblings of the same sex. They are the father's brother's children and the mother's sister's children.


Combining seemingly contradictory beliefs. A way to incorporate traditions and religion.


Cultural level that is a particular group's culture.


Cultural level that is the dominant culture within a nation.


Cultural level that spans across borders.

Maladaptive Customs

Cultural traits that diminish the chances of survival and reproduction in a particular environment.

Adaptive Customs

Cultural traits that enhance survival and reproductive success in a particular environment.


Culture is _______ and _______.


Developed due to increased sedentism (staying in the same place) and technology through history. >Highly labor intensive >more complex technology >decreased efficiency but increased productivity and surplus >specialized to certain people >sedentism and domestication. >with this, developed division of labor and social stratification (who controls surplus and money?) >infectious diseases spread easier in sedentary societies (standing water, feces for fertilization, etc.) >provides more food in long term but not nutritionally complete diet. -reliance on one crop and it could fail. starvation. enamel hypoplasia. dental problems. EX: Maya Civilization [elites controlled surplus. stratified by access to food. distinct differences in health between different classes.]

Gender Differences

Differences between females and males that reflect cultural expectations and experiences


Differences in individuals' access to economic resources, power, and prestige.


Differences in pronunciation characteristic of a group

Subsistence Economics

Economics in which almost all able-bodied adults are largely engaged in getting food for themselves and their families.


Explanations of associations or laws

Balanced Reciprocity

Giving with the expectation of a straightforward immediate or limited-time trade Ex: Potlatch, Christmas Presents

Indirect Dowry

Goods given by the groom's kin to the bride (or the father, who passes most of them to her) at or before her marriage.


Grassland with a dry, low grass cover


Grassland with a high grass cover

Gender Stratification

The degree of unequal access by the different genders to prestige, authority, power, rights, and economic resources.


The dominant medical paradigm in Western countries today.

Specialization (+skills and supplies) (-must rely on everyone else to do their job properly)

The effect of increasing technology:


In this culture in West Africa, communities have secular and sacred leaders. Most people join secret societies.

Egalitarian Society

In this kind of society, are contains repetitive elements, lots of empty space, symmetric and unenclosed figures.

Stratified Society

In this kind of society, art is made up of unlike elements. Little empty space. Asymetrical design. Enclosed figures.


Incest leads to a higher probability of inheriting harmful recessive _______.

Primary Subsistence Activities

The food-getting activities: gathering, hunting, fishing, herding, and agriculture

Food Production

The form of subsistence technology in which food-getting is dependent on the cultivation and domestication of plants and animals


Includes all myths, legends, folktales, ballads, riddles, proverbs, and superstitions of a cultural group. Generally, it is transmitted orally but it may also be written.


Individual communication with God . Success depends on God.

Sex Chromosonal

Intersex Individuals, Klinefelter's Syndrome (XXY), and Turner's Syndrome are all examples of ___ _________ disorders.

Lineal Kin

Kin related through direct lines

Cosanguinal Kin

Kin that is blood related

Descriptive Term

Kinship term used to refer to a genealogically distinct relative; a diff term is used for each relative.

Classificatory Terms

Kinship terms that merge or equate relatives who are genealogically distinct from one another; the same term is used for a number of different kin.


The granting of freedom to a slave


The guy associated with structuralism. Said all young boys do NOT show hostility towards their fathers.


The health-related beliefs, knowledge, and practices of a cultural group.


Living among the people being studied-observing, questioning, and (when possible) taking part in the important events of the group. Writing or other-wise recording notes on observations, questions asked and answered, and things to check out later are parts of this.


The increasing dependence on buying and selling, usually with money as the medium of exchange

1. Long dependence period 2. Rapid learning 3. Personality traits from interaction between genetics, culture, and environment.

Name 3 childhood universals

1. Describe contemporary or historically recent culture 2. Participant Observation 3. Interviews

Name 3 methods of ethnography

Concept of self Recognize individuals Discerning intentions Empathize with others Communicate and recognize basic emotions

Name 5 Psychological universals.

1. Parent responsiveness to infants and baby-holding 2. Parent-child play 3. Parental acceptance/rejection of children 4. Compliance/Assertiveness 5. Attitudes towards aggression 6. Task Assignment 7. Schooling

Name 7 cross-cultural variations in childrearing:

Ok (1. Reliance on male-female bonding to provide for family and children) (2. Gender division of labor) (3. Prolonged dependency of kids) (4. Forms social bonds and relationships for childcare) (5. Defines rights/obligations) (6. Creates new alliances)

Name a few functions of marriage. Type Ok

Ok (Give meaning to the world, gain sense of control, reinforce social order)

Name some functions of religion. Type Ok

Ok (Generation, relative age, lineal kin v. collateral kin, gender, cosanguinal v. affinal kin, side of family)

Name some things you need to keep in mind when classifying relatives. Type Ok

Bands, Tribes, Chiefdoms, States

Name the 4 main forms of political organization

Pauling Women (long necks) and Scarification

Name two examples of Body Art

Tribal Organization

The kind of political organization in which local communities mostly act autonomously but there are kind groups (such as clans) or associations (such as age sets) that can temporarily integrate a number of local groups into a larger unit.

Band Organization

The kind of political organization where the local group/band is the largest territorial group in the society and acts as a unit. It is usually politically autonomous

Probability Value (p-value)

The likelihood that an observed result could have occurred by chance.

Sampling Universe

The list of cases to be sampled from

Sororal Polygyny

The marriage of a man to 2 or more sisters at the same time.

Fraternal Polyandry

The marriage of a woman to 2 or more brothers at the same time.


The marriage of one man to more than one woman at a time.


The marriage of one woman to more than one man at a time.

General Evolution

The notion that higher forms of culture arise from and generally supersede lower forms

Complementary Opposition

The occasional uniting of various segments of a segmentary lineage system in opposition to similar segments.


The ongoing spread of goods, people, information, and capital around the world

Specific Evolution

The particular sequence of change and adaptation of a society in a given environment


The performance of certain rituals that are believed to compel the supernatural powers to act in particular ways. Success depends on the person's ability.


The period of mass extinction we are currently in because of humans.


The practice of attempting to harm people by supernatural means, but through emotions and thought alone, not through the use of tangible objects.


The process by which a third party acting as a judge makes a decision that the parties disputing have to accept.


The process by which a third party tries to bring about a settlement in the absence of formal authority


The process by which the parties to a dispute try to resolve it themselves.


The process of defining. usually involves a group of people emphasizing commons origins and language, shared history, and selected aspects of cultural difference such as a difference in religion. Because different groups are doing the perceiving, their identities often vary with whether one is inside or outside the group.


The process of extensive borrowing of aspects of culture in the context of superordinate-subordinate relations between societies; usually occurs as the result of external pressures.


The process of learning one's native culture


The process of the creation of a new culture

Ambilineal Descent

The rule of descent that affiliates individuals with groups of kin related to them through men or women.

Patrilocal Descent

The rule of descent that affiliates individuals with kin of both sexes related to them through men only.

Matrilineal Descent

The rule of descent that affiliates individuals with kin of both sexes related to them through women only.


The rule specifying marriage to a person within one's own group (kin, caste, community)


The rule specifying marriage to person from outside one's own group (kin or community)


The scientific study of human cultural and biological variation and evolution.


The set of learned behaviors and ideas (including beliefs, values, attitudes, and ideals) that are characteristic of a particular society or population


The shared customs of a subgroup within a society


The smallest unit of a language that has meaning (word)

Primary Institutions

The sources of early experiences, such as family organization and subsistence techniques, that presumably help form the basic, or typical, personality found in society.

Physical Anthropology

The study of biological evolution and variation of humans and our close relatives, past and present.


The study of communication by nonvocal means, including posture, mannerisms, body movement,facial expressions, and signs and gestures


The study of cultural and subcultural patterns of speaking in different social contexts.

Cultural Anthropology

The study of cultural variation and universals in the past and present.


The study of how a particular culture has changed over time.

Human Variation

The study of how and why contemporary human populations vary biologically


The study of how and why recent cultures differ and are similar

Political Economy

The study of how external forces, particularly powerful state societies, explain the way a society changes and adapts

Descriptive (structural) Linguistics

The study of how languages are constructed

Historical Linguistics

The study of how languages change over time

Historical Linguistics

The study of how languages change over time.


The study of how sound sequences convey meaning


The study of meaning

Paleoanthropology (aka human paleontology)

The study of the emergence of humans and their later physical evolution.

Group Selection

Natural selection of group characteristics

Individual Selection

Natural selection of individual characteristics

Core Vocabulary

Nonspecialist vocabulary

Special-Purpose Money

Objects of value for which only some goods and services can be exchanged. Ex: Pacific Northwest indigenous gifts of wealth Ex: Vanuatu pigs


Offerings made to achieve particular results. Success depends on quality of offering.


One divide of Cultural Anthropology that describes and interprets. Humans are unique. Cultures are understood on their own terms/relative. Culture patterns thoughts and behavior. Fieldwork is very much participation and interaction. Interpretive Anthro. Postmodern Anthro. Explicitly addresses bias in research. In the field, particular questions, borrow method and theories.


One divide of Cultural Anthropology that studies the places of humans (natural and geopolitical). Acknowledges evolutionary relationships. Emphasis on observation and quantification. Sociobiology. Cultural Materialism. Uses fieldwork to explain "why"

Margaret Mead

One of Boaz's students who said adolescence is not necessarily a period of turmoil and rebelliousness.


One or more morphs with the same meaning


One part of foraging. Typically male domain though females help process. Influence of the environment on species diversity.

Consanguineal Kin

One's biological relatives; relatives by birth

Affinal Kin

One's relatives by marriage


The theoretical orientation that human culture is a surface representation of the underlying structure of the human mind

Incest Taboo

Prohibition of sexual intercourse or marriage between relatives.


The theoretical orientation that looks for the part (function) that some aspect of culture or social life plays in maintaining a cultural system

Optimal Foraging Theory

The theory that individuals seek to maximize the returns (in calories and nutrients) on their labor in deciding which animals and plants they will go after

Personality Integration of Culture

The theory that personality or psychological processes may account for connections between certain aspects of culture.


The time before written records

Scientific and Humanistic

The two divides in Cultural Anthropology

Bilateral Kinship

The type of kinship system in which individuals affiliate more or less equally with their mother's and father's relatives; descent groups are absent.

Sex Differences

The typical differences between females and males that are most likely due to biological differences.

Deep Structure

The underlying meaning of artwork


The us or threat of violence to create terror in others, usually for political purposes.


The use of certain materials to invoke supernatural powers to harm people.


The ways in which words are arranged to form phrases and sentences. Different ________ yields different meaning.


The words or morphs and their meanings of a language. Approximated by the dictionary


Theory of origin that says: - 1 origin - all from Adam and Eve - Human "degeneration" from White European origin


Theory of origin that says: - many origins - humans originated in different places - no relations between races

Semi-Peripheral Countries

These countries export product but do not control the world market

Core Countries

These countries have the greatest control over the world economy/market. Their rural/mining areas are now depleted.

Peripheral Countries

These countries rely on human labor/strength. Local laborers can't afford to buy products they produce. Industrialization of these countries is controlled by Core Countries.


These origins of vampires called them "Jiangshi" (stiff corpse). Said it was a result of resurrection or premature/improper burial or lack of. Terrified of their reflection. Rooster's call.


These origins of vampires had to do with Vlad III in Romania 1400s. People held hostage by Ottoman Empire. Inherited the throne. Impaled rivals on spikes, other forms of torture.


These people make dirty jokes to their cross cousins because they are encouraged to marry them but have a very formal relationship with their parallel cousins.

Social Darwinists

These people say that certain races are superior/more evolved.

Economic Resources

Things that have value in a culture, including land, tools and other technology, goods, and money.

Biocultural Approach

This approach says that biology and culture shape each other. Both factors are vital. Ex: runners in Kenya.


This guy says religion is followed because of anxiety and uncertainty. It is comfort from scary things like death. Framework for value and world understanding. Research supports that religion lessens stress.

EB Tylor

This guy says religion is speculation about reason for dreams, trances, and death.


This guy says that religion affirms place in society. A need for community. Totems and religious items not sacred in and of themselves.


This guy says that religion is a reversion to childhood feelings. Early humans lived in groups, dominated by tyrannical man who kept women for himself. Mature sons drive out joined together and ate the father. Guilt and remorse expressed. Crazy but events in childhood can be important in development of religion. As an adult, they revert to original religion for comfort.

Family-Disruption Hypothesis

This hypothesis states that incest leads to intrafamial sexual rivalry and competition.

Dual-Inheritance Theory

This theory gives importance to culture as a part of the evolutionary process. It refers to both genes and future playing different, but nonetheless important and interactive roles in transmitting traits to future generations

Universally Ascribed Qualities

Those ascribed qualities (age, sex) that are found in all societies

Variably Ascribed Qualities

Those ascribed qualities (such are ethnic, religious,or social class differences) that are found only in some societies.

Achieved Qualities

Those qualities people acquire during their lifetime

Ascribed Qualities

Those qualities that are determined for people at birth


To describe how something compares with other things on some scale of variation


Traits are ________ distributed.

Non-Concordant Traits

Traits that have no predictive relationship Ex: Skin color and intelligence have NO relationship

Concordant Traits

Traits that share a pattern of variation across geographic space Ex: Sickle cell and skin color have a relationship

Market (or Commercial) Exchange

Transactions in which the "prices" are subject to supply and demand, whether or not the transactions occur in a marketplace.


Transgenders in Thailand that perform extreme femininity in entertainment/prostitution. Variable degrees of acceptance.


Tropical grassland

Behavioral Ecology

Typically tries to understand contemporary human behavior using evolutionary principles. In addition to the principle of individual selection, people who study this point to the importance of analyzing economic tradeoffs because individuals have limited time and resources


Ultimate example of Pastoralism


Ultimate foraging example.


Ultimate horticulture example.


Unnamed supernatural beings of nonhuman origin who are beneath gods in prestige and often closer to the people; may be helpful, mischievous, or evil.


Using more than one language in the course of conversing

Genie Wiley

Victim of abuse, immobilized and isolated until 13. Could not fully acquire language. Learned there must be a time limit on picking up language.


Violence between political entities such as communities, districts, or nations.


Violence not considered legitimate/validated that occurs within a political unit


Vocab specific to a person.

Lexical Content

Vocabulary or lexicon


Wallerstein's World System refers to the means of production and products controlled by only a _____.


Recognizing many gods, none of whom is believed to be superordinate.

Complex burials

Red ochre, jewelry, and flowers found on Neanderthals and humans 60,000 years ago are evidence of what?

Statistically Significant

Refers to a result that would occur very rarely by chance. The result (and stronger ones) would occur fewer than 5 times out of 100 by chance.


Refers to all the optional vocal features or silences apart from the language itself that communicate meaning


Refers to an approach that studies many aspects of a multifaceted system


Refers to judgment of other cultures solely in terms of one's own culture


Religion can be a method to enhance _________ because solidarity increases it even at the cost of an individual. Ex: looking at supernatural beings as a "police"


Religious group that follows a particular theological belief.

Revitalization Movements

Religious movements intended to save a culture by infusing it with a new purpose and life, sometimes with help of a prophet. Ex: Handsome Lake (Iroquois around 1800s in NY) Ex: Heaven's Gate Cult (less successful)


Repetitive sets of behaviors that occur in essentially the same patterns every time they occur. Religious ________ involve the supernatural in some way.

Reoccuring, Irregular

Rhythm has a correlation with carrying infants. Carried in sling/pouch/shawl, the beats are ___________. In cradle, rhythm is __________.

Gender Roles

Roles that are culturally assigned genders

Rules of Descent

Rules that connect individuals with particular sets of kin because of kin because of known or presumed common ancestry.


Rural people who produce food for their own subsistence but who must also contribute or sell this surpluses to others (in towns and cities) who do not produce their own food.


Said that primary institutions shape personality and secondary institutions are shaped by culture's personality.

Appeal to Nature

Saying a thing is good because it's natural. NOT GOOD.

Resource Curse

Says that countries with more natural resources are worse off. Ex: Congo and Coltan


Selectively breeding humans with desirable characteristics and preventing those with undesirable ones from having offspring


Shamans and priests are examples of


Showing that a theory seems to be wrong by finding that implications or predictions derivable from it are not consistent with objectively collected data.

F (all sing the same thing)

T/F: When there is informal leadership, people tend to sing lots of parts and harmonies.

Cultural Materialism

Technology, environment and distribution. Aspects of Marxism.

Projective Tests

Tests that utilize ambiguous stimuli; test subjects must project their own personality traits in order to structure the ambiguous stimuli.

1. Family 2. Religion 3. Economics 4. Enculturation 5. Politics

The 5 key institutions that define culture

Applied (Practicing) Anthropology

The branch of anthropology that concerns itself with applying anthropological knowledge to achieve practical goals, usually in the service of an agency outside the traditional academic setting.

Cultural Resource Management (CRM)

The branch of applied anthropology that seeks to cover and preserve the archaeological record before programs of planned change disturb or destroy it.


T/F: Sexually Dimorphism can (to a degree) be influenced by culture.


T/F: Some form of marriage exists in all cultures.


T/F: Western societies increase dependence and encourage clingyness.

1. Enculturation 2. Acculturation 3. Assimilation

3 patterns of diffusion.

1. Direction/Instruction 2. Observation 3. Inference

3 ways to learn culture

1. Holistic 2. Comparative 3. Relativistic

3 words that describe Anthropology.

Physical, Linguistic, Cultural, Archaeological

4 approaches to anthropology


Arrangement of words to make meaning.


In the reckoning of kinship, the reference point or focal person.


2 or more melodies sung simultaneously.

1. Time/energy (labor) 2. Tools/knowledge (technology) 3. Available resources (resources)

3 components of production


A form of subsistence technology in which food-getting is based directly or indirectly on the maintenance of domesticated animals. >Pastoral Nomadism or Transhumanance >Trade and gather to supplement diet >Mostly in Old World and Andes. -disease, land conflict, climate change, drought +mobile phones, economically viable product EX: Ariaal [northern kenya. graze animals over 10,000 sq km. trade and consume products from wildlife (milk, blood, meat). diverse herds.

Theoretical Orientation

A general attitude about how phenomena are to be explained


A group of people of similar age and same sex who move together through some or all of life's stages.


A group of people who occupy a particular territory and speak a common language not generally understood by neighboring peoples. By this def, they do not necessarily correspond to nations


A group of related species

Segmentary Lineage System

A hierarchy of more inclusive lineages; usually function only in conflict situations


A horticultural hunting/gathering society in Brazil. History of resistance against colonialism. Age sets are important and boys have lots of rituals. Involuntary Association.


A hypothesized ancestral language from which two or more languages seem to have derived


A kin group whose members trace descent through known links in the female line from a common female ancestor.


A kin group whose members trace descent through known links in the male line from a common male ancestor.

Sexually Dimorphic

A marked difference in size and appearance between males and females of a species.


A means of determining guilt or innocence by submitting the accessed to dangerous or painful tests believed to be under supernatural control.

Unilocal Residence

A pattern of residence (patrilocal, matrilocal, or avunculocal) that specifies just one set of relatives that the married couple lives with or near.

Bilocal Residence

A pattern of residence in which a married couple lives with or near either the husband's parents or the wife's parents.

Patrilocal Residence

A pattern of residence in which a married couple lives with or near the husband's parents.

Matrilocal Residence

A pattern of residence in which a married couple lives with or near the wife's parents.

Avuncolocal Residence

A pattern of residence in which a married couple settles with or near the husband's mother's brother.


A territorial population in which there are kin or nankin groups with representatives in a number of local groups. Local communities. Independent. Integrate into a larger unit. Egalitarian, horticulturalist, pastoralist. Shared identity. Unilineal group. Segmentary lineage system. Link together genealogically, politically, geographically. Disputes involve whole lineage. Age-sets are among multiple communities.

Conflict Theory

A theory that says inequality is a result of competition for scarce resources

Functionalist Theory

A theory that says society rewards people with the scarcest, most valuable talents.


A thing or quantity that varies.

Shamanistic Cult

A type of cult in which certain individuals have personal connection with supernatural that normal people lack. These valued people communicate on behalf of the group.

Communal Cult

A type of cult in which group members gather for rituals

Individualized Cult

A type of cult in which individuals have personal relationships with supernatural powers. Ex: Vision Quest

Cargo Cult

A type of cult in which there is only one main example. Ex: The natives of Tanna Island Vanuatu. Feb. 215 celebrate John Frum (black general from us during WWII). Cargo dropped by planes and they associated it with ancestors. Prophets now predict return of the cargo.

Ecclesiastical Cult

A type of cult that is highly organized with full-time priesthood and religious bureaucracy (there is redistribution to support this bureacracy). There are rituals that benefit the whole society. General found in complex societies.

Evolutionary Psychology

A type of evolutionary ecological approach that is particularly interested in universal human psychology. It is argued that human psychology was primarily adapted to the environment that characterized most of human history-the hunting-gathering

Extensive Cultivation

A type of horticulture in which the land is worked for short periods and then left to regenerate for some years before being used again. Also called shifting cultivation


A unilineal descent group composed of a number of supposedly related clans (sibs).


A unilineal descent group in a society that is divided into two such maximal groups; there may be smaller unilineal descent groups as well.

General-purpose Money

A universally accepted medium of exchange


A usually violent replacement of a society's rulers


A variety of language spoken in a particular area or by a particular social group


Acquired at different times cross-culturally. Says quantities remain the same even if their container, shape, or apparent size changes.

Secondary Subsistence Activities

Activities that involve the preparation and processing of food with to make it edible or to store it.

Unilineal Descent

Affiliation with a group of kin through descent links of one sex only.


Agents of change (in economic systems, education, politics and childrearing practices and fertility) and a source of cultural information.


Agricultural and Pastoral societies emphasize __________ in their children.


Among the Karimosons of Uganda, the adults travel with herds, political leaders are informal. What type of political organization are they?


An answer to a why question. Two kinds of these: Associations and Theories.


An approach that attempts to derive rules of throughout from the logical analysis of ethnographic data.

Symbolic communication

An arbitrary (not obviously meaningful) gesture, call, word, or sentence that has meaning even when it's reverent is not present

John Fisher

An art historian who connected artistic features with social functions. After expresses social fantasy. When society=stable, art represents secure and pleasurable.

Unisex Associations

An association that restricts its membership to one sex, usually male.


An autonomous political unit with centralized decision making over many communities with power to govern by force.

Cross-cultural Researcher

An ethnologist who uses ethnographic data about many societies to test possible explanations of cultural variation to discover general patterns about cultural traits-what is universal, what is variable, why traits vary, and what the consequences of the viability might be.


An ethnologist who uses historical documents to study how a particular culture has changed over time.

Lead paint

An example of a maladaptive (cultural adaptation that find out ramifications of later) part of culture:

Negative Reciprocity

An exchange where one person tries to get as much as possible for as little as possible.


An organized group not based exclusively on kinship or territory. MUST HAVE: 1. Formal Structure 2. Exclude Some People 3. Members have a sense of pride/belonging 4. Common Interest

Women and Children

Anthropological research now brings a voice to marginalized people like:

Political Ecology

Anthropological theory that is an outgrowth of cultural ecology. Says that culture is a response of the natural environment but also geopolitical environment. Emphasizes interconnectivity of all cultural groups. Historical perspective.

Historical Particularism

Anthropological theory that moved from "armchair" anthropology to ethnographic fieldwork. Says all cultures are unique products of their own histories. Holistic approach. Cultural relativism. Really made Ethnographic Fieldwork relevant. [FRANZ BOAZ]

Post-Modern Anthropology

Anthropological theory that says all knowledge is subjective and embedded in a world of power differentials. Rejects the idea of a "superior scientific approach." Doesn't use scientific theory.


Anthropological theory that says cultural features of a group are explained by the functions they perform. "Culture functions to fulfill basic biological and psychological needs" -M. "Cultural maintains societal structure" -RB. +emphasizes the interrelatedness of culture -doesn't explain why/how change occurs -doesn't explain cultural diversity or variation -what is functional? what isn't? [MALINOWSKI AND RADCLIFFE-BROWN]


Anthropological theory that says culture exists to capture energy and that's the reason it advances. Energy technology=culture. -denies outside influence and is like the chain. [STEWARD AND LESLIE WHITE]

Interpretive Anthropolgy

Anthropological theory that says culture is a text that must be interpreted and interrogated. It is impossible to generalize. [GEERTZ]

Identity and Personality

Anthropological theory that says cultures all have their own personality, shaped by household, subsistence, and child care. Influenced by Freud (psychological factors) and gave rise to the importance of things like art and religion. [MARGARET MEAD AND RUTH BENEDICT]

Cultural Ecology

Anthropological theory that says that culture is and adaptation to the natural environment. Similar environments produce similar cultures. Natural selection. Contextualizes culture but only in regards to one piece of their environment. Tsembaga of Papa New Guinea.

Unilineal Evolution

Anthropological theory that says there is a sequences of stages that all cultures pass through. [savagery>barbarism>civilization]. Said savages are living fossils. +established a comparative perspective -ethnocentric -implies that individuals are passive -justifies colonialism -ignores uniqueness of cultures -supports biological determination [EB TYLOR]


Anthropologists' goal is to make ____________ about humanness that are valid across time and space.

Isolated Groups

Anthropology is moving from seeing cultures as ________ _______ to seeing them as more imbedded in a larger system.


Any set of attitudes, beliefs, and practices pertaining to supernatural power, whether that power rests in forces, gods, spirits, ghosts, or demons.

Intensive Agriculture

Food production characterized by the permanent cultivation of fields and made possible by the use of the plow, draft animals or machines, fertilizers, irrigation, water-storage techniques, and other complex agricultural techniques >Means of production are mechanized >Mass produced chemical fertilizers and pesticides. >Relies on labor of individuals who do not own the items produced. +higher yield, dependable product -environmental damage, laborers do not benefit directly from goods.


For ____, polygamy is common and there is a variable relationship with kids.


For ________, there is a choose. They also have networks to help with childcare.

Codified Laws

Formal principles for resolving disputes in heterogeneous and stratified societies.

1. Formal Structure 2. Exclude Some People 3. Members have a sense of pride/belonging 4. Common Interest

Four things that define an association


Generally full-time specialists, with very high states, who are thought to be able to relate to superior or high gods beyond the ordinary person's access or control.


Getting the supernatural to provide guidance

Generalized Reciprocity

Gift giving without any immediate or planned return. Ex: Parents with kids

Dam in Ethiopia

Give an example of an ethics situation in Anthropology


Giving and taking (not politically arranged) without the use of money.

Gender Expression

How someone expresses their gender.

Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis

Hypothesis that says what we perceive is limited by our language.

Surface Structure

Imagery used to produce the art itself.


In _______ Societies, the leader starts singing and then others join in.


In societies where infants are stressed, there is a _______ tone range.


In societies where women are especially important for subsistence, it is common for females to be _________ as a bride price.


Marriage between only one man and one woman at a time.

Group Marriage

Marriage in which more than one man is married to more than one woman at the same time; not customary in any known human society.

Nonsororal Polygyny

Marriage of a man to 2 or more women who are not sisters.

Nonfraternal Polyandry

Marriage of a woman to 2 or more men who are not brothers.


May be generally defined as a food-getting strategy that obtains wild plant and animals resources through gathering, hunting, scavenging, or fishing; also known as food collection. >Strategy of all humans until 10,000years ago. >High species diversity in diets. >Trade with neighbors >Not isolated, maintain connections with the modern world although often isolated from market economy. EX: !Kung [south african desert. low energy/time investment. highly diverse diet. men hunt, women gather. video hunting deer thing.]

Industrialized Society

Mean of Production Society in which employers convince workers to work through payment. Differential access to education and technology

Non-Industrialized Society

Mean of Production Society in which labor is found through kinship ties. All have some access to knowledge and to same technology.


Mode of production in which one labors to get food, shelter and resources for family.


Mode of production in which one labors to produce own food but elites control some of what is produced (taxes)


Mode of production in which one sells their labor to get money to buy food. mechanization.


Mode of production that is knowledge and service oriented. info is more important than capital.

Postpartum Sex Taboo

Prohibition of sexual intercourse between a couple for a period of time after the birth of their child.


Systematic study of the biological causes of human behavior. Humans are subjected to evolutionary forces.


Originated in Voudon Religion, practiced originally in West Africa. Brought to N.A. by slaves. Slow ones and fast ones.


Part-time religious practitioners who are asked to heal and divine while in a trance.

Fictive Kinship

People who are not biologically related but behave as if they were.


People who collect food from naturally occurring resources, that is wild plants, animals, and fish. This term minimizes heavy dependence on fishing, which is why they are now more referred to as foragers.

Collateral Kin

People who descend from a common ancestor but not in a direct line.


People who study primates.


Percent variation in the human population

1. Sensorimotor (child begins to interact with environment) 2. Preoperational (child begins to represent the world symbolically) 3. Concrete (child learns rules such as conservation) 4. Formaloperational (adolescent can transcend the concrete situation and think about the future).

Piaget's 4 stages of Devlopment


Plant cultivation carried out with relatively simple tools and methods; nature is allowed to replace nutrients in the soil, in the absence of permanently cultivated fields >Hoes (digging sticks) >Not continuous fields and no food surplus >Aka subsistence farming >Low population densities >Slash and Burn technique >Polyculture EX: Yanomami [brazil/venezuelan amazon. collective land ownership. sexual division of labor. temporary settlements that move with cultivation. diet 80-90% what they grow. the rest comes from hunting. more stable lifestyle than foragers.]


Plural marriage; one individual is married to more than one spouse simultaneously. Polygyny and Polyandry are types of this.


Predication, which may be derived from theories about how variables are related

Eugenics Movement

Social Darwinists led to this movement of purifying genetics/Nazi/Voldemort.

Class Societies (Stratified Societies)

Societies containing social groups that have unequal access to economic resources, power, and prestige. >associated with societies that encourage specialization EX: Caste system in India and Rwanda

Egalitarian Societies

Societies in which all people of a given age-sex category have equal access to economic resources, power, and prestige. >Only type of society until about 10,000 years ago. >Small social groups. >As many positions of prestige as there are people to fill them. >Reliant on sharing >Customs keep individuals from getting too powerful. EX: Hunter/gatherer society

Rank Societies

Societies that do not have any unequal access to economic resources or power but with social groups that have unequal access to PRESTIGE. >associated with agriculture, horticulture, and pastoralism >only so many positions of prestige >kin groups ranked


Some scientists might say that races are _______ of the human species.

Sexual Orientation

Someone's identity in terms of what they are attracted to.

Theoretical Construct

Something that cannot be observed or verified directly

Ancestor Spirits

Supernatural begins who are the ghosts of dead relatives


Supernatural beings of nonhuman origin who are named personalities; often anthropomorphic


Supernatural beings who were once human; souls of dead people


T/F Song style varies with cultural complexity.

Incarnations (of gods and spirits)

The Kumari of Neppal (young girl incarnations), the Dalai Lama of Tibet, mask spirits of the ivory coast are all examples of


The ability to make others do what they do not want to do or influence based on the threat of force.


The accumulation of goods (or labor) by a particular person or in a particular place and their subsequent distribution.


The act of calling upon a deity to bear witness to the truth of what one says

Cultural Ecology

The analysis of the relationship between a culture and its environment

Anthropological Linguistics

The anthropological study of languages.

Forensic Anthropology

The application of anthropology, usually physical anthro, to help identify human remains and assist in solving crimes.


The archaeological evidence of vampires (people found with stakes in hearts, hearts removed, etc.) were actually found to be suffering from the ____________.

Carter Semenya

The athlete who underwent testing to prove whether she was a man or a woman because of her athletic success.

Cultural Relativism

The attitude that a society's customs and ideas should be viewed within the context of that society's problems and opportunities.


The attitude that other societies' customs and ideas can be judged in the context of one's own culture.

2 Spirit

The belief in Indigenous North America that everyone has two identities. Roles were created for those who didn't apply to standard gender roles. masculine men masculine women feminine men feminine women


The belief, without scientific basis, that some "races" are inferior to others.


The biologically determination of whether or not someone is male or female.


The borrowing by one society of a cultural trait belonging to another society as the result of contact between the two societies


When someone has a native culture and then adopts a non-native culture


When someone's native culture is completely replaced by a new culture.


When something applies universally (biological or social)


When something is shared by several but not all cultures.


When something is unique to a specific culture


Words or morphs that belong to different languages but have similar sounds and meanings

Bride Service

Work performed by the groom for his bride's family for a variable length of time either before or after the marriage.


Yield per person PER hours of labor


Yield per person PER units of land


_________ are more willing to express open aggression than farmers.


_________ culture: what people say they do. _________ culture: what people actually do. Ex: recycling


__________ societies emphasize self-reliance and individual assertiveness.


____________ rules of marriage state that one cannot marry within their social group or caste. Related to incest taboo.


____________ rules of marriage state that one must marry within social group/caste/ethnic group.

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