Antrho ch 7 Exam 2

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home range

The spatial area used by a primate group.

-grasping hands with opposable thumbs or big toes -flattened nails -forward-facing eyes with stereoscopic vision -generalized teeth -petrosal bulla -Enclosed bony eye orbits in the skull

What are the anatomical traits of primates? - - - -

1. Old World Monkeys: 2,1,2,3 2. New World Monkeys: 2,1,3,3 **order: incisors, canine, premolars, molars

What is the dental sequence of: 1. Old World Monkeys 2. New World Monkeys


group living, a fundamental trait of haplorhine primates

visual predation hypothesis -created by Matthew Cartmill

hypothesis for the origin of primate adaptation that focuses on the value of grasping hands and stereoscopic vision for catching small prey, not for climbing in trees were key adaptations

so elongated or the thumb is reduced that the digits do not meet, rendering them useless for gripping. Nonhuman primates also have an opposable hallux (big toe)

in colobine monkeys, gibbons, and spider monkeys, the four fingers are _______________


subgroups of families are called

-Diurnal-hap vs nocturnal-streps -sociality (groups-haplorhines or solitary-strepsirhines)

Behavioral Traits of Primates:

polyandrous mating system

Mating system in which one female mates with multiple male

core area

The part of a home range that is most intensively use


The study of the interrelationships of plants, animals, and the physi- cal environment in which they liv


part of the brain that controls higher cognitive function; the cerebrum

1. Uakari 2. Muriqui 3. Golden lion tamarin

____1____: native to seasonally flodded rainforests ___2_____:Highly endangered, the largest new world monkey ___3____: one of brazil's endangered primates

diurnal (most haplorhines)

active during daylight

nocturnal (most strepsirhines)

active during nighttime


All non human primates are ____ and walk on all four limbs

suspensory, rotating shoulder apparatus that allows for arm-hanging and arm-swinging, or brachiation.

Apes and humans share several key postcranial anatomical traits. Foremost among these is the

oriented across the back rather than on the sides of the upper arms to allow this freedom of motion

Arm-hangers need a scapula that is ____________

gibbons, orangutans, and Old World Monkeys such as langurs, leaf monkeys and macaques, plus numerous strepsirhine species.

Asia is the home of what monkeys

haplorhine (Haplorhini)

suborder of the order primates that includes the anthropoids and tarsier

strepsirhine (strepsirhini)

suborder of the primates that includes the prosimians, excluding the tarsier

arboreal hypothesis -created by frederic jones and George Smith in 1920s

hypothesis for the origin of primate adaptation that focuses on the value of grasping hands and stereoscopic vision for life in the trees

1. metatheria: reproduce without placenta. Offspring born in embryonic state 2. prototheria: the monotremes, small and unusual group that includes only australian platypus and echidna. They lay eggs. nurse young from nipples 3. eutheria: placental animals; t dozen orders; primates; internal fertilization. **Reproduce with placenta and uterus

taxonomists divide mammals intwo three groups:

dental arcade

the parabolic arc that forms the upper or lower row of teeth

central mexico to argentina

new world Monkeys are founds from


Animals that eat a diet composed mainly of leaves, or foliage.

rib cage and torso; long, curned digit bones; small thumbs; and long arms to aid in arm-swinging

Apes also posses a cone-shaped __________


member of the primate suborder Prosimii that includes the lemurs, lorises, galagos, and tarsiers


the life cycle of an organism from conception of birth

1. Strepsirhini orStrepsirhine (lemurs and lorises) 2. Haplorhini or haplorhine (tarsiers, monkeys, apes, humans *neither is more primitive than the other *both evolving for more than 60 million years

2 suborders of primates:


Members of the primate suborder Anthropoidea that includes the monkeys, apes, and hominins


Subamily that includes all humans, modern and extinct, plus the African great apes (chimpanzee, bonobo, gorilla

1. DEBRAZZA'S GUENON 2. galago 3. GOLDEN SNUB-NOSED MONKEY 4. chimp 5 SAVANNA BABOON 6 HANUMAN LANGURS 7 Lar Gibbon 8 Tarsier 9 Orangutan 10 LION-TAILED MACAQUE 11 Red-Bellied Lemur 12 Gorillas 13. Lorises

1. A diverse group found in African forests 2. Live in many African forests; Also called Bushbabies 3. One of China's beautiful and endangered primates 4 Found in suitable habitat across equatorial Africa 5 Baboons are found across subsaharan Africa 6 Found all across the Indian Subcontinent 7 Found in forests from India through South East Asia 8 The only entirely carnivorous primate, found in Southeast Asia rain forests 9 Live only on the islands of Sumatra and Borneo in Indonesia 10 One of the world's most threatened primates, found in hilly forests of Southern India 11 Found only on Madagascar 12. Live in both lowland and mountain forests 13. The only Strepsirhine primates in Africa and main- land Asia


Form of mating system seen in chimpanzees, bonobos, and a few other primates in which there are temporary subgroups but no sta- ble, cohesive group

prehensile tail

Grasping tail possessed by some species of the primate families Cebidae and Atelidae


Hormonally influenced period of sexual receptivity in some female mammals that corresponds to the timing of ovulation.


How many species are in the primate order

mother-offspring pair.

In chimps, the only stable unit is a

Catarrhini -primates with downward-facing nostrils)

Infraorder of the order Primates that includes the Old World mon- keys, apes, and hominin

Platyrrhini -referring to flat shape of nose

Infraorder of the order Primates that is synonymous with the New World monkeys, or ceboids.

-single offspring (except in marmosets and tamarins(twins) -large brains: -extended ontogeny: due to learning how to be in a social group, mate, and care for offspring

Life history traits of primates

1. vertical clinging and leaping (VCL) 2. longer 3. sifakas

Many Strepsirhines move by ___1____...Their hind limbs are __2__ than front limbs ***__3__ use this technique

1. Archaeoindris and Megaladapis 2. Paleopropithecines

Many of the extinct species were quite large; ___1__ and ____ ambled along the ground like large bears (Figure 7.13). One entire subfamily, the ____2____, were sloth lemurs; some of these species apparently hung upside down from tree limbs, as New World sloths do. Lacking natural predators, they would have been plentiful prey for the human colonizers.


Mode of arm-hanging and arm-swinging that uses a rotating shoulder to suspend the body of an ape or hominin beneath a branch or to travel between branches.


Term describing an animal that eats a diet composed mainly of fruit.


The gibbon, or lesser ape, family.

tarsier, New World monkeys, Old World monkeys, apes, and hominins.

The nonhuman primates of the suborder Haplorhini include the...


The part of a home range that is defended against other members of the same species.

activity budget

The pattern of waking, eating, moving, socializing, and sleep- ing that all nonhuman primates engage in each day.


Which subgroup is the bony eye orbit more common in?


extinct forms through skeletal remains are called _____ rather than fossils, due to the recent date of the animals' disappearance

-nails at the ends of digits instead of claws -marmosets and tamarins

flattened nails: *In all primates except ____________

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