AP Bio Unit 2 Test | Walker

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Vibrio cholerae are highly pathogenic bacteria that are associated with severe gastrointestinal illness and are the causative agent of cholera. In extreme cases, antibiotics are prescribed that target bacterial structures that are absent in animal cells. Which of the following structures is most likely targeted by antibiotic treatment?

Cell wall

The process of actively moving large molecules into the cell


Which type of cell would be the most useful for studying the rough ER.

Insulin-making cells in the pancreas

Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells generally have which of the following features in common?


Muscle cells have high demands. Which of the following is a scientific claim about how the structure of the mitochondria in muscle cells should be different than it is in other cells because of the high energy demands of mitochondria?

The inner membrane of the mitochondria in muscle cells should have more folds to increase the surface area, allowing more ATP to be synthesized

Movement of substances into the cell is largely dependent on the size, polarity, and concentration gradient of the substance. Which of the following represents an example of active transport of a substance into a cell?

The sodium-potassium pump, which restores resting membrane potentials in neurons through the use of ATP

ALL of the following characterize microtubules

They are made of protein They make up the spindle apparatus observed during cell division They are involved in providing motility

Which of the following processes could result in the net movement of a substance into a cell if the substance is more concentrated in the cell than in the surroundings?

active transport

A co-transporter is something that moves two substances across a membrane, one passively and the other actively. The Na K ATPase transports sodium and potassium ions across the plasma membrane against their concentration gradients. This pump is not considered a co-transporter because

both ions are moved via active transport

This organelle is present in plant cells, but not animal cells.

cell wall

Which of the following structures is present in prokaryotic cells

cell wall

A cellular activity that doesn't require ATP

cells absorbing oxygen

The last part of the metamorphosis of a tadpole to an adult frog results in the disappearance of the tail. This stage of development most likely occurs by

cells of the tail dying and the nutrients being absorbed and reused by the body

All of the following are known to be components of cell walls

chitin, polysaccharides, peptidoglycans

Paramecium is a single-celled protist that lives in freshwater habitats. In these conditions, Paramecium has evolved strategies to handle the potential consequences of inhabiting this hypotonic environment. One of these strategies could be

contractile vacuoles, which expel water forcefully

Smooth ER carries out all the following activities

detoxificaiton, hydrolyze glycogen into glucose, lipid production

The fluid mosaic model describes the plasma membrane as consisting of

diverse proteins embedded in a phospholipid bilayer

Small, nonpolar, hydrophobic molecules such as fatty acids.

easily pass through a membrane's lipid bilayer

This contains hydrolytic enzymes


The movement of water out of a cell resulting in the collapse of the plasma membrane is called


The plasma membrane consists principally of

proteins embedded in a phospholipid bilayer

Researchers propose a model to explain variation in phytoplankton cell sizes in a marine environment. They base their model on the idea that smaller cells absorb nutrients more efficiently. The researchers predict that the mean diameter of phytoplankton cells will change by 50 micrometers for every 5-kilometer increase in distance from the shore because of a gradual decrease in nutrient availability. To test their model, the researchers determine that the phytoplankton cells found closest to shore have a mean diameter of 900 micrometers. Based on the model, what will be the mean diameter of the phytoplankton cells that are found 25 kilometers from shore?

650 micrometers

Which two cellular organelles in eukaryotes have both electron transport systems and chemiosmotic mechanisms?

Chloroplasts and mitochondria

Which of the following claims is scientifically accurate and consistent with an observation that a decrease in lysosome production within a cell leads to a decline in mitochondrial activity?

Fewer lysosomes will be available to break down macromolecules to provide the necessary nutrients for cellular respiration.

Liver cells manufacture glycoproteins, while adipose cells store fat. Which of the following subcellular structures is likely to be more prominent in liver cells than in adipose cells?

Golgi apparatus

Based on their function, you would expect melanocytes in the skin to have a higher than usual number of these which release proteins. Definition: Melanocyte, specialized skin cell that produces the protective skin-darkening protein pigment melanin.

Golgi bodies

Which of the following can easily diffuse across a selectively permeable membrane?


Which of the following processes is most likely to occur as a result of an animal cell receiving a signal to initiate apoptosis?

Lysosomes will release digestive enzymes into the cytosol.

The function of which of the following organelles directly requires oxygen?


The movement of molecules during diffusion can be described by all of the following

Molecular movements are random, net movement of solute molecules is from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration, each molecule moves independently of other molecules

In a eukaryotic cell, which of the following organelles directly work together?

Ribosomes, rough ER, Golgi bodies, plasma membrane

Which of the following functional differences between the rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is explained by the structural differences between them?

Rough ER can synthesize and package proteins for export, and smooth ER cannot.

Which of the following organelles modifies and packages for secretion the materials produced by the ribosomes?

The Golgi apparatus

A spherical bacterial cell has a radius of 3 micrometers. The human egg cell has a radius of 100 micrometers. Which statement correctly indicates the cell that is able to more efficiently exchange materials with the external environment and provides a correct explanation?

The bacterial cell, because it has the largest surface-to-volume ratio.

Individuals with an inherited autosomal recessive disorder called primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) often have severe respiratory problems due to defective cilia. Males with PCD are often sterile because they produce sperm with defective flagella. Which of the following most likely explains the effect of the recessive allele?

The cells do not produce functional motor proteins in flagella and cilia.

Which of the following best describes the fluid mosaic model of membranes?

The membrane contains a phospholipid bilayer with proteins of various lengths and sizes interspersed among the phospholipids

Which off the following types of cell transport require energy?

The movement of a particle across a selectively permeable membrane against its concentration gradient

Which of the following statements describes a feature shared by mitochondria and the endoplasmic reticulum that increases the efficiency of their basic functions?

They have highly folded membranes.

Large molecules are moved out of the cell by which of the following processes?


Movement of solutes across a plasma membrane from a region of higher solute concentration to a region of lower solute concentration with the aid of proteins

faciliated diffusion

Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells have all of the following structures in common EXCEPT

linear chromosomes

Absence of enzymes from this organelle can lead to storage diseases such as Tay-Sachs disease.


Large membrane-bound structures that contain hydrolytic-enzymes and that are found predominantly in animal cells


These directly assist with cell division


The organelle which produces ATP


These organelles are not found in red blood cells but are present in large numbers in muscle cells, they provide ATP to allow cell functions.


This organelle is the host for the Krebs Cycle and oxidative phosphorylation of respiration.


Which organelle contains DNA?


The endosymbiosis hypothesis is supported by all the following pieces of evidence, except the fact that

mitochondria use ATP like prokaryotes

The organelle that is a major producer of ATP and is found in both heterotrophs and autotrophs is the


What organelles have two layers of membranes?

nucleus, chloroplast, mitochondria

Membranes are components of all of the following

nucleus, mitochondrion, golgi apparatus

Plant and animal cells differ mostly in that

only plant cells have cell walls

Movement of water across a membrane from a region of higher concentration of water to a region of lower concentration of water without the aid of proteins.


Salivary glands produce a large quantity of enzymes, which are transported out of the secretory cells. Which of the following organelles would be in abundance in these cells?


This organelle is synthesized in the nucleolus of the cell.


What organelle is the site of protein synthesis?


Which of the following is present in a prokaryotic cell


Insulin is a protein synthesized in the cytoplasm of pancreas cells and then transported to the plasma membrane where it enters the bloodstream. Which of the following summarizes the pathways for insulin though a pancreatic cell?

rough ER → Golgi body → vesicle → plasma membrane

An animal cell in a hypertonic solution would


An organelle that is characterized by extensive, folded membranes and is abundant in cells that detoxify poisons such as liver cells

smooth ER

Which one of the following would NOT normally diffuse through the lipid bilayer of a plasma membrane?


Which of the following uses passive transport, without protein channels, to move materials across the cell membrane?

the movement of carbon dioxide across the cell membrane

The development of electron microscopy has provided key insights into many aspects of cellular structure and function, which had previously been too small to be seen. All the following would require to use the electron microsocopy for visualization EXCEPT:

the shape and arrangement of bacterial cells

Which of the following requires ATP?

the uptake of cholesterol by a cell through endocytosis

The three purposes of a cell

to make protein. to make energy, to make more cells

Which of the following best characterizes the structure of the plasma membrane?

very active

When the concentration of solutes differs on the two sides of a membrane permeable only to water,

water will move across the membrane by osmosis

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