AP Biology Unit 3 Cellular Energetics

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To test the hypothesis that a particular plant synthesizes storage lipids by using glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate (G3P) from photosynthesis, a researcher plans to use radiolabeled precursors to track the molecules through the biosynthetic pathway. Which of the following radiolabeled precursors is most appropriate for the researcher to use?

14C-labeled CO2, because atmospheric carbon is fixed to carbohydrates by photosynthesis

A researcher claims that the synthesis of ATP from ADP and inorganic phosphate (Pi) is essential to cellular function. Which of the following statements best helps justify the researcher's claim?

ATP hydrolysis is an energy-releasing reaction that is often coupled with reactions that require an input of energy.

Figure 1. ATP production by three metabolic pathways following the start of an intense period of exercise Which of the following correctly uses the data to justify the claim that the phosphagen system is an immediate, short-term source of ATP for muscle cells?

ATP production by the phosphagen system increases and decreases rapidly following the start of the exercise period.

In an experiment, a scientist isolates mitochondria from living cells and suspends them in two different buffered solutions. One solution is maintained at pH 4, while the other solution is maintained at pH 9. The scientist finds that mitochondria in the solution at pH 4 continue to produce ATP but those in the pH 9 solution do not. The results of the experiment can be used as evidence in support of which of the following scientific claims about mitochondrial activity?

ATP production in mitochondria requires a hydrogen ion gradient that favors movement of protons into the mitochondrial matrix.

A researcher claims that only a portion of the light energy captured by green plants is available for growth and repair. Which of the following observations best helps justify the researcher's claim?

As light energy is converted to chemical energy by metabolic processes, some of the energy is lost as heat.

A researcher claims that increased atmospheric carbon dioxide levels cause increased growth rates in plants. Which of the following statements best supports the researcher's claim?

Atmospheric carbon dioxide is the raw material for photosynthesis, which plants rely on for producing sugars and other organic compounds.

Alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) is an enzyme that aids in the decomposition of ethyl alcohol (C2H5OH) into nontoxic substances. Methyl alcohol acts as a competitive inhibitor of ethyl alcohol by competing for the same active site on ADH. When attached to ADH, methyl alcohol is converted to formaldehyde, which is toxic in the body. Which of the following statements best predicts the effect of increasing the concentration of substrate (ethyl alcohol), while keeping the concentration of the inhibitor (methyl alcohol) constant?

Competitive inhibition will decrease because the proportion of the active sites occupied by substrate will increase.

The figures can best assist in answering which of the following questions?

Do electron transport chains create a gradient so that ATP synthase can generate ATP molecules?

If an individual with diabetes consumes food that is high in simple carbohydrates, blood-sugar levels can rise above normal levels. Which of the following questions would provide the best direction for a researcher who wanted to study the impact of abnormally high blood-sugar levels on cellular homeostasis in diabetics?

Does water move from cells into blood vessels more rapidly in diabetics than in nondiabetics when blood-sugar levels are higher than normal?

A researcher claims that different metabolic pathways allow bacteria to use different molecules as sources of matter and energy. Which of the following statements best helps justify the researcher's claim by providing a relevant example?

E. coli bacteria reproduce in liquid media containing either glucose or galactose.

A scientist claims that Elysia chlorotica, a species of sea slug, is capable of photosynthesis. Which of the following observations provides the best evidence to support the claim?

Elysia chlorotica grows when exposed to light in the absence of other food sources.

The enzyme hexokinase catalyzes the conversion of glucose to glucose-6-phosphate, which is an important step in glycolysis. The reaction involves the transfer of a phosphate group from ATP to glucose. Either a glucose molecule or a water molecule can fit in the active site of hexokinase. The presence of a water molecule in hexokinase's active site would result in the hydrolysis of ATP to ADP instead of the conversion of glucose to glucose-6-phosphate. Which of the following statements best helps explain the reaction specificity of hexokinase?

Glucose has the right shape and charge to cause hexokinase to undergo a structural change needed for catalysis, whereas water does not.

Phosphofructokinase (PFK) is an enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of fructose 6-phosphate to fructose 1,6-bisphosphate during glycolysis, as represented in Figure 1. PFK can be allosterically inhibited by ATP at high concentrations. Which of the following is the benefit of regulating glycolysis by the concentration of ATP?

Glycolysis proceeds when the intracellular concentration of ATP is low, which provides ATP to drive cellular reactions.

Cyanobacteria contain a variety of pigment molecules, as shown in Table 1. As a result, the color of cyanobacteria cultures can vary significantly based on the relative amount of each pigment produced. A researcher placed a culture of cyanobacteria under green lights. Within a few weeks, the appearance of the cyanobacteria changed from green to red. The researcher claimed the color change in the culture was the result of an adaptation allowing greater photosynthesis. Which of the following provides the best reasoning to justify the researcher's claim?

In green light, more phycoerythrin molecules are produced, allowing more green light to be absorbed, thus increasing photosynthesis.

Which of the following questions will best direct an investigation of the mechanism of ATP synthase?

Is the phosphorylation of ADP by ATP synthase dependent on the formation of a proton gradient?

In chloroplasts, ATP is synthesized from ADP plus inorganic phosphate (Pi) in a reaction catalyzed by ATP synthase molecules that are embedded in the thylakoid membrane. Which of the following statements provides evidence to support the claim that no ATP will be synthesized in the absence of a proton gradient across the thylakoid membrane?

No ATP is synthesized when channel proteins that allow the free passage of protons are inserted into the thylakoid membrane.

Which of the following best predicts how the structure and function of pepsin will change as it enters the small intestine?

Pepsin will change in shape because of the basic environment of the small intestine; therefore, its enzymatic activity will decrease.

Which of the following actions will provide the most appropriate negative control for the experiment?

Repeating the experiment with denatured enzymes

In most freshwater fish, nitrogenous waste is primarily excreted as ammonia, which is highly soluble in water and is toxic at low concentrations. In terrestrial mammals, ammonia is converted to urea before it is excreted. Urea is also highly soluble in water but is less toxic than ammonia at low concentrations. Which of the following best explains why freshwater fish do not convert ammonia to urea for excretion?

The dilution of ammonia by direct excretion into freshwater conserves energy.

A researcher proposes a model of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction in which a reactant is converted to a product. The model is based on the idea that the reactant passes through a transition state within the enzyme-substrate complex before the reactant is converted to the product. Which of the following statements best helps explain how the enzyme speeds up the reaction?

The enzyme's active site binds to and stabilizes the transition state, which decreases the activation energy of the reaction.

A researcher designs an experiment to investigate the effect of environmental temperature on the function of an enzyme. For each trial included in the experiment, the researcher will add the enzyme and its substrate to an aqueous buffer solution and then measure the amount of product formed over 20 minutes. Which of the following must remain the same for all trials of this experiment?

The initial concentration of the substrate

Which of the following statements best justifies the inclusion of test tubes 3 and 7 in the experiment?

They will show whether the isolated cellular contents have enzymatic activity.

Strenuous exercise lowers the blood pH, causing the curves for both hemoglobin and myoglobin to shift to the right. This shift results in

an unloading of O2 at higher partial pressures

If the experiment is repeated at pH 11, the observed activity level of the enzyme will most likely be

lower than the level at pH 9

According to the data, the crickets at 25oC have greater oxygen consumption per gram of tissue than do the crickets at 10oC. This trend in oxygen consumption is the opposite of that in the mice. The difference in trends in oxygen consumption among crickets and mice is due to their

mode of internal temperature regulation

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