AP Chem Lab Safety

Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!

Draw an outline of the classroom/lab and identify the location(s) of the safety equipment.

(on sheet)

What type of shoes are appropriate for the lab? Inappropriate?

- closed leather shoes are appropriate for the lab -open toe shoes are NOT (cannot protect feet) -shoes made from cloth or woven material can absorb spills and harmful chemicals- not appropriate

Can any thermometer be used for heating any liquid? Explain.

- high heat such as inside the flame of a Bunsen burner= do NOT use mercury or alcohol thermometer because it will explode -But for most lab experiments, mercury and alcohol thermometers work great

What should you do with leftover chemicals after an experiment? What should you do with the products of an experiment?

- pour the leftover chemicals in the proper waste container -pour the products in their proper waste container

Is the laboratory a safe place to eat, drink, or put on makeup? Why or why not?

-No, because the chemicals could contaminate your food, drink, or makeup -get rid of these items before you get to the lab

What is the most important lab rule of them all?

-Not to fool around -do not run, push, or wrestle in the lab

Where should you keep your personal belongings that you bring to the lab?

-do not keep them in the isles because people can trip over them -put them away

What do you do if you spill corrosive chemicals on you or your clothing?

-if its just on your arm/hand, wash it off in the sink with plenty of water -if it is all over you, take off your clothes and rinse your body in the safety shower -stay under the shower for at least 15 minutes

Before hooking a Bunsen burner to the gas line, what should you look for?

-look for cracks in the hose and get a new one if you find any -make sure the connections are tight and the valve at the bottom is open

How should you insert glass tubing into a rubber stopper if you don't have an inserter? How can you protect your hands?

-lubricate the tubing and push it gently into the stopper, rotating if there is any resistance - use leather gloves to protect your hands

Describe the right type of shirts to wear in the lab

-sleeves and shirts that fit fairly close, but aren't too tight to restrict movement -fabrics made of cotton or wool that won't melt works best

Name at least two dangers of wearing the wrong type of shirt in the lab.

-sleeves that are too loose can drag through a chemical puddle or knock things over -synthetic material melts when heated and sticks to the skin -fuzzy sweaters catch on fire easily

How do you extinguish a small fire in a container? What should you do if you have a larger fire?

-small fires in a container= cover the container and turn off the gas -larger fires= fire extinguisher operated by the teacher or clear out of the building and call the fire department

If using a match, when do you turn the gas on? Why?

-strike the match away from you, then turn on the Bunsen burner, then light it from the side -you turn the gas on after you light the match so that gas will not escape while you light the match

What should you do if you cut yourself in the lab?

-wash off the cut and make sure there is no glass inside of it -dry your skin and have your teacher apply a bandage to it -get medical attention after any injury in the lab

Describe what you should do if you get a chemical in your eye?

-wash them immediately in the eye wash station -hold your eyes open and roll them around to the water washes them -wash for at least 15 minutes and see a doctor to check for damage

What ways can you safely carry a heated object?

-you can hold hot glassware with beaker tongs or protective gloves -carry it away from you

What is the easiest part of the body to injure in the lab? How do you protect them?

-your eyes -do not wear contacts -always wear goggles with side shields

List two ways to properly heat a test tube?

1. they can be heated in a water bath 2. heated directly over the flame- moving it back and forth to distribute heat evenly

Why is it important to remove rings and watches before working in the lab?

Because they could trap corrosive chemicals against your skin and damage the jewelry

How can you protect your hands when working with corrosive chemicals?

By wearing gloves that your teacher instructs you to

What is one of the most common causes of injury in the laboratory?

Cuts from broken glass, especially glass tubing

If you spill a liquid chemical, what should you do? What is done with the residue after a spill?

First get away from the spill and then tell your teacher so they can clean it up. The teacher will pour an absorbent around the spill, mop or sweep it up, and dispose of it in the proper waste container.

Why should loose, long hair be tied back?

Hair could knock something over and catch fire if it is not held back

If a thermometer breaks, what should you do?

Let your teacher clean it up and dispose of it properly

Is it safe to use glassware that has cracks or stars? Explain.

No, because it could explode or break when its heated

Is it safe to heat flammable chemicals (e.g., gasoline) with a Bunsen burner?

No, it is never safe to heat flammable chemicals. Instead, heat it in a heating mantle or a steam bath.

Can you distinguish between hot and cold glass or metal?

No, so treat everything like it is hot if it has been around a Bunsen burner

Is it safe to heat a sealed container? Explain.

No, the gas must be able to escape and if it doesn't the glass will explode form pressure.

Do lab thermometers have to be shaken down like medical thermometers?

No, they should not be shaken

Why should you pay careful attention to your surroundings at all times when in the lab?

Pay attention because if you do not, you could injure yourself or others permanently such as blindness

What size container should you use to dispense chemicals?

Small containers that you can control easily

When you read the label on a chemical container, what are three important pieces of information?

The concentration, the hazard warning, and the name of the chemical

What are the last steps in properly performing a lab

The last steps are to clean up. -glassware should be rinsed and cleaned -wipe down your workspace and dispose of the paper towels properly -clean chemicals off your hands by washing them

Describe some measures to extinguish a clothing fire.

You can: -stand under the safety shower -stop, drop, and roll -cover yourself with a safety blanket

What precautions should you take with volatile (flammable) chemicals?

You should work with it under a fume hood

Should you add acid to water or water to acid?

add acid to water

How do you adjust the size of the flame?

by turning the bottom valve

Describe a proper flame.

it should be blue with a lighter inner cone

What did the girl who had chemical splash in her eye do wrong?

she was not wearing her safety goggles

How are flat bottomed containers usually heated?

they are heated on a wire screen on a ring stand

How do you secure an Erlenmeyer flask for heating?

they should be secured to the stand with a clamp

If your flame sputters or goes out, what should you do?

turn off the gas immediately

If you smell gas in the room, what should you do?

turn the gas off

How many times should you read this information before you open the container?

twice before you open the container

How are uncontaminated waste paper and broken glass properly disposed of?

uncontaminated waste paper goes in a regular trash can and broken glass goes in the glass waste bin

Describe the proper type of pants/skirts to wear in the lab.

wear long pants or a long skirt to protect your legs

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