AP Euro Chapter 11-17

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A small, maneuverable, three-mast sailing ship developed by the Portuguese in the fifteenth century that gave the Portuguese a distinct advantage in exploration and trade. (p.

cottage industry

A stage of industrial development in which rural workers used hand tools in their homes to manufacture goods on a large scale for sale in a market.


A system of economic regulations aimed at increasing the power of the state based on the belief that a nation's international power was based on its wealth, specifically its supply of gold and silver.

millet system

A system used by the Ottomans whereby subjects were divided into religious communities, with each millet (nation) enjoying autonomous self-government under its religious leaders.

economienda system

A system whereby the Spanish crown granted the conquerors the right to forcibly employ groups of Indians in exchange for providing food, shelter, and Christian teaching.

New Christians

A term for Jews and Muslims in the Iberian Peninsula who accepted Christianity; in many cases they included Christians had converted centuries earlier.

Great Famine

A terrible famine in 1315-1322 that hit much of Europe after a major climate change.


A theory of inductive reasoning that calls for acquiring evidence through observation and experimentation rather than deductive reason and speculation.

Mexica Empire

Also known as the Aztec Empire, a large and complicated Native American civilization in modern Mexico and Central America that possessed advanced mathematical, astronomical, and engineering technology.


Members of a sixteenth - and seventeenth - century reform movement within the Church of England that advocated purifying it of Roman Catholic elements, like bishops, elaborate ceremonials, and wedding rings.


Members of the Society of Jesus, founded by Ignatius Loyola, whose goal was the spread of the Roman Catholic faith.


The executive officer in each of the United Provinces of the Netherlands, a position often held by the princes of Orange.


The few days of revelry in Catholic countries that preceded Lent and that included drinking, masquerading, dancing, and rowdy spectacles that upset the established order. (p.

Copernican hypothesis

The idea that the sun, not the earth, was the center of the universe.


The influential intellectual and cultural movement of the late seventeenth and eighteenth centuries that introduced a new worldview based on the use of reason, the scientific method, and progress.

Peace of Westphalia

The name of a series of treaties that concluded the Thirty Years' War in 1648 and marked the end of large-scale religious violence in Europe.


The name originally given to followers of Luther, which came to mean all non-Catholic Western Christian groups.


The nobility of Brandenburg and Prussia, they were reluctant allies of Frederick William in his consolidation of the Prussian state.

Holy Office

The official Roman Catholic agency founded in 1542 to combat international doctrinal heresy.

Hundred Years' War

A war between England and France from 1337 to 1453, with political and economic causes and consequences.


Descendants of the Dutch settlers in the Cape Colony in southern Africa.

economic liberalism

A belief in free trade and competition based on Adam Smith's argument that the invisible hand of free competition would benefit all individuals, rich and poor.

Edict of Nantes

A document issued by Henry VI of France in 1598, granting liberty of conscience and of public worship to Calvinists, which helped restore peace in France.


A document issued by the Catholic Church lessening penance or time in purgatory, widely believed to bring forgiveness of all sins.

Union of Utrecht

The alliance of seven northern provinces (led by Holland) that declared its independence from Spain and formed the United Provinces. of the Netherlands.

guild system

The organization of artisanal production into trade-based associations , or guilds, each of which received a monopoly over its trade and the right to train apprentices and hire workers.

Babylonian Captivity

The period from 1309 to 1376 when the popes resided in Avignon rather than in Rome. The phrase refers to the seventy years when the Hebrews were held captive in Babylon.


The quality of being able to shape the world according to one's own will.

reading revolution

The transition in Europe from a society where literacy consisted of patriarchal and communal reading of religious texts to a society where literacy was commonplace and reading material was broad and diverse.

Treaty of Paris

The treaty that ended the Seven Years' War in Europe and colonies in 1763, and ratified British victory on all colonial fronts.

Christian humanists

Northern humanists who interpreted Italian ideas about and attitudes toward classical antiquity and humanism in terms of their own religious traditions.


Opposition to the clergy.


The English military dictatorship (1653-1658) under Oliver Cromwell following the execution of Charles I.


A group of French intellectuals who proclaimed that they were bringing the light of knowledge to their fellow humans in the Age of Enlightenment.

law of inertia

A law formulated by Galileo that states that motion, not rest, is the natural state of an object, and that an object continues in motion forever unless stopped by some eternal force.

Bloody Sunday

A massacre of peaceful protesters at the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg in 1905, triggering a revolution that overturned absolute tsarist rule and made Russia into a conservative constitutional monarchy.

Berlin Conferences

A meeting of European leaders held in 1884 and 1885 in order to lay down some basic rules for imperialist competition in sub-Saharan Africa.


A popular style in Europe in the eighteenth century, known for its soft pastels, ornate interiors, sentimental portraits, and starry-eyed lovers protected by hovering cupids.

natural philosophy

An early modern term for the study of the nature of the universe, its purpose, and how it functioned; it encompassed what we would call "science" today.

public sphere

An idealized intellectual space that emerged in Europe during the Enlightenment, where the public came together to discuss importance issues relating society, economics, and politics.

Black Shirt

Mussolini's private militia that destroyed socialist newspapers, union halls, and Socialist Party headquarters, eventually pushing Socialists out of the city governments of northern Italy.

law of universal gravitation

Newton's law that all objects are attracted to one another and that the force of attraction is proportional to the objects' quantity of matter and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

Atlantic slave trade

The forced migration of Africans across the Atlantic for slave labor on plantations and in other industries; the trade reached its peak in the eighteenth century and ultimately involved more than 12 million Africans.


The highest-ranking members of the Russian nobility.

Balfour Declaration

A 1917 British statement that declared British support of a National Home for the Jewish People in Palestine.


A French word meaning "rebirth," used to describe the rebirth of the culture of classical antiquity in Italy during the fourteenth to sixteenth centuries.


A German interdisciplinary school of fine and applied arts that brought together many leading modern architects, designers, and theatrical innovators.


A form of government in which power is limited by law and balanced between the authority and power of the government, on the one hand, and the rights and liberties of the subjects or citizens on the other hand; could include constitutional monarchies or republics.


A form of government in which there is no monarch and power rests in the hands of the people as exercised through elected representatives.

debt patronage

A form of serfdom that allowed a planter or rancher to keep his workers or slaves in perpetual debt bondage by periodically advancing food, shelter, and a little money.

Ptolemy's "Geography"

A second-century-C.E. work that synthesized the classical knowledge of geography and introduced the concepts of longitude and latitude. Reintroduced to Europeans about 1410 by Arab Scholars, its ideas allowed cartographers to create more accurate maps.


Catholic and Protestant moderates who held that only a strong monarchy could save France from total collapse.


Voluntary lay groups organized by occupation, devotional preference, neighborhood, or charitable activity.


A program of study designed by Italians that emphasized the critical study of Latin and Greek literature with the goal of understanding human nature.


A secular, critical way of thinking in which nothing was to be accepted on faith, and everything was to be submitted to reason.

Navigation Acts

A series of English laws that controlled the import of goods to Britain and British colonies.

The Arab Spring

A series of popular revolts in several countries in the Middle East and North Africa that sought an end to authoritarian, often Western-supported regimes.

Peace of Utrecht

A series of treaties, from 1713 to 1715, that ended the War of the Spanish Succession, ended French expansion in Europe, and marked the rise of the British Empire.


A series of violent uprisings during the early reign of Louis XIV triggered by growing royal control and increased taxation.

"The Institutes of the Christian Religion"

Calvin's formulation of Christian doctrine, which became a systematic theology for Protestantism.

Debate about women

Debate among writers and thinkers in the renaissance about women's qualities and proper role in society.


Degrading public rituals used by village communities to police personal behavior and maintain moral standards.

Representative Assemblies

Deliberative meetings of lords and wealthy urban residents that flourished in many European countries between 1250 and 1450.

Cartesian dualism

Descartes's view that all of reality could ultimately be reduced to mind and matter.

Blood sports

Events such as bullbaiting and cockfighting that involved inflicting violence and bloodshed on animals and that were popular with the eighteenth-century European masses.


Financial support of writers and artists by cities, groups, and individuals, often to produce specific works or works in specific styles.


Free groups and outlaw armies originally comprising runaway peasants living on the borders of Russian territory from the fourteenth century onward. By the end of the sixteenth century they had formed an alliance with the Russian state.


French Calvinists.


Government by one-man rule in Italian cities such as Milan; also refers to these rulers.

Statute of Kilkenny

Law issued in 1366 that discriminated against the Irish, forbidding marriage between the English and the Irish, requiring the use of the English language, and denying the Irish access to ecclesiastical offices.

Test Act

Legislation, passed by the English Parliament in 1673, to secure the position of the Anglican Church by stripping Puritans, Catholics, and other dissenters of the right to vote, preach, assemble, hold public office, and teach at or attend the universities.


Lenin's radical, revolutionary arm of the Russian party of Marxist socialism, which successfully installed a dictatorial socialist regime in Russia.


People who believed that the authority in the Roman Church should rest in a general council composed of clergy, theologians, and laypeople, rather than in the pope alone.


People who believed that the plague was God's punishment for sin and sought to do penance by flagellating (whipping) themselves.

Black Death

Plague that first stuck Europe in 1347 and killed at least a third of the population


Regular social gathering held by talented and rich Parisians in their homes, where philosophes and their followers met to discuss literature science, and philosophy.

English Peasants' Revolt

Revolt by English peasants in 1381 in response to changing economic conditions.


Spanish for "conqueror"; Spanish soldier-explorers, such as Hernando Cortés and Francisco Pizarro, who sought to conquer the New World for the Spanish crown.


Sworn associations of free men in Italian cities led by merchant guilds that sought political and economic independence from local nobles.

enlightened absolutism

Term coined by historians to describe the rule of eighteenth-century monarchs, who, without renouncing their own absolute authority, adopted Enlightenment ideals of rationalism, progress, and tolerance.

Treaty of Tordesillas

The 1494 agreement giving Spain everything to the west of an imaginary line drawn down the Atlantic and giving Portugal everything to the east.


The British policy toward Germany prior to World War II that aimed at granting Hitler whatever he wanted, including western Czechoslovakia, in order to avoid war.

Spanish Armada

The fleet sent by Philip II of Spain in 2588 against England as a religious crusader against Protestantism. Weather and the English fleet defeated it.


The Jewish Enlightenment of the second half of the eighteenth century, led by the Prussian philosopher Moses Mendelssohn.

Battle of Peterloo

The army's violent suppression of a protest that took place at Saint Peter's Fields in Manchester in reaction to the revision of the Corn Laws.


The movement to fence in fields in order to farm more effectively, at the expense of poor peasants who relied on common fields for farming and pasture.


The name for the four administrative units of Spanish possessions in the Americas: New Spain, Peru, New Granada, and La Plata.


The ruler of the Ottoman Empire; he owned all the agricultural land of the empire and was served by an army and bureaucracy composed of highly trained slaves.

industrious revolution

The shift that occurred as families in northwestern Europe focused on earning wages instead of producing goods for household consumption; this reduced their economic self-sufficiency but increased their ability to purchase consumer goods.


The teaching that God has determined the salvation or damnation of individuals base on his will and purpose, not on their merit or works.


The transformation of large numbers of small peasant farmers into landless rural wage earners.

Inca Empire

The vast and sophisticated Peruvian empire centered at the capital city of Cuzco that was at its peak from 1438 until 1532.

Columbian exchange

The exchange of animals, plants, and diseases between the Old and New Worlds.


A massive uprising by French peasants in 1358 protesting heavy taxation.


A small, maneuverable, three-mast sailing ship developed by the Portuguese in the fifteenth century that gave the Portuguese a distinct advantage in exploration and trade.

Christian democrats

Center-right political parties that rose to power in western Europe after the Second World War.


Disenfranchised common people in Italian cities who resented their exclusion from power.

Brezhnev Doctrine

Doctrine created by Leonid Brezhnev that held that the Soviet Union had the right to intervene in any East Bloc country when necessary to preserve Communist rule.


Magnificent households and palaces where signori and other rulers lived, conducted business, and supported the arts.

experimental method

The approach, pioneered by Galileo, that the proper way to explore the workings of the universe was through repeatable experiments rather than speculation.

janissary corps

The core of the sultan's army, composed of slave conscripts from non-Muslim parts of the empire; after 1683 it became a volunteer force.

Great Schism

The division, or split, in church leadership from 1378 to 1417 when there were two, then three, popes.

putting-out system

The eighteenth-century system of rural industry in which a merchant loaned raw materials to cottage workers, who processed them and returned the finished products to the merchants.


View that monarchy was the best form of government, that all elements of society should serve the monarch, and that, in turn, the state should use its resources and authority to increase the public good.

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