AP Euro Chapter 3 & 4

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The Baroque style flourished in the context of the

Catholic Reformation

Which book by the baron de Montesquieu is considered the first major work in the French Enlightenment?

The Persian Letters

"An Account of a Particular Species of Cocoon, or Silk-Pod, from America" is best characterized as

a careful investigation of the silk pod and whether it might serve as a source of silk

By the eighteenth century, the elite of the Spanish colonial society

Came to believe that their circumstances gave them different interests and characteristics from those in Spain

What was one of the social consequences of Peter the Great's bureaucratic system?

People of non-noble origin were able to rise to high positions.

The Junkers were

Prussian nobles who reluctantly worked with Frederick William to consolidate the Prussian state

What was the core concept of the Enlightenment?

The methods of natural science should be used to examine all aspects of life

Based on the this passage, what did Louis XIV see as the ultimate goal of the absolute monarch?

To add to his own wealth and power

What was the purpose of the raucous public rituals in which young men in a village would publicly humiliate a couple or individual who had committed adultery or abuse?

To regulate personal behavior and maintain community standars

Which of the following describes the role of women in guilds in the eighteenth?

Masters began to hire more female workers, often in defiance of guild

What did the new discourse about children that emerged in the 1760s emphasize?

An expansion of foundling hospitals

What was the result of the War of the Austrian Succession?

An inconclusive standoff that set the stage for further warfare

In the 17th Century, why did rulers hesitate to crush rebellions?

Armies were expensive to deploy, and rulers feared creating martyrs.

Oliver Cromwell's Protectorate was ultimately a

Military Dictatorship

Which of the following characterizes education for children outside the home in the early modern ear?

Schools for the children of the common people taught basic literacy, religion, and some arithmetic for boys and needlework for girls

The concept of the reading revolution refers to the

Shift from reading religious texts aloud as a family to reading diverse texts individually

The Ottomans divided their subjects into religious communities or


A striking feature of the salons was that

philosophies, nobles, and members of the upper middle class intermingled

Rousseau's concept of the general will asserts that

the general will is not necessarily the will of the majority

The English political philosopher Thomas Hobbes held that

the power of the ruler was absolute and prevented civil war

This selection from Denis Diderot's "Supplement to Bougainville's Voyage" reflects his belief that

European exploration was a prelude to violent conquest

What was the outcome of the heightened central control established by absolutist and constitutional governments?

Growth is armed forces

Why was John Wesley's Methodism particular appealing?

He refused the doctrine of predestination, insisting that anyone who earnestly sought salvation could gain it

What was the consequence of Prince Francis Rakoczy's rebellion for Habsburg rule?

Hungary was never fully intergrated into a centralized, absolute Habsburg state.

Why did European slave traders in Africa adopt the "shore method" of trading in the eighteenth century?

It permitted Europeans to move easily along the coast, obtaining slaves at various slave markets and then departing quickly for the Americas

Based on this passage, one can conclude that (Taxes Passage)

Louis XIV had to negotiate with local elites to achieve his desired objectives

What did Hume see as the source of racial distinctions?


After his victory in 1709 at Poltava, Peter the Great built a new, Western-style city on the baltic called

St. Petersburg

Why did surgeons in the eighteenth century face incredible difficulties?

Surgery was performed in utterly unsanitary conditions, which meant the simplest would could become infected and lead to death

How did the nature of armed forces change in the latter half of the seventeenth century?

The Army officers became obedient to monarchs instead of serving their own interests.

Which of the following correctly characterizes the transformation of the English and Scottish countryside in the enclosure era?

The elimination of common rights and access to land turned small peasant farmers into landless wage earners

Catherine the Great of Russia came to power in 1762 through

a military coup

Voltaire saw Confucianism as

a natural religon

During a young man's period of apprenticeship, he would

become a master after seven years of training

The proletarianization of peasants in the eighteenth century forced them to

become landless rural wage earners

Voltaire was a deist who viewed God as akin to a

clockmaker who set the universe in motion and then ceased to intervene in human affairs

Mercantilist theory postulated that

economic activity should be regulated by and for the state.

Merchant capitalists complained bitterly about

their inability to supervise and direct the work of rural laborers.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau believed that

women were suited to a passive role in social relations

How did the problem of food shortages change in the eighteenth century?

Increased road and canal building permitted food to be more easily transported to regions with local crop failure.

What was the Catholic version of Pietism?


How did the new fashion practices of the eighteenth century demonstrate changes in gender distinctions?

Men increasingly moved away from ostentatious fashions and toward plain dark suits, while women acquired larger and more expensive wardrobes

Why did the Dutch fail to maintain their dominance in Asia?

The Dutch East India Company failed to diversify its trade to meet changing consumption patterns in Europe

What helped to justify the growth of slavery in the eighteenth century?

The emergence of scientific racism

The growth in the eighteenth-century consumerism in clothing was encouraged by what two factors?

The growth of fashion merchants who dictated changing styles and the declining production costs based on the female labor.

What caused the pattern of late marriage in early modern Europe?

The tendency of couples to wait to marry until they were economically independent

How did European governments respond to new science?

They established academies of science to support and sometimes direct scientific research

The discipline of natural philosophy focused on

fundamental questions about the nature, purpose, and function of the universe.

To improve the rural economy and the lives of peasants, Empress Maria Theresa of Austria

reduced nobles' power over their serfs

Which of the following characterizes eighteenth-century colonial trade in Europe.

Britain's mercantilism system achieved remarkable success as trade with its colonies grew substantially

What was Jethro Tull's contribution to English agriculture in the eighteenth century?

He critiqued accepted farming methods and developed better methods through empirical research

Why did sugar and tea become commonly consumed products by all social classes in the eighteenth century?

There was a steady drop in prices owing to the expanded use of colonial slave labor

Louis XIV selected councilors from the

newly ennobled or upper middle class.

The industrious revolution was the result of

poor families choosing to reduce leisure time and the production of goods for household consumption in order to earn wages to buy to buy consumer goods

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