AP European History Exam

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First Estate

the upper class of France during the Old Regime that was the clergy of the church that never paid taxes and owned 10% of French land

Pugachev Rebellion

the uprising of serfs along the Volga River against Catherine the Great

The Estates System

the way society was divided during the Old Regime in France


the wealthy people of France who left after the National Assembly was formed in wake of potential war they were radical


"The National Razor"

Four Stage Theory

Adam Smith's belief that human societies can be classified into hunting-gathering, pastoral or herding, agricultural, and commercialism

Disclosure of Method

Descartes published work that rejected scholastic philosophy and education, advocating thought based on mathematical model

The War of Austrian Succession

Frederick II's ignoring of the Pragmatic Sanction in order to take Silesia from Marie Theresa Prussia and France vs. Austria and England this ended with the treaty of Aix-la-Chappelle

French Physiocrats

French economic reformers who questioned the Mercantilist System and believed economic activity should be free from artificial restrictions

Marie Antoinette

Married to Louis XVI, infamous for her outlandish and extravagant clothing and hated by the people; the King and his family flee to Austria because her family is there—they believe they will be protected

Religious Toleration

Prussia granted this in full under Frederick the II, and allowed Catholics and Jew to settle into Lutheran areas, as well as built mosques for Muslims Frederick needed skilled workers in his nation

Cult of the Supreme Being

Robespierre's crazy cult that was developed through his own paranoia during The Grand Terror

Attack on the Tuilaeries Palace

a large crowd invaded this palace and the king and royal family had to hide in the Legislative Assembly

Jacques Necker

The financial minister for France who knew what he was doing, he was loved by the people but fired by Louis XVI, which lead to revolts in Paris

The New Astronomy

Tycho Brahe and Johannes Kepler's book on astronomy

Louis XV

a French king who was very weak and was dominated by his mistresses ;) and court favorites the nobility and regained much power in France and there was enormous debt "It will last for my time, then the deluge."

Baron de Montesquieu

a French nobleman and attorney who wanted to limit the abuses of royal absolutism and created the idea of separation of powers within government-legislative, executive, judicial

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

a French philosopher who hates the world and society he lived and therefore published many books on the process of human corruption and education he advocated for popular sovereignty

Maximillian Robespierre

a Jacobin leader that was considered "uncorrectable" and his death led to the end of The Reign of Terror

George Jacques Danton

a Jacobin leader that was well loved by the people and a very good speaker he was the second to die out of the Jacobin leaders

Jean-Paul Marat

a Jacobin leader who's solution to the French Revolution was to kill everyone (literally) that is, until, he was killed himself, as the first Jacobin leader to die

Olympe de Gouges

a butcher's daughter who was a major radical in Paris and proposed a declaration of the rights of women that were reprinted in the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen this improved equality for women and improved education for women

Rene Descartes

a great mathematician who developed analytic geometry and helped inspire the Scientific Method

The Enlightenment

a great movement in philosophy and thinking that created different definitions for reason, nature and natural law, happiness, progress, liberty, and toleration.

Cahiers de Doleances

a list of grievances, registered by the local electors, to be presented to the king in order to improve French government indicated that the three estates could cooperate

"the watchmaker"

a new philosophical thought at the time that compared God to this, or as a mechanic that arranged the world so that it would function automatically.

Peace and Prosperity

a period of the 18th century in which Great Britain became Europe's leading commercial nation and the upper classes benefited from this african slaves and European serfdom supported key commodities


a period of the 18th century in which the Hohenzollerns of Prussia and the Hapsburgs of Austria vied for power in Central Europe includes War of Austrian Succession

Tycho Brahe

a scientist that believed the universe was geocentric and often made extensive observations of the planets, demonstrating that planets orbits the sun in an elliptical fashion

Galileo Galilei

a scientist that utilized the telescope to extensively look at the universe to find mountains on the moon and moons around jupiter popularized Copernicus' interpretation of the heavens using empirical rational evidence

Johannes Kepler

a scientist who assisted Tycho Brahe in his experiments and theorizing

Isaac Newton

a scientist who developed theories in english, physics, principia mathematica, gravity, and natural laws, including the law of inertia, force law, and action-reaction law


after the Committee of Public Safety, this caused the creation of a new calendar and the suppression of Christianity in France

Paris Commune

after the radicals begin to seize control, this takes over the Assembly and becomes an independent political force, casting itself as the protector of the revolution and all its gains

Diplomatic Revolution

an Austrian chancellor, Count Kaunitz, formed a coalition with France, Austria, and Russia that arranged a marriage between Marie Antoinette and King Louis XVI England formed an alliance with Prussia restored the balance of power in Europe

Denis Diderot

chief editor of the encyclopedia whose goal was to bring together all the most current and enlightened thinking about science, technology, mathematics, art, and government he also did some jail time for being an atheist

Empress Elizabeth

daughter of Peter the Great and the leader of Russia before Peter III and Catherine came to the throne

Committee of Public Safety

formed after many European nations joined together against the Revolution, and it was to meet the new dangers it was almost completely dictatorial and directed the army this eventually creates the largest army in Europe

Revolutionary Tribune

formed by the Committee of Public Safety, this was to try all political enemies of the Revolution

Citizen's Army

in 1795, the French army gained a new name they conquered land as far west as the Rhine River and anti-French coalition has been broken up

Economic Growth

in Russia, this increased due to the program started by Peter the Great and suppressed internal barriers to trade exports of grain, flax, and furs grew dramatically and the expansion of small urban middle class helped with trade

The Great Fear

in which the peasants believe rumors that the nobles were sending gangs to kill them and they attack monasteries and noble houses in order to go against this this represented the people's hatred of the Old Regime

Charter of Nobility

issued by Catherine the Great in 1785 that guaranteed the rights and privileges of the nobles

Enlightened Absolutism

many philosophies looked toward the monarchy to create solutions to modern problems and did not want to limit the power of monarchy

Marie Theresa

mother of Joseph II who ruled with her son in order to strengthen Hapsburg holdings and guarantee the aristocracy considerable independence for backing her during the war she also imposed an efficient system of taxes on Bohemia and Austria and created better educational institutions in Austria


one of the most influential Philosophes and popularized Newton's discoveries he also criticized the Divine Monarchy in France and denounced religious bigotry

Adam Smith

one of the most influential laissez-faire economics who was anti-mercantilist he developed many theories on economy and often went head to head with Jean-Baptiste Colbert

The Wealth of Nations

published in 1776 by Adam Smith that said there were two natural laws, supply and demand and competition and discussed the role of government, free market, and The Invisible Hand in economy

The Grand Terror

the 100 days in which Robespierre ruled by himself and essentially goes crazy, creating his own cult and causing the Convention to be unsafe he is executed as a crime against the republic

Catherine the Great

the German princess who ruled Russia and continued the modernizing of Russia after Peter the Great

Law of the Fourth of August

the National Assembly act that abolished feudalism in France, cancelled feudal dues and obligations, repealed the Church Tax, and repealed the special privileges of the Nobility and Clergy

Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen

the National Assembly act that all men are born and remain equal before the law, the law must be the same for all, all men have the right to take part in government and resist oppression, and the rights of personal liberty

Legislative Assembly

the National Assembly established itself as this, becoming a major political authority in France and establishing that all laws would originate from them

Reign of Terror

the National Convention decided to suppress all opposition and enemies of the Republic by conducting swift trials using the guillotine, causing thousands of deaths during this period

The September Massacres

the Paris Commune's execution of 1200 people in city jails who were common criminals, clergy, and aristocrats under the assumption that they were all counter-revolutionaries

Active Citizens

the citizens of France that could vote due to being males who paid taxes in relation to labor

Passive Citizens

the citizens of France who could not participate in government, including women


the city dwelling middle class and third estate of France during the Old Regime that were merchants, professionals, doctors, lawyers they were well educated and enlightened

Second Estate

the class of nobility in France that dressed very well and collected feudal dues from the peasants they did not pay taxes and held the highest positions in government and army


the clergy, aristocrats, and some girondists who attempted to organize an army against the revolutionaries this erupts in civil war


the committee called by Louis XVI and was a gathering of all estates in order to help France proposed taxes and caused rioting


the conservatives of the Legislative Assembly that believed that the revolution had gone too far and demanded the emigres return

Civil Constitution of the Clergy

the constitution that stated that priests and bishops were to be elected and that clergy were subjected to national government and national law this concept was hard to enforce due to the pope's opposition

Old Regime

the divine monarchy of France before 1789 and caused society to breakup into three estates

Leopold II

the emperor of Austria who was Marie Antoninette's brother and issued a declaration that European powers would intervene in order to protect the monarchy in France

Robert Walpole

the first Prime Minister of England and became the leading government minister

Tennis Court Oath

the first act of revolution in France in which the king gave in to the estates and the third estate proclaims itself the National Assembly and vows not to adjourn until France has a new constitution this gains the reluctant support of Louis XVI

Seven Years War

the first world war in which Great Britain was against France across Europe and the colonial territories of Canada, West Indies, and India

Louis XIV

the king of France that had been a great leader and would arrest and dismiss nobles who protested his actions

Louis XVI

the king of France who was detrimental to the throne and furthered the French Revolution

Frederick II of Prussia

the leader of Prussia that corresponded with many great philosophies and was quite the intellectual

Third Estate

the majority of the French population during the Old Regime that consisted of the Bourgeoisie and peasants

Partition of Poland

the military victories of Catherine the Great made Eastern Europe nervous and dissolved Poland into shared land

National Assembly

the name the third estate claims after the Tennis Court Oath that declares itself the true voice of the people

Peter III of Russia

the nephew of Empress Elizabeth who married Catherine (and then was disposed of by her)


the new aristocrats in France that represents the slightly less than middle class and is glorified within the New National Convention

National Convention

the new convention formed to create a French Constitution and declare France a republic

Constitutional Monarchy

the new form of government that France became after the Constitution of 1791 was established

The Storming of Bastille

the people of France's retaliation against Louis XVI for conspiring to dismantle the Estates-General the people break in, steal weapons, and free prisoners


the poorest people of France at the bottom of the social scale in the third estate they paid dues and services and the heaviest taxes they worked long hours and had no influence


the radicals of the Legislative Assembly that wanted to get rid of the king and establish a republic

Joseph II of Austria

the rational leader of Austria who was the son of Marie Theresa


the revolution in scientific though contributed directly to the reexamination of this western idea


the theory that the universe revolves around the sun

Trial of Citizen Capet

the trial of Louis XVI in which he was found conspiring against liberty of the people and the state even though the Girondists did not want to execute Louis

witch hunts

these killed thousands of widows, mid-wives, and healers/herbalists for the accusation that they were using magic and eating children the clergy was the main cause of this outbreak on pagan people it was ended by the Scientific Revolution

Scientific Societies

these were sponsored by governments and monarchs during the enlightenment and allowed scientists to promote research and spread scientific knowledge established an international scientific community

The Great Powers

these were the leading countries of the 18th Century: Britain, Spain, Holland, Poland, Sweden, Ottoman Empire, Russia, and France

Prussian Civil Service Commission

this Prussia idea proposed by Frederick II oversaw education and examinations, claiming privilege did not matter

New Codification of Prussian law

this Prussia system established by Frederick II rationalized the system, making it more efficient, eliminated regional peculiarities, abolished torture, limiting capital crimes, imported workers, and developed agriculture, but continued to heavily tax peasants

Declaration of Pilnitz

this caused the emigres to make progress out of the country and its conflict

Constitution of 1791

this constitution was the beginnings to the National Assembly's reorganization of France it created three branches of government and a constitutional monarchy in France it established the new legislative assembly's importance in France

Treaty of Paris (c. 1763)

this ended the Seven Years War with Great Britain acquiring much of French Canada and the lands between the Appalachian Mts. and the MS River France gained the Caribbean sugar islands and a few posts in India Prussia kept Selesia


this inspired the removal on restrictions such as speech, religion, and trade it was believed that intellectual freedom is a natural right and without freedom of expression there would be no progress


this is considered the absence of intolerance, bigotry, and superstition and allowed for informed thinking about social problems in order to improve society


this led to the belief that misery was not necessary to find salvation and that it this is an inalienable right


this questioned the institutional religious beliefs

Economic and Agrarian Reform

this reform in Austria sought to improve the economies of Joseph II's realm, abolishing many internal tariffs and encouraging road building and improved river transport it also reconstructed the judicial system to make the law more uniform and made laws more ration and lessened the influence of landlords

Nature and Natural Law

this regulates both nature and society and are discovered by human reason

Francis Bacon

this scholar was considered the father of empiricalism and experiments in science

Nicholas Copernicus

this scientist question the geo-centric view of the universe and undertook a directive from the papacy to reform the calendar he developed a theory that the universe was heliocentric, which was a heresy


this was believed to be inevitable through letting the laws of economics and government improve society

Republic of Virtue

this was created by Robespierre and repressed women

Scientific Revolution

this was not a unified event across Europe, and was a gradual movement that involved a few hundred brilliant scientist working independently in several different countries this enabled scientific discovery and knowledge to gain cultural authority

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