AP European History Semester 2 Final

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Fearing a potential coup from military authorities, Lenin carried out hi "Great Purge" from 1936 to 1938.


Germany was referred to as the "Powder Keg of Europe."


In the late 19th century, the Belgian Monarch King Leopold II claimed the lands of the Congo which lead to at least 50% of the Native Africans dying under his leadership.


In January of 1917, a coded telegram was sent by the German foreign minister, Arthur Zimmermann, to the German ambassador in the United States hoping to prevent them from joining the war effort.


One step that was part of Hitler's vision of a master race was The Final Solution, which called a mass imprisonment of millions of Jews.


Rudyard Kipling wrote "The White Man's Burden" to discourage the United States from entering into the imperialism business


The American-led invasion of Iraq was supported by many countries, notably France, Germany, and Russia.


The Vichy regime used their opportunity of power to return to liberal ways, focusing largely on the end of both strict Catholicism and intense nationalism.


War was a hardship for the British economy, underproducing German production.


Which of the following best describes Lenin's New Economic Policy?

A compromise with capitalist economic principles.

__________, or openness, in Russia, allowed for the acceptance of criticism and public discussion of Soviet history and the Party itself. _________, or restructuring, seemed to abandon Marxist ideology in favor of a more capitalist system as it supported free enterprise and private property.

Glasnost, Perestroika

In the early 1900s, this country remained as the world's leading naval power with a vast colonial empire taking up about a quarter of the land on earth. Their primary goals were to imperialize and industrialize.

Great Britain

The United States would eventually join which nations to make up the Triple Entente?

Great Britain, France, Russia

During the Spanish Civil War, the Nationalist forces led by General Franco received military assistance from which of the following pairs of states.

germany and italy

This established Imperialism in the Balkans, the Middle East, and Asia took many forms, many of which were brutal and repressive towards native populations.

Anglo-Dutch Treaty

Back in Germany, Hitler made the move to annex neighboring Austria in 1938. This annexation, or political takeover, was known as


This man is regarded as the father of sociology, developed positivism, a philosophy that was based on science.

Auguste Comte

much like india, this country was run under strict supervision by the british authorities becoming increasingly more nationalist, and at times turning to the guidance of radical islamists.


The Allies also agreed to divide up Germany into four occupation zones governed by France, Russia, Great Britain, and the United States


In the period after the First World War, the British economist John Maynard Keynes argued that...

governments should respond to economic downturns by increasing spending

The Great Depression didn't affect all countries the same way.


He did not originate the concept of evolution, but he did explain how species evolved over time.

Charles Darwin

The purges carried out in the Soviet Union during the 1930's resulted in..

the arrests and killings of many senior government and military officials

Chinese animosity towards the European powers eventually came to a head with ________.

the boxer rebellion

The US issued the Marshall Plan, an economic recovery aid package, to those that wanted it in the post-war period. All of the countries accepted it except for Russia.


This team of merchants was used by the British to exploit India through tactics of negotiation and warfare.

East India Company

When gold was discovered in one of the newly discovered Boer settlements, the British attempted to take over. The Boers fought back leading the British to do what?

Gather Boer women and children into concentration camps

Which nations made up the Triple Alliance?

Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy

This proclaimed that the western powers would pledge to offer financial and military support to countries threatened by communism.

truman doctrine

The __ according to Freud, consists of immoral, irrational and sometimes sexual impulses


This was the most prolonged proxy war of the Cold war period, which occurred in several different phases.

vietnam war

Which of the following is the best description of European overseaes empires from 1750-1914?

The colonies in the Americas broke free from Europe and Europe began to colonize Africa and Asia instead.

What caused the United States to freeze Japanese assets and cut off oil supplies?

Japan's invasion of Indochina

Suspicious of Cathlic activities, Otto Von Bismark embarked on a campaign called ___, or clash of civillizations


The ______ deprived Jews of their citizenship and made them "subjects" rather than people.

Nuremberg Laws

This specific way of painting involves little dots and is extremely laborious.


Realism was the counter-movement to


During the Cold War, these talks were aimed at minimizing the number of nuclear weapons that each country could possess.


Eastern European nations were said to lie behind what imaginary structure following WWII?

The Iron Curtain

During a decades-long period, these two superpowers engaged in a space race, a nuclear arms race, and various proxy wars.

Soviet Union, United States

New Imperialism was the time of the collapse of these nations as major imperialist powers and the rise of new colonial powers.

Spain, portugal, france

In 1864, Pope Pius IX issued this document, which was to counter the growing liberal movement that was undermining the values of the church.

Syllabus of Errors

Gavrilo Princip was a member of this terrorist organization that devoted to seeking independence from the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

The Black Hand

What event may have prompted the rebirth of racism and anti-semitism?

The Dreyfus Affair

This leader of the Zionist movement believed that the Jewish population couldn't survive if it didn't have a nation of its own.

Theodor Herzl

"The Allied and Associated Governments affirm, and Germany accepts, the responsibility of Germany and her allies for causing all the loss and damage ... as a consequence of the war." -Treaty of Versailles, 1919 Which of the following best states one purpose of the treaty clause above?

To justify large reparations payments from Germany

Algeria became a prized possession and link to the Middle East and the Mediterranean world.


By 1900, almost three-quarters of the population in most countries could read.


In the late 19th century, the Belgian Monarch King Leopold II claimed the lands of the Congo which lead to at least 50% of the Native Africans dying under his leadership.


The border between France and Germany would be called the

Western Front

The term "Five year Plan" would most likely be discussed in conjunction with which of the following.

a book on the economic development of the Soviet Union after the Bolshevik Revolution

One major consequence of the First World War was

the start of the Russian Revolution

As the war progressed, the Allies created the Big three, which included: Churchill of Great Britain, Stalin of the Soviet Union, and Roosevelt of the United States.


Cuba is the only communist nation in the Western Hemisphere.


From 1997 through 2001, Afghanistan was ruled by a brutal Islamic fundamentalist regime known as the Taliban.


The 1933 passage of the ________ granted hitler the ability to authorize new laws without a majority vote from parliament.

enabling act

Britain and France had tried to appease Hitler by allowing him to take Poland and Czechoslovakia. However, the direct invasion of their ally Austria provoked a declaration of war.


In what way(s) did the separate spheres for women change during the late 19th and early 20th century?

all answer choices are correct

This style of fighting looked like lightning pouring down from the sky due to all the heavy bombing coming from German aircraft.


This modern movement was considered the most radical of the era as it was determined by the viewer to guess the reality of the piece.


In 1939, the "Great War" would become known as WW!, and the new conflict that would ensue between 1939 and 1945 was known as WW2. The time period between the two wars was known as the _________ years.


A ______ is a conflict that occurs when two nations do not fight one another directly but support third party combatants that serve their interests.

proxy war

Yellow fever, or the tropical disease carried by mosquitoes, affected many troops and Western civilians when they set foot in the colonies leading to the development of this anti-malarial drug.


Throughout the 18th and 19th century, ______________ consolidated its control over various parts of Eastern Europe and had established itself as the Big Brother to Serbia.


This event resulted in the British government taking direct control of India.

sepoy mutiny

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