AP gov: political ideology

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What's Keynesian economics?

Encourages govt spending thro creation of jobs or the distribution of unemployment benefits in order to promote economic growth

What's supply side economics?

Encourages tax cuts and deregulation in order to promote economic growth

whats globalization?

US political culture has been influenced by values of other countries and has also influenced values of other countries

liberal ideology is best defined as which of the following?

a belief in increasing the role of government to regulate the economy and creating government programs to help the most needy

if congress adheres to a libertarian economic policy, which of the following measures would it most likely employ during an economic recession?

a constitutional amendment that prohibits the federal govt from creating govt subsides and bailouts to businesses

which of the following policies would a libertarian politician most likely support?

abolishing the death penalty

what are lifecycle changes?

as people get older their political ideology changes, different age means different concerns

which of the following best describes a change in the graphs above?

as the iraq war progressed more americans viewed the war itself and the decision to enter the war negatively

define political party

coalition or groups of voters who come together in order to win public office

which of the following is an accurate comparison of typical conservative and liberal views concerning the role of govt?

comp B, Liberals believe the federal govt should strengthen background checks for gun ownership, conservatives believe the federal govt should not create laws that infringe on an individuals right to bear arms

which of the following is an accurate comparison of typical conservatives and liberal views concerning economic policy?

comp B, liberals raise taxes on top US earners allow the govt to help the middle class, conservatives cutting federal regulations and taxes provides businesses with more opportunities to hire more workers

which of the following is an accurate comparison of monetary policy and fiscal policy?

comp C, monetary controlled by central banks like the federal reserve system, fiscal controlled by congress and the president

which of the following is an accurate comparison btwn liberals and conservatives?

comp D, liberals believe federal govt should allow same sex marriage, conservatives believe federal govt should restrict marriage to one man and one woman

what are exit/entrance polls?

conducted at a polling place on election day, asked before or after they voted

which of the following is an accurate conclusion based on a comparison of the trends in the graph and your knowledge of the importance of public opinion data as a source of political influence?

congressman schubert judged that although a majority of Americans support stricter gun control laws, the voters in his district are more likely to oppose such laws

which of the following groups would be most likely to support a piece of legislation that lowers the corporate tax rate?


what is flat tax?

conservatives support, all tax rates are the same across the board regardless of income [

what are tracking polls?

continuous polls that allow campaigns to see their rise or fall in popularity

which of the following policies is most likely to cause tension between the competing values of individualism and rule of law?

criminalizing the use of recreational drugs like marijuana

which of the following is most consistent with the author's (Antonio spilimbergo and paola giuliano) argument in this passage?

economic recessions have lasting consequences on the attitudes of individuals who experienced them during their formative years

on election day, TV news netowrk Houston News One is trying to project the 2018 TX election results. they send pollsters to 400 voting places throughout the states to survey ppl before they cast their vote. which type of poll is the news network conducting?

entrance poll

which of the following policies is most likely to create the most tension btwn competing values of rule of law and limited govt?

expelling undocumented US residents from the country

what are political event changes?

external events that shift beliefs, changes party identification, change level of engagement (watergate sandal or vietnam)

which of the following agents of socialization is the most successful at transmitting political ideologies?


what is liberal ideology?

favor active govt including more regulation of economy and promotion of equality bit higher emphasis on individualism

what is conservative ideology?

favor traditional american values, respect authority, law and order and want strong national defense, favor less govt involvement

what do conservatives stand for in elections?

follow tradition and having reverence for authority, pro life, support prayer in public school, pro 2nd amendment, fewer regulation on business

which of the following scenarios best reflects the globalization of US political culture?

following a political revolution and a strong trade relationship with the US, the country of Corto Maltese starts holding free and open elections

people are most effects in...

formative years of 18-25

conservatives place a higher value on ______________. whereas liberals place a higher value on ______________.

free enterprise, equal opportunity

which of the following statements is reflected in the data in the table?

generational divides can influence political attitudes towards major issues

which of the following life vents would be most likely to have a significant effect on an individuals political attitude?

getting married or divorced

which of the following statements best summarizes Governor Bush's argument?

he does not use polls to decide his stance on policy

what are generational changes?

historical events shape the ideology of a generation, certain historical/political events can shape political ideology but not always predictable (FDR's new deal)

what is monetary economic policy?

how govt manages supply and demand of the dollar as well as maintains value of currency, accomplished through discount rate

the city of metropolis places cameras on major intersections to take pictures of license plates. however, the picture capture more than license plates, sometimes capturing the faces of people involved in protest activity. what does this scenario illustrate?

how new technology has forced the govt to balance enforcing order with protecting civil liberties

which of the following statements best defines policy mood?

how political scientists measure the public's preferences toward policy choices

which of the following policies would a liberal politician most likely support?

increasing funding for school lunch programs

what are the five core beliefs about politics and govt? the emphasis and extent of these is called what?

individualism, equality of opportunity, limited govt, free enterprise, and rule of law; ideology

whats majoritarian?

influences policy making, interaction of ppl within the govt in order to carry out the will of the majority

whats an interest group's role in policy making?

interact with all three branches to influence policy (pluralistic theory)

which of the following policies is likely to create the most tension between the competing values of rule of law and limited government?

investigating journalists who have published new stories critical of the administration

what are some of the concerns with polling data?

knowledge (some ppl arent politically intelligent), some ppl dont participate, some polls allow find and response which doesnt always guarantee a good sample size, social desirability bias (ppl tell the poll what they think it wants to hear)

what is public policy?

laws and principles society is based on, domestic, economic, social, and foreign policy all included

if congress adheres to a conservative economic policy, which of the following measures would it most likely employ during an economic recession?

legislation to reduce regulation on the operation of small businesses

who is most and least effected by public polling?

legislative most influenced, president can use bully pulpit to respond to public, judiciary least effected

which of the following ideological perspectives is most consistent with the author (governor martin o mallet of maryland, state address)?


each generation tends to be more ____________ than the preceding generation. but, is less _____________________.

liberal, politically active

how do liberals and conservatives view free enterprise?

liberals say govt needs to regulate business, the buying and selling should not turn into a monopoly; conservatives say market will naturally regulate itself, prices and wafes will set themselves into equilibrium

how do liberals and conservatives view equality of oppurtunity?

liberals say govt needs to take steps to ensure it, govt needs to eliminate systemic barriers so everyone has acess; conservatives say equality of opportunity exists, but may not guarantee equality of outcome

how do liberals and conservatives view individualism?

liberals say individuals are protected BY the govt, govt should step in and ensure that there are protections; conservatives say individuals protected FROM the govt, govt interference has no place in american lives

how do liberals and conservatives view rule of law?

liberals say need to ensure due process, everyone is guaranteed a fair trial; conservatives say need to ensure law and order, were a nation of rules and laws and abiding them is important

how do liberals and conservatives view limited govt?

liberals say we need a society based on liberty, freedom of speech and press no unlawful search and seizure is vital, conservatives say need to maintain order, follow BoR and Constitution is upheld is most important

what is progressive tax?

liberals support, tax rate increases as income does, current income tax (when ppl talk about "tax brackets")

based on the text, which of the following statements would the author (eitan d harsh, long term effects of 9/11) most likely agree with?

major political events play a significant role in shaping individuals political attitudes

based on the information in the table, which of the following is one likely implication of the public opinion poll on the policy agenda?

members of congress create environmental policies to address climate change and continue their work in improving the economy

the federal reserve is associated with ______________. it does what?

monetary policy, insulate economics from political pressures, 7 governors of it appointed by Prez and approved by senate, sets monetary through interest rates

how does balancing liberty and order influence public policy?

no matter what policy it always comes back to balance btwn individual liberty and social order

what are the critiques of public polling?

officials shouldn't be easily influenced by the results, often wrong, sometimes public opinion cant be trusted

what do the liberals stand for in elections?

open to flexible govt and the expansion of govt beyond established constraint, climate change, pro choice, support of minority rights, pro gun control, support welfare

what are libertarians?

oppose govt regulation on business, high regard for civic liberties

which of the following scenarios is an example of the process of political socialization?

parents discuss at the dinner table who they are voting for in the next presidential election

which of the following statements is reflected in the data in the chart?

people are 65 years old or older are more likely to identify as conservatives than liberal

which of the following statements is most consistent with the authors (martin p watternburg, is voting for young people) argument in this passage?

peoples political ideology changes as they get older

what are the 4 steps of policy making?

policy recognition (public opinion brings problems to legislators attention) policy formation (legislators study/debate/draft solution that gets passed along through both houses and president) policy implementation (policy is assigned to appropriate agency and regulation are put in place to actually implement it) policy evaluation (agency evaluates success, Congress holds hearings to see if law is working)

which of the following accurately describes a limitation of the visual representation of the data?

predicting trends or making generalizations based on 2 data points is unreliable

reliable polls include...

proper question wording and accurate sample

what are push polls?

pulls that provide info intended to be persuasive

which of the following policies is likely to create the most tension between free enterprise and rule of law?

reducing environmental regulations for oil companies

which of the following policies is most likely to create the most tension between the free enterprise and rule of law?

reducing environmental regulations for oil companies

a political scientist might use this data to support which of the following arguements?

religious organizations are major agents of political socialization because religious leaders speak about social or political issues

what are entitlements?

services promised to citizens by govt, certain eligibility requirements must be met, mandatory spending in federal budget

define political ideology

set of values and beliefs about the scope and purpose of the govt

which of the following is a characteristic of a reliable scientific poll?

small sampling error

what are the 2 types of entitlements?

social insurance program (medicare, unemployment, social security) and public assistance program (medicaid, food stamps TANF)

which of the following best describes the message in the political cartoon?

supply side economic policies are controversial when they cut taxes for the rich, bc they may not use that money to expand the american economy

why do we use polls?

take "pulse" of americans, allows officials to understand what public supports, elected official are able to tell whether their policies are supported, lets officials craft policies in a more favorable language to the public

what is fiscal economic policy?

taxing (article 1 section 8), levy taxes, income tax, IRS, spending (article 1 section 7 and 9), president initiates budget with OMB, congress finalizes and passes budget

which of the following scenarios best reflects the process of political socialization?

the belchers, a family of five, discusses the platforms of the 2020 presidential election

what is libertarian ideology?

the less the better when it comes to govt, less regulation, more personal freedom, extremely limited govt, more "liberal" socially and more "conservative" economically

which of the following accurately describes the information presented in the line graph?

the percentage of americans who said they trust the govt fell significantly btwn the late 1960s and 1980 and since then has never risen to pre 1970 levels

which of the following supports the credibility of the poll result?

the poll was conducted over the phone using a random digit dialing system

a recent poll indicates that 89% of US adults favor expanding solar panel farms throughout the United States. which of the following supports the credibility of the poll result?

the poll was conducted over the phone using random digit dialing system

a pollster might claim that this poll is unreliable for which of the following reasons?

the poll was conducted solely among respondents who purchased a magazine and does not rely on a randomized sample

based on the infographic, which of the following claims could a media organization make about the ideological leanings of the republican party?

the republican party leans towards a conservative ideology bc they favor less govt involvement in trying to impact social and economic equality

this quote (Hillary Clinton in a speech at warren, Michigan) is an example of which of the following?

the values of other countries have influenced political attitudes in the united states

this quote is an example of which of the following (hillary clinton, a speech in warren, michigan)?

the values of other countries have influenced political attitudes in the united states

the data displayed in the graph above best supports which of the following statements?

the war in vietnam and the watergate scandal which occurred in the 1960s and 1970s eroded public trust in govt that has never been fully restored

the debate shown in the 2 sources about the USA freedom act which of the following ?

the ways in which the govt attempts to balance individual liberty and public order to policy

which of the following statements best explains how a politician might use data found in a public opinion poll?

to craft the presentation of policy so as to gain public support

count the votes, a website that focuses on opinion poll analysis, conducts a poll every day for four years to determine how popular the sitting president is with likely or registered voters. which type of poll is count the votes conducting?

tracking poll

define public opinion

what the general public think about an issue or set of issues at any given point in time, measured in polls

based on the information in the two graphs, which of the following is the most likely implication of political events on political attitudes?

when the united states engages in long lasting foreign conflicts, public attitudes toward international events become more unfavorable over time

which of the following is an accurate statement about the information in the table?

younger americans are more likely to support green legislation

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