AP Gov Unit 3 Test

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Which of the following would most likely be protected by the First Amendment? A. reporter knowingly publishes a false story that injures the subject's reputation. B. A student wears a black armband at school to protest government involvement in a war. C. An individual issues a threat against another individual on social media. D. An individual spray paints graffiti on a public building to protest a government action.

A student wears a black armband at school to protest government involvement in a war.

Which of the following sections of the United States Constitution is most related to the case Marbury v.Madison (1803) ? A. Article I B. Article III C. The First Amendment D. The Tenth Amendment

Article III

In the case Boynton v. Virginia (1960), the Supreme Court ruled that segregation at a bus stop restaurantwas illegal based on the Interstate Commerce Act. Which of the following explains how this case is similarto Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka (1954) ? A. Both cases were related to school bussing. B. Both cases were primarily about the application of the commerce clause to address segregation. C. Both cases ruled that the federal government did not have the authority to address segregation. D. Both cases struck down local ordinances that prescribed segregation.

Both cases struck down local ordinances that prescribed segregation.

A United States Supreme Court justice has announced his retirement at the end of the current Supreme Court term. What is the most likely presidential action in response to this announcement? A. Confer with House leadership to discuss potential nominees B. Confer with the chief justice to discuss potential nominees C. Nominate a federal judge who shares the president's ideology D. Nominate a sitting senator of the majority party

Nominate a federal judge who shares the president's ideology

Which of the following Supreme Court cases establishes that a woman has a due process right to make adecision whether or not to have an abortion? A. United States v. Lopez (1995) B. McDonald v. Chicago (2010) C. Roe v. Wade (1973) D. Gideon v. Wainwright (1963)

Roe v. Wade (1973)

The clause of the United States Constitution that was used in the Supreme Court's ruling in Brown v. Boardof Education of Topeka (1954) was A.The due process clause B. The necessary and proper clause C. The free exercise clause D. The equal protection clause

The equal protection clause

Which of the following factors most likely led to shifts in Supreme Court decision-making over time? A. The ideological composition of the justices on the Supreme Court shifted to become less liberal over time. B. Rather than pass new legislation, Congress was inclined to refer civil rights legislation to the Supreme Court. C. After 1960, the Supreme Court deferred to the wishes of state and local governments rather than voting to expand the authority of the federal government. D. Constitutional amendments enabled the Supreme Court to issue more liberal decisions.

The ideological composition of the justices on the Supreme Court shifted to become less liberal over time.

Which of the following cases decided whether a state could compel children to attend school beyond eighthgrade even if it violated the students' sincerely held religious beliefs? A. United States v. Lopez (1995) B. Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka (1954) C. Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District (1969) D. Wisconsin v. Yoder (1972)

Wisconsin v. Yoder (1972)

Which of the following constitutional clauses was most relevant in the Supreme Court case Roe v. Wade(1973) ? A. Commerce clause B. Free exercise clause C. Due process clause D. Equal protection clause

Due process clause

In The Federalist 78, Alexander Hamilton argued that the federal judiciary "is beyond comparison theweakest of the three departments of power." Which of the following statements represents a reason he gavefor this argument? A. It has the power of the sword and the power of judgment but lacks the power of the purse. B. Each branch must be given the ability to defend its power and check the others. C. The federal government is further from the people and thus less accountable. D. It must depend on the executive for enforcement of its decisions.

It must depend on the executive for enforcement of its decisions.

Which of the following reflects the Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade (1973) ? A. It ruled that the state had an overarching right to prohibit women of all ages from having abortions anytimeduring their pregnancies. B. It ruled that the state had a justifiable interest to legalize abortion. C. It ruled that a woman's right to an abortion was a privacy right incorporated to all of the states. D. It ruled that the case was moot, as Roe's pregnancy had ended by the time the case came up for review.

It ruled that a woman's right to an abortion was a privacy right incorporated to all of the states.

In Engel v. Vitale (1962), which of the following provides the legal reasoning behind the Supreme Court'sruling? A. It ruled that the state had an overarching right to compel students to listen to a nondenominational prayer ledby public school teachers, finding such action permissible under the Tenth Amendment. B. It ruled that the state had no justifiable interest to compel students to listen to a nondenominational prayer ledby public school teachers, finding a clear establishment clause violation. C. It balanced the school's interest in providing for an open and peaceful frame of mind for the school day withthe interest of the students in not being subjected to the prayer, ultimately ruling for the state. D. It rejected the student complaint, as public school students have no free exercise rights in school.

It ruled that the state had no justifiable interest to compel students to listen to a nondenominational prayer ledby public school teachers, finding a clear establishment clause violation.

In The Federalist 78, Alexander Hamilton states, "A constitution is, in fact, and must be regarded by thejudges, as a fundamental law. It therefore belongs to them to ascertain its meaning." Which of the followingSupreme Court cases is most relevant to this statement? A. Baker v. Carr (1962) B. Marbury v. Madison (1803) C. Shaw v. Reno (1993) D. McCulloch v. Maryland (1819)

Marbury v. Madison (1803)

Congress passes a law requiring that all public accommodations provide access for people with disabilities.The United States Supreme Court rules that the law does not apply to the airline industry. Which of the following is the best way for Congress to provide people with disabilities access to the airline industry inlight of the Court's ruling? A. Appeal the ruling to the United States Court of Appeals B. Override the court with a two-thirds majority in both chambers C. Pass a new law that specifies that the airlines must provide access for people with disabilities D. Remove members of the Supreme Court who ruled against the law and have the president appoint new justices

Pass a new law that specifies that the airlines must provide access for people with disabilities

The Supreme Court's decision in Marbury v. Madison (1803) relates to foundational documents in which ofthe following ways? A. The Tenth Amendment to the Constitution reserves powers to the states, and Marbury v. Madison deals withwhether the Supreme Court has appellate jurisdiction over state courts. B. The Declaration of Independence describes circumstances in which people may demand a redress ofgrievances, and Marbury v. Madison is about whether courts can resolve these crises. C. The Federalist 10 describes how the expanded scope of the national government can alleviate the problemsof factions, and Marbury v. Madison uses the national government to negotiate a compromise between tworival factions. D. The Federalist 78 is about the power and role of the federal courts, and in Marbury v. Madison, Madisonexpands that role by giving the courts the power to determine whether laws or executive actions conflict withthe Constitution.

The Federalist 78 is about the power and role of the federal courts, and in Marbury v. Madison, Madisonexpands that role by giving the courts the power to determine whether laws or executive actions conflict withthe Constitution.

Which of the following scenarios best illustrates the concept of a case being decided based on precedent? A. The Supreme Court bases its decision in a case involving the commerce clause on one of its earlier decisions involving the commerce clause. B. The Supreme Court overturns a lower court decision in a case dealing with voter identification laws. C. A state passes a law that contradicts federal law, causing the Supreme Court to rule in favor of the federal government. D. The chief justice of the Supreme Court disagrees with the majority of the other justices and decides to declare a law passed by Congress as unconstitutional.

The Supreme Court bases its decision in a case involving the commerce clause on one of its earlier decisions involving the commerce clause.

Which of the following scenarios best demonstrates a president avoiding a check from the judicial branch? A. The president signs a bill that reduces the budget of the Department of Justice in response to the department's failure to prosecute white-collar criminals. B. The president claims that certain detainees are enemy combatants and thus do not possess the same constitutional protections that the Supreme Court has upheld for the interrogation of criminal suspects. C. The president vetoes legislation that would constrain the ability of the executive branch to conduct domestic surveillance as it relates to terrorism. D. The president issues an executive order declaring that all people who were brought to the United States illegally as children can apply for a deferment rather than face deportation.

The president claims that certain detainees are enemy combatants and thus do not possess the sameconstitutional protections that the Supreme Court has upheld for the interrogation of criminal suspects.

Which of the following cases examined a state law that required all children to attend school through thetwelfth grade in order to promote the general welfare of its citizens? A. Engel v. Vitale (1962) B. Marbury v. Madison (1803) C. Tinker v. Des Moines Independent School District (1969) D. Wisconsin v. Yoder (1972)

Wisconsin v. Yoder (1972)

The Supreme Court issued a ruling that was unpopular with a majority of Americans. The president andCongress might be able to lessen the impact of the decision by A. reducing the pay of the justices to pressure them to reverse their decision B. overruling the Supreme Court's decision by a two-thirds vote in Congress C. impeaching the justices in the majority D. refusing to actively enforce the decision

refusing to actively enforce the decision

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