AP Government Unit 2B Exam

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Which of the following is an example of congressional oversight? (a)conducting ethics investigations of congressional leadership (b)signing trade agreements with other countries without input from the president. (c)assisting constituents with particular problems (d)holding hearings for review of an executive agency's activities.

(d)holding hearings for review of an executive agency's activities.

Which of the following is true of the relationship between Congress and executive agencies? (a)the agencies were created by and work under the direction of Congress. (b)Agencies, once created, work totally independent of Congress. (c)Congress creates, stats, and supervises all executive agencies. (d)Because the agencies have bureaucratic expertise, Congress delegates "rule-making Authority" to them.

Because the agencies have bureaucratic expertise, Congress delegates "rule-making Authority" to them.

Which of the following scenarios best illustrates a delegated discretionary Authority? (a)The chair of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce appointing the chair of the environment subcommittee. (b)Congress giving Environmental Protection Agency the power to establish National pollution standards. (c)The House of Representatives establishing the jurisdiction for the committee of Energy and Commerce. (d)the president nominating the Attorney General of Ohio to serve as administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency.

Congress giving Environmental Protection Agency the power to establish National pollution standards.

Congress is most likely to exert oversight of the executive bureaucracy in which of the following ways? (a)Controlling an executive agency's annual budget. (b)Directly selecting the head of an executive agency. (c)Using the court to block implementation of proposed regulations. (d) Changing the term length of heads of independent regulatory commissions.

Controlling an executive agency's annual budget.

Check and balance the power of the legislative branch by (a)Judicial review (b)standing to sue (c) franking privilege (d)executive orders

Judicial review

The Concept of judicial review was solidified by... (a)U.S v. Lopez (b)Marbury v. Madison (c)Shaw v. Reno (d)McCulloch v. Maryland

Marbury v. Madison

A new president has been elected and has a number of positions to fill within the federal bureaucracy. which of the following is an example of filling a position based on political patronage? (a)Choosing a secretary of state to appease members from the opposition party (b)Nominating a high-level campaign fundraiser to serve as an ambassador to New Zealand (c)reappointing the Secretary of Defense even though he or she was appointed by the previous president who is a member of the opposition party (d) asking the chair of a prestigious University's economics Department to serve as a chair of the Council of economic advisers

Nominating a high-level campaign fundraiser to serve as an ambassador to New Zealand

In the United States of judicial system, when a judge decides a case based on decisions rendered in similar case oh, the judge is following the principle of... (a) Habeas Corpus (b)Amicus curiae (c)writ of certiorari (d)Stare decisis

Stare decisis

Which of the following scenarios best illustrates the concept of a case being decided based on precedent? (a)Supreme Court overturns in Lower Court decision in a case dealing with voter identification laws. (b)A state passes a law which contradicts federal law, causing the Supreme Court rule in favor of the federal government. (c)the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court disagrees with the majority of the other justices and decides to declare a law passed by Congress as unconstitutional. (d)The Supreme Court bases its decision in a case involving the Commerce Clause on one of the earlier decisions involving the Commerce Clause.

The Supreme Court bases its decision in a case involving the Commerce Clause on one of the earlier decisions involving the Commerce Clause.

Which of the following is true of independent regulatory commissions? (a)they existed in the early years of the United States, but where declared unconstitutional after the Civil War. (b)They are less subject to control of the president than our cabinet department. (c)They provide a product or service directly to the citizens and charge a fee for that product or service. (d)they are required by the US Constitution and are described in detail in that document.

They are less subject to control of the president than our cabinet department.

The United States Fish and Wildlife Service will spend money appropriated by Congress to maintain Wildlife refuges. This action is an example of... (a)bureaucratic implementation of law (b)congressional oversight of bureaucracy (c)an unfunded mandate (d)the power of the filibuster

bureaucratic implementation of law

Bureaucratic rule-making is best defined as... (a) legally binding decisions made by Congress to constrain Regulatory Agencies (b) directions given by the president to the bureaucracy regarding our specific policy will be applied (c) review and supervision of departments and agencies conducted by the congressional committees (d) guidelines issued by government agencies would provide special details about how I policy will be implemented

guidelines issued by government agencies would provide special details about how I policy will be implemented

Those who believe that the Supreme Court in its rolling should defer to the elective institutions of government are advocating... (a)judicial restraint (b)selective incorporation (c)judicial activism (d)nullification.

judicial restraint

The concept of judicial Independence ensures that... (a) justices are free from direct political pressure (b)justices are accountable to the president (c)can choose to rule on any political issue they select as each session of Congress begins (d)justices will make decisions that are politically popular

justices are free from direct political pressure

Appointments to the federal Judiciary are often contentious for which of the following reasons... (a) House of rep Representatives can undermine presidential Authority by overriding judicial appointments (b) life terms for federal judges mean that Presidential appointments will continue to have influence long after the president's term is over (c) the president selects nominees based on the political orientation while the Senate focuses on the academic credentials of the nominees (d) federal judges are given a platform to legislate from the bench and the Senate is hesitant about relinquishing power to the Judiciary

life terms for federal judges mean that Presidential appointments will continue to have influence long after the president's term is over.

which of the following may president do to limit the supreme court's powers? (a) fire and replace justices (b)refuse to enforce a ruling by the court (c)adopt new constitutional amendments (d)veto parts of the court's decision

refuse to enforce a ruling by the court

A policy that sets emission standards for automobiles is an example of... (a)fiscal policy (b)judicial policy (c)monetary policy (d)regulatory policy

regulatory policy

Which governmental principle is at risk when an agency such as the US Department of Agriculture makes rules, enforcing those rules, and makes decisions that arise related to disputes concerning those rules? (a)separation of powers (b)Establishment Clause (c)bill of attainder (d)Commerce Clause

separation of powers

A judicial activist is a judge who believes... (a)in a conservative ideology (b)that course have no responsibility to interpret laws (c)that courts should create policies through decisions (d)in limited the power of the Courts

that courts should create policies through decisions

Which of the following best illustrates the concept of iron triangles? (a)the tendency of interest groups to hire former legislators, lobbyists, and judges (b)the inability of third-party candidates to garner public attention through media coverage (c) the long-term relationships between agencies, congressional committees, and interest groups in specific policy areas (d) the practice of congressional leaders diverting PAC funds meant for certain popular candidates to these in more competitive races.

the long-term relationships between agencies, congressional committees, and interest groups in specific policy areas

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