Ap Government: Unit 7 Judicial Branch

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List a situation in which the Supreme Court has original jurisdiction

-Cases involving ambassadors and "other public ministers and consuls" -Cases between 2 states -Cases between the fed, government and a state -Cases between a state and a foreign country

What is one circumstance in which a case would be heard in a federal district court?

-Federal criminal or civil cases -Cases involving parties from different states -Bankruptcy cases -Naturalization cases

Name one other type of original jurisdiction federal court besides a federal district court.

-Military courts & tribunals -U.S Tax Court -Territorial Courts -Supreme Court (in rare cases)

One level above the district courts are the U.S Courts of Appeals, which are grouped geographically into _____ "circuits" around the country


There are ____ federal circuit courts of appeal in the United States.


Cases reviewed by a U.S Court of Appeals are typically ruled upon by a ____-judge panel.


There are ___ levels within the federal court system hierarchy.


There are ____ federal district courts in the United States.


_________ jurisdiction courts are those that review the procedures and legal reasoning of lower courts.


This case explored the idea of "political questions" and the Courts action involved with them. The court declared that legislative apportionment was not a political question and could be decided by the court.

Baker v. Carr

The case declared that "separate but equal" facilities were indeed unequal

Brown v. Board of Education

_______ lawsuits involve one party suing on behalf of a larger group of impacted parties.


In __________ law, the government always serves as the plaintiff(in this context referred to as the "prosecution")


The burden of proof standard is highest in...

Criminal court

In the federal system, the original jurisdiction/trial courts are know as the _______ courts, There are 94 of them in total.


This case declared that official prayer in schools violated the establishment clause.

Engel v. Vitale

Which institution is responsible for determining the United States' monetary policy?

Federal Reserve System

Which of The Federalist essays advocates for the importance of the separation of powers in the constitutional system?

Federalist No. 51

When voting on which cases to review, ______ justices must vote in favor to take-on a case.


This case declared that individuals had the right to counsel in all criminal prosecutions and require courts to provide counsel for defendants unable to hire counsel unless the right was competently and intelligently waived.

Gideon v. Wainwright

This landmark Supreme Court decision required that all people have access to an attorney in a criminal trial, even if they cannot afford one.

Gideon v. Wainwright

Which congressional staff agency assists Congress in its oversight responsibility by auditing, monitoring, and evaluating how the bureaucracy implements the funding allocated by the federal budget?

Government Accountability Office (GAO)

________ is a judicial philosophy frequently characterized by bold rulings that reverse established precedents and seek to protect disadvantaged groups in society

Judicial activism

________ refers to a judicial philosophy that seeks to 'rock the boat' as little as possible by following precedent and deferring to the will of lawmakers wherever possible

Judicial restraint

This case established Judicial Review; or allowing the court the power to declare a law unconstitutional

Marbury v. Madison

This case established that Congress has powers not explicitly outlined in the U.S. Constitution, and that while states have the power of taxation they cannot tax instruments of the national government.

McCulloch v. Maryland

_______ jurisdiction courts are the only ones actually concerned with the underlying evidence presented in the case; these are where trials take place


________ jurisdiction courts are those in which cases are heard first and trials are held.


is the authority of a court to hear a case first, thus determining the facts of the case.

Original jurisdiction

With regard to the nomenclature of naming court cases, the _______'s name always appears first.


In the case of Plessy v. Ferguson (1896), which party was the plaintiff?


The ______ Court, just prior to the current Roberts Court, was known for its relatively conservative judicial philosophy


Which of the following is most frequently reported in the media during a political election campaign? Correct Answer

Results from public opinion polls that indicate which candidate is most likely to win

The failed nomination of ______ in 1987 set important precedents in the politicization of the confirmation process.

Robert Bork

This case established the idea that the First Amendment does not protect speech that approaches creating a "clear and present danger". The court compared the issue to shouting "Fire" in a crowded theater.

Schenck v. United States

In which courts are the cast majority of all cases in the United States tried?


In which courts are the vast majority of all cases tried?


The vast majority of court cases in the United States are heard at the ______ level


When nominating federal district or appeals court judges, presidents typically seek the consent of ________ prior to submitting the official nomination.

The senator(s) of their party from the state in which the district is located

The lead prosecutor for the government in each federal district is called a(n)

United States Attorney

The ______ Court was notable for its decisions expanding civil rights and the rights of accused criminals


In order to examine the records relating to a lower court ruling, the Supreme Court must first issue a(n) _________.

Writ of Certiorari

Legal opinions/arguments provided by interested parties not directly involved in a case are called.....

amicus curiae briefs

The United States Constitution says that Congress has the power to coin money. This is an example of

an enumerated power

Only a(n) court can review the decisions of a lower court.


In a criminal trial, the burden of proof standard requires that the accused must be proven guilty "__________."

beyond a reasonable doubt

Precedents (legal reasoning established by rulings in cases) form the basis of...

common law

Judicial _________ currently hold a majority of the seats on the U.S. Supreme Court.


Jailtime is a potential penalty in...

criminal court

The accused party in a criminal or civil case is referred to as the _____.


Jury trials are sometime conducted in

federal district courts

The rulings rendered by federal appeals courts and the Supreme Court and reasoning behind them establish important _______, which are expected to be followed by future court rulings.


In order to bring a lawsuit against another party and actually have it heard, one must first prove he/she has _______ to bring suit.


Most decisions follow precedent, embodied by the Latin phrase "________."

stare decisis

The large majority of court cases in the United States are heard in...

state courts

Federal courts in levels below the Supreme Court are established by

the U.S. Congress

In a criminal case, _______ serves as the plaintiff.

the government

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