AP Human Geo Ch. 8

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compact state example

Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda

Terrorism differs from assassinations and other political violence in that...

the incident must be intentional, must entail some type of violence or threat of violence, not conducted by one state to another, violence is for political, economic or social goal, evidence of intention, outside precepts of international humanitarian law

perforated state: South Africa

the surrounded state may face problems of dependence on other stae EX: South Africa surrounds Lesotho and Lesotho has to depend for import and export of goods

what is special about small states with law of sea

they can own more ocean than they do land

what is special about Pennsylvania

they eliminated gerrymandering

territorial waters

up to 12 nautical miles from shore, a state may set laws regulating passage by ships registered in other states

timeline outlining the history of colonization from the start of the colonial era through the 20th century.

· 1400s- settled western hemisphere · Lost most colonies due to US indep in 1776 and Latin indep in 1800-1824 · Berlin conference 1884-85 o UK had colonies on every continent- Canada, Australia, Middle East, South Africa, South Asia o France was second in amount of overseas territory- west Africa, southeast Asia § France tried to educate and impose French culture and after indep those countries remain close with France · Most African and Asian countries became indep after WWII o 15 part of UN before compared to 106 in 2011 o Boundaries coincide with colonies o Japan was main colonial power because it had Korea, Taiwan, South Pacific Islands, part of china but were defeated in 1945

Belarus and Moldova

· Belarus, Moldovia, Ukraine are Russia and euro democracies · Belarus made peaceful transition from Sov to independent nation-state but Moldova and Ukraine had violent ones · Their ethnic differences are blurred as they speak similar languages and trace roots to same place · Belarusian and Ukrainians became separated from Russians after Mongolians, Poles, and Lithuanians conquests in 1300s · Russia conquered Belarus and Ukraine in 1700s but realized they were too different over the conquests to be Russian · Moldova formerly known as Moldavia is ethnically indistinguishable from Romania and used to be part of it until Sov took it in 1940 · When in 1992 it was independent again, many wanted to reunify with Romania but when the Sovs had it they increased its land size by 10% taking from Ukraine's Dniester and the people who lived there were Ukrainian and Russian and opposed reunification and proclaimed independence but is not recognized by any country

what affect did the treaty have

-US and Russia destroyed a 'large number' of their weapons but still have 92% of the world's -South Africa, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Ukraine destroyed the ones they had -India, Israel, Pakistan, South Sudan never signed and North Korea withdrew in 2003

Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (COMECON)

1949 6 members and 10 countries ultimately joined; promoted trade and sharing of natural resources in Communist Eastern Europe; disbanded 1991

1990-1993 UN

26 joined due to breakup of USSR and Yugoslavia

how many provinces were in the roman empire


what was the USSR ethnic distribution

51% Russian, 6% Uzbek, 15% Ukraine, 28% other

what is the ethnic distribution of Crimea

60% RUSSIAN, 24% Ukraine, 10% Tartar, 6% other

what is the ethnic distribution of Georgia

71% GEORGIAN, 8% armenian, 6% azeri, 6% Russian, 3% Ossetian, 2% each Abkahzian, Greek, and other

**What is the difference between a cold war and a hot war?

A cold war doesn't involve actual fighting, but a hot war does

Warsaw Pact

A military agreement among communist Eastern European countries. They disbanded in 1991 following the end of communism in Eastern Europe

Why does North Korea and South Korea test thee definition of sovereignty

After, Japan lost WWII, winners, the US and Soviets, split up its colony of Korea into US and Communist Govs North Korea invaded South in 1950 which caused a 3 year war ending in a cease fire. Both Govs want to reunite into one but both want control

1. What are some ways the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. established power during the Cold War?

They sent troops to other countries to ensure they would be allies

what is the order and dates in which countries successfully denoted nuclear weapons

US (1945), USSR (1949), UK (1952), france (1960), China (1964), India (1974), Pakistan (1998), North Korea (2006)

when were nuclear weapons developed and who developed them

US, Canada, UK during WWII

What does USSR stand for?

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

what European nation-states spilt up

Yugoslavia, Soviet Union, Czechoslovakia (<-- theirs was peaceful)

how did the collapse fo the Roman Empire form modern states

after the collapse it was fragmented into estates owned by kings and nobles and each of the more powerful engulfed a handful of others which made the basis for England France and Spain

what is a state and what are some characteristics of a state

an area organized into a political unit and ruled by an established government that has control over its internal and foreign affairs. It occupies a defined territory and contains a permanent population


autonomous in Denmark; runs its own internal affairs but Denmark runs foreign affairs and defense

why is Germany invading Poland then beginning of WWI

because since they were redividing Europe to match with language the nazis thought that all German speaking parts of Europe should be part of Germany and so when they invaded Poland, a non German speaking country, it was an act of war

Where was the Fertile Crescent?

between the Persian gulf and mediterranean sea


blocking the advance of both Soviet power and communism everywhere in the world.

state fragility

calculated by the fund for peace, measures the relative stability of every country through fairness of legal system, extent of youth unemployment, level of violence, freedom to express diverse political views

what were the first states to ever evolve

city-states in Mesopotamia

European Union (EU)

formed in 1958 with 6 members; was designed to heal scar from WWII

what was the territory the roman empire

from Spain to Iran and Egypt to England

Suspected State: Syria

have repeatedly used chemical weapons in their civil war but no one has been able to get them to stop

why is this not surprising

highest population growth, poorest health, greatest ethnic cleansing and genocide, most problematic shapes, largest number of recent civil wars

how did nation-states develop

in Europe after WWI leaders of victorious countries met at Versailles to redraw Map of Europe they used language as main source of division

what conflict are in Georgia

in the 90s the Abkhazians fought for control of the northern part and declared themselves an independent state 2008 Ossetians fought a war and declared themselves independent only a handful of countries recognize them and Russia is one and has sent troops to both

Most non-self-governing territories are ___________, with the exception of the largest non-self-governing territory: ________________

islands; Western Sahara

what ruined Ukraine's chances of being successful nation-state

minority Russian population started an uprising and claimed they were endangered so Russia invaded the eastern area of Ukraine and seized Crimea

why has the world become more democratic since the 1970s

replacement of increasingly irrelevant and out-of-touch monarchies with elected governments that broaden individual rights and liberties the widening of participation in policy making to all citizens through rights to vote and to serve in government, and the diffusion of democratic government structures created in Europe and North America to other regions

what was the height of political unity in the ancient world

roman empire

where are the most fragile states clustered

sub-saharan africa

what is the situation with nuclear weapons and israel

suspected of possessing nuclear weapons but has not admitted to it. Although it is not known, they are estimated to have 80

Armenia and Azerbaijan

the Caucasus region is between the Black and Caspian seas Armenia: · 3000 years ago they controlled an independent kingdom in Caucasus but then converted to Christianity and lived isolated under Turkish Muslims · 100 years ago 1 million killed in genocide by Turks · 1921- Turks and USSR agreed to divide Armenia between them · Armenians are 98% of pop making it one of the most homogeneous in the region Azerbaijan: · Turkish invaders who migrated from Central Asia and merged with Persians · 1828 a treaty gave north to Russia and south to Persia (Iran) the west belongs to Armenia They both fought over boundaries known as Artsakh which had Armenian people but Sov made part of Azerbaijan in 1920s. 1994 cease fire left nothing changed but it acts as independent from both.

why are states good examples of formal/uniform regions.

the entire area is managed by national gov including laws, armies, leaders

Any one of these members can veto an undesired UN action.

the five permanent

Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan

the last two are stable but the first has suffered civil war between Tajiks (former communists) and Muslim fundamentalists against Western a civil war from 1992-1997 made 15% of pop homeless UN peacekeeping force has helped prevent reoccurrence

why were prospects for a stable nation-state high for Ukraine after the breakup of the USSR

they had economic assets like coal deposits, steel industry, proximity to wealthy countries of western Europe

What are some other examples of nation-states?

those with the least ethnic diversity- Australia, China, Uruguay, Paraguay, Libya, Egypt, Vietnam, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Germany, Poland, Netherlands, Portugal, Yemen, Cambodia, Philippines, Bangladesh, Iceland

1. During the Cold War era, the U.S. & U.S.S.R. were considered to be the world's 2 "superpowers" whereas before World War I, there had been a Balance of power between eight states. This new situation has impacted smaller states in that they lost the ability to tip the scales significantly in favor of one or the other superpower


1. The United Nations was formed in 1945 by the 51 original members


what were the set up of city-states

walls were around the borders of the city with agricultural countryside and outline defense surrounding on the outside

1. Today, the main goal of the EU is to promote development through economic and political cooperation

- Open borders between member countries - Elimination of tariffs - Elimination of guest worker programs (one can work in any member country)

other UN states that are smaller than 1000 square kilometers

Andorra, Antigua, Barbuda, Bahrain, Barbados, Dominica, Grenada, Kiribati, Liechtenstein, Maldives, Malta, Micronesia, Palau, St. Kitts, Nevis, St. Lucia, St, Vincent, the Grenadines, San Marino, etc.

How has the number of states changed over time?

As recently as 1940 the world only had about 50 compared to the 200ish today. Back then, not all habitable land was part of a country.

Why did the Roman Empire collapse?

Attacks and internal disputes

where was Mesopotamia

Eastern end of fertile crescent

how far did thee fertile crescent go

Egypt to Iraq/Iran

What happened to Germany after WWII?

Germany was divided into occupied zones, which later become East and West Germany from 1949-1990

1. The world's first supranational organization, ________ was established after World War I. It was initiated by U.S. president Woodrow Wilson, but because the U.S. did not actually sign it, the organization was not very effective.

League of Nations

Suspected States: Libya

Muammar al-Gaddafi bought nuclear tech from Pakistan and tried to make weapons but gave up in 2003 and cooperated with inspectors


Nauru is world's smallest island state and is 21 square km

what is life in each Korea like now

North is one of the world's poorest countries and has been under dictatorship since 1948. They have built and tested nuclear weapons even though their country doesn't have the money to feed its people as the population of South Korea is getting younger there is less activism for reunification since they don't remember a unified state and lack family connections

Identify the six largest states (in order)

Russia (17.1 million square kilometers, 11% of world's land area), (rest have more than 5 million square kilometers) Canada, US, China, Brazil, Australia

Russia: Largest Multinational State

Russia is 81% Russian but has 185 ethnic groups -Some of the largest non-Russians (Tatar, Bashkir, Chuvash) are clustered in central Russia and speak Turkish languages. Th other ethnic groups here speak Uralic languages like Komi, Mari, Mordvin, Udmurt -another cluster is in the SW classified as Caucasian (Chechen, Avar, Kabardian, Lezgian, Ingush), Turkic (Azerbaijani, Dargin, Kumyk, Karachay), and Indo-European (Armenian and Ossetian) -A third cluster is Kazakhstan and Mongolia in the south two dozen of the most numerous ethnicities gets local autonomy and are allowed to have an official language in addition to Russian

Suspected States: Iraq

Saddam Hussein used chemical weapons against Kuwait and Iran and US and Un drove them out and destroyed weapons The US then disposed Saddam and Iraq went into civil war

what was the succession of empires in Mesopotamia

Sumerians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians


peaceful multinational state between Kazakhs (Muslims who speak a Turkish language) (67%) and Russians (18%)

In total in 2018 how many nuclear weapons did above 8 countries have


how many republics did the USSR have

15 republics (each are an individual country now)

UN 1955

16 country joined; mostly European after they were liberated from NAZI

how many non-self-gov places are there


1960 UN

17 members joined and most were former African colonies of britain or france

How long did the USSR last?


Cuban Missile Crisis

1962, Soviet Union secretly started developing missiles in Cuba and the President Kennedy went on TV and demanded a stop and the USSR denied they were doing so and US revealed irrefutable proof and USSR dismantled

how many countries use the euro

25 and 19 in the EU

what were the fatalities for 9/11

2977- 88 (11 crew) World Trade Center Tower 1, 66 (9 crew) World Trade Center Tower 2, 2605 on ground World Trade Center, 59 (6 crew) Pentagon, 125 ground pentagon, 40 (7 crew) crashed in Penn after passengers fought with terrorists to prevent another attack, 19 terrorists

Orlando 2016

a gunman killed 49 and injured 58 in an LGBTQ nightclub

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

a military alliance among 16 democratic states in Europe pls the United States and Canada

Identify the three ways states support terrorism

a. Providing sanctuary for terrorists wanted by other countries b. supplying weapons, money, and intelligence to terrorists c. Planning attacks using terrorists


like-minded voters are spread across several districts to prevent them from reaching majority in any of them this wasting their votes


like-minded voters are stacked in 1 district to prevent them from affecting elections in other districts

what is the purpose of NATO and Warsaw Pact

maintain bipolar balance in Europe Nato- prevent the Sov from overrunning West Germ and Warsaw gave Sov buffer ally states between it and Germany

where are the states that are most and least ethnically diverse

most is in africa, least is in Europe


most power in is central gov, works best in compact state Examples: France national gov dominates all local gov


multinational state that has suffered from ethnic conflict 69% Kyrgyz, 15% Uzbek, (both are muslims who speak altaic) 9% Russian

landlocked states

must use other countries seaports, africa has 15, originally Britain and France owned regions so it didn't matter

does the UN consider Puerto Rico a colony


does the UN list of colonies include uninhabited


what do weapons of mass destruction consist of

nuclear, biological, chemical weapons

federal state

power is in local gov, suitable for large states because the capital may be too far to have control more and more people are switching to local power because minority ethnicities have control over themselves and not whole gov Examples: Russia, Canada, Brazil, India, and United States US 10th amendment gives states power to all things not in power of federal gov *federal - also a synonym for national government

prorupted state purpose

provide a state with access to a resource EX: The Democratic Republic of Congo goes down Congo river to give access to ocean to separate 2 states EX: Namibia has a strip that separates Angola and Botswana

what are the 3 essential elements democracies and autocracies differ in

selection of leaders, citizen population, checks and balances

Suspect States: Iran

since 1979 Us and Iran have had bad blood because they forced abdication of pro-US Shah and seized US embassy and held 52 ppl hostage from Nov 4, 1979 to January 20, 1981 Iran originally claimed their nuclear program was for civilian purposes but everyone knew it wasn't so they was a treaty degrade their nuclear capacity but Trump pulled out claiming there wasn't enough to ensure Iran wouldn't continue but so far they have held their promise

what is an example of a present day city-state


Define jihad

1. struggling or fighting/ anti-Soviet fight by al-Qaeda

How does terrorism differ from assassination?

1.) Terrorism is aimed at ordinary people while assassination is aimed at military targets or political leaders 2.) Terrorists consider all citizens responsible for the actions he or she opposes therefore they are equally legitimate as victims

Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL)

(Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) (or of Iraq and Levant) originated in 1999 and became affiliated with al-Qaeda in 2004 but split because they didn't agree on how to work with each other. Members are Sunni Muslims who seek to impose strict religious laws and have maintained their territory through murder and torture. Claim to have authority to rule Muslims throughout the world. They recruit members through social media and the internet by posting destruction of Shiite Muslims shrines of historical importance. Their control of Iraq has dropped from 40% to 2% from 2014 to 2018.

fragmented states examples and characteristics

-fragmented by other states EX: angola is divided by 2 by Congo -fragmented by water EX: Tanzania -difficulty with national unity and communications

Kenya and Tanzania 1998

-truck bombs killed 213 in the US embassy in Kenya and another I n11 in US embassy in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania -by al-Qaeda for an alleged US involved in capturing some of their members -21 responsible-8 captured, 8 jailed, 2 died, 3 never found

Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons

-went into action in 1970 and has been signed by 191 countries -was designed to prevent more nuclear weapons by assigning 5 countries to have it (US, China, Uk, France, Russia) and other 186 to never acquire -the 5 agreed to share their tech

Identify the five permanent members of the UN Security Council:

1. China, France, Russia, United States, United Kingdom

Does the UN have a military force?

1. No, but it authorizes military force which is put together by militaries of other states

why do republicans prefer packing

African Americans and hispanics are more likely to vote democratic

African Union (AU)

African Union. 53 countries in Africa. To promote economic integration in Africa.

Why is Japan a good example of a nation-state?

Although no nation-state is perfect, it was divided extremely close to the ethnicity boundaries. The ethnic composition in 98.5% Japanese, 0,5% Korean, 0.4% Chinese and 0.6% other.

contiguous zone

Between 12 and 24 nautical miles from shore, a state may enforce laws concerning pollution, taxation, customs, and immigration

Exclusive Economic Zone

Between 24 and 200 nautical miles, a state has the sole right to the fish and other marine life.

Where does the name gerrymandering come from?

Elbridge Gerry who was the governor of Massachusetts and Vice president of the United States restricted the state to benefit his party and it ended up looking like a salamander so they called it a gerrymander

1. Additionally, the EU created the _____________ which created a single currency called the euro. Not all EU countries use this currency; those that do make up the eurozone

European Central Bank

Boko Haram - "Western education is forbidden"

Founded in 2002 in NE Nigeria and wants to make Nigeria an Islamic state and opposes Western practices especially by Christians in the southern area of Nigeria. Have killed more than 20000 Nigerians and displaced 2.6 million. In the beginning it ran peaceful religious complex and school which attracted poor Muslim families. An uprising in 2009 resulted in the arrest of 100s of followers and the death of the founder, Mohammed Yusuf. 600 broke out of prison in the following year and they have resorted to terrorist attacks.

1. Besides focusing on international peacekeeping, the UN addresses/promotes issues in what three areas?

Global economic problems, promote human rights, and provide humanitarian relief

where did the allies drop the atomic bombs and how many died

Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan 129000-226000 died immediately and an unknown amount died from radiation sicknesses and related cancers

Law of the Sea

Law establishing states rights and responsibilities concerning the ownership and use of the earth's seas and oceans and their resources. has been singed by 164 (not US)

c. Planning attacks using terrorists

Libya has been an active sponsor of terrorist attacks. An example includes a a 1986 bombing of a nightclub popular with U.S. military personnel in Berlin, killing 3 people, including 1 U.S. soldier. Libya's long-time leader Muammar el-Qaddafi renounced terrorism in 2003 and provided compensation for victims of Pan Am 103, but his brutal attacks on Libyan protesters in 2011 again brought most other states of the world into active opposition to Qaddafi's regime, which was ultimately overthrown.

About two-thirds of terrorist attacks and deaths from terror attacks have occurred in what countries?

Nigeria, Iraq, Afghanistan

What states use nonpartisan

Nonpartisan staff draw the lines with an unbiased approach. AZ, CA, HA, ID, NJ, WA

Organization of American States (OAS)

Organization of American States. 35 states of Western Hemisphere (North/South Americas) headquartered in Wash DC and to promote social, cultural, political and economic links among member states.

Organization on Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE)

Organization on Security and Cooperation in Europe. US, Canada, Russia and most European countries. Goal to end conflicts in Europe - esp Balkans and Caucasus.

what is the least populated colony

Pitcairn Island: population 50, owned by UK

What are positive and negative consequences of the above actions?

Positives: can live, work, and travel freely among all EU countries; businesses can hire from a large pool of workers; unity gives more power Negatives: decisions are made by EU bureaucrats rather than locally elected officials, free movement makes it harder to control terrorism, countries have not shared equal benefits

What is the history of Crimea

Russia took control in 1783 and in 1921 it became an autonomous republic in USSR and in 1954 they transferred then responsibility to Ukraine which was part of USSR but when it broke up in 1991 it became autonomous republic in Ukraine. in 2014 the Russians invaded and annexed it claiming the majority of the Crimean people wanted it (60% Russian) Almost every country recognizes it as part of Ukraine but they have not found a way to remove the Russians.

Sahrawi Republic/Western Sahara -

Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic aka Western Sahara is considered a sovereign state but Morocco claims its territory and has built a wall around it as proof and to keep out rebels. After Spain withdrew from the territory in the west, the independent republic was declared by Polisario Front but Morocco and Mauritania annexed the northern and southern portions. when Mauritania withdrew, Morocco claimed the entire territory. Morocco controls most of the population and the Polisario Front is in the desert

elongated states examples

The Gambia, Malawi - can suffer from poor internal communications

b. supplying weapons, money, and intelligence to terrorists

The U.S. has accused Iran of harboring al-Qaeda members and of trying to gain influence in Iraq, where, as in Iran, the majority of the people are Shiites. In addition, Iran has long provided funding to Hezbollah, an organization based in Lebanon that the U.S. classified as a terrorist organization because it seeks Israel's destruction.

a. Providing sanctuary for terrorists wanted by other countries

The U.S., with the cooperation of several other countries, attacked Afghanistan in 2001 when its leaders, known as the Taliban, sheltered al-Qaeda leaders, who were living in rugged mountains near Afghanistan's border with Pakistan.

1. The use of religion by terrorist groups poses what challenges for Muslims? For non-Muslims?

The challenge for non-Muslims is distinguishing between peaceful and nonpeaceful practices of Muslims and the misuse of Islam by terrorists. The challenge for Muslims would be facing the threat of these attacks and distinguishing themselves from violent people.

In most states, who draws district voting boundaries? Why is this problematic?

The state legislature. The party in control of the legislature tries to redraw the lines to their advantage


UK and 52 other states (primarily former British colonies). To seek economic and cultural cooperation.

Identify the two smallest states and their size:

Vatican (0.44km^2) and Monaco (2 square km) (Monaco is also smallest that is part of UN)

What is NATO and the Warsaw Pact now

Warsaw disbanded and NATO added Warsaw members

What are two reasons EU countries might not use the Euro?

Weaker countries have been forced to implement harsh and unpopular policies like cutting services and raising taxes and many Europeans do not feel connected to institutions that govern EU

what are the 3 most populous colonies

Western Sahara, French Polynesia, New Caledonia

Lockerbie, Scotland 1988

a bomb destroyed Pan Am Flight from London to New York killing 243 passenger, 16 Crew, 11 on ground Muammar al-Gaddafi accepted responsibility

Puerto Rico

a commonwealth of the US, citizens are citizens of US but don't participate in elections or have voting member in congress

domino theory -

a communist government in one nation would quickly lead to communist takeovers in neighboring states, each falling like a perfectly aligned row of dominos. In Southeast Asia, the U.S. government used the now-discredited domino theory to justify its involvement in the Vietnam War and its support for a non-communist dictator in South Vietnam.

how come nuclear bombs haven't been used since WWII

a full-scale nuclear conflict could terminate human civilization

Hong Kong & Macao

attached to mainland of china as administrative regions; Hong Kong was colony of UK until 1997 and a year later Portugal returned Macao; the two have some control in economic matter, but china controls foreign affairs and defense

compacts states make communication easier

can be a good or a bad thing

Oklahoma City 1995

car bomb killed 168 and injured 680; Timothy McVeigh was convicted and executed

how can the shape of a states be centripetal or centrifugal

centripetal- identity with shape, ease internal admin centrifugal- affects potential conflict with neighbors, admin difficulties

what are the 5 basic shapes of states

compact, elongated, prorupted, perforated, fragmented


founded in 1988 by Osama Bin Laden. His dad, Mohammed bin Laden became a billionaire by close relations with the Saudi Arabia royal family. Osama was one of about 50 children and used his inheritance to fund the organization. He went to Afghanistan to remove the Soviets (jihad) and afterwards went back to Saudi Arabia but was expelled for not supporting their decision to allow US soldiers there for the war against Iraq. He moved to Sudan but was expelled for attacking US troops in Yemen and Somalia. He moved back to Afghanistan and lived as a guest of the government, which was controlled by the Taliban. He declared war against the US for supporting Israel and Saudi Arabia. After 9/11, their attacks have mostly been in Iraq between 2007-2011 but their most famous was in Paris in 2015 because of a newspaper cartoon about Muhammad. The Al Qaeda is not a single unified organization especially since the US killed bin Laden in 2011. It became a decentralized loosely associated franchises that are ideologically aligned with al-Qaeda's goals but not financially tied to it.


gained power in Afghanistan in 1996 and many welcomed but they imposed strict Islamic laws and killed people for being gay or wearing nailpolish etc US led coalition overthrew but they remained and group and has regained parts of it

terrorism distribution

increased since 2000 but decreased since 2014

what approach do most euro countries have

independent comissions

Geometric Are based on human constructs such as straight lines and parallels of latitude

· Canada and North America are along the 49 degree and 45 degree · The geometrics in Africa were created by the Europeans in the scramble for Africa · Libya's was a straight line drawn in the desert to separate the British and French colonial limits but Independent Libya then wanted to include the Aouzou strip which was the part of Libya controlled by Italy but it was given to chad The south pole has unclaimed land but is also claimed by UK, France, Argentina, New Zealand, Chile, Norway, Australia according to longitudes.Some are conflicting but the Atlantic Treaty provides framework for managing and allows science investigations but no military

Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands -

· China, Taiwan, and Japan all claim sovereignty over several small uninhabited islands in the East China Sea · Japan has always ruled except in 1945-1972 when US ruled but china and Taiwan claim the land is historically theirs until japan illegally seized in 1895 o Japan claims that China did not state sovereignty in 1895 o They have both established air defense zones there with conflicting boundaries

Physical Coincide with significant features of natural landscape

· Deserts, Mountains, water · Deserts are common boundaries in Africa and Asia and sometimes south America, an example would be the Sahara (Sahara could also be geometric) · Mountain passes can be closed by winter storms, which can completely cut off contact on the other side of the border · Argentina and Chile are divided by the Andes but argued over where exactly before US mediated between the 2 and they figured it out · Rivers, lakes, and oceans · Water boundaries are especially in East Africa Rivers can slowly change course over time EX: Rio Grande separating US and Mexico; they have a treaty to restore land affected

Cultural Follow the distribution of cultural features

· Have been placed to separate by religion, language, and ethnicities, although religion is not usually the determining factor · an example of this would be Britain separating India by religion Pakistan got Islamic and India got Hindu · Ireland was also split between religion: the part that became independent was 81% Roman Catholic, whereas Northern Ireland is only 41% · France, Portugal, and Spain is division by language, Germany and Italy became unified states through language · Cyprus has Greek and Turkish ethnicities and it gave the Turkish minority a lot of the power which made the Greeks take over the government. Then, turkey invaded to protect the minorities. Greeks were removed and elective gov was restored but Turkish soldiers stayed and declared that area of Cyprus as independent but not part of turkey (everyone considers it part of turkey) (it also has a UN buffer zone and British base between the 2 making the 2 isolated but part of it has been demolished allowing mingling since then.)

Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania

· Known as Baltic states because near Baltic sea · Independent between 1918 and 1940 · Lithuanians are Roman Catholic and speak within Balto-Slavic branch of Indo-European · Latvians are predominantly Lutheran with substantial Roman Catholic minority and speak a Baltic group language · Estonians are Protestant (Lutherans) and speak Uralic

China and Taiwan

· Most people consider China and Taiwan separate but China considers Taiwan a part of China and the gov of Taiwan agrees · Comes from a civil war in china in 1940s between nationalists and communists and after 1949 nationalists fled to Taiwan and said they were still the leaders of China and then argued their way into controlling just Taiwan · US supported nationalism and it wasn't until the 1970s when the UN acknowledged China in communist control that they changed their policies

what were the 5 groups of the 15 states that resulted after the break up of the USSR

· Three Caucasus States: Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia. · Three Baltic states: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania · Three Euro states: Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine · Five Central Asian States: Kazakhstan, Kyrgystan, Tajistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan · Russia

What are the three basic reasons countries established colonies?

· To promote Christianity · To extract useful resources and to serve as captive markets for their products · To establish relative power through he number of colonies claimed

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