AP Physics Exam

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Using the a-t graph above determine the change in velocity from t=6.0s to t=10.0s.


A mass rests on a ramp inclined at 35.0° with horizontal. The kinetic coefficient of friction is 0.470. . What is the acceleration of the box?

1.85 m/s2

If a mass of 5.0 kg is hung on a vertical unstrained spring causing it to stretch 7.0 cm, how much mass is required to stretch the spring 3.0 cm

2.1 kg

An airplane flying South at 85 m/s encounters a wind that blows on the plane at 35 m/s West. What is the angle of the planes velocity relative to an observer on the ground?


For a car accelerating from rest, assuming all other variables remain unchanged, if you increased the acceleration from a to 2a you would expect the displacement of the car to change from x to


An object is launched horizontally from a 40 meter cliff with an initial speed of 15 m/s. Determine the speed of the object just before it strikes the ground 40.0 meters below.

32 m/s

A spring with N coils has a spring constant, k. If it is cut into 3 equal springs, with N/3 coils each, the spring constant of each of the new springs is


Given a particle with the displacement versus time graph shown above, during which interval(s) is the velocity minimum?

C only

In the trajectory shown below, the acceleration vector at point A is best represented by which of the following vectors?


The connected block shown above are moving with a constant velocity to the left. How can the ramps be changed to cause a positive acceleration to the left.

Increase angle θ1

Which of the following statements is true about momentum?

Momentum and impulse have the same units.

Two objects, one twice the mass of the other, are connected by a string with a tension, T, between them as shown above. A force, F, is the only force acting on the system and is pulling the smaller mass to the right. What is equation for the acceleration of the system?


A 1300 kg car is initially traveling 7.2 m/s in the +y direction, then 6.5 m/s in the -x direction. Find the impulse.

1.26x104 kg·m/s, 48° below the -x axis

The graph above shows the component of force in the direction of displacement as a function of displacement. Determine the work done by the force acting on an object as the object is displaced from 3m to 18 m.

102 J

A 50. kg girl on ice skates, initially at rest, pushes against a moveable barrier wall, extending her arms 0.25m for 0.10s causing her to accelerate. Calculate the acceleration of the barrier wall if it has a mass of 250 kg.


A rock is thrown vertically upward at an initial velocity of 50. m/s. What is the displacement of the rock when it has a velocity of -20. m/s?


A rock is thrown vertically upward at an initial velocity of 50. m/s. What is the objects displacement after 7.0 s?


A 2.0 kg toy car crashes into a wall with the force on the wall represented by the graph above. Determine the magnitude of the impulse imparted to the wall.


A 3.0 N force is applied to a 0.25kg puck on an air hockey table. What is the acceleration of the puck?


If a force F is required to extend a spring a distance 3X, how far will it be extended by force 4F?


The graph above shows the component of force in the direction of displacement as a function of displacement. Determine the work done by the force acting on an object as the object is displaced from 0m to 10 m.

150 J

A 2.0 kg ball has a velocity of 6.0 m/s to the right. If the momentum change of the ball is 20. kgm/s, what is the final velocity of the ball?

16 m/s

A soccer player kicks a 0.410 kg soccer ball from rest. If the player's foot was in contact with the ball for 0.0510 s and the ball's initial speed after the collision was 21.0 m/s, what was the magnitude of the average force on the ball?

169 N

A person with a mass of 45 kg weighs how much on Mars, where g = 3.78 m/2 ?


A person with a weight of 450 N at the surface of the Earth weighs how much on Mars, where g = 3.78 m/2 ?


A force of F = 120 N is applied at an angle of 350 with horizontal on mass m1 as shown. Both masses accelerate to the right at 1.56 m/s along the frictionless surface. If m2 = 45 kg, calculate the mass m1.

18 kg

A car is observed from above traveling in the positive x direction with an initial speed of 15 m/s and then begins accelerating at a constant rate. The car accelerates at 5.0 m/s2 in the y axis for 2.0 s. What is the magnitude of the car's velocity after 2.0 s?


A car traveling in a straight line at 14 m/s when the driver puts on the brakes and comes to a top in 35 s. What is the average acceleration of the car while it is braking?

-0.40 m/s2

A rock is thrown vertically upward at an initial velocity of 70 m/s. What is the approximate acceleration of the rock when it reaches its maximum height?

-10 m/s2

A man is running 12 m/s at an angle of -75o. What is the y component of his velocity?


A cannon sits on the edge of a castle wall that is 15 m above the ground. A cannon ball leaves the cannon with an initial velocity of 25 m/s at 30o to the horizontal. After 3.0 s What is the y component of the velocity?


What is the displacement of a particle that has a position versus time of x(t) = t3-3t from t= 0.0 s to the particle's final position at t=1.0s?


Using the v-t graph above, determine the average acceleration between t=4 and t=6s.


A 15 kg object is pulled to the left by a tension of 40. N applied at 30o above the horizontal. A second force R is applied such that the object moves at a constant velocity. What is the work done by the weight, W, as the object moves 5.0 m to the left?

0 J

A student carries a physics book with a weight of 20. N for a horizontal distance of 30. m at constant velocity of 4.0 m/s. How much work did the student do on the book?

0 J

The graph above shows the component of force in the direction of displacement as a function of displacement. Determine the work done by the force acting on an object as the object is displaced from 0m to 24 m.

0 J

A rock is thrown vertically upward at an initial velocity of 30 m/s. What is the velocity of the rock when it reaches its maximum height?

0 m/s

If a net force of 2.0 N is applied to the puck on an air hockey table resulting in 75 m/s2 acceleration, find the mass of the puck.

0.027 kg

A 50.0 kg box is pulled along a horizontal frictionless surface with a 10.0 N force. The force is 20.0° above horizontal. Find the acceleration of the box.

0.188 m/s2

A car traveling 20.0 m/s slams on the brakes and skids to a stop in 50.0 m. Determine the kinetic coefficient of friction between the tires and the road.


A 3.0 kg toy truck is moving to the right with a speed of 1.0 m/s has a head-on collision with a 5.0 kg toy car cart that is initially moving to the left with a speed of 2.0 m/s. After the collision, the 3.0 kg car is moving to the left with a speed of 1 m/s. What is the final velocity of the 5.0 kg car?

0.8 m/s to the left

An initial velocity of 4.5 m/s is imparted to a 50. kg object at the bottom of a frictionless ramp inclined at 350 above horizontal. As the object slides up the ramp, find the time it takes for the object to reach its maximum height before turning around and sliding down the ramp.


How much kinetic energy is acquired by a 1000 kg car as it is accelerated from rest to a speed of 20 m/s?

200,000 J

Mass, m2, accelerates to the right on a horizontal tabletop with a kinetic coefficient of friction of 0.150. It is connected over a pulley to m1 on the left and over another pulley to m3 on the right as shown above. Assume frictionless, massless pulleys. If m1 = 2.0 kg, m2 = 8.0 kg, and m3 = 7.0 kg, find the tension in the string connected to m1.

24.0 N

A crane lifts a 250. kg steel beam as shown above at a constant velocity of 2.50 m/s. Find the tension in one of the cables attached to the steel beam at an angle of 30.00 from horizontal.


A cannon sits on the edge of a castle wall that is 5.0 m above the ground. A cannon ball leaves the cannon with an initial velocity of 25 m/s at 30o to the horizontal. At its highest point how far has the cannon ball traveled horizontally?


Two forces, equal in magnitude, are pulling an object forward 15.0 meters across a surface. The magnitude of each force is 12.0N, but one is pulling at 35.0° to the left of the forward direction and the second force is pulling at 35.0° to the right of forward. Find the total work done by both forces.

295 J

A rocket is traveling in the y axis with a velocity of 30.0 m/s. A wind blows horizontally causing to the rocket to accelerate in the +x axis. After 5.00 s the velocity is now 40.0 m/s at 75.0o. What was the magnitude of the rocket's acceleration?


A ball mass 2M is traveling to the right with a velocity v when it collides with a ball mass M traveling to the left at 2v. The first ball bounces back with a velocity -v. What is the velocity of the second ball?


A man is running 12 m/s at an angle of -75o. What is the x component of his velocity?


A 42.5 kg boy is traveling across a lake in a 16 kg ultralight canoe at 0.15 m/s. If he stops rowing and wishes to stop the canoe throwing his 2.5 kg oar, how fast and in what direction would he need to throw the oar relative to the lake?

3.7 m/s, forward

A sprinter running in a straight line passes through two gates at a constant speed of 7.00 m/s. If the first gate is a displacement of 10.0 meters from the starting line, and sprinter passes the second gate 3.00 seconds after passing the first gate, what is the displacement of the second gate from the starting line?


Sarah is traveling west toward an intersection with a constant velocity of 26.3 m/s. John is traveling north toward the same intersection at a constant velocity of 18.4 m/s. How fast is Sarah travelling relative to John?

32.1 m/s, 35 degrees south of west.

A car is observed from above traveling in the positive x direction with an initial speed of 15 m/s and then begins accelerating at a constant rate. The car accelerates at 5.0 m/s2 in the y axis for 2.0 s. What is the magnitude of the car's displacement after 2.0 s?


A car accelerates at 3.00 m/s2 so that its displacement is 15.0 m after 2.0s. What was the initial velocity of the car?


Neglecting air resistance, at which two angles could a garden hose be aimed in order for the water to land at the same place?

40° and 60°

An object has a net force, F, applied to it resulting in acceleration, a. If the same object accelerates at another time with an acceleration 4a, what must be the net force on the object?


A car traveling in a straight line at 14 m/s when the driver puts on the brakes and comes to a stop in 35 m. How much time did it take for the car to come to a stop?


A woman swims directly across a river at 3.0 m/s but the water is running downstream at 5.0 m/s. What is the magnitude of the woman's velocity with respect to an observer on the shore?


What is the momentum of a child weighing 437. N walking in a straight line at 1.22 m/s?

54.5 kg·m/s

An impulse of 30.0 km/s is applied to a 15. kg mass. What was the value of the force if it was applied for 5.0 s?

6.0 N

Starting from rest, on a straight road, a car accelerates at 3.5 m/s2. What is the cars velocity after it has gone 6.0 m?


Two students are pushing horizontally with one hand each on a 40.0 kg box, northward across a horizontal frictionless table, resulting in a 3.0 m/s2 acceleration. What is the normal force on the box due to one of the student's hands?

60 N north

A 70.0 kg pilot is pulling out of a dive which follows a part of a vertical circular path of radius, R. If the airplane is traveling 150 m/s at the bottom of this path and experiences an apparent weight of 3310. N, find the radius of the circular path.


Assume an astronaut, including his space suit, has a mass of 150kg. In space, if he experiences an acceleration of 0.45 m/s2 as he pushes on a 500. kg satellite, what is the magnitude of the force on the satellite?


A rock is thrown vertically upward at an initial velocity of 50. m/s. How much time has passed before the velocity has changed to -25 m/s?


A 0.15 kg base ball is moving to the left with a speed of 35 m/s is struck by a bat, causing it to move to the right with a speed of 35 m/s. If the ball remains in contact with the bat for 0.012 s, what is the magnitude of the average force experienced by the ball?

880 N

The energy required to run a 60W light bulb for one hour would be enough energy to lift a 25 kg child through a vertical distance of


A cannon sits on the edge of a castle wall that is 5.0 m above the ground. A cannon ball leaves the cannon with an initial velocity of 25 m/s at 30o to the horizontal. At its highest point how far has the cannon ball traveled vertically?


A man is walking along a flatbed car on a train opposite the direction the train is traveling. If the train's speed is 11 m/s east and the man is walking 3.0 m/s relative to the train, how fast is the man traveling relative to a stationary observe standing next to the train?

8m/s east

A weight lifter lifts a 125 kg bell upward a distance of 0.750 m. How much work did she do on the bell?

919 J

A man weighing 700. N stand on a scale in an elevator that is accelerating upward at 4.00 m/s2. What is the reading on the scale while the elevator is accelerating.


Given a particle with the displacement versus time graph shown above, during which interval(s) is the object moving toward the positive x direction

A and D

Cars A and B start at rest and travel with the same acceleration. Compare the speed of car A to car B, after car A has traveled for twice the time of car B.

A is twice as fast as B

which one of the following situations will there be an increase in kinetic energy?

A man pushes a child on a swing causing the swing to go faster.

A 50.0 kg box, initially at rest, is pushed with an applied horizontal 250.N force across a floor with a static coefficient of friction of 0.500 and kinetic coefficient of friction of 0.400. The box will


Which of the following forces are NOT action / reaction forces obeying Newton's third law?

F2 and F3

Which one of the following choices is an example of a conservative force?

Gravitational force

A 5.0 kg ball headed east strikes a 4.0 kg ball headed west. The balls rebound away from each other.

Kinetic energy could be conserved in this collision

Apparent weight is equal to your weight when the surface you are standing on

Moves at a constant velocity or is at rest.

An object moves with an initial velocity vx and accelerates in the y axis with an acceleration ay.

Only "the equation x=vxt is valid"

Given two boxes, one twice the mass of the other, resting on a frictionless surface as shown above, which situation leads to a greater contact force between the two boxes. Assume the force in the left picture is the same magnitude as the force in the right picture.

Pushing to the right

In the trajectory shown below, the velocity vector at point B is best represented by which of the following vectors?


In the trajectory shown below, the x component of the velocity vector at point A is best represented by which of the following vectors?


A mass m is pulled down a ramp with a kinetic coefficient of friction μk as shown above. Which of the following vector orientations is most appropriate for a free body diagram?

Slanted x axis with up arrow "N", left arrow "f", right arrow "FA", and down arrow "mg"

Which of the free-body diagrams could represents an object sliding down a ramp at a constant speed where friction is present?

Smallest FBD with short up left, shorter up right, and down

A ball attached to a string of length R is twirled in a horizontal circle at a constant speed v. Which of the following will increase the centripetal acceleration by a factor of 4?

Speed constant, ¼ the radius

Two identical pool balls roll toward each other on traveling with twice the velocity magnitude as the other. Which of the following must be true about the balls after they collide and roll apart.

Statement I only.

An object moves initially in the x axis with a velocity vx and accelerates in the y axis with an acceleration ay.

The acceleration must cause an increase in the magnitude of the velocity.

Which of the following is the NOT a correct relationship between distance and the magnitude of displacement as an object moves from point A to point B along the curved path shown?

The distance is less than the magnitude of the displacement

Negative work done on an object means

The force doing the work is opposite the displacement.

A flying squirrel can spread its body out, forming kind of a parachute to take advantage of wind resistance. In doing so, they can easily reach terminal velocity, meaning they can fall with a constant speed. This also means

The force of air resistance on the flying squirrel is equal and opposite to its weight.

When an object travels in a circular path at a constant speed, which of the following statements is true about the direction of the object's velocity and acceleration vectors.

The velocity vector is perpendicular to the acceleration vector.

A car and cement truck are traveling down a level road at the same speed and slam on their brakes and skid to a stop. Assuming they both produce the maxium amount of friction possible and have the same coefficients of friction between their tires and the road, which one will stop in a shorter distance?

Their stopping distances are identical.

An acceleration is applied to an object

There must be a change in either vx or vy

Which one of the following is characteristic of an inelastic collision?

Total kinetic energy is not conserved.

In which one of the following cases does the car have a southward acceleration?

Traveling northward and slowing down.

Object A and Object B are dropped from the same height. Object A has twice the impulse of object B as the objects strike the floor. If both objects are in contact with the floor for the same duration of time, compare the force of the floor on object A to the force of the floor on object B. Object A has

Twice the force of object B.

Given two forces equal in magnitude, F1 pointing upward and F2 pointing to the left, which of the following vectors best represents the net force?

Up and left

A roller coaster car is on a vertical circular loop. What is the value of the centripetal acceleration at the top of the loop if the car is just about to fall off the track at the top?

g downward

A moving railroad car collides with and sticks to an identical railroad car that is initially at rest. After the collision, the kinetic energy of the two cars is

half as much as before.

Objects that are described by Newton's first law must:

have a constant velocity

A box resting on a table experiences the force of gravity pulling downward and the normal force from the table pushing upward. These two forces are opposite in direction and

have equal magnitudes causing the box to be in equilibrium.

Running at a constant velocity the runner throws a ball straight up to a height a few meters above his head. Ignoring air resistance, where will the ball land?

in front of the runner

An object at rest remains at rest or in motion at a constant velocity is expressed by which of the following ideas?


A quantity that measures the resistance of a body to a change in its motion is


A net force is exerted on an object toward the north. The object

may be moving in any direction.

A stone is in free fall from the top of a tall hill. While in free fall, the stone will gain an equal amount of

momentum for each meter that it falls.

A ball of mass m is attached to a thin string and whirled in a vertical circle of radius r. The tension in the string at point B where the ball is moving with speed v is


During a serve (assume a stationary ball), a tennis racquet strikes a tennis ball, of mass m, imparting a speed of v to the ball. Which if the following best represents the magnitude of the average force experienced by the ball during the collision?

m·v / Δt

A ball mass M is traveling to the right with a velocity v when it collides with a ball mass M traveling to the left at v. The first ball bounces back with a velocity -v. What is the velocity of the second ball?


A ball mass M is traveling to the right with a velocity 2v when it collides with a ball mass M traveling to the left at v. The two stick together upon impact. What is the velocity of the system after the collision?


An object of mass, m, is at rest in the position shown above. The object is released and slides down a frictionless semi-circular ramp as shown. Which of the following is an expression for the motion of the object when it reaches the lowest point on the ramp.

v2 = 2gh

Given a particle with the displacement versus time graph shown above, what is the average velocity of the particle from 0 s to 5.0 s

zero m/s

A mass, m, is at rest on a ramp at an angle of θ with horizontal. The magnitude of the frictional force on the block is always less than or equal to

μs mg cosθ

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