`AP Psych Ch 12 and 13

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Bipolar Disorder

(formerly manic depression) symptoms- (mania) hyperactivity, wild optimism, rapid speech, may have psychotic features -may correlate with other risky behaviors such as drugs, gambling, and sex -bipolar I, II, cyclothymic

rule of thirds

-1/3 get better after 1 or 2 psychotic episodes -1/3 get better with medication and supervision -1/3 never get better which leads to institutionalization

Dissociative Disorders

-Psychogenic Amnesia -Fugue -Dissociative Identity Disorder

Psychogenic Amnesia

-created in the mind symptoms- inability to recall patient personal info -due to a traumatic event

paranoid schizophrenia

-delusions and hallucinations -persecution/ grandiosity -disorganized -word salad, bizarre behaviors, flat or inappropriate emotions

seasonal affective disorder (SAD)

-depression that occurs at the same time of the year -mostly due to winter but not always -latitude of location is important to amount of sunlight -light exposure therapy

psychodynamic therapy

-face to face -shorter theory -de emphasis of sex

Suicide with Major Depressive Disorder

-globally -more common in rural areas


-ritualized behavior -obsession= repetitive thoughts symptoms- compulsion- repetitive action neatness, drive for perfection that may ruin their lives

operant conditioning

-skinner -token economy -behavior modification -extrinsic vs intrinsic


-symptoms are identity confusions which include at least 2 or more personality alters


-symptoms- preoccupation with the fear/idea of having a serious disease based on the persons misinterpretations of bodily symptoms

negative symptoms

-things that should be there are missing, (ex emotions) -inappropriate emotions or actions, emotional disturbances, flat affect (laughter at funerals, etc), bizare motor behavior, catatonia- waxy flexibility - negative symptoms can be a result of schizophrenia or the medication

stress inoculation training

1) education about stress 2) skill acquisition (aka problem solving and communication) 3) application

antisocial personality disorder

A personality disorder in which the person (usually a man) exhibits a lack of conscience for wrongdoing, even toward friends and family members. May be aggressive and ruthless or a clever con artist.

systematic desensitization

A type of exposure therapy that associates a pleasant relaxed state with gradually increasing anxiety-triggering stimuli. Commonly used to treat phobias.

Cognitive Therapy

Aaron Beck Cognitive Triad -situational (not dispositional)

Drew's depression seems an outgrowth of his belief that everyone should like him. If his therapist were to utilize REBT, how might he proceed in treating Drew's depression?

C) He would challenge Drew's belief so that in defending it Drew will recognize just how absurd it sounds.


Carl Rogers -goal of human growth -self actualization + self realization -conscious -focuses on future more than past

Ezra always goes shopping with Maria. Because Ezra has no confidence in her own decisions, she lets Maria decide what she should buy, and pays for clothes for Maria with the money she was saving for a haircut. Ezra shows signs of which of the following personality disorders


Anxiety Disorders

GAD Panic Disorder Phobia OCD PTSD

Somatoform Disorders

Hypochondriasis Conversion Schizophrenia

Mood Disorders

Major Depressive Disorder Seasonal Affective Disorder Bipolar Disorder

schizotypal personality disorder

Person has several traits that causes interpersonal problems, including inappropriate affect, paranoid/magical thinking, off beliefs

Research on anxiety disorders indicates that

Some people are more genetically predisposed than others to develop anxiety disorders

Albert Ellis Rational Emotive Therapy

Type of cognitive therapy, that focuses on changing the clients irrational beliefs

Lithium Carbonate

a chemical used to counteract mood swings of bipolar disorder

A soldier who experiences sudden blindness after seeing his buddies killed in battle is best diagnosed with

a conversion disorder

client-centered therapy

a humanistic therapy, developed by Carl Rogers, in which the therapist uses techniques such as active listening within a genuine, accepting, empathic environment to facilitate clients' growth. (Also called person-centered therapy.)

histrionic personality disorder

a personality disorder characterized by excessive emotionality and preoccupation with being the center of attention; emotional shallowness; overly dramatic behavior

schizoid personality disorder

a personality disorder characterized by persistent avoidance of social relationships and little expression of emotion

aversive conditioning

a type of counterconditioning that associates an unpleasant state (such as nausea) with an unwanted behavior (such as drinking alcohol)

ABC's of Treatment

actual event of adversity belief system consequential feeling

virtual reality exposure therapy

an anxiety treatment that progressively exposes people to simulations of their greatest fears, such as airplane flying, spiders, or public speaking

what disorder is culturally dependent


Herb lied easily as a child, he considers himself good with the ladies, has little remorse for his actions, and has repeated trouble with authority figures, his likely diagnosis is

antisocial personality disorder

the distinctive term psychopath refers to an individual with

antisocial personality disorder

Cluster B personality disorders

antisocial, borderline, histrionic, narcissistic

in an effort to help a child overcome a fear of dogs, a ____ therapist might pair a trigger stimulus with a new stimulus that causes a response that is incompatible with fear



belonging naturally; essential

Causes of schizophrenia

biology - 1% of population has is, it runs in families -either too much or not enough dopamine -too much = positive symptoms -not enough= negative symptoms -excess brain fluid -prenatal mutations -drug/alcohol use

causes of anxiety

biology, genetics predisposition, neurology- low serotonin and GABA levels, and evolution

which disorder is more commonly diagnosed in females than males

borderline behavior disorder

narcissistic personality disorder

characterized by a grandiose sense of self-importance, a preoccupation with fantasies of success or power, and a need for constant attention or admiration

the DSM is used for

classifying disorders

borderline personality disorder

condition marked by extreme instability in mood, identity, and impulse control

bio-psycho-social model

contemporary perspective that assumes biological, psychological, and sociocultural factors combine and interact to produce psychological disorders


continual feelings of worry, anxiety, physical tension, and irritability across many areas of life functioning -not caused by a particular event or situation, or substance or medical issues

behavioral therapy

counter-conditioning (pavlov + watson) -exposure therapy -systematic desensitization


disorganized and delusional thinking, disturbed perceptions, and inappropriate emotions and actions -word salad, disturbed perceptions, hallucinations

most conventional antipsychotic drugs are similar enough to the molecules of the neurotransmitter ____________ to occupy receptor sites and block its activity



fear of enclosed or narrow spaces


fear of heights


fear of open spaces and interactions with other people


fear of snakes


fear of spiders

Interpersonal Theory

focuses on current relationships and not past

Jenna is telling her therapist about the dream she had last night, and her therapist begins to interpret it for her. Which approach to psychotherapy does Jenna's therapist probably represent?


id, ego, superego

id- bad decisions ego- middle ground superego- good decisions

catatonic schizophrenia

immobility (or excessive, purposeless movement), extreme negativism, and/or parrotlike repeating of another's speech or movements -chronic, slow developing,

free association

in psychoanalysis, a method of exploring the unconscious in which the person relaxes and says whatever comes to mind, no matter how trivial or embarrassing

In treating depression, a psychiatrist would probably prescribe a drug that would

increase levels of norepinephrine

projective tests in psychoanalysis

ink blots, dream analysis, hypnosis

Doug was unable to tell the difference between right and wrong, which definition of abnormal behavior is described in this example


drawback of group therapy

it does not require the services of a mental health professional

self realization

learning about and developing the self to the fullest possible extent

Gender differences with Major Depressive Disorder

more women attempt, but men are 4x more likely to commit

Age differences in Major Depressive Disorder

mostly males over 75


not inherent of essential

what disorder has excessive levels of dopamine

paranoid schizophrenia

Cluster A personality disorders

paranoid, schizoid, schizotypal

biomedical therapy

prescribed medications or medical procedures that act directly on the patient's nervous system

proactive preventive services available from many community mental health centers include all of the following except

psychoanalytic therapy

which kind of therapist would be the most likely to notes the following in a session, "blocks in the flow of free association indicate resistance"


actions, beliefs, and consequences are involved in

rational emotive therapy

positive symptoms

recognizable issues, word salad, disturbed perceptions, hallucinations, symptoms can depend on how they're helped

the behavioral approach attributes the cause of abnormal behavior to

reinforcement of maladaptive behaviors learned through experience

Evidence that symptoms of dissociative identity disorder are triggered by the suggestions and leading questions of therapists most clearly points out the importance of ________ in the onset of this disorder.


a drug receptor that blocks dopamine would most likely be used to treat


manual is extremely shy and so easily embarrassed when he is with other people that he often avoids college classes to avoid social interactions. This a form of a(n)

social phobia

A rape victim may experience a panic attack when she sees anyone wearing a red coat, facial hair, or cologne that reminds her of her attacker. This reaction best illustrates the process of

stimulus generalization

The vicious cycle of depression is often initiated by

stressful life experiences

Panic Disorder

sudden episodes of dread, terror, chest pains, difficulty breathing, diziness -panic attacks -anxiety caused by the fear of having an attack -may lead to agoraphobia

Conversion Disorder

symptoms- a loss of voluntary motor/sensory functions -types include, blindness, paralysis, deafness, laryngitis


symptoms- amnesia and travel - may assume a new identity and or new job

Major Depressive Disorder

symptoms- depressed mood, diminished interest, weight loss/gain, too much sleep, too little/too much sleep, suicidal thoughts


symptoms- nightmares, persistent fears, troubling memories -caused by a traumatic event -rape, war, death of a loved one


terror, avoidance, panic, apprehension, chest pains, difficulty breathing fear is consistent for at least 6 months


the co-occurrence of two or more disorders in a single individual

the main difference between GAD and panic disorder is

the duration of the symptoms


the motivation to fulfill one's potential


the study of the effects of drugs on mind and behavior

Goal of psychoanalytic therapy

to bring unconscious conflicts to conscious awareness and gain insight

Which of the following is not a characteristic of the manic state of bipolar 1 disorder

too much sleep

paranoid personality disorder

type of personality disorder characterized by extreme suspiciousness or mistrust of others


unconscious conflicts are what causes abnormal behavior through repression because of trauma freuds theories (classical)

paranoid personality disorder is characterized by

unwarranted suspiciousness and mistrust of other people

in contrast to a clinical psychologist, a psychiatrist is more likely to

use a biomedical/somatic treatment

Racial Differences with Major Depressive Disorder

white Americans more likely to have it

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