AP Psych Chapter 1 Siggy

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11. After detailed study of a gunshot wound victim, a psychologist concludes that the brain region destroyed is likely to be important for memory functions. Which research strategy did the psychologist use to deduce this? A) the case study B) a survey C) correlation D) experimentation


13. One reason researchers base their findings on representative samples is to avoid the false consensus effect, which refers to our tendency to: A) overestimate the extent to which others share our belief. B) falsely perceive a relationship between two events when none exists. C) underestimate errors in our judgment. D) make all of the above reasoning errors.


28. Which of the following procedures is an example of the use of a placebo? A) In a test of the effects of a drug on memory, a participant is led to believe that a harmless pill actually contains an active drug. B) A participant in an experiment is led to believe that a pill, which actually contains an active drug, is harmless. C) Participants in an experiment are not told which treatment condition is in effect. D) Neither the participants nor the experimenter knows which treatment condition is in effect.


41. Which of the following is the measure of central tendency that would be most affected by a few extreme scores? A) mean B) range C) median D) mode


45. The four families on your block all have annual household incomes of $25,000. If a new family with an annual income of $75,000 moved in, which measure of central tendency would be most affected? A) mean B) median C) mode D) standard deviation


50. In generalizing from a sample to the population, it is important that: A) the sample be representative. B) the sample be nonrandom. C) the sample not be too large. D) all of the above be true.


18. Which type of research would allow you to determine whether students' college grades accurately predict later income? A) case study B) naturalistic observation C) experimentation D) correlation


54. Dr. Salazar recently completed an experiment in which she compared reasoning ability in a sample of females and a sample of males. The means of the female and male samples equaled 21 and 19, respectively, on a 25-point scale. A statistical test revealed that her results were not statistically significant. What can Dr. Salazar conclude? A) Females have superior reasoning ability. B) The difference in the means of the two samples is probably due to chance variation. C) The difference in the means of the two samples is reliable. D) None of the above is true


1. Which of the following best describes the hindsight bias? A) Events seem more predictable before they have occurred. B) Events seem more predictable after they have occurred. C) A person's intuition is usually correct. D) A person's intuition is usually not correct.


19. A researcher was interested in determining whether her students' test performance could be predicted from their proximity to the front of the classroom. So she matched her students' scores on a math test with their seating position. This study is an example of: A) experimentation. B) correlational research. C) a survey. D) naturalistic observation.


21. If shoe size and IQ are negatively correlated, which of the following is true? A) People with large feet tend to have high IQs. B) People with small feet tend to have high IQs. C) People with small feet tend to have low IQs. D) IQ is unpredictable based on a person's shoe size.


23. Illusory correlation refers to: A) the perception that two negatively correlated variables are positively correlated. B) the perception of a correlation where there is none. C) an insignificant correlation. D) a correlation that equals -1.0.


29. In a test of the effects of air pollution, groups of students performed a reaction-time task in a polluted or an unpolluted room. To what condition were students in the unpolluted room exposed? A) experimental B) control C) randomly assigned D) dependent


3. To say that "psychology is a science" means that: A) psychologists study only observable behaviors. B) psychologists study thoughts and actions with an attitude of skepticism and derive their conclusions from direct observations. C) psychological research should be free of value judgments. D) all of the above are true.


34. The concept of control is important in psychological research because: A) without control over independent and dependent variables, researchers cannot describe, predict, or explain behavior. B) experimental control allows researchers to study the influence of one or two independent variables on a dependent variable while holding other potential influences constant. C) without experimental control, results cannot be generalized from a sample to a population. D) of all the above reasons.


37. The procedure designed to ensure that the experimental and control groups do not differ in any way that might affect the experiment's results is called: A) variable controlling. B) random assignment. C) representative sampling. D) stratification.


40. What is the mode of the following distribution: 8, 2, 1, 1, 3, 7, 6, 2, 0, 2? A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 7


42. What is the mode of the following distribution of scores: 2, 2, 4, 4, 4, 14? A) 2 B) 4 C) 5 D) 6


53. The set of scores that would likely be most representative of the population from which it was drawn would be a sample with a relatively: A) large standard deviation. B) small standard deviation. C) large range. D) small range.


7. You decide to test your belief that men drink more soft drinks than women by finding out whether more soft drinks are consumed per day in the men's dorm than in the women's dorm. Your belief is a(n) ________, and your research prediction is a(n) ________. A) hypothesis; theory B) theory; hypothesis C) independent variable; dependent variable D) dependent variable; independent variable


8. Which of the following is true, according to the text? A) Because laboratory experiments are artificial, any principles discovered cannot be applied to everyday behaviors. B) No psychological theory can be considered a good one until it produces testable predictions. C) Psychology's theories reflect common sense. D) Psychology has few ties to other disciplines.


9. Which of the following is not a basic research strategy used by psychologists? A) description B) replication C) experimentation D) correlation


12. Your roommate is conducting a survey to learn how many hours the typical college student studies each day. She plans to pass out her questionnaire to the members of her sorority. You point out that her findings will be flawed because: A) she has not specified an independent variable. B) she has not specified a dependent variable. C) the sample will probably not be representative of the population of interest. D) of all the above reasons.


17. If height and body weight are positively correlated, which of the following is true? A) There is a cause-effect relationship between height and weight. B) As height increases, weight decreases. C) Knowing a person's height, one can predict his or her weight. D) All of the above are true.


22. Joe believes that his basketball game is always best when he wears his old gray athletic socks. Joe is a victim of the phenomenon called: A) statistical significance. B) overconfidence. C) illusory correlation. D) hindsight bias.


31. Martina believes that high doses of caffeine slow a person's reaction time. In order to test this belief, she has five friends each drink three 8-ounce cups of coffee and then measures their reaction time on a learning task. What is wrong with Martina's research strategy? A) No independent variable is specified. B) No dependent variable is specified. C) There is no control condition. D) There is no provision for replication of the findings.


32. In order to determine the effects of a new drug on memory, one group of people is given a pill that contains the drug. A second group is given a sugar pill that does not contain the drug. This second group constitutes the: A) random sample. B) experimental group. C) control group. D) test group.


33. In order to study the effects of lighting on mood, Dr. Cooper had students fill out questionnaires in brightly lit or dimly lit rooms. In this study, the independent variable consisted of: A) the number of students assigned to each group. B) the students' responses to the questionnaire. C) the room lighting. D) the subject matter of the questions asked.


35. In an experiment to determine the effects of exercise on motivation, exercise is the: A) control condition. B) intervening variable. C) independent variable. D) dependent variable.


38. What is the mean of the following distribution of scores: 2, 3, 7, 6, 1, 4, 9, 5, 8, 2? A) 5 B) 4 C) 4.7 D) 3.7


43. What is the mean of the following distribution of scores: 2, 5, 8, 10, 11, 4, 6, 9, 1, 4? A) 2 B) 10 C) 6 D) 15


44. Bob scored 43 out of 70 points on his psychology exam. He was worried until he discovered that most of the class earned the same score. Bob's score was equal to the: A) mean. B) median. C) mode. D) range.


46. What is the median of the following distribution: 10, 7, 5, 11, 8, 6, 9? A) 6 B) 7 C) 8 D) 9


48. A lopsided set of scores that includes a number of extreme or unusual values is said to be: A) symmetrical. B) normal. C) skewed. D) dispersed.


56. When a difference between two groups is "statistically significant," this means that: A) the difference is statistically real but of little practical significance. B) the difference is probably the result of sampling variation. C) the difference is not likely to be due to chance variation. D) all of the above are true.


60. Psychologists' personal values: A) have little influence on how their experiments are conducted. B) do not influence the interpretation of experimental results because of the use of statistical techniques that guard against subjective bias. C) can bias both scientific observation and interpretation of data. D) have little influence on investigative methods but a significant effect on interpretation.


10. To ensure that other researchers can repeat their work, psychologists use: A) control groups. B) random assignment. C) double-blind procedures. D) operational definitions.


14. Well-done surveys measure attitudes in a representative subset, or ________, of an entire group, or ________. A) population; random sample B) control group; experimental group C) experimental group; control group D) random sample; population


15. A professor constructs a questionnaire to determine how students at the university feel about nuclear disarmament. Which of the following techniques should be used in order to survey a random sample of the student body? A) Every student should be sent the questionnaire. B) Only students majoring in psychology should be asked to complete the questionnaire. C) Only students living on campus should be asked to complete the questionnaire. D) From an alphabetical listing of all students, every tenth (or fifteenth, e.g.) student should be asked to complete the questionnaire.


16. A psychologist studies the play behavior of third-grade children by watching groups during recess at school. Which type of research is being used? A) correlation B) case study C) experimentation D) naturalistic observation


2. Juwan eagerly opened an online trading account, believing that his market savvy would allow him to pick stocks that would make him a rich day trader. This belief best illustrates: A) the false consensus effect. B) illusory correlation. C) hindsight bias. D) overconfidence.


20. If eating saturated fat and the likelihood of contracting cancer are positively correlated, which of the following is true? A) Saturated fat causes cancer. B) People who are prone to develop cancer prefer foods containing saturated fat. C) A separate factor links the consumption of saturated fat to cancer. D) None of the above is necessarily true.


24. The strength of the relationship between two vivid events will most likely be: A) significant. B) positive. C) negative. D) overestimated.


25. Which of the following research methods does not belong with the others? A) case study B) survey C) naturalistic observation D) experiment


26. Which of the following research strategies would be best for determining whether alcohol impairs memory? A) case study B) naturalistic observation C) survey D) experiment


27. To prevent the possibility that a placebo effect or researchers' expectations will influence a study's results, scientists employ: A) control groups. B) experimental groups. C) random assignment. D) the double-blind procedure.


30. Rashad, who is participating in a psychology experiment on the effects of alcohol on perception, is truthfully told by the experimenter that he has been assigned to the "high-dose condition." What is wrong with this experiment? A) There is no control condition. B) Rashad's expectations concerning the effects of "high doses" of alcohol on perception may influence his performance. C) Knowing that Rashad is in the "high-dose" condition may influence the experimenter's interpretations of Rashad's results. D) Both b. and c. are correct.


36. In an experiment to determine the effects of attention on memory, memory is the: A) control condition. B) intervening variable. C) independent variable. D) dependent variable.


39. What is the median of the following distribution of scores: 1, 3, 7, 7, 2, 8, 4? A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4


4. The scientific attitude of humility is based on the idea that: A) researchers must evaluate new ideas and theories objectively rather than accept them blindly. B) scientific theories must be testable. C) simple explanations of behavior make better theories than do complex explanations. D) researchers must be prepared to reject their own ideas in the face of conflicting evidence.


47. Which of the following is the measure of variation that is most affected by extreme scores? A) mean B) standard deviation C) mode D) range


49. Esteban refuses to be persuaded by an advertiser's claim that people using their brand of gasoline average 50 miles per gallon. His decision probably is based on: A) the possibility that the average is the mean, which could be artificially inflated by a few extreme scores. B) the absence of information about the size of the sample studied. C) the absence of information about the variation in sample scores. D) all of the above.


5. The scientific attitude of skepticism is based on the belief that: A) people are rarely candid in revealing their thoughts. B) mental processes can't be studied objectively. C) the scientist's intuition about behavior is usually correct. D) ideas need to be tested against observable evidence.


51. The football team's punter wants to determine how consistent his punting distances have been during the past season. He should compute the: A) mean. B) median. C) mode. D) standard deviation.


52. In generalizing from a sample to the population, it is important that: A) the sample is representative of the population. B) the sample is large. C) the scores in the sample have low variability. D) all of the above are observed.


55. If a difference between two samples is not statistically significant, which of the following can be concluded? A) The difference is probably not a true one. B) The difference is probably not reliable. C) The difference could be due to sampling variation. D) All of the above can be concluded.


57. Your best friend criticizes psychological research for being artificial and having no relevance to behavior in real life. In defense of psychology's use of laboratory experiments you point out that: A) psychologists make every attempt to avoid artificiality by setting up experiments that closely simulate real-world environments. B) psychologists who conduct basic research are not concerned with the applicability of their findings to the real world. C) most psychological research is not conducted in a laboratory environment. D) psychologists intentionally study behavior in simplified environments in order to gain greater control over variables and to test general principles that help to explain many behaviors.


58. A friend majoring in anthropology is critical of psychological research because it often ignores the influence of culture on thoughts and actions. You point out that: A) there is very little evidence that cultural diversity has a significant effect on specific behaviors and attitudes. B) most researchers assign subjects to experimental and control conditions in such a way as to fairly represent the cultural diversity of the population under study. C) it is impossible for psychologists to control for every possible variable that might influence research participants. D) even when specific thoughts and actions vary across cultures, as they often do, the underlying processes are much the same.


59. Which statement about the ethics of experimentation with people and animals is false? A) Only a small percentage of animal experiments use shock. B) Allegations that psychologists routinely subject animals to pain, starvation, and other inhumane conditions have been proven untrue. C) The American Psychological Association and the British Psychological Society have set strict guidelines for the care and treatment of human and animal subjects. D) Animals are used in psychological research more often than they are killed by humane animal shelters.


6. Theories are defined as: A) testable propositions. B) factors that may change in response to manipulation. C) statistical indexes. D) principles that help to organize, predict, and explain facts.


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