AP Psych Mock

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Of the following, an evolutionary psychologist will most likely investigate the

reason why many people have an innate fear of the dark

A psychologist gives the same test to a class of students at the beginning of the day and again at the end of the school day. The extent to which test scores are similar across the two administrations demonstrates which of the following test properties?


Which of the following is used ro reduce the effects of confounding variable in experiments?

Random assignment

Which of the following is the most common symptom of dementia?

deterioration in memory

Angry with his professor because of a difficult exam, Martin returns home and takes out his anger on his best friend. Martin's behavior illustrates


A critical component for labeling a person's behavior as abnormal is that the behavior must

Interfere with some aspect of the person's life

In extreme cases, surgically severing the corpus callosum is a treatment for which of the following conditions?


Michael, who has an IQ of 60, is able to do complex calculations in his head, regardless of the size of the numbers. When he is with his family and friends, he does not engage socially; he focuses on his numerical calculations. Which of the following best describes these characteristics?

savant syndrome

Nick admitted to his parents that he was not working to his potential in his academics and sports. Even though his parents were disappointed, instead of yelling at Nick, they accepted him and wanted to help him work through his feelings. His parents' behavior exemplified

unconditional positive regard

Damage to a small part of the occipital lobe would most likely result in a

visual deficit

rochelle is anxious because she believes that nearly everyone must approve of everything she does. Which of the following is a cognitive therapist most likely to do to help rochelle overcome her anxiety?

work on changing the way she interprets her circumstances

In high school, it did not seem to make a difference how much Clive studied Spanish; he always earned poor grades. Now that Clive is in college, he is required to take Spanish again. According to the concept of learned helplessness, which of the following statements can be most expected from Clive as he starts the new Spanish class?

"Why study? There isn't anything I can do to improve my Spanish skills."

Which of the following is the strongest correlation?


A test has a mean of 80 with a standard deviation of 4. Which of the following scores is within one standard deviation of the mean?


Which of the following would a social learning theorist be most likely to propose as a cause for a fear of flying?

A person observed someone else's fear of flying

A research group conducted a study investigating the connection between self-reported number of hours slept in a given week and scores on a happiness measure. Based on the scatter plot above, the group can report that there is

A positive correlation

During therapy sessions, Gerry's therapist often rephrase things that Gerry has said or asks for clarification. This action is consistent with what aspect of client-centered therapy?

Active listening

The process by which one evaluates the causes of other people's behavior is called


During the past few years, Lester has experienced several episodes of devastating sadness, weight loss, feelings of worthlessness, and an inability to concentrate. Recently, Lester is experiencing tremendous elation, excessive excitement, racing thought, and elevated self-esteem. He has not slept for several days, claiming that he no longer needs a full night's sleep. Which diagnosis will Lester most likely receive from a clinical psychologist?

Bipolar disorder

Which of the following is reduced during a fight-or-flight reaction?


Latisha noticed that in the early evening she begins to have difficulty seeing the vibrant colors in her artwork. Which of the following best explains her difficulty?

Her cones cannot detect color well in dim light.

What is the correct chronological order of the following perspectives of psychology, from past to present? I. Behaviorism II. Psychoanalysis III. Structuralism IV. Humanism


Which of the following did Erik Erikson say is the primary conflict through which a teenager needs to work?

Identity versus role confusion

Which of the following statements concerning sleep is valid?

Individuals do not typically act out their dreams.

According to Benjamin Whorf's linguistic relatively hypothesis, what is the relation between language and cognition?

Language shapes a culture's concepts and thought processes

Carmen's psychiatrist has prescribed a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor to help Carmen feel better. Carmen has most likely been diagnosed with what disorder?

Major depressive

Professor González is interested in evaluating the ability of a new method of note-taking to improve student grades. Group A is trained in the new method and group B uses the traditional outline method of taking notes. What is Professor González' independent variable?

Method of note-taking

Which of the following individuals best demonstrates the concept of social loafing?

Michael, who barely works on his group science project because he knows someone else will do the work

According to the five-factor model of personality, which of the following is true?

Most personality traits can be derived from the five major traits of the theory.

To stop his uncle's constant requests, Jimmy takes out the garbage. This makes him more likely to take out the garbage in the future. Jimmy's behavior is being controlled by which of the following types of reinforcement?


A young child says, "Where did you goed?" Which of the following psychologists would most likely argue that the child is overregularizing a logical grammatical rule?

Noam Chomsky

Modern research on Jean Piaget's stages of cognitive development indicates that?

Piaget underestimated children's abilities

The Rorschach inkblot test and the Thematic Appreciation Test (TAT) are two popular forms of which of the following types of tests?


Jose's doctor has prescribed antipsychotic medication for him. Jose is most likely to be diagnosed as having which of the following disorders?


An individual's recall tends to be better for information that is personally relevant primarily due to which of the following phenomena?

Self-reference effect

Systematic desensitization is most likely to be used in the treatment of which of the following?

Specific phobia disorder

A test with normally distributed results was returned to a class of 100 students. Later, the teacher realized an error was made and added 10 points to each student's score. Which of the following must have changed as a result of the increase in scores?

The mode

Research on a critical period during the acquisition of second languages indicates that which of the following statements is true?

The older an individual is, the more difficulty he or she will have with second-language pronunciation.

Which of the following assertions is best supported by empirical evidence?

The two cerebral hemispheres are specialized to process different types of cognitive tasks.

Which of the following findings about emotion is well supported by research?

There are several universal emotions

During a therapy session, a client acts very angry toward the therapist, just as she acts toward her mother. A psychoanalytically oriented therapist would say the client's behavior is an example of


A person will not most likely develop aphasia as a result of damage to which of the following parts of the brain?

Wernicke's area

Which of the following supports the opponent-process theory of color vision?


Electrically stimulating a rat's amygdala would most likely produce which of the following?


Gustav was out for his daily walk when he was approached by a thief who demanded his wallet. He immediately felt an increase in his breathing and heart rate. Which of the following accurately describes Gustav's physiological response?

alarm reaction

heidi was trying to solve the anagram TORYS by rearranging every letter one at a time until she was able to identify the correct word : STORY. she could have attempted to solve the anagram more quickly by pairing common letters. like ST, but she did not do so. her approach to solving the anagram involved

an algorithm

Brandon is superficially charming and skilled at exploiting people for his own gain. He is also impulsive and irresponsible, and he generally disregards social norms. Brandon would most likely be diagnosed with which of the following disorders?

antisocial personality

fred is afraid to leave his house, and he is extremely apprehensive every time he has to go out in public. Fred is most likely to be diagnosed with which type of disorder?


A basic assumption underlying the evolutionary approach to sexual attraction is that men seek potential mates who

appear fertile

thomas gained a lot of weight because he was eating too many sweets. A psychologist suggested to Thomas that he pair the pleasant taste of sweets with the taste of something he finds unpleasant. so, thomas put broccoli, which he hates, in his ice cream, cake, and pie. he now feels nauseated at the sight of dessert and avoids eating it. This technique is known as

aversion therapy

Token economies are based on which theoretical perspective?


Difficulty in typing smoothly on a keyboard would most likely result from damage to the


Maria was never afraid of spiders until a spider bit her when she was eight. Today, even the sight of a plastic spider upsets her. Which of the following learning processes best explains Maria's fear of spiders?

classical conditioning

Which of the following psychoactive drugs increases nervous system activity?


people who find themselves engaging in behavior that is against their principles will most likely experience

cognitive dissonance

A mental image of a spatial layout is called

cognitive map

Carl Jung believed in a storehouse of latent memory traces inherited from a person's ancestral past. Which of the following psychological terms refers to that storehouse?

collective unconscious

A teacher creates a test that will predict how well a student will do as a commercial airline pilot. The test is taken before the training, and then the teacher correlates the test score to the number of safe flying hours. The teacher is trying to determine whether the test has

criterion-related validity

an item on a psychological test asks whether the test taker believes radio news stations are delivering special messages to the test taker that others cannot detect. Jason takes the test and answers yes to this question, because he recently detected messages to him embedded in a radio broadcast. Jason appears to be experiencing

delusions of reference

After school, George and his friends complain of intense hunger. They go to George's home and immediately open his refrigerator to look for a snack. Which of the following is a theory of motivation that best explains their behavior?

drive reduction

Incentive theories of motivation explain the desire of people to achieve goals in terms of

external stimuli that have the capacity to affect behavior

preschoolers often have trouble buttoning shirts due to less-developed

fine motor skills

A rat always completes a maze successfully but is only rewarded every third trial. The rat is being rewarded using which of the following reinforcement schedules?

fixed ratio

Chuck is walking down the street and someone asks him to sign a petition to put clean-air legislation on the next ballot. He decides to sign the petition. Then the person asks whether he would like to give a donation to the associated environmental group. This technique is known as


Gabby uses a coin to tighten a screw on a faucet handle. This action shows that Gabby has overcome

functional fixedness

Which of the following symptoms is characteristic of schizophrenia?


Which area of the brain is not well developed until after three years of age, offering a possible explanation for infantile amnesia?


Which of the following research findings supports a strong biological basis for behavior?

identical twins who are reared apart have similar levels of intelligence

When watching the Olympics, most people cheer for athletes from their own country. Often, fans believe that athletes from other countries cheat but athletes from their own country would never cheat. This is an example of what psychological concept?

in-group bias

Mary participates in an exercise program because she experiences an increase in energy and feelings of well-being at the end of each exercise session. The best explanation for Mary's perseverance in the program is that exercise

increases her level of endorphins

What field of psychology is most appropriate to analyze the efficiency of businesses in their hiring, basic training, and management leadership skills training?


Which of the following is a statistical approach concerned with forming conclusions about the effect of the independent variable on variations in the dependent variable?


Dylan has difficulty solving a physics problem in class. The next day, he suddenly thinks of a solution to the problem as he is watching a friend play the guitar. The thought process that Dylan experienced is an example of

insight learning

It can be assumed that an individual described as a supertaster

is very sensitive to hot peppers

An animal will gain weight when

its ventromedial hypothalamus is damaged

Kelly, a first-year student at a local university, is surprised at how easily she can locate the building and classroom for each of her classes on the first day of school. Kelly attributes her success to the campus tour she took the previous spring. Which of the following concepts best supports Kelly's belief?

latent learning

When Sophie reads her history assignments, she goes over them very carefully and tries to memorize each fact. Emma, on the other hand, studies by trying to relate the new information to things she has experienced, been told about by others, or seen in movies and on television. Emma's performance on history tests will probably be better than Sophie's due to differences in

levels of processing

Ana injured her eye in an accident and has to wear a patch over the eye while it heals. Which of the following cues would she best be able to use to make judgments about the distance objects are from her?

linear perspective

George sat next to Kiki in biology class every day. They often worked together on assignments. By the end of the semester, George became quite fond of Kiki. Which social psychological term best explains George's attraction to Kiki?

mere exposure effect

dr. grayson is interested in studying the relationship between weight loss and mood. to conduct the study, dr.grayson analyzes the results of several previous studies on weight loss and emotional state. which research strategy is dr. grayson using?


thea is in a clothing store with her mother. a man walks by and passes behind a clothing rack. thea looks for him on the other side of the rack. her behavior shows she has developed

object permanence

Which of the following provides an effective explanation for the data above?

observational learning

bernadette has lacked enthusiasm for work and other activities for a number of years. She also has a poor appetite and feels fatigued. Which of the following disorders is most consistent with bernadettes symptoms?

persistent depressive

In the morning, Jorge watched a cartoon about a sarcastic rabbit. Later, in his psychology class, he viewed the image above and readily identified it as a rabbit instead of a duck. Which of the following best explains this phenomenon?


In elementary school, Lisa learned to speak some Japanese in addition to English. As a sophomore in high school, Lisa took a class in Chinese. She found that some of the new vocabulary was difficult to learn because her earlier Japanese vocabulary was competing with the new Chinese words. This situation best illustrates

proactive interference

Memories of well-learned skills, such as riding a bicycle, are classified as


Students from a journalism class ask only their friends to participate in a school newspaper survey and neglect to ask the rest of the student body. The journalism students' data may not be generalizable due to

sampling bias

Jeremy happily played with his colorful blocks while his mother was nearby. When his mother left the room, he became upset, but he quickly stopped crying and began to play with the blocks again. When his mother returned, he greeted her happily. Which of the following patterns of attachment reflects Jeremy's actions?


Using cell phones while driving increases the number of accidents because use of the phones requires

selective attention

Laura arrives at a park that is located very close to a factory that produces cookies. She immediately notices the strong odor of chocolate chip cookies, but after a while she no longer detects the smell of the cookies. This can best be explained by which of the following?

sensory adaptation

When Rosa has a cold, she cannot taste the flavor of her pizza. Which of the following psychological terms describes Rosa's inability to taste?

sensory interaction

The first time four-year-old Savannah attempted to make her bed, her father praised her for covering the pillow with a blanket. After a few times, her father began praising Savannah for covering the pillow and tucking in the corners of the sheet. Finally, Savannah's father praised her when she covered the pillow, tucked in the corners of the sheet, and smoothed the blanket. The process described in this scenario is known as


marissa is a good racquetball player whose performance seems to improve as the crowd watching her gets larger. Her change in performance is an example of

social facilitation

Alexandra wants to test her new baby's Babinski reflex. To elicit the appropriate response, Alexandra will have to

stroke the sole of her baby's foot

According to Sigmund Freud, the personality structure that reflects moral values is called the


Karen had been working overtime to complete a project so that she could go skiing at the end of the month. On the day of her trip, Karen got sick with the flu and had to cancel. Stress hormones had most likely affected her immune system by

suppressing white blood cells called T lymphocytes

Researchers paired rats' drinking of saccharin-sweetened water with injections of a drug that weakened the immune system. After repeated pairings, sweetened water triggered the rats' immune systems to break down. What was the conditioned stimulus in the study?

sweetened water

One of the difficulties in studying hypnosis experimentally is that

there is no reliable way to determine if a person is hypnotized

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