AP Psychology Exam

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A technique that enables a person to control physiological responses that are normally involuntary, such as blood pressure, is known as


Jose's doctor has prescribed antipsychotic medication for him. Jose is most likely to be diagnosed as having what disorder?


Mary Ainsworth designed the "strange situation" experiment in order to determine

Whether children had developed a secure attachment to their mothers

Rochelle is anxious because she believes that nearly everyone must approve of everything she does. What will a cognitive therapist most likely to do to help Rochelle overcome her anxiety?

Work on changing the way she interprets her circumstances

A substance that interrupts neural transmission by fitting into a receptor site but not activating it, or by preventing another neurotransmitter from accessing the receptor site, is known as

An antagonist

A research design study involves two randomly assigned groups of participants. one group receives one time treatment while the other group does not, later the two groups are compared to see whether the treatment had an effect. Psychologists call this kind of research

An experiment

Judy believes her fate is determined by her own actions. Judy's belief illustrates

An internal locus of control

A dog retrieves the newspaper every day because in the past it received a food reward for this behavior. The dog's behavior is an example of

An operant response

An score of 100 on an IQ test indicates that the test taker

Scored at the average level for test takers of the same age

The Rorschach inkblot test and the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) are two popular forms of which type of test?


In studying five year olds in a free play situation a cognitive psychologist would be most interested in the children's

Prosocial play activities

As you watch a friend walk away from you, your retinal image of your friend gets smaller. Despite this, you do not perceive him to be shrinking. This is an example of

Size constancy

Unexplained physical symptoms, including headaches, pain, and digestive problems, which cannot b explained by physical or mental causes, may be diagnosed as

Somatoform disorders

Systematic desensitization is most likely to be used in the treatment of which disorder?

Specific phobia disorder

According to Sigmund Freud, the personality structure that reflects moral values is called the


Do individuals typically act out their dreams?


Neurotransmitters are typically stored in which part of a neuron?

Terminal buttons

Which of the following statements is most typical of the approach of a cognitive therapist? a) "Let's go back to your statement about your happiness as a child." b) "When you say 'no one likes me' that's illogical, because you do have close friends" c) "What i hear you saying is you are angry , and i can hear the frustration in your voice" d) "I'm going to start teaching you to relax, and then we'll slowly deal with your phobia" e) "I think that prescribing you an SSRI will increase your positive mood over the next few weeks"

"When you say 'no one likes me' that's illogical, because you do have close friends"

A psychologist who uses aversive therapy to treat a child's bed-wetting problem is using which approach?


The developmental theories of Lev Vygotsky differed fro those of Jean Piaget in that Vygotsky

Emphasized the role of the social environment

Chuck is walking down the street and someone asks him to sign a petition to put clean-air legislation on the next ballot. He decides to sign the petition. Then the person asks whether he would like to give a donation to the associated environmental group. This technique is known as

Foot in the door

Dylan has difficulty solving a physics problem in class. The next day, he suddenly thinks of a solution to the problem as he is watching a friend play the guitar. The thought process that Dylan experienced is an example of

Insight learning

Damage to what part of a neuron might result in slowed or incomplete neural transmission along the axon?

Myelin sheath

Researchers paired rats' drinking of saccharin-sweetened water with injections of a drug that weakened the immune system. After repeated pairings, sweetened water triggered the rats' immune systems to break down. What was the conditioned stimulus in the study?

Sweetened water

Which part of the nervous system is most immediately activated by sudden fear?


The sequence of shifts in the electrical charge of a neuron is called

The action potential

The Big Five model suggests that people can be related along the dimensions of conscientiousness, agreeableness, neuroticism, openness, and extraversion. This theory is best associated with what?

Trait Theory

People diagnosed with OCD suffer from compulsions. Which of the following is a compulsion? a) Renee persistently thinks about the possible death of her loved ones b) Eric frequently worries that there may be germs on his hands c) Brianna has an ongoing worry that she might have left the oven on at home d) Stefan often feels great anxiety of things are not in exact order in his room e) Tyrik flips the light switch on and off seven times each time he walks in the front door.

Tyrik flips the light switch on and off seven times each time he walks in the front door.

Modern research on Jean Piaget's stages of cognitive development indicates that Piaget ______________ children's abilities


Rational-emotive behavior therapy assumes that abnormal functioning comes from

Unreasonable beliefs or assumptions

A police officer questions a child who was an eyewitness to a crime. The officer is most likely to get accurate information if she:

Uses neutral, age-appropriate words and is the first to interview the child

What is the partial reinforcement schedule most resistant to extinction?

Variable ratio

What is the correct sequence of events of the neural chain of events set in motion by an environmental stimulus

1) receptors, 2) afferent neurons, 3) interneurons, 4) efferent neurons, 5) effectors

All human languages have several basic sounds in common called


The area of brain stem that controls breathing is the


Instead of methodically poring through the atlas to find the correct map, Ivan just flipped to the section of the book where he thought it might be. Using a strategy based on a hunch rather than examining each page carefully involves the use of

A heuristic

When Cory is given a logic problem to solve, he systematically tries every possible solution until he finds the correct answer. Cory's strategy is to use

A heuristic

All summer Thomas hears the sound of the icecream truck approaching before his brother Oscar hears it. Thomas most likely has

A lower absolute threshold for hearing than Oscar

What might a social learning theorist propose as a cause for a fear of flying?

A person observed someone else's fear of flying

Which of the following most accurately describes a projective test? a) A test designed to reveal a person's inner ability to do a task he or she has not tried before b) A test that shows a person's true preferences, based on responses to multiple-choice questions c) A test that indicates the level of indifference to pain that a person experiences d) A test created to see if one has an anxiety-inducing problem, but is instead claiming that others have that problem e) A test that prompts a person to reveal hidden conflicts by responding to ambiguous stimuli

A test that prompts a person to reveal hidden conflicts by responding to ambiguous stimuli

A rat jumps each time it sees a green light flash, because the green light has always appeared just before an electric shock. in classical conditioning, the initial learning of the connection between the light and the shock is referred to as:


During a dental procedure, Xavier is injected with a drug that is designed to greatly reduce his pain by interfering with the sending of pain signals. At the neural level, the drug is preventing

Action potentials from being transmitted

During therapy sessions, Gerry's therapist often rephrases things that Gerry has said or asks for clarification. This action is consistent with what aspect of client-centered therapy?

Active listening

Which of the following supports the opponent-process theory of color vision? a) color constancy b) feature detection c) subtractive color mixing d) afterimages e) parallel processing


Gender differences have most often been found in which of the following? a) aggression b) short-term memory c) auditory discrimination d) visual acuity e) pattern matching


Electrically stimulating a rat's amygdala would most likely produce what behavior?


Gustav was out for his daily walk when he was approached by a thief who demanded his wallet. He immediately felt an increase in his breathing and heart rate. What is the name for Gustav's physiological response?

Alarm reaction

Heidi was trying to solve the anagram TORYS by rearranging every letter one at a time until she was able to identify the correct word: STORY. She could have attempted to solve the anagram more quickly by pairing common letters, like ST, but she did not do so. Her approach to solving the anagram involved

An algorithm

Curare blocks action at acetylcholine synapses and causes paralysis. This drug is an example of an


The process by which one evaluates the causes of other people's behavior is called


Research suggests that there is a connection between parenting style and social skills. children with lower scores on measures of social skills and self-esteem tend to have parents who are


A polygraph machine is often called a "lie detector," although it does not detect lies. Instead, it responds to changes in

Autonomic nervous system

Thomas gained a lot of weight because he was eating too many sweets. A psychologist suggested to Thomas that he pair the pleasant taste of sweets with the taste of something he finds unpleasant. so, thomas put broccoli, which he hates, in his ice cream, cake, and pie. he now feels nauseated at the sight of dessert and avoids eating it. This technique is known as

Aversion therapy

Where in a neuron do selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) have their initial effect?

Axon terminal on the presynaptic neuron

Token economies are based on which theoretical perspective?


Staff members at a mental hospital do not respond to patients who use threats, but praise patients who are courteous. Which psychotherapeutic approach is being used?

Behavioral therapy

John B. Watson is best known as the founder of


A psychotherapist who believes that deviant behavior can be traced either to genetic anomalies or to problems in the physical structure of the brain most likely subscribes to what view of abnormality?


Photoreceptors relay visual information to the brain through what cells?

Bipolar and ganglion

Lithium carbonate has been useful in some instances in the treatment of

Bipolar disorder

Brain damage that leaves a person capable of understanding speech but an impaired ability to produce it most likely indicates injury to what part of the brain?

Broca's area

Difficulty in typing smoothly on a keyboard would most likely result from damage to what part of the brain?


Joe is taking a new job on the night shift next week. His supervisors have informed him that initially he may have some problems with his level of alertness and his memory as he adjusts to his new schedule. Joe's supervisors are sharing with Joe their knowledge of

Circadian rhythms

Maria was never afraid of spiders until a spider bit her when she was 8. Today even the sight of a plastic spider upsets her. Which learning process best explains Maria's fear of spiders?

Classical conditioning

Seven-year-old Daniel was able to see that the dot-to-dot puzzle was going to form a picture of a tiger even before he started drawing on the puzzle. Which gestalt principle helped Daniel perceive the tiger?


What is a type of psychoactive drug that increases nervous system activity?


In an expriment by Stanley Schachter and Jerome Singer, participants labeled their arousal as joyous or irritable, depending on the people they were with. this experiment established that emotions are not only physiological but are also


Individuals who engage in behavior that goes against their fundamental principles and beliefs will most likely experience

Cognitive dissonance

Schachter and Singer view emotion as resulting from

Cognitive labels of physiological changes

A mental image of a spatial layout is called

Cognitive map

Carl Jung believed in a storehouse of latent memory inherited from the ancestral past. What is the term that refers to that storehouse?

Collective unconscious

An individual with damage to Wernicke's area is most likely to have difficulty

Comprehending a spoken request for information (aphasia)

A person eats a hamburger at a restaurant and develops a very bad stomachache after finishing eating. As a result of the sudden illness, the person cannot eat hamburgers anymore. Just thinking about them makes the person feel sick to the stomach. In this scenario, the thought of a hamburger is a

Conditioned stimulus

A babysitter cuts a sandwich into three equal pieces, then keeps two and gives one to the child she is caring for. The child is upset that this is unfair, so the babysitter divides the child'd piece into two since each of them now has two pieces, the child is content. according to Jean Piaget, this is because the child lacks


A young child shown two different sizes of bowls containing the same amount of popcorn believes the smaller bowl has more popcorn than the larger one. This child has yet to acquire what Jean Piaget called


Teachers at York High School were dismayed at a new test they would be required to take to demonstrate their ability as educators. Rather than a test of content knowledge or of teaching techniques, the new test would measure their reaction time to a series of rapidly flashed abstract images and words. despite the assurances of the test's creator the teachers argued that a test like this would have low

Content validity

During a discussion in class regarding cheating in school, a student argues, "Cheating is wrong; it is important to follow rules." Lawrence Kohlberg would say this student is in what level of moral development?


Which of the following would an industrial-organizational psychologist be LEAST likely to study? a) managerial skills b) employee motivation c) job satisfaction d) corporate profitability e) pay incentive programs

Corporate profitability

"Both the left and the right hemisphere may be conscious simultaneously in different, even in mutually conflicting, mental experiences that run along in parallel." This quotation by neuropsychologist Roger Sperry refers to his research on the effects of severing which part of the brain?

Corpus callosum

During a therapy session, a client acts very angry toward the therapist, just as she acts toward her mother. A psychoanalytically oriented therapist would say the client's behavior is an example of


Dr. Anders wants to investigate how people of different ages communicate via the internet, so she does an experiment with three groups of three different ages: 18-21, 47-50, and 75-78. concurrently comparing how people of different ages behave is an example of which kind of research?


As a patient experiences an anxiety attack, he may experience a series of changes that are coordinated by the sympathetic nervous system. which one of the following would the patient experience? a) decreased heart rate b) slower breathing c) decreased salivation d) constricted pupils e) increased rate of digestion

Decreased salivation

A principal wants to avoid the vandalism and inappropriate behavior that occurred at last year's Halloween dance. So, this year she decides to increase the lighting in the parking lots, ban students from wearing masks over their faces, and increase the number of video cameras near the gym. These ideas are most closely linked to the principle of


An item on a psychological test asks whether the test taker believes radio news stations are delivering special messages to the test taker that others cannot detect. Jason takes the test and answers yes to this question, because he recently detected messages to him embedded in a radio broadcast. Jason appears to be experiencing

Delusions of reference

Martin Seligman developed the concept of learned helplessness, the tendency of organisms to give up in situations in which they feel their efforts make no difference, this concept is closely linked to which of the following psychological disorders?


An injury that leads to the loss of binocular vision would have the greatest impact on

Depth perception

Community psychologists intervene at the primary level when they

Design prevention programs before the problems actually occur

What is the most common symptom of dementia?

Deterioration in memory

Paul was unable to correctly identify the right shade of blue his wife wanted at the paint store, so he purchased various hues and brought them home. Apparently the ability to detect the varieties of the different blues fell below Paul's

Difference threshold

Often restaurants will require groups of eight or more to pay a tip of eighteen percent. this is based on the belief that in lager parties, individuals will often leave a smaller tip because "someone else will pay more." these restaurant owners, then, are aware of the impact of

Diffusion of responsibility

Which of the following is reduced during a fight-or-flight reaction? a) adrenaline level b) glucose level c) respiration rate d) heart rate e) digestion


Angry with his professor because of a difficult exam, Martin returns home and takes out his anger on his best friend. Martin's behavior illustrates


When hiring for a new creative director for an advertising agency, Amina decided that the number one criteria she desired was a person who could devise numerous ways to solve problems. A person talented in this area would most likely be good at

Divergent thinking

Cocaine blocks the reuptake of which neurotransmitter?


Research has found that individuals suffering from schizophrenia have an excess number of receptors for the neurotransmitter


After school, George and his friends complain of intense hunger. They go to George's home and immediately open his refrigerator to look for a snack. What is the theory of motivation that best explains their behavior?

Drive reduction theory

Erik studied Italian in college. After he graduated, he went backpacking in Europe, where he realized he had forgotten a lot of Italian. Years later, he went on another trip to Italy and was surprised to discover that he remembered about the same amount of Italian as during his first trip. What memory concept is this an example of?

Ebbinghaus' forgetting curve

An advantage of group therapy over individual therapy is that it

Enables clients to realize their problems are not unique

In extreme cases, surgically severing the corpus callosum is a treatment for what condition?


According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, the need to have respect for ourselves and to be valued by others is classified within the category of

Esteem needs

Incentive theories of motivation explain the desire of people to achieve goals in terms of

External stimuli that have the capacity to affect behavior

Randy was always worried about his exams in high school and felt anxiety when in the building. However, now that he is a teacher at the same high school the anxiety has gone away. This is an example of what component of classical conditioning?


The type of therapy that is most likely to emphasize a social-cultural approach by focusing on the patient's environment is

Family therapy

In the early twentieth century, french psychologists led by Alfred Binet developed the first test for intelligence to be given to French school children for the purpose of

Finding children who were struggling academically

A rat always completes a maze successfully but is only rewarded every third trial. The rat is being rewarded using which reinforcement schedule?

Fixed ratio

At their high school reunion, many attendees recalled exactly where they were 20 years before when they realized the school was on fire. Strong memories of an emotionally significant moment are referred to as

Flashbulb memories

Although the group of senior citizens beat the teenagers in a trivia contest based on history, they were not nearly as successful in a competition that required them to quickly learn the rules of a new video game. This is most likely due to the decline of what as humans age?

Fluid intelligence

Visual acuity is best in what part of the eye?


People respond more favorably when they are faced with a 95 percent success rate than a 5 percent failure rate because of


The perceived pitch of a tone is largely determined by its


Joanna's grandmother told her, "When we were little, we couldn't afford new clothes, so our mother made us dresses out of potato sacks." Joanna's great-grandmother's ability to envision how a potato sack could be used as a material for a dress suggests that she was able to overcome:

Functional fixedness

Martin fell off his skateboard and badly bruised his elbow. He immediately began rubbing the area around the bruise until the pain subsided. This method of reducing pain can be explained by

Gate control theory

Hans Selye argued that our bodies produce a similar reaction to all kinds of stress, and the longer this response continues, the more exhausted we become. He named this process what?

General adaptation syndrome

If Carmelita stares at a red spot for one minute and then shifts her gaze to a white piece of paper, she is likely to experience an afterimage that is


After discussing a topic, a group makes a decision that is more extreme than the average position of all of the group members prior to discussion. The group's action is an example of

Group polarization

One way to determine if infants can perceive a certain stimulus is to measure how long they gaze at the item before looking away. Psychologists use what term to refer to the concept that infants tend to decrease their rate of responding when a stimulus is repeated and no longer novel?


The symptoms of schizophrenia can be categorized as positive or negative. What is an example of symptoms that could be considered positive?


"We were not surprised to discover that contact comfort was an important basic affectional or love variable, but we did not expect it to overshadow so completely the variable of nursing..." This quotation was written by which psychologist?

Harry Harlow

Latisha noticed that in the early evening she begins to have difficulty seeing the vibrant colors in her artwork. What explains her difficulty?

Her cones cannot detect color well in dim light

The brain scans of people with amnesia are most likely to show damage to the


Which area of the brain is not well developed until after age 3, offering a possible explanation for infantile amnesia?


A person who has an external locus of control is most likely to explain success or failure on a math test as due to

How well prepared he had been prior to taking the course

What perspective is sometimes referred to as the "third force," since it offered a more optimistic alternative to Freud's psychoanalysis and Skinner's behaviorism?

Humanistic psychology

Which part of the brain would be most involved in maintaining homeostasis in body temperature?


According to Freudian theory, the component of the personality that is-blind, impulsive, and irrational


What did Erik Erikson say was the primary conflict through which a teenager needs to work?

Identity vs role confusion

When watching the Olympics, most people cheer for athletes from their own country. Often, fans believe that athletes from other countries cheat but athletes from their own country would never cheat. This is an example of what psychological concept?

In-group bias

The sound of a sizzling steak or the smell or a warm apple pie might strongly tempt people to relish eating them. in the study of motivation, the sound and smell are considered to be


What field of psychology is most appropriate to analyze the efficiency of business and they're hiring, basic training, and management leadership skills training?


What is the name for the statistical approach concerned with forming conclusions about the effect of the independent variable on variations in the dependent variable?


A survey shows that children who have encyclopedias in their homes earn better grades in school than children whose homes lack encyclopedias. The researcher concludes that having encyclopedias at home improves grades. This conclusion is erroneous primarily because the researcher has incorrectly

Inferred correlation from causation

Humanistic psychologists believe that the drive toward self actualization is


The oldest theory about human motivation, which focuses on unlearned, complex patterns of behavior present throughout a species, is known as

Instinct theory

Psychologist david wechsler has created tests for adults and children that are designed to reveal their


A critical component for labeling a person's behavior a consequence of a mental disorder is that

It must interfere with some aspect of the person's life

A study can only be regarded as scientific if

Its findings are verified by experts in the field

John Watson's development of the concept of behaviorism was influenced most strongly by the work of

Ivan Pavlov

Which emotion theory places the greatest emphasis on physiological changes happening first, which are then followed by an experience of an emotion?

James-Lange theory

Which of the following is an example of variable-ratio reinforcement? a) College acceptance letters arrive around the date of april 1 b) Percy gives his dog a cookie whenever his dog walks by strangers without barking c) Esmeralda disliked the substitute teacher, so she scowled every time she looked at him d) Judy discovered a shark's tooth after several hours of searching for one on the beach e) When Stu had been working on his homework for one hour, his mother allowed him to go outside and play

Judy discovered a shark's tooth after several hours of searching for one on the beach

Noam Chomsky departed from B.F. Skinner's beliefs about language, arguing that

Language is innate and not merely developed through reinforcement

Kelly, a first year student at a local university, is surprised at how easily she can locate the building and classroom for each of her classes on the first day of school. Kelly attributes her success to the campus tour she took the previous spring. What concept best supports Kelly's belief?

Latent learning

Ana injured her eye in an accident and has to wear a patch over the eye while it heals. What type of cues would she best be able to use to make judgments about the distance objects are from her?

Linear perspective

Zeina cocked her head to the side immediately when she heard the firetruck's siren. turning her head enabled each ear to detect a slightly different intensity of sound, thus enabling her to determine the siren's


According to the behavioral perspective, the purpose of punishment is to

Make a behavior less likely to happen again

In their discussions of the process of development, the advocates of nature in the nature-nurture controversy emphasize what process?


George sat next to Kiki in biology class every day. They often worked together on assignments. By the end of the semester, George became quite fond of Kiki. Which social psychological term best explains George's attraction to Kiki?

Mere exposure

Dr. Grayson is interested in studying the relationship between weight loss and mood. To conduct the study, she analyzes the results of several previous studies on weight loss and emotional state. What is the research strategy she is using?


In Stanley Milgram's experiments on obedience, he discovered that participants were less obedient when

Milgram dissociated his experiments from Yale University

A particular group of brain cells seems to provide a basis for observational learning. Researchers call these specialized cells

Mirror neurons

Prefixes and suffixes are small groups of letters that when added the beginning or ending of the words alter the definition of those words. prefixes and suffixes are examples of


According to the five-factor model of personality, which of the following is true? a) The five psychosexual stages proposed by Freud can explain most aspects of personality b) Jung's personal and collective unconscious can explain the five dominant components of personality c) Most personality traits can be derived from the five major traits of the theory d) There are major differences between conscious and unconscious elements of personality e) Cognitive and behavioral factors affect the five major personality states

Most personality traits can be derived from the five major traits of the theory

The personality test that is based on the writings of carl jung is the

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

The stage of sleep in which an EEG would detect the bursts of rhythmic activity known as sleep spindles is called


Rafael has a sleep disorder for which he takes medically prescribed amphetamines. what sleep disorder is he being treated for?


To stop his uncle's constant requests, Jimmy takes out the garbage. This makes him more likely to take out the garbage in the future. Jimmy's behavior is being controlled by what type of reinforcement?

Negative reinforcement

A young child says, "Where did you goed?" Which notable psychologist would most likely argue that the child is overregularizing a logical grammatical rule?

Noam Chomsky

Thea is in a clothing store with her mother. a man walks by and passes behind a clothing rack. Thea looks for him on the other side of the rack. Her behavior shows she has developed

Object permanence

Albert Bandura believed that children could learn not only by doing behaviors themselves, but also by watching models perform those behaviors. His ideas expanded the idea of learning to include

Observational learning

What type of learning or conditions provides an effective explanation for why children exposed to more media violence display more aggressive behavior?

Observational learning

Training in the construction of an anxiety hierarchy and in relaxation techniques is likely to be part of the treatment for which disorder?

Obsessive compulsive disorder

Of the following, for which pair are both used to reveal activity in a person's brain? a) CT scan & PET scan b) X-ray & fMRI c) fMRI & MRI d) PET scan & fMRI e) critical period memories

PET scan & fMRI

After donnie realized the "intruder" in his home was just his mother returning unexpectedly, his breating began to slow down, his heart rate decreased, and his digestion began again. these changes were coordinated by the

Parasympathetic nervous system

Warren has a bacterial infection that has affected the ability of the rods in his eyes to function correctly. This should have the greatest impact on which aspect of his vision?

Peripheral vision

What type of scan provides information? regarding the brain function by monitoring the brain at work through metabolism of glucose

Positron emission tomography (PET)

When a person performs a heroic act solely for public praise, she is on which developmental level according to Lawrence Kohlberg?


What type of validity is established by demonstrating that there is a correlation between scores on a test and later academic success?


Egocentrism, animism are characteristic of which of Jean Piaget's stages of cognitive development?


Elena is presented with a list of 20 numbers. When asked to recall this list, she remembers more numbers from the beginning than from the end of the list. This phenomenon demonstrates which of the following types of effect?


In elementary school, Lisa learned to speak some Japanese in addition to English. As a sophomore in high school, Lisa took a class in Chinese. She found that some of the new vocabulary was difficult to learn because her earlier Japanese vocabulary was competing with the new Chinese words. This situation best illustrates

Proactive interference

Memories of well-learned skills, such as how to ride a bicycle, are classified as


A stubborn individual who accuses peers of uncooperative exhibits which defense mechanism?


The factors chiefly responsible for intrapersonal attraction include

Proximity and similarity

Which phase of sleep does the statement illustrate? These periods are the shortest at the beginning of the sleep period, then get longer through the night

REM sleep

Which of the following is used to reduce the effects of confounding variables in experiments? a) descriptive statistics b) inferential statistics c) meta-analysis d) an algorithm e) random assignment

Random assignment

Where in a neuron does the neurotransmitter dopamine have its effect?

Receptors on the postsynaptic neuron

A therapist tells a CEO that the reason he yells and screams at his staff is due to behavior he learned as a child. when he was a child, he threw temper tantrums in order to get his way. what is the term for this defense mechanism?


A psychologist gives the same test to a class of students at the beginning of the day and again at the end of the school day. The extent to which test scores are similar across the two administrations demonstrates what test property?


In order to yield information that is generalizable to the population it was drawn from a sample must be

Representative of the population

In developmental psychology, one advantage of cross-sectional over longitudinal studies is that cross-sectional research

Requires comparatively little time

The difference between divided attention and selective attention is that divided attention

Requires more automatic processing than selective attention does

Random-dot stereograms are pictures that have an image hidden among the dots. Humans can often see these hidden images because each eye has a slightly different image projected on its retina, allowing us to see depth. What term best describes this process?

Retinal disparity

The rationale underlying the use of projective personality tests such as the Rorschach Test is that they

Reveal the subjects personality by eliciting responses to vague, ambiguous stimuli

Carlos wants to lose weight but is having a hard time motivating himself to go to the gym after work because he enjoys watching movies after work instead. To increase his likelihood of going to the gym, Carlos should

Reward himself immediately after going to the gym

A baby's tendency, when touched on the cheek, to turn toward the touch is known as


Jeremy happily played with his colorful blocks while his mother was nearby. When his mother left the room, he became upset, but he quickly stopped crying and began to play with the blocks again. What pattern of attachment reflects Jeremy's actions?


Alfred Binet's efforts to measure intelligence were directed at

Selecting workers for successful job performance

Alecia is starting a new job and believes in her skills and ability to carry out the tasks required of her. Albert Bandura would refer to Alicia's sense of confidence as

Self determination

An individual's recall tends to be better for information that is personally relevant primarily

Self-reference effect

To help himself remember the name of his new colleague, Hope, Jose thinks about the meaning of her name—the feeling of hopefulness. Which of the following concepts best corresponds to Jose's strategy?

Semantic encoding

Laura arrives at a park that is located very close to a factory that produces cookies. She immediately notices the strong odor of chocolate chip cookies, but after a while she no longer detects the smell of the cookies. This can be explained by which of the following

Sensory adaptation

Damage to which brain area would create the most difficulty in interpreting feelings of heat and cold?

Sensory cortex

When Rosa has a cold, she cannot taste the flavor of her pizza. Which psychological term best describes Rosa's inability to taste?

Sensory interaction

A person assembling a tool one week after reading instructions can remember the first and last steps of the procedure but not the middle ones. This best illustrates what concept?

Serial position effect

The first time four-year-old Savannah attempted to make her bed, her father praised her for covering the pillow with a blanket. After a few times, her father began praising Savannah for covering the pillow and tucking in the corners of the sheet. Finally, Savannah's father praised her when she covered the pillow, tucked in the corners of the sheet, and smoothed the blanket. The process described in this scenario is known as


An experimenter finds a difference between an experimental group and a control group that is less likely due to chance and more likely due to the manipulation of the independent variable. This finding is most likely to be

Statistically significant

In studies, reminding female test-takers that women historically have done poorly on similar tests can lead to lower test performance-particularly when compared with the scores of women who weren't given such information. this decline in performance is an example of

Stereotype threat

What is the correct chronological order of the following perspectives of psychology, from past to present: behaviorism, psychoanalysis, structuralism, humanism?

Structuralism, psychoanalysis, behaviorism, humanism

Harry Harlow's experiment with rhesus monkeys suggests what is most important for infants when establishing an attachment to their mothers?

Tactile characteristics of mothers

Longitudinal studies suggest that certain characteristics, reactivity and intensity, appear early in life and remain stable from childhood into adulthood. Psychologists use what term to refer to these aspects of personality?


In a research study, Dr. Regalis has participants listen to different kinds of music while she uses a brain scan to examine their brain functioning. Dr. Regalis is most likely studying which part of the brain?

Temporal lobe

The work of Elizabeth Loftus and other researchers has led to significant changes in the way courts and police officers think about

The accuracy of eyewitness testimony and identification

Tor extinction to occur, what must be true of the conditioned response, the conditioned stimulus, and the unconditioned stimulus?

The conditioned response is repeatedly presented in the absence of unconditioned stimulus, and the conditioned response loses strength

A researcher who is trying to determine how social-cultural changes might be correlated with the incidence of bipolar disorder would be most interested in what?

The correlation between rates of poverty and cases of the disorder

Jason was watching the TV news and spotted a young man on a video running away from the police who were attempting to stop him. "He's running, so he must be a bad man, " said Jason to his father. Jason's statement is an example of

The fundamental attribution error

Modern psychodynamic counselors are likely to emphasize

The importance of early childhood experiences

A test with normally distributed results was returned to a class of 100 students. Later, the teacher realized an error was made and added 10 points to each student's score. Which of the following must have changed as a result of the increase in scores? a) A student's percentile rank b) The standard deviation of the scores c) The variance of the scores d) The skew of the distribution e) The mode

The mode

Which of the following examples is the best illustration of cognitive dissonance? a) the cult member who admires the leader of his group and follows the leader without doubt b) the teacher who reprimands a student who she feels could do much better academically c) the soldier who receives orders from a superior that violate his personal moral beliefs d) the librarian who dreams of returning to graduate school to become a professor e) the student who gives up trying to master calculus because it seems too hard

The soldier who receives orders from a superior that violate his personal moral beliefs

Which of the following assertions is best supported by empirical evidence? a) the two cerebral hemispheres are specialized to process different types of cognitive tasks b) people only use 10% of their brains c) some people are right-brained, while others are left-brained

The two cerebral hemispheres are specialized to process different types of cognitive tasks

The mere exposure effect reinforces the belief that the most important predictor in whether two people might be friends is

Their proximity to each other

One of the difficulties in studying hypnosis experimentally is that

There is no reliable way to determine if a person is hypnotized

A therapist who believes in giving patients positive reinforcements when they behave appropriately is most likely to use which of the following techniques?

Token economy

Damage to a small part of the occipital lobe would most likely result in a

Visual deficit

A tumor cut off blood flow to a small section of Gia's brain, and as a result she struggled to understand the words that were being spoken to her. The damage to Gia's brain was probably localized in what part of her brain?

Wernicke's area

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