AP Psychology Midterm Questions

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Botox injections smooth facial wrinkles because botulin is a(n) A) ACh antagonist. B) dopamine antagonist. C) ACh agonist. D) dopamine agonist.

A) ACh antagonist.

The cochlea is a A) fluid-filled tube in which sound waves trigger nerve impulses B) fluid-filled tube that provides a sense of upright body position C) fluid-filled tube that provides a sense of body movement D) Set of three tiny bones that amplify the vibrations of the eardrum

A) fluid-filled tube in which sound waves trigger nerve impulses

The word "chimps" contains _____ phoneme(s) and _______ morpheme(s) a) 5;2 b) 6;1 c) 2;5 d) 1;6

a) 5;2

Conditioning seldom occurs when a ________ comes after a(n) _____. a) CS; US b) UR; CS c) secondary reinforcer; operant reinforcer d) negative reinforcer; operant behavior

a) CS; US

The process of developing a sense of identity during adolescence was highlighted by a) Erikson's cognitive development theory b) Piaget's cognitive development theory c) Kohlberg's moral developmental theory d) Harlow's attachment theory

a) Erikson's cognitive development theory

which of the following questions about the word depressed would be best prepare you to correctly remember that you had seen the word on this quiz? a) How well does the word describe you? b) Does the word consist of ten letters? c) Is the word written in capital letters? d) does the word rhyme with obsessed?

a) How well does the word describe you?

Blinking in response to a puff of air directed to your eye is a a) UR b) US c) CR d) CS

a) UR

Max is so used to thinking that a tough competitive style of behavior is the best way to impress others that he fails to recognize that the most effective way to impress his girlfriend is with cooperative tenderness. Max's oversight best illustrates a) a fixation b) the framing effect c) an algorithm d) a critical period

a) a fixation

Stacey suggests that because children are more impulsive than adults, they will have more difficulty controlling their anger. Stacey's prediction regarding anger management is an example of a) a hypothesis b) statistical significance c) an operational definition d) the placebo effect

a) a hypothesis

which of the following is most likely stored as an implicit memory? a) a mental image of one's best friend b) the date of one's own birth c) a conditioned fear of guns d) one's own name

a) a mental image of one's best friend

Teens who smoke typically have friends who smoke. To avoid overestimating the impact of peer pressure on teens' smoking habits, it would make the most sense to consider the importance of a) a selection effect b) a pruning process c) brain plasticity d) culture shock

a) a selection effect

Deficient social interaction and an impaired understanding of others' emotional states is most characteristic of a) autism b) menarche c) infantile amnesia d) object permanence

a) autism

An axon transmits messages ________ the cell body and a dendrite transmits messages ________ the cell body. a) away from; toward b) away from; away from c) toward; away from d) toward; toward

a) away from; toward

A subliminal message is one that is presented a) below one's absolute threshold for awareness b) in a manner that is unconsciously persuasive c) with very soft background music d) repetitiously

a) below one's absolute threshold for awareness

research participants formed more gut-level liking for Pokemon characters associated with positive rather than negative images. This best illustrates the impact of a) classical conditioning b) the law of effect c) negative reinforcers d) intrinsic motivation

a) classical conditioning

Slender women are considered especially beautiful in one country; in another country, stout women are seen as particularly attractive. In both countries, however, women perceived as very beautiful receive preferential treatment. This best illustrates that ________ often underlie cultural differences. a) common psychological processes b) gender differences c) unconscious preferences d) genetic dissimilarities

a) common psychological processes

Pigeons can reliably discriminate pictures of cars from pictures of chairs. This best illustrates their capacity to develop a) concepts b) mental sets c) heuristics d) algorithms

a) concepts

In a well-controlled experiment, researchers seek to minimize a) confounding variables b) informed consent c) replication d) random assignment

a) confounding variables

Mark thinks that language development over the life span requires a slow but steady shaping process. His belief is most directly relevant to the issue of a) continuity and stages b) secure and insecure attachments c) concrete and formal operations d) generativity and stagnation

a) continuity and stages

Immanuel Kant and John Locke would have been most likely to disagree about the extent to which perception is influenced by a) cultural experience b) retinal disparity c) accommodation d) relative luminance

a) cultural experience

The inability to remember how the side with Lincoln's head appears on a penny is most likely due to a failure in a) encoding b) storage c) retrieval d) implicit memory

a) encoding

College students are more likely to use a condom when told that it has a 95 percent success rate than told it has 5 percent failure rate. This best illustrates the impact of a) framing b) confirmation bias c) a fixation d) the availability heuristic

a) framing

A correlation of +0.70 between children's physical height and their popularity among their peers indicates that a) higher levels of popularity among peers is associated with greater physical heigh in children b) there is no statistically significant relationship between children's heights and their popularity c) being unusually short or tall has a negative impact on children's popularity d) children's height has no causal impact on their popularity

a) higher levels of popularity among peers is associated with greater physical heigh in children

Having read a story once, certain amnesia victims will read it faster the second time even though they can't recall having seen the story before. They have most likely suffered damage to the a) hippocampus b) cerebellum c) basal ganglia d) amygdala

a) hippocampus

Which of the following is central to the processing of procedural memories? a) hippocampus b) hypothalamus c) basal ganglia d) amygdala

a) hippocampus

The simultaneous stimulation of adjacent cold and warmth spots on the skin produces the sensation of a) hot b) cold c) pressure d) wetness

a) hot

During a lecture, your professor says, "A child learns language as he interacts with caregivers." This generic use of the pronoun he is more likely to trigger images of males than of females. This best illustrates the impact of a) language on thinking b) productive language on receptive language c) telegraphic speech on universal grammar d) outcome simulation on process simulation

a) language on thinking

Research on teen social relationships indicates that most adolescents a) like their parents b) seldom experience feelings of loneliness c) want to avoid emotionally close relationships with peers d) experience positive relationships with peers and negative relationships with parents

a) like their parents

Railroad tracks appear to converge in the distance. This provides a cue for depth perception known as a) linear perspective b) interposition c) proximity d) continuity

a) linear perspective

A researcher who administers a personality test to the same child every 3 years as they progress through school is conducting a(n) _____ study a) longitudinal b) experimental c) cross-sectional d) chronological

a) longitudinal

Depressed mood states are linked to ________ levels of serotonin and ________ levels of norepinephrine. a) low; low b) high; high c) low; high d) high; low

a) low; low

The ______ can be a particularly misleading indication of what is average for a ____ distribution of score a) mean; skewed b) median; skewed c) mean; normal d) median; normal

a) mean; skewed

Speech is processed primarily in the right hemisphere by the ________ of those who are left-handed and by the ________ of those who are right-handed. a) minority; minority b) majority; majority c) minority; majority d) majority, minority

a) minority; minority

Children often imitate behaviors seen on television. This best illustrates the impact of a) modeling b) respondent behavior c) immediate reinforcement d) spontaneous recovery

a) modeling

Debates as to whether alcohol abuse is biologically determined or culturally influenced are most relevant to the issue of a) nature and nurture b) observation and introspection c) behavior and mental processes d) structuralism and fuctionalism

a) nature and nurture

at a business meeting, people from one culture may behave in a hurried and time-conscious manner that people from another culture consider to be rude and inconsiderate. This best illustrates of being sensitive to differing a) norms b) schemas c) gender identities d) temperaments

a) norms

John B. Watson believed that psychology should be the science of a) observable behavior b) cognitive processes c) genetic predispositions d) all of these factors

a) observable behavior

The visual cortex is located in the a) occipital lobes b) parietal lobes c) temporal lobes d) association areas

a) occipital lobes

Prompt feedback regarding your performance on psychology practice tests is most likely to inhibit a) overconfidence b) the framing effect c) process simulation d) confirmation bias

a) overconfidence

After some practice, Carol was able to read books while holding them upside down. This best illustrates a) perceptual adaptation b) perceptual constancy c) interposition d) sensory interaction

a) perceptual adaptation

Adoptive parents are LEAST likely to influence the ________ of their adopted children. a) personality traits b) religious beliefs c) political attitudes d) moral values

a) personality traits

The ratio of males to females first begins declining during a) prenatal development b) childhood c) adolescence d) adulthood

a) prenatal development

Identical twins who have seperate placentas are somewhat less similar than identical twins who share a placenta. This best illustrates the influence of _____ on development. a) prenatal environments b) genetic predispositions c) gender d) natural selection

a) prenatal environments

The release of epinephrine and norepinephrine ______ blood pressure and ____ blood sugar levels. a) raises; raises b) lowers; lowers c) raises; lowers d) raises; raises

a) raises; raises

Researchers control factors that might influence a dependent variable by means of a) random assignment b) replication c) naturalistic observations d) operational definitions

a) random assignment

The happier Judie is, the more readily she recalls positive life experiences. This best illustrates that emotional states can become a) retrieval cues b) short-term memories c) sensory memories d) flashbulb memories

a) retrieval cues

Although Maria can encode and consciously recall new information, she is unable to consciously recall events that happened prior to the brain damage that she suffered as an adolescent. Maria's memory difficulty most clearly illustrates a) retrograde amnesia b) proactive interference c) anterograde amnesia d) retroactive interference

a) retrograde amnesia

Multiple ________ send combined messages to a bipolar cell, whereas a single ________ may link directly to a single bipolar cell. a) rods; cone b) cones; rod c) hair cells; basilar membrane d) basilar membrane; hair cell

a) rods; cone

When you add s to the word apple you are referring to more than one apple. This illustrates an English language rule of a) semantics b) statistics c) syntax d) telegraphic speech

a) semantics

Edward Titchener was concerned primarily with the study of a) sensory experiences b) psychological disorders c) inherited traits d) social relationships

a) sensory experiences

Stimulation of the reticular formation will cause a a) sleeping cat to be awaken b) hungry cat to stop eating c) violent cat to become passive d) thirsty cat to drink

a) sleeping cat to be awaken

Which brain structure receives information from the eyes o the visual cortex? a) thalamus b) amygdala c) medulla d) cerebellum

a) thalamus

Which pioneering learning researcher highlighted the antisocial effects of aggressive models on children's behavior? a) John B. Watson b) Albert Bandura c) Ivan Pavlov d) B. F Skinner

b) Albert Bandura

The importance of inherited behavioral traits was most clearly highlighted by: a) John Locke b) Charles darwin c) John b watson d) B. F Skinner

b) Charles darwin

The importance of schemas was most clearly highlighted by a) Erikson's psychosocial development theory b) Piaget's cognitive development theory c) Harlow's attachment theory d) Kohlberg's moral development theory

b) Piaget's cognitive development theory

Professor Schroeder argues that children have an innate concept of justice that enables them to distinguish between fair and unfair rules. This argument is most consistent with the views of a) aristotle b) Plato c) John Locke d) John B. Watson

b) Plato

According to the gate-control theory, a back massage would most likely reduce your physical aches and pains by causing the a) release of pain-killing endorphins in your muscles b) activation of large nerve fibers in your spinal cord c) the release of adrenaline into your bloodstream d) deactivation of pain receptors on the surface of your skin

b) activation of large nerve fibers in your spinal cord

Research has suggested that a reward deficiency syndrome may contribute to a) insomnia b) alcohol dependence c) schizophrenia d) Parkinson's disease

b) alcohol dependence

conscious memories of emotionally stressful events are especially likely to be facilitated by activation of the a) basal ganglia b) amygdala c) cerebellum d) hypothalamus

b) amygdala

If chronic child abuse alters a victim's gene expression in such a fashion as to facilitate depression and suicide, this would be said to illustrate a) a pruning proccess b) an epigenetic effect c) a reactive temperament d) culture shock

b) an epigenetic effect

To test the potential effect of hunger on taste sensitivity, groups of research participants are deprived of food for differing lengths of time before they engage in a taste-sensitivity test. This research is an example of a) correlational research b) an experiment c) survey researach d) naturalistic observation

b) an experiment

Damage to the basilar membrane is most likely to affect one's a) kinesthesis b) audition c) sense of smell d) vestibular sense

b) audition

When you hear familiar words in your native language, it is virtually impossible not to register the meanings of the words. This best illustrates the importance of a) flashbulbs memory b) automatic processing c) iconic memory d) the spacing effect

b) automatic processing

Studies of the relative impact of nature and nurture on human differences in aggressiveness best illustrate the research efforts of a) freudian psychologists b) behavior geneticists c) evolutionary psychologists d) social learning theorists

b) behavior geneticists

Professor Reed attempts to assess the relative contributions of heredity and home environment on children's susceptibility to depression. Her research best illustrates the concerns of the ________ perspective. a) psychodynamic b) behavior genetics c) cognitive d) behavioral

b) behavior genetics

When her professor failed to recognize that Judy had her hand raised for a question, Judy began to think her professor was unfriendly. Although she subsequently learned that the professor's limited vision kept him from seeing her raised hand, she continued thinking the professor was unfriendly. Judy's reaction best illustrates a) the framing effect b) belief perseverance c) a critical period d) the availability heuristic

b) belief perseverance

If you get violently ill a couple of hours after eating contaminated food, you will probably develop an aversion to the taste of that food but not to the sight of the restaurant where you ate or to the sound of music you heard there. This best illustrates that associative learning is constrained by a) intrinsic motivation b) biological predispositions c) conditioned predispositions d) the law of effect

b) biological predispositions

A neuron is best described as a(n) a) ion b) cell c) sheath d) molecule

b) cell

Receptor cells for the vestibular sense messages to the a) fovea b) cerebellum c) olfactory cortex d) frontal lobes

b) cerebellum

Two closed, pyramid-shaped beakers containing clearly identical amounts of a liquid are judged by a child to hold different amounts after one of the beakers is inverted. The child apparently lacks a a) sense of object permanence b) concept of conservation c) capacity for habituation d) secure attachment

b) concept of conservation

Julie most accurately recalls information learned in her history classroom when her recall is tested in the very same classroom. This best illustrates a) the serial position effect b) context-dependent memory c) the spacing effect d) chunking

b) context-dependent memory

In a study of factors that might affect memory, research participants were assigned to drink either an alcoholic or a nonalcoholic beverage prior to completing a memory test. Those who drank the nonalcoholic beverage were assigned to the ________ group. a) survey b) control c) experimental d) correlational

b) control

Punishment ________ the rate of operant responding, and negative reinforcement ________ the rate of operant responding. a) increases; decreases b) decreases; increases c) decreases; decreases d) has no effect on, has no effect on

b) decreases; increases

A series of small strokes that progressively damage an older adult's brain is most likely to produce a) menarche b) dementia c) Asperger syndrome d) Alzheimer's disease

b) dementia

Dr. Matsuko's major research interest is the long-term effects of child-rearing practices on the psychological adjustment of offspring. It is most likely that Dr. Matsuko is a(n) ________ psychologist. a) cognitive b) developmental c) biological d) psychodynamic

b) developmental

After being bitten by his neighbor's dog, Miguel experienced fear at the sight of that dog but not at the sight of other dogs. This best illustrates the process of a) extinction b) discrimination c) conditioned reinforcement d) latent learning

b) discrimination

Inherited traits are to learned habits as the ________ perspective is to the ________ perspective. a) behavioral; social- cultural b) evolutionary; behavioral c) social-cultural; neuroscience d) neuroscience; evolutionary

b) evolutionary; behavioral

Many people can easily recall exactly what they were doing when they first learned of the death of a close friend or family member. This best illustrates ________ memory. a) iconic b) flashbulb c) implicit d) state-dependent

b) flashbulb

Which lobe of the cerebral cortex is most directly involved in speaking? a) occipital b) frontal c) temporal d) parietal

b) frontal

Which portion of the central cortex is most directly involved in making plans and formulating judgements? a) Occipital lobes b) frontal lobes c) temporal lobes d) parietal lobes

b) frontal lobes

Random samples provide ________ estimates of population averages if the samples have small ________. a) good; means b) good; standard deviation c) poor; means d) poor; standard deviations

b) good; standard deviation

After the horror of 9/11, many people said the CIA and FBI should obviously have foreseen the likelihood of this form of terrorism. This perception most clearly illustrates a) overconfidence b) hindsight bias c) an empirical approach d) scientific attitude

b) hindsight bias

In an experiment study of the effects of dieting on weight loss, dieting would be the a) control condition b) independent variable c) dependent variable d) pacebo

b) independent variable

Caroline loves to read and enjoys looking up the meanings of words she does not know. In school, her teacher promises a gold star to students each time they learn a new word. The teacher's behavior is most likely to undermine a) latent learning b) intrinsic motivation c) spontaneous recovery d) generalization

b) intrinsic motivation

To study inner sensations, images, and feelings, Edward Titchener engaged people in self-reflective a) psychoanalysis b) introspection c) positive psychology d) spaced practice

b) introspection

Research with split-brain patients suggests that the ________ typically constructs the theories people offer to explain their own behaviors. a) corpus callosum b) left cerebral hemisphere c) cerebellum d) right cerebral hemisphere

b) left cerebral hemisphere

To assess whether sense of humor is affected by sexual stimulation, researchers exposed married couples to either sexually stimulating or to sexually nonstimulating movie scenes prior to watching a comedy skit. In this research, the independent variable consisted of a) reactions to the comedy skit b) level of sexual stimulation c) marital status d) sense of humor

b) level of sexual stimulation

Using different words for two very similar objects enables people to recognize conceptual distinctions between the objects. This illustrates a) telegraphic speech b) linguistic determinism c) process simulation d) productive language

b) linguistic determinism

Which of the following is an example of a secondary sex characteristic? a) female ovaries b) male facial hair c) the male grip d) female height

b) male facial hair

The maximum height of a normal curve corresponds to the ___ of a normal distribution a) range b) mean c) standard deviation d) statistical significance

b) mean

Identifying some of the specific genes that contribute to alcohol dependence would be of most direct interest to a) evolutionary psychologists b) molecular geneticists c) social learning theorists d) freudian psychologists

b) molecular geneticists

Whenever Valerie experiences intense feelings of fear, she is overwhelmed with childhood memories of her abusive parents. Valerie's experience best illustrates a) repression b) mood-congruent memory c) retroactive interference d) the misinformation effect

b) mood-congruent memory

Compared with fraternal twins, identical twins are a) less similar in their risk of developing Alzheimer's disease and less similar in the risk of being emotionally unstable b) more similar in their risk of developing Alzheimer's disease and more similar in the risk of being emotionally unstable c) equally similar in their risk of developing Alzheimer's disease and more similar in the risk of being emotionally unstable d) more similar in their risk of developing Alzheimer's disease and equally similar in the risk of being emotionally unstable

b) more similar in their risk of developing Alzheimer's disease and more similar in the risk of being emotionally unstable

Research on people aged 65 and over has shown that a) most older people become increasingly fearful of death as they age b) most older people experience loss of visual sharpness c) most victims of Alzheimer's disease can reverse the disorder by becoming physically active d) about 25 percent of those over 65 reside in health care institutions such as nursing homes

b) most older people experience loss of visual sharpness

Although Ron typically smokes two packs of cigarettes a day, he recalls smoking little more than a pack a day. This poor memory best illustrates a) the misinformation effect b) motivated forgetting c) the self-reference effect d) the serial position effect

b) motivated forgetting

The prevalence of genetically predisposed traits that have a reproductive advantage is best explained in terms of a) neural connections b) natural selection c) behavior genetics d) pruning

b) natural selection

In debating the origins of human traits, Plato and Aristotle disagreed about the relative importance of a) basic and applied research b) nature and nurture c) behavior and mental processes d) structuralism and functionalism

b) nature and nurture

Matt regularly buckles his seat belt simply because it turns off the car's irritating warning buzzer. This best illustrates the value of a) respondent behavior b) negative reinforcement c) secondary reinforcement d) spontaneous recovery

b) negative reinforcement

Rico, the border collie, can fetch 200 items by name. If asked to retrieve a toy with a name he has never heard before, Rico will fetch a toy that is a) a prototype b) new c) most easily available d) broken

b) new

If one chimpanzee watches a second chimp solve a puzzle for a food reward, the first chimp may thereby learn how to solve the puzzle. This best illustrates a) operant conditioning b) observational learning c) respondent behavior d) spontaneous recovery

b) observational learning

Today's earlier female sexual maturation is especially likely among a) underweight girls in father-absent homes b) overweight girls in father-absent homes c) underweight girls in father-present homes d) overweight girls in father-present homes

b) overweight girls in father-absent homes

Some stroke victims lose the capacity to perceive motion but retain the capacity to perceive shapes and colors. Others lose the capacity to perceive colors but retain the capacity to perceive movement and form. These peculiar visual disabilities best illustrate our normal capacity for a) sensory adaptation b) parallel processing c) sensory interaction d) accommodation

b) parallel processing

Basic research on persistent human traits like optimism and pessimism is most characteristic of the specialty known as ________ psychology. a) biological b) personality c) social d) developmental

b) personality

Wilhelm Wundt was both a: a) psychoanalyst and psychiatrist b) physiologist and philosopher c) sociologist and psychiatrist d) theologian and philosopher

b) physiologist and philosopher

During her evening Spanish language exam, Janica so easily remembers the French vocabulary she studied that morning that she finds it difficult to recall the Spanish vocabulary she rehearsed that afternoon. Her difficulty best illustrates a) the spacing effect b) proactive interference c) source amnesia d) retroactive interference

b) proactive interference

We more quickly recognize that a blue jay is a bird than that a penguin is a bird because a blue jay more closely resembles our ________ of a bird. a) heuristic b) prototype c) algorithm d) mental set

b) prototype

The way in which you quickly group the individual letters in this test item into separate words best illustrates the principle of a) closure b) proximity c) interposition d) perceptual constancy

b) proximity

Concepts of masculinity and femininity that influence our perceptions are called gender a) types b) schemas c) roles d) complexes

b) schemas

Although Ron has no genital sensations, he is capable of an erection if his genitals are stimulated. Ron's experience is most indicative of a a) morphine antagonst b) severed spinal cord c) synaptic gap d) all or none response

b) severed spinal cord

After Maya gave her friend the password to a protected website, the friend was able to remember it only long enough to type it into the password box. In this instance, the password was clearly stored in her ________ memory. a) procedural b) short-term c) flashbulb d) implicit

b) short-term

Professor Thurstone investigates whether a teacher's negative perceptions of some students can affect the students' test scores. Professor Thurstone is most likely a ________ psychologist. a) clinical b) social c) biological d) personality

b) social

The marriage rituals of different ethnic groups are of most relevance to the _______ perspective a) evolutionary b) social-cultural c) psychodynamic d) cognitive

b) social-cultural

Long after her conditioned fear of dogs had been extinguished, Marcy experienced an unexpected surge of nervousness when first shown her cousin's new cocker spaniel. Her unexpected nervousness best illustrates a) higher-order conditioning b) spontaneous recovery c) delayed reinforcement d) discrimination

b) spontaneous recovery

The gradual fading of the physical memory trace contributes to a) chunking b) storage decay c) anterograde amnesia d) long-term potentiation

b) storage decay

SQ3R is an acronym for an effective a) neuroscience perspective b) study method c) biopsychosocial approach d) form of psychotherapy

b) study method

To excite or inhibit an action potential in a receiving neuron, a neurotransmitter must cross the a) axon b) synaptic gap c) myelin sheath d) endocrine glands

b) synaptic gap

Drugs that block the reuptake of serotonin will thereby increase the concentration of serotonin molecules in the a) axon terminals b) synaptic gaps c) cell bodies d) endocrine glands

b) synaptic gaps

Intense and reactive infants become unusually anxious and aroused when facing new or strange situations. This best illustrates the importance of a) the male chromosome b) temperament c) epigentics d) DNA

b) temperament

Which research method runs the greatest risk of collecting evidence that may be unrepresentative of what is generally true? a) naturalistic observation b) the case study c) experimentation d) the survey

b) the case study

Interpreting new sensory information within the framework of a past memory illustrates a) signal detection b) top-down processing c) Weber's law d) sensory adaptation

b) top-down processing

By a week after birth, infants are able to distinguish between their mothers' and strangers' a) faces b) voices c) temperament d) tender touches

b) voices

Researchers now recognize the active information processing that occurs in short-term memory and refer to it as ________ memory. a) sensory b) working c) flashbulb d) implicit

b) working

The two-word stage of language development typically begins at the age of ________ months. a) 6 b) 10 c) 24 d) 36

c) 24

A diminishing sense of smell is associated with the pathology that foretells a) FAS b) pneumonia c) Alzheimer's disease d) terminal decline

c) Alzheimer's disease

You repeatedly hear a tone just before having a puff of air directed to your eye. Blinking to the tone presented without an air puff is a a) UR b) US c) CR d) CS

c) CR

To monitor the electrical activity in the brain that is triggered by hearing one's own name, researchers would make use of a(n) a) MRI b) PET scan c) EEG d) brain lesion

c) EEG

Rules for organizing stimuli into coherent groups were first identified by a) evolutionary psychologists b) behaviorists c) Gestalt psychologists d) parapsychologists

c) Gestalt psychologists

The law of effect was most clearly highlighted by a) Pavlov's studies of conditioned salivation b) Garcia and Koelling's research on taste aversion c) Skinner's experiments on reinforcement d) Watson and Rayner's findings on fear conditioning

c) Skinner's experiments on reinforcement

The size of the difference threshold is greater for heavier objects than for lighter ones. This best illustrates a) sensory interaction b) psychophysics c) Weber's law d) bottom-up processing

c) Weber's law

In which of the following parts of the brain would lesion most likely result in aphasia? a) amygdala b) hypothalamus c) Wernicke's area d) cerebellum

c) Wernicke's area

Which of the following would be most useful for detecting the brain areas that are most active as a person performs mathematical calculations? a) a brain lesion b) an EEG c) a PET san d) an MRI

c) a PET san

When adults of varying ages were tested for their memory of a recently learned list of 24 words, the older adults demonstrated a) no decline in either recall or recognition b) a decline in recognition but no in recall c) a decline in recall but not in recognition d) a decline in both recognition and recall

c) a decline in recall but not in recognition

Employing the single word HOMES to remember the names of North America's five Great Lakes best illustrates the use of a) the spacing effect b) the serial position effect c) a mnemonic technique d) implicit memory

c) a mnemonic technique

A child's realization that others may have beliefs that the child's knows to be false best illustrates the development of a) object permanence b) egocentrism c) a theory of mind d) stranger anxiety

c) a theory of mind

The sexual abuse of a very young child is so emotionally repulsive to most people that they immediately recognize it as shamefully immoral. This best illustrates that moral judgments may reflect a) habituation b) insecure attachments c) affectively laden intuitions d) formal operations

c) affectively laden intuitions

To find Tabasco sauce in a large grocery store, you could systematically search every shelf in every store aisle. This best illustrates problem-solving by means of a) the availability heuristic b) belief perseverance c) an algorithm d) framing

c) an algorithm

after suffering a brain injury in a motorcycle accident, Arotza cannot form new memories. He can, however, remember events before the accident. Arotza's memory difficulty most clearly illustrates a) retroactive interference b) the serial position effect c) anterograde amnesia d) iconic memory

c) anterograde amnesia

As a result of an automobile accident, Jenny suffered damage to her cerebral cortex in Broca's area. Jenny is most likely to experience a) auditory hallucinations b) memory loss c) aphasia d) paralysis of her left limbs

c) aphasia

Professor Chadwick evaluated a graduate student's research proposal negatively simply because he had heard a rumor about the student's incompetence. When later informed that the rumor had been patently false, the professor's assessment of the student's research proposal remained almost as negative as it was originally. This best illustrates a) the representativeness heuristic b) the availability heuristic c) belief perseverance d) framing

c) belief perseverance

Which region of the brain appears to have the oldest evolutionary history? a) hypothalamus b) limbic system c) brainstem d) hippocampus

c) brainstem

After suffering an accidental brain injury, Kira has difficulty walking in a smooth and coordinated manner. She has probably suffered damage to her a) amygdala b) hypothalamus c) cerebellum d) thalamus

c) cerebellum

If you have a "frightening experience" immediately after hearing a strange sound, your fear may be aroused when you hear that sound again. This best illustrates a) generalization b) spontaneous recovery c) classical conditioning d) higher-order conditioning

c) classical conditioning

Dr. Stevens provides psychotherapy to people who suffer from excessive anxiety. Dr. Stevens is most likely a ________ psychologist. a) social b) developmental c) clinical d) cognitive

c) clinical

An organism's ability to mentally anticipate that a US will follow a CS is most likely to be highlighted by a(n) ________ perspective. a) evolutionary b) behaviorist c) cognitive d) neuroscience

c) cognitive

which perspective would be most helpful for understanding the role of retrieval practice on long-term memory of information a) psychodynamic b) social-cultural c) cognitive d) behavior genetics

c) cognitive

a study of the relationship between reasoning capacities and brain functions would be a most direct interest to a) behaviorism b) humanistic psychology c) cognitive neursoscience d) the psychodynamic perspective

c) cognitive neursoscience

Children who are promised a payoff for playing with an interesting toy have later been observed to play with the toy less than those who are not promised the reward. This provides evidence for the role of ________ in operant behavior. a) spontaneous recovery b) primary reinforcers c) cognitive processes d) negative reinforcers

c) cognitive processes

Displays of self-effacing humility are most characteristic of those who value a) individualism b) gender typing c) collectivism d) heritability

c) collectivism

If the onset of a light reliably signals the onset of food, a rat in a Skinner box will work to turn on the light. In this case, the light is a ________ reinforcer. a) partial b) primary c) conditioned d) delayed

c) conditioned

Because he erroneously believes that older workers are not as motivated as younger workers to work hard, a factory foreman is especially vigilant for any signs of laziness among his senior workers. His supervision strategy best illustrates a) the availability heuristic b) an algorithm c) confirmation bias d) framing

c) confirmation bias

When Leanne heard about experimental evidence that drinking orange juice triggers hyperactivity in children, she questioned whether the tested children had been randomly assigned to experimental conditions. Leanne's reaction best illustrates a) experimentation b) hindsight bias c) critical thinking d) overconfidence

c) critical thinking

Mentally rehearsing the glossary definitions of unfamiliar terms in order to remember them for a later test illustrates a) the peg-word system b) procedural memory c) effortful processing d) echoic memory

c) effortful processing

Holding a heavy rather than a light clipboard leads people to perceive job candidates as more important. This best illustrates a) Weber's law b) sensory interaction c) embodied cognition d) the McGurk effect

c) embodied cognition

When a placenta is first developed, it transfers nutrients and oxygen from mother to a) egg cell b) fetus c) embryo d) zygote

c) embryo

Understanding why the fear of darkness may have contributed to the survival of our human ancestors is most relevant to the ________ perspective. a) behavioralism b) cognitive c) evolutionary d) behavior genetics

c) evolutionary

Mr. Nydam suffers amnesia and is unable to remember playing golf several times each week on a particular course. Yet the more he plays the course, the more his game improves. His experience illustrates the need to distinguish between a) short-term memory and long-term memory b) proactive interference and retroactive interference c) explicit memory and implicit memory d) recognition and recall

c) explicit memory and implicit memory

Airline frequent flyer programs that reward customers with a free flight after every 50,000 miles of travel illustrate the use of a ________ schedule of reinforcement. a) fixed-interval b) variable-interval c) fixed-ratio d) variable-ratio

c) fixed-ratio

Because he believes that crying is a feminine trait, 14-year-old George has difficulty admitting that a movie makes him tearful. His experience best illustrates the impact of a) sex chromosomes b) cultural schemas c) gender schemas d) culture shock

c) gender schemas

The acquisition of a traditional masculine or feminine role is called a) sexual orientation b) sexual differentiation c) gender typing d) gender identity

c) gender typing

A single ________ on the ________ chromosome plays a crucial role in the prenatal development of the testes. a) gene; X b) gender schema; X c) gene; Y d) gender schema; Y

c) gene; Y

A negative correlation between people's work-related stress and their marital happiness would indicate that a) work-related related stress has a negative impact on marital happiness b) marital unhappiness promotes work-related stress c) higher levels of marital happiness are associated with lower level of work-related stress d) marital happiness has no causal influence on work-related stress

c) higher levels of marital happiness are associated with lower level of work-related stress

On the phone, Dominic rattles off a list of 10 grocery items for Kyoko to bring home from the store. Immediately after hearing the list, Kyoko attempts to write down the items. She is most likely to forget the items a) at the beginning of the list b) at the end of the list c) in the middle of the list d) at the beginning and in the middle of the list

c) in the middle of the list

Marissa resents the burden and constraints of caring for her infant daughter and frequently ignores her cries for attention. As a consequence, her daughter is most likely to display signs of a) egocentrism b) object permanence c) insecure attachment d) post-conventional morality

c) insecure attachment

The receptor sites of receiving neurons have been observed to increasing following a) retrieval failure b) stress c) long-term potentiation d) imagination inflation

c) long-term potentiation

One person in a 10-person group is 10 times older than anyone else in the group. With respect to age, it is MOST likely that the majority of group members are younger than the group's a) mode b) median c) mean d) standard deviation

c) mean

The ____ is a measure of _____ a) standard deviation; central tendency b) mean; variation c) median; central tendency d) mode; variation

c) median; central tendency

An empathetic husband who sees his wife in pain will exhibit some of the same brain activity she is showing. According to many researchers, this best illustrates the functioning of a) cognitive maps b) spontaneous recovery c) mirror neurons d) extrinsic motivation

c) mirror neurons

Compared with younger adults, older adults are ________ attentive to positive news and they have ________ problems in their social relationships. a) more; more b) less; fewer c) more; fewer d) less; more

c) more; fewer

Which of the following is a major source of genetic diversity a) epigenetics b) pruning c) mutations d) temperament

c) mutations

Brain scans reveal that different ________ are activated when we process verbs rather than nouns. a) prototypes b) grammars c) neural networks d) critical periods

c) neural networks

While listening to operatic solos, musicians process the lyrics and the tunes in separate brain areas. This most clearly illustrates the functioning of different a) neurotransmitters b) parathyroids c) neural networks d) synapses

c) neural networks

Another term for implicit memory is _____ memory. a) iconic b) short-term c) nondeclarative d) state-dependent

c) nondeclarative

Rats easily learn to associate nausea-producing radiation treatments with a) loud sounds b) bright lights c) novel tastes d) high-pitched sounds

c) novel tastes

If children get attention from their parents for doing cartwheels, they will repeat the trick in anticipation of more attention. This best illustrates a) spontaneous recovery b) respondent behavior c) operant conditioning d) latent learning

c) operant conditioning

Political officials who have no doubt that their own economic and military predictions will come true most clearly demonstrate a) hindsight bias b) curius skepticism c) overconfidence d) an empirical approach

c) overconfidence

A pigeon receives food for pecking a key, but only rarely and on unpredictable occasions. This best illustrates a) generalization b) latent learning c) partial reinforcement d) higher-order conditioning

c) partial reinforcement

The fact that we recognize objects as having a consistent form regardless of changing viewing angles illustrates a) interposition b) the phi phenomenon c) perceptual constancy d) the McGurk effect

c) perceptual constancy

Native German speakers who pronounce the English word "this" as "dis" are demonstrating their difficulty with an English a) morpheme b) prototype c) phoneme d) syntax

c) phoneme

The successful functioning of children who have experienced the surgical removal of an entire cerebral hemisphere best illustrates the value of a) cognitive neural prosthetics b) neurogenesis c) plasticity d) constraint-induced therapy

c) plasticity

Psychics are unable to make millions of dollars betting on horse races. This undermines their claims to possess the power of a) clairvoyance b) interposition c) precognition d) telepathy

c) precognition

Jarrud thinks he should obey his teachers only if they are carefully watching him. Kohlberg would suggest that Jarrud demonstrates a(n) ________ morality. a) conventional b) unconventional c) preconventional d) postconventional

c) preconventional

Introductory psychology students facing a midterm exam one week later spent five minutes each day visualizing themselves reading their assigned chapters, going over their notes, and eliminating study distractions. This ________ simulation had a ________ effect on their exam scores. a) process; negative b) outcome; positive c) process; positive d) outcome; negative

c) process; positive

Focusing on the extent to which personality is influenced by motives outside our own awareness is most relevant to the ________ perspective. a) neuroscience b) behavioral c) psychodynamic d) social-cultural

c) psychodynamic

Every twenty-fifth person who subscribed to a weekly news magazine was contacted by market researchers to complete a survey of opinions regarding the magazine's contents. The researchers were applying the technique known as a) naturalistic observation b) the double-blind procedure c) random sampling d) replication

c) random sampling

the scientific attitude requires an open-minded humility because it involves a willingness to a) perceive order in random events b) reject any ideas that can't be scientifically tested c) recognize the errors in our own ideas d) respect political beliefs that contradict our own

c) recognize the errors in our own ideas

The distance between our right and left eyes functions to provide us with a cue for depth perception known as a) proximity b) interposition c) retinal disparity d) linear perspective

c) retinal disparity

A public initiation into adult responsibilities and status is called a a) social clock b) critical period c) rite of passage d) formal operational stage

c) rite of passage

Jessica acts so differently with her parents than with her girlfriends that she often thinks her personality is completely phony. Erik Erikson would have suggested that Jessica is experiencing a) egocentrism b) insecure attachment c) role confusion d) postconventional morality

c) role confusion

the suggestion that psychology is less a set of facts than a method of evaluating ideas best highlights the ____ character of psychology a) naturalistic b) humanistic c) scientific d) introspective

c) scientific

Female breasts are to ________ as male testes are to ________. a) menarche; menopause b) menopause; menarche c) secondary sex characteristics; primary sex characteristics d) primary sex characteristics; secondary sex characteristics

c) secondary sex characteristics; primary sex characteristics

During Piaget's sensorimotor stage, children acquire a a) theory of mind b) concept of conservation c) sense of object permanence d) capacity for abstract reasoning

c) sense of object permanence

If you move your watchband up your wrist an inch or so, you will feel it for only a few moments. This best illustrates a) parallel processing b) accommodation c) sensory adaption d) Weber's law

c) sensory adaption

A door casts an increasingly trapezoidal image on our retinas as it opens, yet we still perceive it as rectangular. This illustrates a) retinal disparity b) interposition c) shape constancy d) linear perspective

c) shape constancy

Passing an electric current through the brain during electroconvulsive therapy is most likely to disrupt ________ memory. a) long-term b) procedural c) short-term d) flashbulb

c) short-term

Several months after watching a science fiction movie about spaceship travel and alien abductions, Steve began to remember that he had been abducted by aliens and personally subjected to many of the horrors portrayed in the movie. His mistaken recall best illustrates a) implicit memory b) the spacing effect c) source amnesia d) mood-congruent memory

c) source amnesia

The ______ is a measure of _____ a) median; variation b) range; central tendency c) standard deviation; variation d) correlation coefficient; central tendency

c) standard deviation; variation

The amygdala boosts activity in the brain's memory-forming areas when stimulated by a) the basal ganglia b) the cerebellum c) stress hormones d) propranolol

c) stress hormones

In the english language, adjectives are typically placed before nouns as in "green car." This illustrates an English rule of a) semantics b) determinism c) syntax d) phonemes

c) syntax

Taking certain drugs during pregnancy is likely to expose unborn children to a) critical periods b) role confusion c) teratogens d) schemas

c) teratogens

Which method offers the most reliable way of assessing whether athletic performance is boosted by caffeine consumption? a) the survey b) the case study c) the experiment d) naturalistic observation

c) the experiment

After Teresa was verbally threatened by someone in a passing car, she was asked whether she recognized the man who was driving the car. Several hours later, Teresa mistakenly recalled that the driver was a male rather than a female. Teresa's experience best illustrates a) implicit memory b) proactive interference c) the misinformation effect d) the serial position effect

c) the misinformation effect

Difference between two samples are LEAST likely to be statistically significant if a) the samples are small and the standard deviations of the samples are small b) the samples are large and the standard deviations of the samples are large c) the samples are small and the standard deviations of the samples are large d) the samples are large and the standard deviations of the samples are small

c) the samples are small and the standard deviations of the samples are large

Testing your ability to recall information you have just studied improves your long-term retention of that information. Psychologists have referred to this as a) SQ3R b) introspection c) the testing effect d) positive psychology

c) the testing effect

Premature babies are especially likely to gain weight if stimulated by a) sound and music b) light and colors c) touch and massage d) movement and acceleration

c) touch and massage

The local fire department sounds the 12 o'clock whistle. The process by which your ears transform the sound waves from the siren into neural impulses is an example of a) top-down processing b) parallel processing c) transduction d) signal detection

c) transduction

Genetically identical twins first begin their separate paths of prenatal development during _____ development a) embryonic b) fetal c) zygotic d) ovular

c) zygotic

ethical principles developed by psychologists urge investigators to a) avoid the use of animals in experimental research b) minimize the use of the experiment with human research participants c)treat information about individual research participants confidentially d) avoid the use of financial incentives in any kind of research

c)treat information about individual research participants confidentially

The scientific study of behavior without reference to mental processes was of special interest to a) Edward Titchener b) William James c) Sigmund Freud d) B. F Skinner

d) B. F Skinner

The infant Albert developed a fear of rats after a white rat was associated with a loud noise. In this example, fear of the white rat was the a) US b) UR c) CS d) CR

d) CR

In the context of debates over the origins of ideas, nature is to nurture as ____ is to Locke A) aristotle b) plato c) Darwin d) Descartes

d) Descartes

Who was the functionalist who authored a textbook for the emerging discipline of psychology? a) Wihelm Wundt b) John B. Watson c) Edward Titchener d) William James

d) William James

An integrated explanation of human behavior provided by the neuroscience, cognitive, social-cultural, and other perspectives in psychology is most clearly provided by a) SQ3R b) behaviorism c) a psychodynamic perspective d) a biopsychosocial approach

d) a biopsychosocial approach

The process of imprinting occurs during a brief developmental phase known as a) object permanence b) accommodation c) the preoperational stage d) a critical period

d) a critical period

In attempting to find and purchase high-quality cosmetics, Megan reminds herself that the most expensive brands are the best. Megan's self-reminder illustrates the use of a) an algorithm b) trial and error c) framing d) a heuristic

d) a heuristic

After Nadia learned that penguins can't fly, she had to modify her existing concept of birds. This best illustrates the process of a) conservation b) assimilation c) habituation d) accommodation

d) accommodation

Human personality shows the greatest stability during a) preschool years b) late childhood c) teenage years d) adulthood

d) adulthood

The opponent-process theory is most useful in explaining a characteristic of a) interposition b) perceptual constancy c) accommodation d) afterimages

d) afterimages

if someone were to flip a coin six times, which of the following sequences of heads and tails would be most likely? a) HHHTTT b) HTTHTH c) TTTTTT d) all of these sequences would be equally likely

d) all of these sequences would be equally likely

It has been suggested that older men in all cultures tend to marry women younger than themselves because men are genetically predisposed to seek female features associated with youthful fertility. This suggestion best illustrates a) social learning theory b) behavior genetics c) Freudian psychology d) an evolutionary perspective

d) an evolutionary perspective

The regions of the parietal lobes that are involved in mathematical and spatial reasoning are known as a) fissures b) reward centers c) glia d) association areas

d) association areas

Through direct experience with animals, we come to anticipate that dogs will bark and that birds will chirp. This best illustrates a) cognitive learning b) spontaneous recovery c) respondent behavior d) associative learning

d) associative learning

Adopted children are especially likely to have similar ________ if raised in the same home. a) temperaments b) genomes c) personality traits d) attitudes

d) attitudes

"I don't care whether you want to wash the dishes, you will do so because I said so!" This statement is most representative of a(n) _____ parenting style. a) preconventional b) authoritative c) formal operational d) authoritarian

d) authoritarian

Vocal sounds are not included in one's native language first being to disappear from usage during the ____ stage of language development. a) one-word b) two-word c) telegraphic d) babbling

d) babbling

damage to the _____ would most likely interfere with a person's memory of how to play the piano. a) hippocampus b) amygdala c) hypothalamus d) basal ganglia

d) basal ganglia

The autonomic nervous system most directly controls a) speech production b) thinking and memory c) movement of the arms and legs d) bladder contractions

d) bladder contractions

Damage to the _____ would most likely interfere with learning conditioned fear response to the sight of a dog who had bitten you on several occasions a) hippocampus b) basal ganglia c) hypothalamus d) cerebellum

d) cerebellum

Combining individual letters into familiar words enables you to remember more of the letters in this sentence. This best illustrates the value of a) the spacing effect b) iconic memory c) the serial position effect d) chunking

d) chunking

Prototypes are especially important in the process of a) trial and error b) constructing algorithms c) developing heuristics d) classifying object

d) classifying object

In her research, Professor Kyoto seeks to identify circumstances in which confirmation bias is especially likely to impede effective problem-solving. Which specialty area does her research best represent? a) biological psychology b) developmental psychology c) personality psychology d) cognitive psychology

d) cognitive psychology

Defining one's identity in terms of one's extended family or work group is most closely associated with a) culture shock b) brain plasticity c) extraversion d) collectivism

d) collectivism

Grass seen through sunglasses appears equally as green as it does without glasses. This best illustrates a) weber's law b) sensory interaction c) accommodation d) color constancy

d) color constancy

A word of praise is to a soothing back rub as ________ is to ________. a) delayed reinforcer; immediate reinforcer b) operant conditioning; classical conditioning c) partial reinforcement; continuous reinforcement d) conditioned reinforcer; primary reinforcer

d) conditioned reinforcer; primary reinforcer

Pavlov noticed that dogs began salivating at the mere sight of the person who regularly brought food to them. For the dogs, the sight of this person was a(n) a) primary reinforcer b) unconditional stimulus c) immediate reinforcer d) conditioned stimulus

d) conditioned stimulus

Ross believes that personality development is a matter of sudden qualitative changes at various turning points in the life span. His viewpoint is most directly relevant to the issue of a) imprinting and object permanence b) nature and nurture c) assimilation and accomidation d) continuity and stages

d) continuity and stages

The older a person is when moving to a new country, the harder it is to learn the language. This best illustrates the importance of ________ for learning language. a) statistical learning b) mental age c) outcome simulations d) critical period

d) critical period

which of the following processes typically takes place shortly after people complete their participation in a research study? a) empirical analysis b) informed consent c) critical thinking d) debriefing

d) debriefing

The semantic processing of the words in a short poem illustrates a) procedural memory b) the peg-word system c) the serial position effect d) deep processing

d) deep processing

The semantic processing of the words in a short poem illustrates a) procedural memory b) the pg-word system c) the serial position effect d) deep processing

d) deep processing

Chromosomes are composed of a) neurons b) synapses c) neurotransmitters d) deoxyribonucleic acid

d) deoxyribonucleic acid

In an experimental study of the extent to which mental alertness is inhibited by sleep deprivation, alertness would be the a) control condition b) independent variable c) experimental condition d) dependent variable

d) dependent variable

Professor Helms conducts basic research on the progressive changes in infants' perceptual skills during the first year of life. Professor Helms is most likely a ________ psychologist. a) social b) clinical c) personality d) developmental

d) developmental

Psychological theories: a) organize scientific observations b) explain observed facts c) generate hypotheses d) do all of these things

d) do all of these things

information learned while a person is _______ is best recalled when that person is _______. a) sad; happy b) drunk; sober c) angry; calm d) drunk; drunk

d) drunk; drunk

Natural, opiate-like neurotransmitters linked to pain control are called a) ACh agonists b) dendrites c) morphene antagonists d) endorphins

d) endorphins

Which hormone enables contractions associated with birthing and milk flow during nursing? a) insulin b) cortisol c) oxytocin d) epinephrine

d) epinephrine

Which of the following types of cells are located in the brain's visual cortex? a) rods and cones b) bipolar cells c) hair cells d) feature detectors

d) feature detectors

The central focal point in the retina where cones are heavily concentrated is known as the a) lens b) optic nerve c) cornea d) fovea

d) fovea

Which school of psychology was most clearly concerned with the adaptive value of complex mental processes? a) structuralism b) behaviorism c) psychoanalysis d) functionalism

d) functionalism

Over the past decades, women have been increasingly expected to take responsibility for political leadership. This best illustrates a change in a) sexual orientation b) gender identity c) temperaments d) gender roles

d) gender roles

Traditionally, men were expected to initiate dates and women to select wedding gifts. This best illustrates aspects of a) gender typing b) collectivism c) individualism d) gender roles

d) gender roles

a year after surviving a classroom shooting incident, Angie still responds with terror at the sight of toy guns and to the sound of popping balloons. This reaction best illustrates a) an unconditioned response b) operant conditioning c) latent learning d) generalization

d) generalization

Heritability refers to the extent to which trait variations among individuals are attributable to their differing a) ethnic identities b) temperaments c) genders d) genes

d) genes

evolutionary psychologists attribute the human tendency to fear snakes and heights to a) gender b) the female chromosome c) temperament d) genetic predispositions

d) genetic predispositions

An organism's complete set of genetic instructions is called the a) heritability index b) temperament c) double helix d) genome

d) genome

The endocrine system consists of a) myelin sheaths b) neural networks c) interneurons d) glands

d) glands

The wavelength of light determines its a) retinal disparity b) brightness c) amplitude d) hue

d) hue

The growth potential of healthy people was emphasized by a) freudian psychology b) cognitive neuroscience c) structuralism d) humanistic psychology

d) humanistic psychology

The limbic system structure that regulates hunger is called the a) thalamus b) amygdala c) hippocampus d) hypothalamus

d) hypothalamus

If a partially deaf person's hearing ability ________, his or her absolute threshold for sound ________. a) improves; remains unchanged b) worsens; decreases c) worsens; remains unchanged d) improves; decreases

d) improves; decreases

According to Erikson, older adults can most effectively cope with the prospect of their own death if they have achieved a sense of a) conventional morality b) object permanence c) conservation d) integrity

d) integrity

People should avoid back-to-back study times for learning Spanish and French vocabulary in order to minimize a) the self-reference effect) b) long-term potentiation c) mood-congruent memory d) interference

d) interference

Following massive damage to his frontal lobes, Phineas Gage was most strikingly debilitated by a) multiple sclerosis b) memory loss c) auditory hallucinations d) irritability

d) irritability

The sensory experience of bending one's knees or raising one's arms exemplifies a) the vestibular sense b) top-down processing c) sensory interaction d) kinesthesis

d) kinesthesis

If Professor Kosiba surgically removed the amygdala of a laboratory rat, the rat would most likely become a) hungry b) sexually aroused c) physically uncoordinated d) less aggressive

d) less aggressive

Which of the following is believed to be the synaptic basis for learning and memory? a) priming b) semantic encoding c) proactive interference d) long-term potentiation

d) long-term potentiation

Your life would be most immediately threatened if you suffered destruction of the a) amygdala b) hippocampus c) cerebellum d) medulla

d) medulla

Infants' tendency to gaze longer at novel stimuli than at familiar ones provides compelling evidence regarding their a) self-concepts b) egocentrism c) stranger anxiety d) mental abilities

d) mental abilities

The recall of sad experiences is often primed by feelings of sadness. This most clearly illustrates a) the serial position effect b) source misattribution c) the misinformation effect d) mood-congruent memory

d) mood-congruent memory

Compared with the children of authoritarian parents, the children of authoritative parents are a) less likely to develop a sense of self-reliance and more likely to demonstrate social competence. b) more likely to develop a sense of self-reliance and less likely to demonstrate social competence. c) less likely to develop a sense of self-reliance and less likely to demonstrate social competence. d) more likely to develop a sense of self-reliance and more likely to demonstrate social competence.

d) more likely to develop a sense of self-reliance and more likely to demonstrate social competence.

We may perceive a bottle of fruit juice as less expensive when we are most thirsty. This best illustrates that perceptions are influenced by a) subliminal stimulation b) the McGurk effect c) sensory adaptation d) motivation

d) motivation

Professor Carter observes and records the behavior of grocery shoppers as they select items to purchase. Which type of research is Professor Carter using? a) survey research b) case study c) experimentation d) naturalistic observation

d) naturalistic observation

In emphasizing that heredity's effects on behavior depend on a person's home environment, psychologists are highlighting the importance of a) the double helix b) a pruning process c) temperament d) nature-nurture interactions

d) nature-nurture interactions

Which perspective is most relevant to understanding the links between hormone level and sexual motivation? a) behavioral b) cognitive c) psychodynamic d) neuroscience

d) neuroscience

The dramatic increase in Americans' premarital sexual activity over the past half-century best illustrates that sexual behavior is influenced by a) temperament b) gender typing c) testosterone d) norms

d) norms

Jamie and Lynn were sure that they had answered most of the multiple-choice questions correctly because "the questions required only common sense." However, they each scored less than 60% on the exam. This best illustrates a) intuition b) critical thinking c) hindsight bias d) overconfidence

d) overconfidence

Nociceptors initiate the sensation of a) color b) pitch c) taste d) pain

d) pain

After hearing that Bryce had served a prison sentence, Janet began to perceive his friendly behavior as insincere and manipulative. This best illustrates the impact of a) interposition b) retinal disparity c) the phi phenomenon d) perceptual set

d) perceptual set

In drug-treatment studies, double-blind procedures minimize outcome differences between experimental and control conditions that could be attributed to a) replication b)operational definitions c) random sampling d) placebo effects

d) placebo effects

Nutrients and oxygen are transferred from a mother to her developing fetus through the a) embryo b) ovaries c) teratogens d) placenta

d) placenta

Brain scans indicate that well-practiced pianists have a larger-than-usual auditory cortex area that encodes piano sounds. This best illustrates a) hemispherectomy b) lateralization c) cognitive neural prosthetics d) plasticity

d) plasticity

Mark believes that choosing to violate government laws is morally justifiable if it is done to protect the lives of innocent people. Kohlberg would suggest that this illustrates ________ morality. a) conventional b) unconventional c) preconventional d) postconventional

d) postconventional

Activating memories of your childhood by forming vivid mental images of various locations in your childhood home best illustrates a) automatic processing b) the spacing effect c) the serial position effect d) priming

d) priming

Hearing the word "rabbit" may lead people to spell the spoken word "hair" as "h-a-r-e." This best illustrates the outcome of a process known as a) chunking b) the primacy effect c) repression d) priming

d) priming

Mrs. McBride can't consciously recall how frequently she criticizes her children because it would be too anxiety-arousing to do so. Sigmund Freud would have suggested that her poor memory illustrates a) source amnesia b) proactive interference c) shallow processing d) repression

d) repression

When taking the final exam in American history, Marie was surprised and frustrated by her momentary inability to remember the names of the current president of the United States. Her difficulty clearly illustrates a) implicit memory b) the serial position effect c) the misinformation effect d) retrieval failure

d) retrieval failure

The taste sensation umami is most likely to attract us to foods that are a) sweet b) bitter c) starchy d) rich in protein

d) rich in protein

Hearing a sequence of sounds of different pitches is to ________ as recognizing the sound sequence as a familiar melody is to ________. a) absolute threshold; difference threshold b) sensory interaction; signal detection c) signal detection; sensory interaction d) sensation; perception

d) sensation; perception

The peripheral nervous system consists of a) interneurons b) the spinal cord c) endocrine glands d) sensory and motor neurons

d) sensory and motor neurons

A drink's strawberry odor enhances our perception of its sweetness. This best illustrates a) interposition b) sensory adaptation c) weber's law d) sensory interaction

d) sensory interaction

In teaching her son to play basketball, Mrs. Richards initially reinforces him with praise for simply dribbling while standing still, then only for walking while dribbling, and finally only for running while dribbling. She is using a procedure known as a) generalization b) partial reinforcement c) spontaneous recovery d) shaping

d) shaping

The fact that fear may increase your sensitivity to an almost imperceptible pain stimulus is of most relevance to a) frequency theory b) Weber's law c) sensory adaptation d) signal detection theory

d) signal detection theory

Unlike the use of algorithms or heuristics, insight does not involve a) concepts b) prototypes c) cognition d) strategy-based solutions

d) strategy-based solutions

The early school of psychology that used introspection was known as a) psychiatry b) behaviorism c) naturalism d) structuralism

d) structuralism

The tips of chromosomes wear down as we age are called a) teratogens b) scaffolds c) schemas d) telomeres

d) telomeres

The easier it is for people to remember an instance in which they were betrayed by a friend, the more they expect such an event to recur. This best illustrates the impact of a) framing b) confirmation bias c) an algorithm d) the availability heuristic

d) the availability heuristic

At a block party, Cyndi is introduced to eight new neighbors. Moments later, she remembers only the names of the first three and last two neighbors. Her experience illustrates a) source amnesia b) the misinformation effect c) implicit memory d) the serial position effect

d) the serial position effect

The preferred age for retirement is quite different in Mexico than in Western Europe. This best illustrates that___________ differs from culture to culture. a) the maturational cycle b) rites of passage c) terminal decline d) the social clock

d) the social clock

Compared with the structuralists, early behaviorists were much less likely to focus on the study of a) smiling b) screaming c) fighting d) thinking

d) thinking

Researchers condition a flatworm to contract when exposed to light by repeatedly pairing the light with electric shock. The electric shock is a(n) a) negative reinforcer b) conditioned stimulus c) conditioned reinforcer d) unconditioned stimulus

d) unconditioned stimulus

The hindsight bias leads people to perceive research findings as a) unpredictable b) inexplicable c) unreplicable d) unsurprising

d) unsurprising

For professional baseball players, swinging at a pitched ball is reinforced with a home run on a ________ schedule. a) fixed-interval b) variable-interval c) fixed-ratio d) variable-ratio

d) variable-ratio

A picture of a dog is briefly flashed in the left visual field of a split-brain patient. At the same time a picture of a boy is flashed in the right visual field. In identifying what she saw, the patient would be most likely to a) use her left hand to point to a picture of a dog b) verbally report that she saw a dog c) use her left hand to point to the picture of a boy d) verbally report that she saw a boy

d) verbally report that she saw a boy

Participants in an experiment are said to be blind if they are uninformed about a) the experimental hypothesis being tested b) whether the experiment findings will be statistically significant c) how the dependent variable is measure d) which experimental treatment, if any, they are receiving

d) which experimental treatment, if any, they are receiving

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