a/p test-ch 8

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Albumin plays a role in.....

Osmotic pressure in the blood

The wave on an electrocardiogram that is associated with the atrial wall depolarization is the.....

P wave

In the healthy heart, the heartbeat is initiated be the....

SA node

in what order does the impulse for depolarization travel through the heart?

SA node, AV node, bundle of HIS, Purkinje fibers

Systemic circulation is under.....

high pressure

Edema would most likely develop during or after which one of the following conditions?


Sympathetic stimulation of the heart increases strength of contractions by...

increasing permeability of heart muscle to calcium

What blood component is most important in plugging leaks in damaged blood vessels?


Systemic circulation includes

portal and peripheral circulation

The valve at the outflow tract of the right ventricle is the....


The valve that prevents blood from flowing back into the right ventricle at the end of ventricular systole is the....


What artery carries deoxygenated blood?


the left atrium receives blood from what blood vessel?

pulmonary vein

What two valves comprise the semilunar valves?

pulmonic valve, aortic valve

The difference between the systolic and diastolic pressures of the expanding and contracting arterial walls is the....


What feature is unique to cardiac muscle?

purkinje fibers

What structures disseminate electrical impulses across the ventricles?

purkinje fibers

Hardware disease is usually associated with ingestion of nails, wire, or other sharp objects. The portion of the digestive tract that collects these objects is the.....


The SA node is located in the wall of which chamber?

right atrium

The coronary veins empty blood via the coronary sinus into the....

right atrium

The tricuspid valve prevents blood from flowing back into the....

right atrium

What cardiac chamber receives blood from the systemic veins?

right atrium

The cardiac chamber that pumps blood into the pulmonary artery is the.....

right ventricle

The heart chamber that pumps blood to the lungs is the....

right ventricle

The pulmonary valve prevents blood from flowing back into the.....

right ventricle

The valves that prevent backflow of blood from the arteries to the ventricles are called the...


The muscular structure that separates the right and left ventricles is called the interventricular..


The circulatory system is lined by what kind of epithelium?

simple squamous

Each cardiac cycle in a normal heart results from an impulse that is initiated in the...

sinoatrial node

What structure is the pacemaker of the heart?

sinoatrial node

The main component of the tunica media of muscular arteries is....

smooth muscle fibers

Which of the following organs is not essential to life?


cardiac muscle is....

striated involuntary

Input from what system causes vasoconstriction during exercise adn therefore an increase in blood pressure?

sympathetic nervous system

The pressure in the systemic arteries during ventricular contraction is....

systolic blood pressure

Cardiac muscle fibers can be identified by....

the presence of cross striations and central nucleo

How does the volume of the right ventricle compare with that of the left ventricle?

the right and left ventricles have the same volume

Blood that has returned to the heart through the cranial and caudal venae cavae first passes through what heart valve?


The valve between the right atrium and right ventricle of the heart is the....


Which of the following is a feature of the right side of the heart?

tricuspid valve

What vessel brings fresh, oxygenated blood from the placenta to a developing fetus?

unbilical cord

What vessel normally carries carbone dioxide-rich blood?

vena cava

Edema could be caused by....

venous congestion

Which of the following conditions is most life threatening?

ventricular fibrillation

On an electrocardiogram the T wave is most closely associated with.....

ventricular repolarization

In the normal heart ECG, the QRS complex corresponds to what portion of the cardiac cycle?

ventricular systole

What is meant by cardiac output?

volume of blood pumped per minute

Chordae tendineae are present on which valve?


The left atrioventricular valve is the....


The valve that prevents blood from flowing back into the left atrium during ventricular systole is the....


What two valves comprise the atrioventricular valves?

mitral valve, tricuspid valve

The muscle layer of the heart is the....


The muscular layer that makes up the majority of the heart mass is the......


The primary constituent of blood responsible for the oncotic (osmotic) pressure of blood is...


The major artery that carries blood out of the left ventricle is the....


What blood vessel normally carries oxygen-rich blood?


The ductus arteriosus in a fetus joins the....

aorta and pulmonary artery

The left ventricular outflow valve is the....


The valve that prevents blood from flowing back into the left ventricle at the end of ventricular systole is the....


The valve that prevents blood from flowing back into the left ventricle during ventricular diastole is the....


The P wave component of a QRS complex usually corresponds to....

atrial contraction

On an electrocardiogram the P wave is most closely associated with......

atrial depolarization

The least numerous type of blood cell in circulation is normally the....


Blood vessels that are the site of the transfer of nutrients between the blood and tissues are the....


Which of the following structures are listed in the order in which they are encountered by a blood cell?

capillaries, veins, heart, arteries

The apex of the heart is normally positioned..

caudal and to the left

The second heart sound is produced by.....

closure of the aortic and pulmonary valves

The first heart sound is produced by....

closure of the left and right atrioventricular valves

Systole is...

contraction of the atria and ventricles

What are the effects of parasympathetic nervous system stimulation on the heart?

decreased rate and decreased force of contractions

What blood pressure value is not as important in veterinary medicine in comparision to human medicine?


Regeneration of cardiac muscle fibers following injury.....

does not occur

The blood vessel that shunts blood from the pulmonary artery to the aorta is a fetus is the...

ductus arteriosus

where are striated muscles located?

heart and skeletal muscles

The lining epithelium of blood vessels is called..


The following major vessels contribute to blood flowing into the cranial vena cava....

femoral vein

The name of the hole between the cardiac atria that closes at birth in the mammal is...

foramen ovale

Which structure of the fetal heart largely allows blood to bypass the pulmonary circulation?

foramen ovale

The foramen ovale in the developing fetus allows blood to flow...

from the right atrium to the left atrium

The partition between the atria is the....

interatrial spetum

Myocytes are connected by....

intercalated disks

The junctions between adjacent cardiac muscle fibers are called.....

intercaled disks

The bundle fo HIS is located in what part of the heart?

interventricular septum

The partition between ventricles is the....

interventricular septum

The tricuspid valve controls the flow of blood...

into the right ventricle

The Purkinje fibers in the heart are located in the....

left and right ventricle walls

The mitral valve of the heart is the....

left atrioventricular valve

Blood enters the heart from the pulmonary veins in the....

left atrium

The first cardiac chamber that blood enters after returning from the lungs is the....

left atrium

The heart chamber that receives blood from teh pulmonary veins is the....

left atrium

The mitral valve prevents blood from flowing back into the.......

left atrium

The aorta leaves the heart from the....

left ventricle

The aortic valve prevents blood from flowing back into the....

left ventricle

The heart chamber that pumps blood through the aorta is the....

left ventricle

What heart chamber pumps blood to the systemic circulation?

left ventricle

Which chamber of the heart is surrounded by the largest amount of cardiac muscle?

left ventricle

The pulmonary circulation is under....

low pressure

The heart is located in the....

mediastinum, the central space that seperates the left and right pleural cavities

What vessels contain valves?

medium-sized veins

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