AP United States History Chapters 5&6

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Articles of Confederation

They served as a written document that established the functions of National Government after America declared Independence from Great Britain.

What problems did the Americans face on providing the necessary supplies and equipment for the war and in paying for them?

They struggled with raising an army and organizing/providing them with supplies and equipment because they needed a way to pay for it. Without access to the British markets on which the colonies had come to depend on, finding necessary supplies was exceptionally difficult.

Noble Savages

A Noble savage is known as someone who has not been exposed to the corrupting influences of civilization

What changes did the Revolution produce in the structure of the American Economy?

After more than a century of dependence on the British imperial system, American trade suddenly found itself on its own. It didn't have protection of the British navy and instead they tried to drive American ships out of the seas. While this disrupted American economic patterns, it ultimately made them stronger. By the mid 1780s, American merchants were developing their own trade patterns, and there was a strong system of trading of manufactured goods with Yankee ships.


Cornwallis led several successful campaign during the American Revolution but was ultimately defeated at the Battle of Yorktown after he moved his forces to Virginia.

How did the Treaty of Paris create strain among the US, England, and Spain?

America established itself as a nation and it directly bordered England's Canada as well as the Spanish Florida.


American colonists ho remained loyal to the crown

Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin was one of the Founding Fathers of the United States. He is also known for his scientific work with electricity and, as a writer, he known for "Poor Richard's Almanac".

What effect did the American westward movement have on diplomatic relations with Great Britain and Spain?

British forces continued to occupy an area along the Great Lakes withing the US, didn't honor their agreement to make restitution to slave owners whose slaves the British had confiscated, also Americans wanted full access to British markets.

John Burgoyne

Burgoyne was a British officer who surrendered at the Battle of Saratoga

How did Americans propose to avoid what they considered to be the problems of the British system they were repudiating?

Checks and Balances made sure that no one part of the government got to much power and the constitution clearly laid out the rights of the people and the rights of the government.

How did the pamphlet, Common Sense address the problem of the aim of the war and what was its impact on American opinion?

Common Sense stated that it was the English Constitution, King, and system that were corrupt. It helped change the American outlook toward the war so that they viewed it as more necessary.

Abigail Adams

First Lady to President John Adams. He consulted with her on many issues and she was an advocate for women suffrage that wanted them to be recognized for their generous work.

George Washington

George Washington was an American politician and soldier who served as the first president of the United States from 1789-1797 and was one of the Founding Fathers of the United States.

How was the campaigning in the south conducted and why was the victory at Yorktown so significant for the Americans?

Georgia and Charleston fell to the British and by May 1780, Cornwallis was left in command to capture the rest of South Carolina. The Civil War between loyalists and Patriots raged.The Americans won at Cowpens but lost at Guilford Courthouse. Cornwallis decided to evacuate Virginia. Washington's army, joined by the French Navy, moved to Chesapeake Bay. Cornwwallis moved to Yorktown were the French where the French army laid siege ending British hopes of Military victory against the Americans.


German auxiliaries contracted for military service by British government, which found it easier to borrow money to pay for their service, than to recruit its own soldiers.

List the divisions within the second continental congress and give the aim of each faction. How did they attempt to gain their ends?

Group 1- Lead by John and Samuel Adams, favored independence. Group 2, lead by John Dickinson, hoped for a quick reconciliation with Great Britain. They attempted t gain their ends by trying to declare independence, writing the Articles of Confederation and preparing for war.

What impact did the revolution have on slavery in New England, the middle states, and in the south?

In 1774, the continental congress called to abolish slave trade. Northern states were in favor of this and did so promptly, southern states however, were reluctant.

Camp Followers

Informal army service providers that service the needs of the soldiers.

What were the provisions of the Treaty of Paris in 1783, and how did the treaty affect relations among the US, France, and Spain?

It ended the american Revolution and guaranteed freedom in America. It also let there be no "hard feelings" between the different nations involved in the war. "There was no at fault party".

Jean Jacques Rosseau

Jean Jacques Rosseau was a French philosopher and writer of the age of Enlightenment. It strongly influenced the French Revolution and the Liberal, Conservative, Socialist Theory.

What were the philosophical roots of the Declaration of Independence and what effect did it have o the struggle?

John Locke stated that the government was formed to protect the rights of life, liberty, and property. Jefferson replaced "property" with the "pursuit of happiness" The Declaration helped inspire movements of liberation and reform.

John Locke

John Locke was an influential enlightenment thinker known for his title as the "Father of liberalism"

Who were the loyalists? What elements in America remained loyal to the king, and for what reasons?

Loyalists were American colonists that remained loyal to the crown even during the American Revolution. Some were officeholders who would have lost their jobs do to the Revolution, some were merchants whom relied on Britain for work, and some were just so isolated that they were oblivious to the the war in general. There were also cultural and ethnic minorities who feared that an independent America would not offer them sufficient protection. The others were favoring the British because they anticipated them to be the winners.


Members of a group with Christian roots that began in England in the 1650s.

What impacts did the Revolutionary War have on the Native Americans?

Most Indians viewed the Revolutionary War with considerable uncertainty. The American Patriots tried to persuade them to remain neutral as it didn't seem to involve the tribes but as the idea of westward expansion was brought to their attention, the Natives retaliated by attacking throughout the war.

Nathaniel Greene

Nathaniel Greene was a general in the Revolution who also served in the Rhode Island assembly He fought with George Washington at the battles of Trenton, Brandywine, Germantown, and valley Forge.

What were the initial setbacks in the war during 1776 and what was the significance of the Battles at Trenton and Princeton in this regard?

Not only was Boston the center of the most heavily anti-British population, it was also tactically indefensible. The British retreated but came back stronger than ever. Washington could only muster around 19,000 soldiers that were poorly armed and lightly trained. He also didn't have a navy at all. The British settled down for the winter and stayed in various points of New Jersey. George Washington decided to fight back and on Christmas night 1776, advanced to Princeton. He was unable to hold Princeton nor Trenton after he drove away the Hessians and finally took refuge around Morristown, New Jersey

Identify and explain the two broad schools of interpretation that emerged as historians debated the origins of the American revolution,. On what points do these interpretations differ?

One sees the revolution largely as a political and intellectual event and argues that they revolt against Britain was a part of defense of ideals and principles. Others view the revolution as a social and economic phenomenon and contends that material interests were at its heart.

How did the Confederation congress attempt to resolve the status of western territory that the states had ceded to the national government? Which interest groups favored which plans for the sale and distribution of land?

Ordinance of 1784- Divided western territory into 10 self governing districts each of which could petition for statehood when their population equaled the number of free inhabitants of the smallest existing state- reflected the desire of Revolution generation Ordinance of 1785- Created a system for surveying/selling the western lands; territory north of Ohio was to be marked into neat rectangular ownerships divided into 36 sections-establishing the grid highly favorable for land speculators and less so to ordinary settlers- wasn't affordable.

Why did the British decide to launch a campaign against the Southern colonies in 1778? What advantages and disadvantages did each side have in this region?

The British decided to launch a campaign against the southern colonies because they felt that the strongest base of loyalty to the crown was there and they could enlist loyalists in the fight. There were many Tories in the Carolinas and Georgia and more patriots then the British had originally thought. Even lower, loyalists still refused to aid the British because they feared reprisals from Patriots. The British, by contrast, suffered all the disadvantages of an army in hostile territory.

What was it about the concept of a republican government that appealed to the Americans?

The Americans wanted their rights and freedoms and by having a republican government, they were able to have their voices heard.

What were the American advantages in the struggle and why was George Washington selected as the best person to make the most of these advantages?

The Americans were fighting on familiar land, They had better communication, vast territory, and a strong leader with soldiers. George has a personal commitment to winning and every intention to.

What type of government did the Articles of Confederation create? What were its major features?

The Articles linked the 13 states together to deal with common problems and established a more formal government. A vote from nine of the colonies was necessary for a bill to pass. In whatever congress held authority, it had no way of enforcing the powers it had.Amendments required a unanimous vote.


The Battle of Saratoga was a crucial victory for the Patriots during the Revolution and is considered the turning point of the war.


The Battle of Yorktown is considered the last major land battle of the Revolution. The Continental Army, led by George Washington, won a decisive victory against the British Army, led by Cornwallis

What was the initial plan for the British campaign of 1777? How was this altered and what effect did this alteration have on the outcome?

The British devised a strategy to cut the US in two. They planned a two-pronged attack along both the Mohawk and the Upper Hudson approaches to Albany. After setting this plan in motion, Howe himself abandoned it. He launched an attack on the rebel capital, Philadelphia instead. He hoped to discourage the patriots and rally the loyalists to bring an end to the war but Howe's move to Philadelphia left Burgoyne to carry out the campaign in the north on his own. In the battle at Bennington, he withdrew to Saratoga. Gates surrounded him and on October 17th 1777, ordered what was left of his army to surrender to the Continental Army.

Olive Branch Petition

The Olive Branch Petition was the final attempt to avoid a full on war with Greta Britain and the Thirteen Colonies.

What problems did the Treaty of Paris of 1783 fail to resolve and in some cases, create?

The Treaty of Paris failed to resolve and in some cases, created strain among the US, England, and Spain by creating disputes over boundaries of land between England and the US which created tension over the FL boundary and the nights to the MS river between the US and Spain.

How did the American Revolution affect the way American women thought about their status, and what changes resulted from this new awareness?

The departure of so man men to fight in the Patriot's army left many wives, daughters, sisters, and mothers in charge of farms and businesses. Not all women however had farms and shops to fall back on and the amount of impoverished women greatly increased and quite rapidly at that.

What were the american diplomatic goals at the start of the war? What problems did they face, and what efforts were made to overcome them?

The goals were to make the United States internationally recognized as an independent country, and to make allies for the war. They faced problems of having a small and less experienced army compared to the British and little supplies. They overcame the problems with determination for independence.

What were the sources of the Confederation's postwar economic problems, and how did the government attempt to solve them? What were the results?

The source was war debt

How did the victory at Saratoga affect American diplomatic efforts? How did England and France respond to this news> What was the result?

The victory affected Americans diplomatic efforts because now other nations believed that they had a shot at winning the war. The French formed an alliance with America but England decided to enlist the support of loyalists instead of deploying the full scale army. People, as a result, began to think that Howe didn't want to win because he was secretly in sympathy of the American's cause.

What commercial arrangements did American shippers want above all others after the war had ended? Why did they feel that this was needed, and how successful were they in accomplishing their aims?

They wanted full access to their British markets because Britain had huge trading posts, but they were unsuccessful because Britain still did not recognize America as a nation even after the war ended.

Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson was an America Founding Father who was the principal author of the Declaration of Independence and later served as the third president of the United States.

Thomas Paine

Thomas Pine was a political author who wrote the famous pamphlet "Common Sense"

Valley Forge

Valley Forge was the military camp where George Washington's army stayed in the winter of 1777-1778, in which many died from hypothermia and disease.

William Howe

William Howe was the commander in chief of the British Army who failed to destroy the continental army despite the many attempts to do so including his attack on Philadelphia.

What were the characteristics of the state constitutions written during the early years of the struggle? How did they reflect the general spirit of the enlightenment- the belief that freedom was the natural state of humanity?

hey viewed government in terms of social contract and created an elected government rather than a hereditary monarch. The newly penned state constitutions had many features in common with one another. Their similarities made the drafting of a federal charter easier. The state constitutions drew their authority from the people.

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