AP World Semester 1 Exam

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3rd Crusade

"kings' crusade" ends in a tie

The Cathars

(Albigensians) adopted the teachings of heretical groups. super against the Roman Catholic Church.

What is a Coda?

-creates closure/the end

What are some of the accomplishments of the Classical Era?

-educational levels rising -scientific discoveries & developments -class system (growing middle class) -power shifted away from church

What are the characteristics of a Minuet & Trio?

-form of 3rd movement -dance-like -moderate tempo (minuet) -slower temp (trio)

Nautical Advancments

-lateen sail (triangular sail) -magnetic compass (created by the Chinese) -Because of these advancements, more europeans want these goods.

What were the Artistic Trends of the Classical Era?

-light -simple -Rococo style

When was the peasant revolt that overthrew the Mongols and restored the Chinese to power?


When was the Ming Dynasty?


When did the Portuguese first arrive in India?


What time period is the Classical Era?



2nd Crusade was a ?

Who is David and what was his contribution to Judaism?

2nd king of Israel, gave Israel a capital city of Jerusalem

economic, political, social

3 long-lasting effects of the Crusades

Describe Zheng He's fleets

62 fleets carry 2800 sailors, merchants, and soldiers; >=400 ft long, displaced 1500 tons of water

Aegean Sea

A body of water by Mediterranean Sea that touches the borders of Greece & Asia Minor. It also has many islands in it, including Crete.

Eastern Orthodox Christianity

A branch of Christianity that developed in the Byzantine Empire and that did not recognize the Pope as its supreme leader.

What is a Eunuch?

A castrated man


A city-state in ancient Greece.


A cohesive and unique society, most prevalent in India, that integrates spiritual beliefs with daily practices and official institutions such as the caste system.


A form of government in which power is vested in hereditary kings and queens who govern in the interests of all


A governor of a province in ancient Persia

What was the governmental downfall of the Ming Dynasty?

A lot of money on defense, 40 years fighting smugglers and pirates, lavish emperors, ignored business in the state, relied on eunuchs

Kievan Rus

A monarchy established in present day Russia in the 6th and 7th centuries. It was ruled through loosely organized alliances with regional aristocrats from. The Scandinavians coined the term "Russia". It was greatly influenced by Byzantine.


A monotheistic religion based on the teachings of the prophet Mohammed which stresses belief in one god (Allah), Paradise and Hell, and a body of law written in the Quran. Followers are called Muslims. Five Pillars.

The Indian Ocean Maritime System

A multilingual Multiethnic society of sea farers


A powerful Greek miliary polis that was often at war with Athens. Used slaves known as helots to provide agricultural labor.


A religion that developed in early Persia and stressed the fight between the forces of good and the forces of evil and how eventually the forces of good would prevail.

Triangular Trade

A three way system of trade during 1600-1800s Africa sent slaves to America, America sent Raw Materials to Europe, and Europe sent Guns and Rum to Africa. not all slaves from Americas sailed this route


A tradition relating the words or deeds of the Prophet Muhammad; next to the Quran, the most important basis for Islamic law. The compiled work of the life and teachings of Muhammad.

Mary Queen of Scots

Catholic relative to Protestant Queen Elizabeth I of England. She allegedly plotted with Spain's Philip II to overthrow Elizabeth and reassert Catholicism in England. Elizabeth had her beheaded.

Richest States from High to Low

China, India, the Islamic World, and Europe

Scientific revolution

Circa 1540 - 1690

What makes a zone a "world"?

Circulation of technologies, ideas, religions, people, animals, crops, diseases, merchandise, etc.

What did Hongwu bring back to the government?

Confucian education system and the civil service exams

Dutch colonization location

Dutch East Indies (present day Indonesia), small part in the northern area of South America


Dutch establishment on Java; created in 1620.

Collectivist Cultures:

East Asia, South America

English colonization location

Eastern coast of North America north to Canada

Portuguese colonization location

Eastern coast of South America (present day Brazil), trading posts along the coast of Africa, and India

Crusader comes from what Latin word?


What was the political situation like in Japan in the early 16th century?

Daimyo stalemate, recurring civil war

Toyotomi Hideyoshi

Daimyo who aspired to unify Japan.

500 - 1000

Dates of the Dark Ages, or Early Medieval Ages.

Low power distance

Decentralized (flat) organizational structures Fewer supervisory personnel, distributed decision making Examples: United States, United Kingdom

Influences of individualism-collectivism

Definition of the self Structure of goals (self-oriented vs. group-oriented) Emphasis on norms vs. attitudes


Descendents of Spanish-born but born in Latin America; resented inferior social, political, economic status. Elsewhere just meant American-born descendants of Europeans.

What port area was left open to the Dutch?


European cities

Dirty, Nasty, Small. Constantly changing because of the culture. At first women had an important roll in the economy. Slowly the role of women demised.


Eighth Tokugawa ruler to be a shogun. A capable ruler under whose rule saw Japan advance agriculturally.

Who did Hongwu give complete power to?


Mansa Musa

Emperor of the kingdom of Mali in Africa. He made a famous pilgrimage to Mecca and established trade routes to the Middle East.

Ming Empire

Empire based in China that Zhu Yuanszhang established after the overthrow of the Yuan Empire. The Ming emperor Yongle sponsored the building of the Forbidden City and the voyages of Zheng He. The later years: slowdown in technological development and economic decline.

What was the aim of the Portugal's trading empire?

Establish Portuguese monopoly control over key Asian products like spices and impose a licensing system on all merchant ships that traded in the Indian Ocean from Ormuz to Malacca

Kublai Kahn

Established the Yuan Dynasty. Ruled China successfully and conquered many areas

Western Christendom

Establishment of small kingdoms by Germanic groups.

How are we doing?

Estimated 10%-20% of expatriates return from their assignment early.

What is the Social Basis of Judaism?

Ethnicity & the Land of Israel

What is Xiao?

Filial piety, respect parents and elders, look after in old age


First Ming emperor (1368-1403); drove out the Mongols and restored the position of the scholar-gentry.

Umayyad Caliphate

First hereditary dynasty of Muslim caliphs (661 to 750). From their capital at Damascus, the Umayyads ruled one of the largest empires in history that extended from Spain to India. Overthrown by the Abbasid Caliphate. 661-750 CE. Islamic government that established a capitol of Damascas. Conquered North Africa, the Iberian Penninsula, Southwest Asia, and Persia and had a bureaucracy with only Arab Muslims and became the largest Arab Muslim state in history.

Who created the modern scientific method?

Francis Bacon

Francis Xavier

Franciscan missionary who worked in India during the 1540s among outcast and lower-caste groups; later worked in Japan.

Describe the navigation technique used by most sailors in the Asian network

Going along the coastline, see towns & landmarks

Alexander the Great

Between 334 and 323 B.C.E. he conquered the Persian Empire, reached the Indus Valley, founded many Greek-style cities, and spread Greek culture across the Middle East.

Atlantic Slave trade

Between the 1500s and the 1800s, millions of Africans were captured, shipped across the Atlantic, and sold as slaves in the Americas. Planters were need for sugar,tobacco pla

What are the two historical divisions of Judaism?

Biblical Judaism & Rabbinical Judaism

empire among the Berbers in western Sahara that began as a religious movement to reform Islam

Almoravid Empire


Also known as Asia Minor, or the country of Turkey, it is a large peninsula that juts out into the Mediterranean Sea. The land is mostly made up of high, rocky plateaus which provide an abundant supply of timber and minerals.

Thomas Jefferson

American farmer, scientists and scholar who believed in independence for the American colonies along with the separation of church and state.


Angry that the 4th Crusaders had attacked a Christian city, the pope ? them all

Describe the three zones of trade in the Asian sea trading network.

Arab - glass, carpet, tapestries; Indian - cotton textiles; China - paper, porcelain, silk textiles

Muslim merchants could trade with people in many different areas because. . .

Arabia was at a crossroads location


Asian Christianity

Timujin unified the Mongols into the

Great Mongol Nation

Emperor Kangxi was known as the

Greatest Qing Emperor

What was the chief language of the Byzantine Church?


Explain why intro of maize, sweet potatoes, and peanuts important

Grown on inferior soils w/out irrigation, survive drought

5th pillar of Islam

Hajj- Pilgrimage to Mecca

Influence of Zoroastrianism

Hard to know how much influence on other religions Concept of Satan Light/Dark imagery in gospel of John

Blind-back translation

Have an independent person translate the document from the new language back into the original language


Having labor functions performed by someone outside of the organization (out of the organization, but not necessarily out of the country)


It changes the Science behind why many things happen and also what people though actually goes on. It allows people to start thinking that what they are being told by the church is not right and there is scientific proof to prove what is going on.

Which of the following was not true of Muslim calligraphy?

It was used in captions for paintings

Leonardo da Vinci

Italian Renaissance artist that painted The Last Supper and Mona Lisa, he was also an engineer, architect, sculptor, and scientist.


Italian Renaissance painter who painted members of the Medici family and religious figures.


Italian Renaissance sculptor, painter, poet, engineer, and architect; famous works include the mural on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel and the sculpture of the David


Italian Reniassance writier and politician; observed political events that lead to the essay he wrote called "The Prince".

Which of the following was the key reason the Mughal Empire collapsed?

Its tolerant religious policies were changed and the people revolted

In what location did the Europeans actually have any large impact on social, political, and economic life in the Indian Ocean network?

Japan b/c European missionaries and firearms play important roles in civil wars in 16th century Japan

In Confucianism, what does a good government need?


Under what emperor did the Byzantine empire reach its greatest size?



Kashgar to

What is Ren?

Kindness, politeness, respectful


King of the Franks who conquered much of Western Europe, great patron of leterature and learning.


Kingdom in West Africa that was heavily involved in the slave trade and kept it under strict royal control./The Kingdom of Dahomey participated in far reaching trade networks and enjoyed goods from around the world.

what Mongols called the Khanate in Russia

Kipchak Khanate (after pastoral peoples they lived with)

K. 550, what does the K mean?


What happened to Christian missionaries in Japan eventually?

Ordered to leave islands by Hideyoshi, persecuted, banned faith

What significant geographical discovery did al-Idrisi make?

Land did not go all the way around the Indian Ocean

Mongol Empire

Largest Empire that expanded across Europe and Asia.


Last of the Ming rulers; committed suicide in 1644 as rebels invaded the Forbidden City of Beijing.

In the early 16th century what strategic coastal towns were controlled by the Portuguese?

Ormuz, Goa, Malacca


Others, who didn't participate in the Crusades became more ?

Drug Testing/Integrity Tests

Rare outside of the U.S.

What did Hongwu do economically?

Rebuilt Chinese infrastructure

Treaty of Gijanti (1757

Reduced the remaining independent Javanese princes to vassals of the Dutch East India Company; allowed the Dutch to monopolize Java's coffee production.

Native Americans & French - relationship

Lived among Natives and established friendly trade relationships - traded, fished, and hunted with Natives


Marco Polo arrived in China

What does Cruciata mean?

Marked with a cross


People who used Aristotle's teachings and reason to reconciles with religious truth?

Why did the Japanese choose to isolate?

Persecution of Christians → want to isolate from outside influences

who was brought closer by the Mongols

Persia and China


Persian religion that combined Zoroastrianism, Buddhism, Christianity

Where were the most Christian converts gained and why?

Philippines b/c never had been exposed to a world religion before


Muslim ascetics, wanted a personal union with God through intuition, not rational study of the shari'a. They were basic ascetics, fasting, praying, and meditation on the Qur'an were routine practices. Sufis avoided sin and physical desires

Decline of Zoroastrianism

Muslim forces rejected Zoroastrianism as a valid religion when they moved into the Middle East Only about 100,000-250,000 practitioners left

Which is the best prediction of what might have happened if the Berbers had kept fighting the Muslims?

Muslim rule would have spread more slowly in North Africa


Muslims belonging to branch of Islam believing that the community should select its own leadership. The majority religion in most Islamic countries. "people who follow the Sunna (way of the Prophet)"; the largest branch of Islam; believers accepted the first four caliphs as rightful successors of Muhammad


Policy of keeping inward - followed by several Asian nations in response to the spread of Christianity - China, Japan, and Korea


Port city in the modern Southeast Asian country of Malaysia, founded about 1400 as a trading center on the Strait of Malacca. Also spelled Melaka. (p. 387)

What is filial piety?

High regard for family

Who wrote a medical encyclopedia that was translated into Latin and widely used throughout Europe?


Persia known as the


Why were Zheng He's voyages stopped?

Imperial Court said it was too expensive, funds could be used to defend against northern Mongols and agriculture

How yasak was paid

In cash/goods

council in Clermont, France

In response to the emperor, Urban called church leaders to a ?

Sugar trade

In the West Indies trade made possible by the demand for sugar in Europe and the readily available source of slaves in Africa./Sugar plantations were a "modern" industry in that they required a large capital investment, technology, large labor source and a mass market of consumers.

What are the four major texts of the Judaism religion?

The Tanakh, the Mishnah, the Talmud, the Kabbalah

What are the first five books of the Tanakh called?

The Torah

What instrument was on the rise in the Classical Era?

The Piano

Delhi Sultanate

The first Islamic government established within India from 1206-1520. Controled a small area of northern India and was centered in Delhi.


The first Japanese daimyo to make extensive use of firearms; in 1573 deposed the last Ashikaga shogun; unified much of central Honshu; died in 1582.

Jerusalem and Holy Land

The goal of each Crusade was the same: to take ? away from the Muslims

Silver trade

The discovery of rich silver deposits in Bolivia and Japan created new sources of wealth for the Europeans./Spanish America produced 85% of the world's silver and through its trade established the first link between Asia and the Americas. Much silver ended up in China.


The doctrine that the state is supreme over the church in ecclesiastical matters.

Edicts of the Shogun

The document that states the isolation of Japan from the rest of the world


The duration of the Tokugawa Shogunate

Angra Mainyu

The evil spirit recognized by Zoroastrians

Power distance

The extent to which less powerful members of an organization accept that power is unequally distributed.

Indulgence vs. restraint

The extent to which members in society try to control their desires and impulses Most recently added dimension Based on World Values Survey (data from 93 countries)


The largest and most important city in Mesopotamia. It achieved particular eminence as the capital of the king Hammurabi in the eighteenth century B.C.E. and the Neo-Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar in the sixth century B.C.E. (p. 29)

Jan Hus

The leader of the Czech religious reforms, and the spiritual founder of the Protestant reformation in the 1500's. He was convicted by the Council of Constance for heresy.

Protestant Reformation

The movement against the holy roman church, sparked by luther because of the corruption , a religious movement of the 16th century that began as an attempt to reform the Roman Catholic Church and resulted in the creation of Protestant churches

Ahura Mazda

The one true God recognized by Zoroastrians Symbol is the sacred fire

Roman Republic

The period from 507 to 31 B.C.E., during which Rome was largely governed by the aristocratic Roman Senate. This establishment consisted of the Senate with two consuls who were elected by an assembly dominated by hereditary aristocrats known as patricians.

Practices of Zoroastrianism

Rejection of Sacrifice Focus of Prayer and Personal Purity Fire remained an important symbol Initiation (purification) Nahn (purification) Death

What does someone need to reach junzi?

Ren, Li, Xiao


Renaissance astronomer and physicist, showed how gravity controls the motion of the planets around the sun as well as the motion of the Moon.


Renaissance astronomer; explained how the planets travel around the sun.


Renaissance astronomer; first person to state that Earth and the other planets travel around the sun.

Qing and other cultures


great respect

Richard and Saladin had ? for each other even though they never met


Richard and Saladin made proposals for ? including a marriage alliance between Richard's sister and Saladin's brother, which never took place because of religious differences

military leaders; knightly behavior

Richard and Saladin were admired as ? and for ?


Ritual purification Chew pomegranate leaves, sip holy drink, and bathe Priest is typically present to oversee ritual Before weddings, after births, if one touches corpse

How was science classified before 1500?

Science emerged as a minor but distinct branch of philosophy in leading universities (14th & 15th centuries).

*What are the significant causes of the scientific revolution?*

Science emerged as a minor but distinct branch of philosophy in leading universities (14th & 15th centuries). This provided scholars a place to do their thinking, research, and writing. The Renaissance stimulated scientific progress.

1st pillar of Islam

Shahada- Faith

Who wrote Principia? What is its significance?

Sir Isaac Newton and because it shows the basis for Newtons 3 laws of motion. Also talks about the idea of gravitation pull

How successful were Christian missionaries in China?

Somewhat at first but later not b/c limited contacts w/ imperial family and hostile to them b/c embarrassed when Jesuits fixed faulty calendars, greatly harassed, later emperors allowed to stay b/c fascinated

In what way were the effects of trade and tolerance on the Muslim world similar?

They both allowed other cultures to influence the Muslim world.

In what way did the practice of tolerance affect the Jewish people of Cordoba?

They were able to contribute to the city's cultural growth.

Which of the following is true of Muslim art, architecture, and science?

They were all influenced in some way by the Muslim religion

In what way were Corboda and Baghdad similar?

They were both centers of culture and learning.


They were professional teachers in ancient Greece. They made a living teaching. They taught students how to win arguments, and make good political speeches

Jerusalem, Edessa, Antioch, Tripoli

The 4 Christian states centered around ? 4 cities in the Holy Land

Who destroyed the first temple?

The Babylonians


The Church court used to persecute Jews, Muslims, and Heretics.

Who did the Byzantine emperor go to for help against the threat to Constantinople?

The Church in Rome


The Crusaders inspired by Urban left France in 1096 in the ? Cursade

Muslim culture

The Crusades brought knowledge of ? to Europe, which had a great impact on European society


The Crusades enhanced existing ? as returning Crusaders brought even more goods, such as spices and textiles, to Europe

Seljuk Turks

The Crusades were a series of religious wars intended to recapture Jerusalem and its surrounding lands from the ?

What was one way China protected itself from outside threats?

The Great Wall

Spanish Armada

The Spanish fleet that attempted to invade England, ending in disaster, due to the raging storm in the English Channel as well as the smaller and better English navy led by Francis Drake. This is viewed as the decline of Spains Golden Age, and the rise of England as a world naval power.


Tribute to tsar

What method did di Nobili try to get Hindus to convert to Christianity?

Tried to be like a Hindu and dress like a brahman

Before the Crusades, trade had begun to revive in europe. True or false?


True or False: Beethoven's music bridges the gap between the Classical & Romantic Eras?


True or False: Classical Era relied on reason and logic.


True or False: Mozart wrote in all genres available during the Classical Era?


True or False: Music appealed to a growing audience (middle class) important?


True or False: Simplicity and elegance were of the utmost importance.



This event occurred from 1096 to 1204.


This is paid to the Daimyos who convert it to money

How did Mongol Tribes Solidified their Conquests?

Through extending kinship networks, building an empire out of an expanding confederation of familial tribes


Time period in which the Spanish tried to clear their land from Muslims.

Meiji Restoration

Time period when Japan's Emperor Meiji was returned to power. Ended Tokogawa rule.

Name the following for the listening portion of Symphony for Mozart. -Title -Composer -Genre -Time Period

Title: Symphony No. 40, K. 550 (First Movement) Composer: Mozart Genre: Symphony Time Period: Classical Era (1750-1825)

Greco-Persian Wars

Two major Persian invasions of Greece, 490 and 480 B.C.E., in which the Persians were defeated on both land and sea each time.

Why did Europeans want to explore?

To find an all water route to Asia - get access to spices, silks, and porcelain

Dhimma System

Toleration of Jews, Christians, Zoroastrians ("people of the book") but they paid a special tax (dhimma)

What happened generally during the Crusades?

Trade revived and nations developed in Europe

How successful were Christian missionary efforts in India?

Widespread conversion among low-caste or outcaste groups


With Jerusalem still in Muslim hands, Europeans set out on the ? Crusade in 1201


Worldly; not pertaining to church matters.

Could Outsiders take Control?

YES, a mixed variety of groups could strive which changed China's political and social landscape

3rd pillar of Islam

Zakāt- Charity.


Zhurchen people from region to the northeast of the Chinese empire; seized power and created the Qing dynasty after the collapse of the Ming.


Zoroastrianism collection of scriptures

What is Judaism commonly called because other religions spin off of or are born out of it?

a "mother" or "source" religion

Investiture Contest

a dispute between the emperor and the pope over the appointment of church officials in the late 11th and early 12th century.

What is a Mitzvah?

a divine command or the sacred deed that fulfills a commandment

What is an icon?

a holy image

benefits to Persian economy from the Mongols

alcohol industry thrived, silk industry benefited from connections with China

Holy Land

area around Jerusalem

Muslim calligraphy was a combination of

art and literature


atonement for sin


attractive woman who through devotion to God, refused marriage and attracted followers to whom she served as a spiritual guide

What was the most important factor in the spread of Islam from the 600s to the 1600s?

conquering all the non-Muslims

Otto I

established himself as king in northern Germany in the mid-10th century.


emerges as the strongest personality predictor of supervisory ratings of job performance in both U.S. and Europe

Horizontal orientation:

emphasizes equality

Vertical orientation:

emphasizes hierarchy

Al-Khwarizmi's book about al-jabr was significant because it was the

foundation for modern algebra

political structure of Kievan Rus pre-Mongols

fragmented rule of many principalities


frequently used in France

Cognitive ability

frequently used to select employees in Europe than the U.S.


general under Nobunaga; succeeded as leading military power in central Japan; continued efforts to break power of daimyos; constructed series of alliances that made him military master of Japan 1590; died 1598

Workers in collectivists countries...

generally derive satisfaction from social and collegial aspects of work

Workers in individualist countries...

generally derive satisfactions from opportunities for achievement and advancement

claiming or protecting the Holy Land

goal of Crusades

how the Mongols fell in Russia

got weaker and weaker as Russian state strength grew until they were overthrown

nomad military advantage

great horseback riding, archery skills, often the entire male population is capable of making up a cavalry


groups of people who got together to have power and set prices

how Almoravid stayed prosperous

had control of the West African gold trade/grain trade in Morocco

problems with Mongol rule in China

harsh, lived separately, maintained a lot of their own culture (many kept up pastoral lifestyles); law discriminated against Chinese

Swahili Coast

has a main trade city of Kilwa

What is a patriarch?

highest Church official


how many states the Crusaders created in the Holy Land?

What did the Byzantines create as a type of art?



in India, a non-hereditary rank entitling its holder to land or money


in spite of


interdependence, communal relationships, norms, and in-group goals

Duke William of Normandy

invaded England in 1066, and introduced Norman principles of govt and land tenure to England

What happened to Justinian's treasury because of his battles?

it exhausted the treasury

What is a Homophonic Texture?

main melody w/ accompaniment

how the Mongol invasion affected Persia

many cities destroyed; agricultural land destroyed as it was used for pastoral herding and the Qanat went unmaintained, peasants were pushed off their land with heavy taxes

Eleanor of Aquitane

most celebrated woman --〉 encourage the cultivation of good manners, refinement, and romantic love.


most important portion of the Avesta believed to be Zoroaster's actual work


most important trait of the Mongol dynasty

what happened to skilled people captured by the Mongols

moved around the Empire to wherever they were needed

Mughal Dynasty

name of the Mongol dynasty in the Middle East and India

why pastoral groups tend to be smaller

need more room for grazing animals

why pastoral people are dependent on agricultural neighbors

need/want their manufactured goods

why Genghis Khan decided to invade

needed resources to reward followers, needed a common cause to maintain tribal alliances

Sui, Yuan

no civil service exam




on their way through Germany, some peasants who answered Urban's call attacked non-Christians and slaughtered ?

What is the bezant?

the Byzantine gold coin stamped with the emperor's image

Situational Judgment Tests

popular in the U.S., U.K., Germany and the Netherlands

Shah Jahan

r1628-1658, grandson of Akbar who erected the Taj Mahal in memory of his wife, Mumtaz Mahal


r1658-1707, third son of Shah Jahan who brought the Mughal Empire to its full geographic extent and whose policies helped it unravel

what sustained nomadic states

raiding/trading/extorting agrarian states, need wealth in order to maintain the alliances among the Mongols

How did Justinian want to revive the splendor of Ancient Rome?

recovering the provinceds that had been overrun by invaders

Medici Family

rich banking family in Florence and controlled the government also.

natural rights

rights that all people are born with such as the rights to life, liberty, and property.

What is the Tefillin?

small black boxes containing Torah worn on forehead and arm during morning prayer

What is the Mezuzah?

small box containing Torah affixed to gates and doorways

What is an autocrat?

sole ruler with complete authority


surpassing gratification of needs and regulating gratification using strict social norms Examples: Saudi Arabia, Chinaa

Who did the Byzantine empire base their culture off of?

the Hellenistic world

Spanish inquisition

the Inquisition that guarded the orthodoxy of Catholicism in Spain (especially from the 15th to the 17th centuries)

Tolerance was. . .

the Muslim practice of accepting other people's religious beliefs


the Muslim word for a Christian, no matter their relationship with the Arabs.

What group of people overran most of Asia Minor and the Balkans?

the Ottoman Turks

Who defeated Constantinople?

the Ottoman Turks

In the Byzantine Empire, who had more power, the emperor or the Church?

the emperor

Who appointed the patriarch in the Byzantine empire?

the emperor

popular sovereignty

the idea that the government should express the will of the people

The Sufism movement was a reaction against

the interest of Muslims in worldly things

What resulted when the Byzantine empire called for help to fight the advancing Turks?

the Crusades

Rene Descartes

the French philosopher and mathematician who developed a philosophy based on his own REASON, which became the basis of MODERN WESTERN view of the universe and its physical properties

What is the Kabbalah?

the jewish mystical tradition and its body of esoteric literature

What is a synagogue?

the central place of worship and community

What spectacle was another reminder of Constantinople's glorious heritage?

the chariot races

What was Justinian's greatest triumph in his program to beautify Constantinople?

the church of Hagia Sophia (large, arching dome; colored marble and embroidered silk curtains)

Eric the Red

the founder of Greenland


the most valuable thing on the silk road trade route and only made in China until 522 AD

Richard the Lion-Hearted

the only king from England of the 3 kings who went on the 3rd Crusade and reached Holy Land

Who formed the backbone of the Byzantine empire?

the peasants

What caused the beginning of the Atlantic slave trade?

when the natives started to die out they needed more people to work their land and for them so they brought in slaves

The exchange of beliefs and customs between the Muslims and the people they conquered causes. . .

their cultures to blend

Which of the following did the Arabs copy from the Persians?

their form of government bureaucracy

What did the Byzantine clergy keep that differed from Christianity in Western Europe?

their right to marry

how the Black Death benefited peasants

there were fewer so they were more in demand and could ask for more in return for their labor

Relation between Christians and Muslims during the medieval period

they both met frequently in business and trade and lived in close proximity in the 8th and 12th centuries. Christians adopted many Arab practices

why Mongols wanted to facilitate trade

they could gain money from taxing it


trade controlled by the government, no merchant class, human sacrifice not as central to rituals, Quechua native language, no written language, main city Cuzco, trade not as important, "Inca" god-king ruled with absolute power, help of large bureaucracy

Xiongnu government structure

very hierarchical, had a divinely sanctioned ruler, forced the Chinese emperor to admit their equality with China

ITP correlated with objective well-being


God wills it

slogan for the Crusades


A Zoroastrian hymn that takes on the quality of scripture

What did China call itself?

"Middle Kingdom", the center of civilization

Frederick Barbossa

"the red beard"; integrated Lombardy with his German holdings

Neolithic Revolution

(10,000 - 8,000 BCE) The development of agriculture and the domestication of animals as a food source. This led to the development of permanent settlements and the start of civilization.


(1200-1521) 1300, they settled in the valley of Mexico. Grew corn. Engaged in frequent warfare to conquer others of the region. Worshiped many gods (polytheistic). Believed the sun god needed human blood to continue his journeys across the sky. Practiced human sacrifices and those sacrificed were captured warriors from other tribes and those who volunteered for the honor.

Ibn Battuta

(1304-1369) Morrocan Muslim scholar, the most widely traveled individual of his time. He wrote a detailed account of his visits to Islamic lands from China to Spain and the western Sudan. His writings gave a glimpse into the world of that time period.

Henry the Navigator

(1394-1460) Portuguese prince who promoted the study of navigation and directed voyages of exploration down the western coast of Africa.

SJT correlated with objective well-being



(theology) in Roman Catholic theology the place where those who have died in a state of grace undergo limited torment to expiate their sins

Mughal Decline: The British

- 1650: British forts had been established in India - 1757: British defeat Mughal army at the Battle of Plassy in Bengal Gave British power to tax in area around Calcutta - 1858: Last Mughal emperor deposed, India comes under direct British rule

The good of gloabalization

- Competition leads to innovation and cheaper goods - Developing countries can skip development - Promotes constructive interaction between governments - Cultural awareness increases

What were the monsoons and how did they make travel on the Indian Ocean possible?

-Monsoons are strong sessional winds that brought travelers back and forth. -The direction of the wind changes every season.

What were the career options for musicians in the Classical Era?

-Patronage System (Haydn) -Freelance Musician (Mozart) -Church Musician -Combination (Beethoven)

Mughal Decline

-Rulers eventually abandoned religious tolerance and the Hindu minority was persecuted - Financial problems - Later revolts and invasions

What are some characteristics of Amateur Musicians?

-on the rise -ties to growing middle class -resulting from rising educational levels -written for amateur musicians -greater demand for public concerts

ITP correlated with subjective well-being


What do we mean when we talk about the Indian trade network?

-the indian ocean trade network were trade routes on the indian ocean. -People would use these routes for bulk trading -people got there by being guided my monsoons.

What were some of the characteristics of the piano?

-the piano replaces the harpsichord -greater dynamic variety possible -larger performance venues required a louder instrument (link to rising middle class)

China at the time of the IOT

-the were politically and economically unified -created luxury goods and the gov't made nautical advancements

Explain the four factors that led to the increase in the Indian Ocean trade?

1) China's polotics and economy was saved 2)Islam was spread a lot and trading was open to muslims because Mohammad was a trader himself. 3)There were nautical advancements that were made 4)the fall of the Mongol Empire

Importance of adjusting

1. Costs for sending employees (and their families) on international assignments 2. Over 3 million Americans working abroad 3. Adjustment leads to better performance, higher satisfaction, and less withdrawal

What are the 5 major practices of Judaism?

1. Sabbath 2. Study 3. Worship 4. Dietary & Cultural Laws 5. Holidays & Festivals

Reasons for African Slavery

1. immune to European diseases, 2. did not know the land 3. Native American population declined because of high death rate from European diseases 4. Inexpensive source of labor

European's foundation for a more dynamic society

1. regional society --〉 political order 2. new technologies & tools --〉 ↑agricultural production & economic growth; ↑long distance trade, enriched cities, & supported establishment of new towns 3. missionary efforts of the western Christian church --〉 cultural & religious unity

Catherine the Great Reforms under the tzar

1.Believed in the ideas of the Enlightenment (gave her people new art literature etc.) 2.Encourage education i.e. universities for the elite and educated and school for girls 3.International trade growth 4.Gained land via war 5.Relieved some censorship

Peter the Great Absolute Ruler

1.Cut off beards of boyars who looked too traditional (beard tax) 2.Believe in using torture against enemies-corpse rotted in jail 3.Crushed rebellions of the middle class (streltsy) 4.Had his own son executed for treason against him

School of National Learning:

18th-century ideology that emphasized Japan's unique historical experience and the revival of indigenous culture at the expense of Confucianism and other Chinese influences.

peasants and trained knights

2 groups who went on the 1st Crusade

How many themes were common for the Classical Era?

2 themes

Zoroaster's Vision

30 years old Saw a giant figure - archangel - that told him he was going to be a prophet Revelations over next 8 years


30,000 Infantry, originally of slave origin, armed with firearms and constituting the elite of the Ottoman army from the fifteenth century until the corps was abolished in 1826. Members of the Ottoman army, often slaves, who were taken from Christian lands

Who is Solomon and what was his contribution to Judaism?

3rd King of Israel, David's son, built the first temple

Golden Age of Greek Culture

400s BCE

When is the 2nd temple destroyed?

70 CE

Qing military effort lasted

80 years

Long-term orientation

= future oriented Emphasis on persistence towards growth and long-term rewards Examples: China, Pakistan, Nigeria

Short-term orientation

= past/present oriented Emphasis on stability, tradition, reciprocation (e.g., gift exchange) Example: United States

Turkish Muslims

? also swept through southwest Asia, taking control of Persia and other lands


? other Crusades followed the sack of Constantinople, but none were successful (number)


A Japanese feudal lord who commanded a private army of samurai; warlord but not as powerful as a shogun.

Nicolaus Copernicus

A Polish astronomer who proved that the Ptolemaic system was inaccurate, he proposed the theory that the sun, not the earth, was the center of the solar system.

What was the sign of the Crusaders?

A cross (sewed to their garments)


A cultural blend, under Alexander's policies, of Greek, Persian, Indian, and Egyptian. Koine was the popular spoken language used in these cities.

tributary system

A system in which defeated peoples were forced to pay a tax in the form of goods and labor. This forced transfer of food, cloth, and other goods subsidized the development of large cities. An important component of the Aztec and Inca economies. A system in which, from the time of the Han Empire, countries in East and Southeast Asia not under the direct control of empires based in China nevertheless enrolled as tributary states, acknowledging the superiority of the emperors in China.


A system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives


A system of writing in which wedge-shaped symbols represented words or syllables. It originated in Mesopotamia and was used initially for Sumerian and Akkadian but later was adapted to represent other languages of western Asia.


A tax that called for 10% of a peasant's income.


A very large flat-bottom sailing ship produced in the Tang, Ming, and Song Empires, specially designed for a long-distance commercial travel.

Sino-Japanese War

A war between China and Japan for influence, power, and territory. Japan won.

What is Rondo Form?

ABACADA A= Row, Row, Row Your Boat B= Mary had a Little Lamb C= Jack and Jill


About ? years after the Second Crusade, a new leader arose in the Muslim world called Salah ad-Din or Saladin

Who are the three patriarchs of Judaism?

Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob

Great Zimbabwe

African city where gold came from

2nd Crusade

After Edessa was lost to the Muslims, European leaders called for a ?

Abbasid Caliphate

After Umayyad Caliphate, moved capital to Baghdad, large, heavy use of Mamluks (slaves), eventually broken into smaller pieces, but Islam continued to unite, manufacturing and agriculture flourished, learning centers established

Why, though isolated, did the Japanese later in the 1850's have a better understanding of the West than the Chinese had?

After realizing that they being indifferent like the Chinese got them nowhere out of wars with Europe, they followed policy of concession and evasion in the face of a Western challenge. Then they concentrated on building up strength by adopting European innovations they had monitored through Dutch contacts at Deshima.

What did the rebuilding of canals and irrigation do for the economy?

Agriculture flourished, increased trade with China and other countries

Angra Mainyu

Ahriman Some say this is part of creator God - so the one god is not entirely good Others say this is totally separate from the good God - becomes polytheistic instead of monotheistic

Who was the Byzantine emperor?

Alexius I

Causes of the Scientific Revolution

All people involved started in Physiology, the art of thinking, and then branched out into science. Allowed for a link between what people were thinking and scientifically proving it. They changes the way people looked at art which is comparable how Shakespeare changed the way people looked at writing. The Ninja Turtles.


An act that is regarded by theologians as a transgression of God's will

3 Field System

An agricultural technique in which only one third of the territory is used at a time to grow crops.


An artistic technique that creates the appearance of three dimensions on a flat surface.

Columbian Exchange

An exchange of goods, ideas and skills from the Old World (Europe, Asia and Africa) to the New World (North and South America) and vice versa; including animals and diseases and plants

Zheng He

An imperial eunuch and Muslim, entrusted by the Ming emperor Yongle with a series of state voyages that took his gigantic ships through the Indian Ocean, from Southeast Asia to Africa. Chinese admiral during the Ming Dynasty, he led great voyages that spread China's fame throughout Asia Chinese naval explorer during the Ming dynasty who sailed along most of the coast of Asia, Japan, and half way down the east coast of Africa before his death; he is credited with cultural diffusion and with possibly exploring the Americas before Columbus; after his death the Ming destroyed his ships and isolated declaring that he had not found them anything that that justified the cost of more voyages (an example of ethnocentrism)

Translation concerns

Are the nuances of language effectively conveyed post-translation? Even simple terms can have different meanings across cultures! Are the measures still measuring what they are supposed to measure?


Area between the Greek and Slavic regions; conquered Greece and Mesopotamia under the leadership of Philip II and Alexander the Great

How China saw expansion

As a defensive necessity


Attempt by one country to establish settlements and to impose its political, economic, and cultural principles in another territory.

Why had the Christian missionaries in Japan found support from Nobunaga?

B/c Nobunaga thought it would be counterforce against militant Buddhist orders resisting his rise to power

3rd Crusade

Because Saladin drove the Christians out of Jerusalem, Christians launched the ?

Why did the Yuan Dynasty fall?

Because it wasn't Chinese


Because many Europeans began to view all non-Christians as enemies, the persecution of ? increased

Islam at the time of the IOT

Because most traders were Islam, the official language was arabic

What famous composer had a career option in the Combination (patronage system, Freelance, Church Musician)?


What city did the rebels capture?


What does "Ming" mean in Chinese?


Warring States Era

Buddhism appears and promotes extreme peace with no CSE

Grand Canal

Built in 7th century during reign of Yangdi during Sui dynasty; designed to link the original centers of Chinese civilization on the north China plain with the Yangtze river basin to the south; nearly 1200 miles long

Describe advances the Ming made in fine arts

Busier, more colorful, some monochromatic; portrait scenes of court, city, country life; nature; full development of Chinese novel


Byzantine emperor in the 6th century A.D. who reconquered much of the territory previously ruler by Rome, initiated an ambitious building program , including Hagia Sofia, as well as a new legal code.

What was rebuilt by Hongwu?

Canals and irrigation

What did Hongwu increase the use of to root out corruption?


French colonization location

Central North America - Appalachian Mountains to the Rockies Mountains, Gulf of Mexico north to Canada, along the Mississippi River

What did Hongwu do to the government?

Centralized it

Where were the Dutch able to move inland and control territory? How? Why?

Ceylon by moving slowly inland from Batavia into highlands of W Java b/c found land ideal for coffee growing - coffee in high demand in Europe

Dun Huang

Chang-an to


Chinese philosophy developed by Hanfeizi; taught that humans are naturally evil and therefore need to be ruled by harsh laws


Chinese religion that believes the world is always changing and is devoid of absolute morality or meaning. They accept the world as they find it, avoid futile struggles, and deviate as little as possible from 'the way' or 'path' of nature.

Christian and Muslim States in Iberia

Christian Kingdoms: Castile, Aragon, & Portugal Muslim: Kingdom of Granada

What religion was very influential in the Byzantine Empire?


Lievens, Harris, Van Keer, & Bisqueret (2003)

Cognitive ability correlated .27 with language acquisition (corrected) But was not correlated with cross-cultural training performance! (rcorrected = .11) Openness to Experience correlated .33 with cross-cultural training performance Agreeableness had a negative correlation of -.26

What other event increased Chinese agricultural production later in the Ming?

Columbian Exchange

What did Hongwu do culturally?

Confucianism, make Chinese again, got rid of Mongol influence and replaced them with honored Chinese influences

Seljuk Turks

Conquered Jerusalem, prompting call for the crusades..

How Russia was different

Conquered lands they'd always known while the state was taking shape

Salgado (1997) - Meta-analysis of 35 studies using European samples

Conscientiousness predicts across all occupations and criterion types: .25 (corrected) vs. .22 (corrected; Barrick & Mount, 1991) Emotional stability .19 (corrected) vs. .10 (corrected; Barrick & Mount, 1991)

Who rebuilt the Greek city of Byzantium and renamed it Constantinople?


What city was called the "New Rome"?


Explain how Confucianism was still reflected in Ming society.

Continued subordination youth to elders, women to men

#1 motivation for Russian expansion

Control of territory

Why were the Portuguese not able to sustain an Asian trading empire?

Controlled much of flow of spices (nutmeg, mace) but not key ones (pepper, cinnamon); severe punishments on rival traders and rule-breakers, lack soldiers or ships to sustain monopoly or licensing system; many disloyal and independent traders, Asian rivals resistant, poor military discipline, officials corrupted, heavy shipping losses b/c bad ship design and overloading

Which astronomers contributed to the destruction of the geocentric view of the universe?

Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler, Newton.

What was Justinian's collection of laws?

Corpus Juris Civilis, "Body of Civil Law"

Asian sea trading network:

Divided, from West to East, into three zones prior to the European arrival: an Arab zone based on glass, carpets, and tapestries; an Indian zone, with cotton textiles; and a Chinese zone, with paper, porcelain, and silks.


Dry grassland area of Eurasia


Dun Huang to

116 years

Duration of Hundred Years War


During the Middle Ages, European Christians launched a series of religious wars called ?


Economic system in which governments tried to export more goods than were imported to create a favorable balance of trade - colonies were a key this outcome and functioned as places to get inexpensive raw materials and natural resources - colonies could only trade with their homeland

Inca Empire

Empire in Peru. conquered by Pizarro, who began an empire for the Spanish in 1535 (1450-1572 CE), Largest Empire ever built in South America; territory extended 2,500 miles from north to south and embraced almost all of modern Peru, most of Ecuador, much of Bolivia, and parts of Chile and Argentina; maintained effective control from the early 15th century until the coming of Europeans in the early 16th century. As the most powerful people of Andean America, the Inca dominated Andean society until the coming of Europeans; was an extremely diverse culture cause it spanned north and south rather then east and west.

Isaac Newton

English mathematician and scientist who invented differential calculus and formulated the theory of universal gravitation, a theory about the nature of light, and three laws of motion. His treatise on gravitation, presented in Principia Mathematica (1687), was supposedly inspired by the sight of a falling apple.

Oliver Cromwell

English military, political, and religious figure who led the Parliamentarian victory in the English Civil War (1642-1649) and called for the execution of Charles I. As lord protector of England (1653-1658)

John Locke

English philosopher who believed that government was a contract between the ruler and the people. He declared that all people have natural rights.

What had the Japanese received from the Europeans that will change the nature of warfare?

European firearms


European scholars, writers, and teachers associated with the study of the humanities (grammar, rhetoric, poetry, history, languages, and moral philosophy), influential in the fifteenth century and later.

Exploration led to colonization

Europeans became interested in the places and people they encountered - established trade presence, movement of people, and expansion of their empire to increase their wealth and power in the world


Europeans humbling themselves before thrones of Asian potentates

What is the definition of The Crusades?

Expeditions to regain the Holy Land

Why did the Chinese overseas expeditions end?

Expensive, Mongols were getting restless beyond Great Wall, defend not explore!

Describe what changes were made in China when Hongwu came to power and restored Chinese rule.

Expert scholars into highest gov't positions, generous state funding supporting imperial academies and regional colleges restored, exam system back & greatly expanded, exams much harder so only 50% of bureaucrats got in by exam, abolished position of chief minister, those powers given to emperor instead

Uncertainty avoidance (tolerance for ambiguity)

Extent to which people feel threatened by ambiguous situations and have created beliefs and institutions to reduce ambiguity


First true Genuine Scientist. He believed all peoples and all of their knowledge was ultimately based on perception which is empiricism. His book Metaphysics, clarified the distinction between matter and form. Proposed a fifth element in addition to fire, water, air, earth. Aether- a substance which makes up heavenly spheres. Classification of Living thing- With blood or Without blood

High power distance

Following orders as a matter of procedure Strict obedience to authority Examples: Mexico, South Korea, India


Forced to pay taxes to Mongols, became isolated from Western Europe, fell behind in technology

Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen

French document that guaranteed some freddoms for citizens and distributred the payment of taxes fairly. The document also granted freedom of speech, of the press, and of religion.

Charles-Louis Montesquieu

French nobleman who believed that the government should be divided into separate branches to protect people's freedom.


French philosopher who mocked government and religion. He believed humans could improve their own existence without God. Believed in freedom of thought and speech.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

French thinker that believed in popular soverignty. He also believed citizens were in a "social contract" with the government and thus submit to laws to protect thier own interests.

Mali empire

From 1235-1400, this was a strong empire of Western African. With its trading cities of Timbuktu and Gao, it had many mosques and universities. The Empire was ruled by two great rulers, Sundiata and Mansa Musa. They upheld a strong gold-salt trade. The fall of the empire was caused by the lack of strong rulers who could govern well.

#2 motivation for Russian expansion

Fur trade

Johannes Kepler

German astronomer who first stated laws of planetary motion (1571-1630)

Martin Luther

German monk and professor of theology at the university of wittenberg, A German monk who became one of the most famous critics of the Roman Catholic Chruch. In 1517, he wrote 95 theses, or statements of belief attacking the church practices.


Greek historian known as the greatest historian of the ancient world. Thucydides fought in the Peloponnesian War and lost a battle. He was sent into exile and there he wrote the History of the Peloponnesian War. He did something different from Herodotus in his writing style. He did not see war and politics as the activities of the gods but of human beings. He also stressed the importance of having accurate facts.

Plato-Greek philosopher-

He hated democracy because it killed his teacher, who he had studied with for many years. He wrote a book called the Republic. The form of government he believed in would have three groups of people in charge: 1st at the top ruling would be the philosopher kings using reason, logic, and wisdom, 2nd would be the warriors to protect the state from attack, and the 3rd group would be everyone else, who would be driven by desire not wisdom. The third group would produce clothing, food, and shelter. Plato also believed both men and women should have equal education and equal jobs. Plato established a school in Athens called the Academy in 388B.C.

Which of the following best summarizes 'Abbas's influence on the Safavid economy?

He helped it by encouraging the manufacture of traditional products.

Genghis Khan success

He was a brilliant organizer, military strategist, adopted new weapons and technologies and used fear

Influence on hiring practices

Hiring family members and close acquaintances (i.e., nepotism) deemed more acceptable is some collectivist cultures (e.g., India)

What was Galileo's greatest achievement?

His greatest achievement was proving the Church wrong then the Church admitting he was right some hundreds of years later about how the Sun is the center of the universe.


Historians' term for a state that acquires prestige and power by developing attractive cultural forms and staging elaborate public ceremonies (as well as redistributing valuable resources) to attract and bind subjects to the center. Examples include the Gupta Empire in India and Srivijaya in Southeast Asia.

third-century crisis

Historians' term for the political, military, and economic turmoil that beset the Roman Empire during much of the third century C.E.: frequent changes of ruler, civil wars, barbarian invasions, decline of urban centers, and near-destruction of long-distance commerce and the monetary economy. After 284 C.E. Diocletian restored order by making fundamental changes.

Who led the Peasant Revolt?


at the Council of Clermont

How did Pope Urban II call Christians to begin the Crusades?


How many Crusades set out from Europe between 1096 and 1291?

What is the organization of works in the Classical Era (i.e., movements and tempos)?

I. Fast tempo = Sonata Form (appetizer) II. Slow tempo = Theme & Variations (2nd course/drinks) III. Moderate tempo = Dance-like (finish main course) IV. Fast tempo = Rondo Form (dessert)

Russian diseases

Measles and smallpox

Culture provides...

Implicit theories of acceptable social behavior that impact individuals' actions Implicit assumptions that influence thinking, emotions, and actions


Important for personnel selection instruments & training materials used internationally

Selection practices overseas

Important to determine whether research findings from the U.S. generalize to other countries

Battle of Manzikert

In 1071, Turks destroyed the Byzantine army in the ?


In 1144, Muslim took the city of ?, the capital of one of the

After failing to establish an empire in Central Asia, where did Babur succeed in 1526?


Most Important Long Distance Trade Center

Indian Ocean


Indian city developed by the Portuguese as a major Indian Ocean base; developed an important Indo-European population.

What are "Junzi"?

Individuals who put the need of the community above their own

Interaction Adjustment

Interacting with host-country nationals, communication styles, conflict, etc.

The Printing Press

Invented by Johannes Gutenberg in Germany, it greatly increased the speed and lowered the cost of printing. Helped Luther

Johannes Gutenberg

Inventor of the printing press, Gutenberg Bible and movable type.

The Sasanid Empire

Iranian Empire whose rise brought a continuation of the rivalry between Rome and the Parthians

Sasanid Empire

Iranian empire, established ca. 226, with a capital in Ctesiphon, Mesopotamia. The Sasanid emperors established Zoroastrianism as the state religion. Islamic Arab armies overthrew the empire ca. 640. (p. 225) The last of pre-Islamic Persian Empire, from 224 to 651 CE. One of the two main powers in Western Asia and Europe alongside the Roman Empire and later the Byzantine Empire for a period of more than 400 years


Iranian ruling dynasty between ca. 250 B.C.E. and 226 C.E. (p. 204)

Who formulated the law of universal gravitation?

Isaac Newton

Who are Abraham's sons and wives?

Ishmael & Hagar, Isaac & Sarah


Islamic religious law


Island port in Nagasaki Bay; the only port open to foreigners, the Dutch, after the 1640s.

Which of the following best describes the Ottoman Empire between 1453 and 1566?

It greatly expanded its power and territories


Japanese daimyo; 1st to make extensive use of firearms; 1573 deposed of last of Ashikaga shoguns, unified much of central Honshu under his command; killed in 1582

Toshiko Kishida

Japanese feminist who urged that due to the Meiji Restoration, women should have equal access to modern education and public affairs.


Jerusalem was holy to Christians because ? was crucified and buried there

Holy Temple

Jerusalem was holy to Jews because of the ?

Matteo Ricci and Adam Schall

Jesuit scholars at the Ming court; also skilled scientists; won few converts to Christianity.


Jews and Muslims in the Holy Land, in turn, saw the Crusaders as ?

Han Dynasty

Long lasting Chinese Dynasty coming after Qin; Buddhism spread through silk routes (which significantly grew) in this period. (202 BCE-220 CE) This dynasty continued the centralization of the Qin Dynasty, but focused on Confucianism and education instead of Legalism.

Holy Roman Empire

Loose federation of mostly German states and principalities, headed by an emperor who had little control over the hundreds of princes who elected him. It lasted from 962 to 1806.

False Promises of Forgiveness

Luther's description of Indulgences.


Major African language family; African peoples who originally lived in the area of present-day Nigeria; around 500 BCE they began a centuries-long migration that took them to most of sub-Saharan Africa; the Bantu were very influential, especially linguistically as their language became the basis for several others as did their culture.

How did the Ming rulers try to get rid of the rebels?

Manchu help but Manchus didn't let Ming back to power

Who was Mary Leakey and Donald Johanson? Who is Lucy and why is she important?

Mary Leakey was a British archaeologist and anthropologist, and Donald Johanson was a scientist. Lucy is one of the oldest australopithecus known that show some characteristics of earlier beings.

Four Causes by Arustotle

Material Cause Formal Cause Efficient Cause Final Cause


Members of Roman Catholic religious orders.


Merv to

What effect did the Columbian Exchange have on the Ming Dynasty?

New crops like sweet potatoes and corn, could make use of land that couldn't be used before

What was the overall impact of the European intrusion into the Indian Ocean trade network?

New routes: Cape of Good Hope between Europe and Indian Ocean, Philippine Islands and Mexico via Pacific Ocean; need for safe harbors = rapid growth of trading centers: Goa, Calcutta, and Batavia; decline of existing indigenous commercial centers: Muslim cities on E African coast and Malacca; introduced principle of sea warfare into peaceful commercial world

Who is regarded as Europe's leading astronomer with his vast amounts of detailed observations?

Nicolaus Copernicus

Who wrote On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres? What is its significance?

Nicolaus Copernicus and it was significant because it supported the idea of a heliocentric universe which was against the views of the church.

Who postulated the heliocentric view of the universe?

Nicolaus Copernicus identified the concept of a heliocentric solar system.

Continents where European colonization took place

North America, South America, Africa, Asia, & Australia


Of or relating to or supporting Catholicism

The Silk Road

One of the first trade routes in the world,an ancient trade route between China and the Mediterranean Sea extending some 6,440 km (4,000 mi) and linking China with the Roman Empire. Marco Polo followed the route on his journey to Cathay.

Commodore Matthew Perry

Opened trade with Japan

How successful were the Christians in making converts in Japanese society initially?

Overall, pretty good.

What did Christians call the Holy Land?


Russian spread of Christianity

People felt pressure to convert because of tax breaks, tribute exemptions, and promise of land

962 CE

Pope John XII proclaimed Otto I as emperor for his aid to the Church

Who called for the First Crusade?

Pope Urban II

Christian warriors

Pope Urban II called on all ?, including knights and nobles, to put aside their differences and fight against the Turks


Powerful banking and industrial families in Japan

What are Mandarins (used by Hongwu)?

Powerful officials sent by the Emperor to make sure local areas followed the central government policy

What items were transported to Japan by the Europeans?

Printing presses, clocks


Process of interaction and integration among the people, companies, and governments of different nations, driven by international trade and investment and aided by information technology.

Describe how Hongwu tried to help the peasants.

Promoted public work projects, unoccupied lands become tax-exempt land of one who clears/cultivates it, lowered forced labor demands, promote silk & cotton cloth production etc. as supplemental income


Prophet or reformer who pre-Zoroastrian Aryans believed came to restore the purity of religion

Shah Abbas

Ruled 1588-1629 - high point of Safavid glory

Aspect of Russian expansion


Crusader states

Saladin set out to take back ? and he succeeded

Major motivation for making China an empire

Security concerns

Who threatened Constantinople?

Seljuk Turks

What is Li?

Sense of decency, respect tradition and elders

Seclusion Edicts

Series of edicts issued by Tokugawa shoguns that, beginning in the 1630s, outlawed Christianity and strictly limited Japanese contact with Europeans.


Slender, long-hulled vessels utilized by Portuguese; highly maneuverable and able to sail against the wind; key to development of Portuguese trade empire in Asia.

Nickname for fur

Soft gold


Some European Christians who fought in the Crusades grew to ? other cultures

What raw materials were most in demand by the Europeans?

Spices, ivory, precious stones

European trade with Asia

Stopped in many places because of Europeans spreading Christianity - the Netherlands (Dutch) continued trade because they were strictly trading

Hofstede's (1980) Cultural Dimensions Theory

Study of employees at IBM and its subsidiaries (1968-1972) - 116,000 employee surveys - 72 countries - 20 languages - Continues to be updated today

Sheikh Salim Chisti

Sufi guru in whose memore Fatehpur Sikri was built


Supreme military commander who unified Japan politically./Shoguns began to think of the European influence as damaging to Japan.

Pythagoras- Greek philosopher

Taught that the universe follows the same laws that governed music and numbers/He came up with the Pythagorean theorem that is still used in geometry.

What did Hongwu lower?



Technologically advanced Chinese ships

What are the four common items used for prayer in Judaism?

Tefillin, Mezuzah, Talit, and Yarmulke


Temporary triumph of evil Dead bodies are impure Historically, structures were built where dead bodies were taken and vultures would eat them Modern day - rituals in place to protect the ground, fire, etc from contamination

France and England

The Hundred Years War was fought between ____ and ____.

What is Rosh Hashanah?

The Jewish New Year, one of the high holy days, commemorates the creation of the world

pope, kings

The ____ and _____ lost power after the Crusades. The feudal system was weakened.

What is kept in the synagogue (where are the scriptures kept)?

The ark of the covenant


The art and science of building

Catholic (or Counter) Reformation

The attempt to reform the spiritual matters within the Catholic Church and stop the spread of Protestantism during the 1530s

an economic effect of the Crusades

The availability of spices and textiles in Europe was ?


The daughter of King Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon, known as bloody mary, daughter of Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon who was Queen of England from 1553 to 1558. Restored Catholicism killed many and married Phillip II of Spain.

What is the Sabbath?

The day of the week set apart as sacred, meant for rest from work and honoring God


The degree to which individuals are integrated into groups

What is Passover (Pesach)?

The most important family tradition still practiced in Judaism today, spring-time festival, commemorates the Passover event and exodus from slavery in Egypt


The poetry of Japan

Emperor, Shogun, Daimyo

The political hierarchy of the Shogunate

Why did Ming eunuchs become corrupt?

Weren't being watched closely by emperor


The religion introduced by the Europeans and disrupted buddhism

In terms of importance to the spread of knowledge in the Islamic world, which would you rank first?

The scholars all understood Arabic


The set of values of the samurai

Daimyos, warriors, farmers, artisans, merchants, outcasts

The six social classes in Japan

Archery and horse riding

The skills necessary in the military

Shintoism and Buddhism

The state official religions

Atlantic Slave Trade

The trade of human beings taken from Africa and transported to Europe, the Caribbean and primarily the Americas./This practice forever changed the societies of all its participants.


The year when Christians in Japan were persecuted


The year when Japan cut itself from foreign trade

In Judaism, where did everything come from?

Their god, Yahweh, who spoke things into being


There were a total of __ Crusades.


They had little political power. Mostly worked at home and the church. Who were they?

What can you infer about how the scholars at Corboda university influenced the spread of Islam?

They helped it by translating writings produced in the Muslim world.

Portuguese Empire

This is the term commonly used to describe how the Portuguese forcibly controlled commerce in the Indian Ocean during the early 16th century./The Portuguese were able to establish several fortified bases in important trade locations by military type force partly due to their ships that could outgun and outmaneuver those of other nations.

Pope Leo X declared him a heretic

This is why martin luther was excommunicated

Individualistic Cultures:

U.S., Western Europe

Genghis Khan

Universal ruler who conquered Asia and unified the Mongols

What did Pope Urban II's great meeting do?

Urged powerful nobles to join war against the Nonbelievers or Infidels

Why did Chinese merchants not get the benefit of all their profits?

Used for taxes, bribes to scholars for favors, land investments

Russian cultural diffusion

Wanted to enlighten "savages"

Peloponnesian War

War between Athens and Spartan Alliances. The war was largely a consequence of Athenian imperialism in the Aegean region. It went on for over 20 years. Ultimately, Sparta prevailed but both were weakened sufficient to be soon conquered by Macedonians, later leading to the Hellenistic Empire and Alexander the Great.

Russo-Japanese War

War between Japan and Russia over Manchuria. Japan won.


West African city where there were many schools of the Quran

Dutch Learning

Western learning embraced by some Japanese in the eighteenth century.

Clermont, France

Where the Council of Clermont was called by Pope Urban II around 1095. It was where Urban considered the appeal and decided to call the crusades.

Importance of Moscow

Where the state was centered

First crusade

Which crusade was successful in capturing Jerusalem?

4th crusade

Which crusades involved the ransacking of Constantinople?

Who is Moses Maimonides?

a jewish scholar who wrote a book which state what Jews believe and created the 13 principles of the Jewish faith

What is the covenant?

a religious agreement between Israel and their God, Yahweh, the terms include blessings, land, and nationhood in exchange for faith and obedience

What is a Yeshiva?

a school were jewish students go to learn Hebrew

What is the Talit?

a shall with fringes and knots worn over head and body during morning prayer to express humility


a social gathering held to discuss ideas

Abd al-Jabbar

although not hostile to Christians, wrote that Christians had misinterpreted Jesus's laws and failed to observe Christians teachings the right way.

King Louis VII of France and Eleanor of Aquitaine

among the 2nd Crusaders were ?


an association of people that work on the same trade and pursuits; regulated the production and sale of goods within their jurisdictions; provided focus for friendship and mutual support in addition to work.

What did Justinian rule as?

an autocrat

social contract

an unwritten agreement between people and thier government that describes the rights and duties of each

What is Recapitulation?

brings resolution to music, brings back original themes (re-caps)

After Muhammad's death, the title given to Islam's highest leaders was?



city that allows trade to happen tax free

Fatehpur Sikri

city that served as Akbar's capital from 1569-1585, constructed by Mughal architects out of red sandstone and white marble in honor of Sheikh Salim Chisti

The city of Aden

city with a double advantage in the Indian Ocean


civilization develops along the Yellow River in the East, loose confederation of city states, contemporaries with Sumer, Indus River Valley and Old Kingdom Egypt, bronze usage begins, and silkworms are cultivated(2200-1750BC)

gunpowder empires

collective term for the Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal empires of the early modern era

what most influenced the Turks

conversion to Islam, made them a major carrier

What is Orthodoxy?

correct doctrine/belief

"I am committed to this action; God and the Immaculate Imams are with me, and I fear no one." In the above passage, Esma'il is referring to his

decision to make Shiism the official religion of his empire

what happened to most of the people caught by the Mongols

defeated, subordinated status, forced into labor


discovered how to diagnose and treat smallpox

Xiongnu social structure

distinction between "junior" and "senior" clans

What did slaves consist of in the Atlantic slave trade?

farmers, merchants, priests, soldiers; fathers and mothers, sons and daughters

what happened to the Mongols at the end of the Mongol Empire

incorporated into Persian society


independence, exchange relationships, attitudes, and personal goals

Alexander the accursed

killed Zoroastrian priests and burned palaces Roman Empire (not Zoroastrian) overtook Persian Empire

usual structure of pastoralist groups

kin-based tribes


large middle class of merchants, much human sacrifice, elaborate calendar, writing system, man city Tenochtitlan, trade is important to the economy, pwerful elite families choose ruler, simple bureaucracy, and built chinampas


last imperial dynasty, population at 300-400 million, food brought from the west - sweet potatoes, foreign rule from the Manchu people of Manchuria, who lived just north of the Wall, had a diarchy system where jobs were split 50/50 between Manchu and Chinese people, Opium Wars against the British when George McCartney ends trade because he refuses to bow to an empty chair. The British win because they have better ships and weapons and it exposes how weak China is, miss Industrial Revolution, Treaty of Nanjing gives spheres of influence over local areas to European countries, Kang Xi - the greatest emperor of all time rules for 61 years and has a Sacred Edict where Confucian principles are publicly read, last emperor is Pu Yi, and dictionary is introduced before the Oxford English Dictionary(1644-1911)


led the Persian Empire in 559 BCE Zoroastrian

pastoral economies relative to agricultural

less productive

deus lo vult

means "God wills it"

Judaism is centered around? (orthopraxy or orthodoxy?)


how Almoravid fell

overrun by enemies

Seljuk Turks

peasants who reached Jerusalem quickly fell to the ?

What type of land mass was Constantinople?


Mongol army structure

people organized not in tribes, very loyal and disciplined, conquered people added to the army (pastoralists to cavalry and agrarians to infantry)


people who led heretical movements against the church. They appealed to the biblical ideal of simplicity and separation from the world.

how some Russians benefited from Mongol rule

princes could get money in collecting tribute, nobles who allied with the Mongols got some of the invasion loot, the Church thrived under Mongol tolerance


reintroduction of the CSE after the Mongols did away with it, explores outside of China on 7 explorations led by Jheng he, China discovers that the rest of the world is barbaric and they have an advanced navy, so they close their borders and build the Great Wall, foreigners are only allowed in Macao and Canton, during the Renaissance and Scientific Revolution - miss both, and Yongle, the ruler, hates the Mongols, so he burns down Beijing and builds the Forbidden City(1368-1644)


relatively free gratification of basic and natural human drives related to enjoying life & having fun Examples: Argentina, Sweden, & U.S.


religion developed by the Mughal emperor Akbar taht combined the 'best parts' of Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Zoroastrianism, Sikhism, and Jainism

Ethnic Religion

religions that you're born into; not involved with conversion

What did Europeans rely on in the Atlantic slave trade?

rulers and traders to seize captives in the interior and bring them to the coastal posts of fortresses

purpose of brutal Mongol invasions

scare other places (make them surrender faster)


second-shortest dynasty, first unification, centralized government in place, gives China its name, Shi Huangdi - legalism implemented, terra cotta warriors, Great Wall started with conscripted labor, builds infrastructure with conscripted labor, culture becomes standardized with a standard ideographic calligraphy and weights and measures, Civil service exam started, and Analects book burnings(221-206BC)

Zhang Quan

sent by Emperor Wu to scope out Rome

class in pastoral societies

some distinction between those owning huge flocks and poor herders

Leif Ericson

son of Eric the Red who discovered the newfoundland in Canada (called Vinland) where fish and timber were abundant.

Scholasticism: St. Thomas Aquinas

sought to synthesize the beliefs and values of Christianity with the logical rigor of Greek philosophy; logic + religious belief


territories controlled by other countries

Middle Passage

the route in between the western ports of Africa to the Caribbean and southern U.S. that carried the slave trade

The Three Estates

those who pray: clergy those who fight: knights and nobles those who work: peasants

how Russia was influenced by the Mongols

those who worked with the Mongols were powerful when Russia made their own states, the Russians took Mongolian weapons, court rituals, diplomatic practices, taxation techniques, court practices, military draft

Arab scholars used the astrolabe

to figure out their location on earth

Akbar's tolerant religious policy helped

to unify the Mughal Empire

During Suleyman I's rule, the Ottoman Empire

took control of the Eastern Mediterranean and parts of Europe.

kings get more power, trade connections, national identities

what are the effects of the crusades?


when one country takes over another place and rules it


works for a master and learns a trade

Dumb Show

Silent Bartering that takes place because neither barterer knows the other's language


Silk Roads weaken as maritime trade expands, major economic growth due to maritime trade, carry on Tan policies and practices, but are slightly less successful, CSE is now in mandarin and with literature on it, the government is bloated with members, porcelain is blue and white, introduction of gunpowder, time of the mini-Ice Age, so the capital moves to the south and prospers, China begins to focus on traditions so they get left behind, Confucianism shifts to Neo-Confucianism where morality is the highest goal, and foot binding becomes common


Some of the changes after this approximate year were: - Growth in education (first universities arise). - Increased trade movement. - Population growth. - First cities with specialized workers, trade, and education.

What type of form is used during the Classical Era?

Sonata Form

Islam allowed the world to become...

"Cosmopolitanism" (multi ethnic, religiously diverse, urban societies)

Zoroastrianism - Free Will

"Evil to Evil, Good to Good" Personal responsibility to choose good Triumph of good over evil. When Zoroaster was born and began teaching, the good started to outweigh the bad

The Newton Synthesis

"If I have seen further [than others], it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants." (Newton) 1642-Published Principia, postulated the law of universal gravitation, synthesized the astronomy of Copernicus, as corrected by Kepler, with the physics of Galileo. Discovered the gravitational pull between two objects.

Describe the tribute system that developed in European controlled areas.

"Know that I'm your boss, you give me required amount of stuff, and I won't bother you.", paid in agricultural products peasants grew thru coercive labor systems supervised by elites


"bridge between East and West" - fills the gap between religions of India and Abrahamic religions Developed within Aryan culture Oldest remaining "religion of the Middle East" Monotheistic (Ahura Mazda/Ohrmazd) Ethnic religion

Mumtaz Mahal

"chosen one of the palace", wife of Shah Jahan in whose memory the Taj Mahal was constructed

Edward VI

(1547-1553) King Henry VIII's only son. Sickly, and became King at 9 years old. Since he wasn't capable of governing his country the Protestant church was soon brought in through his advisors Cromwell and Cranmer.


(320-550 CE) The decentralized empire that emerged after the Mauryan Empire, and whose founder is Chandra Gupta. Powerful Indian state based in the Ganges Valley. It controlled most of the Indian subcontinent through a combination of military force and its prestige as a center of sophisticated culture. Often associated with a Golden Age of classical India.

Mauryan Empire

(321-185 BCE) This was the first centralized empire of India whose founder was Chandragupta Maurya. along Ganges River; Asoka converts to Buddhism; tolerant

Byzantine Empire

(330-1453) The eastern half of the Roman Empire, which survived after the fall of the Western Empire at the end of the 5th century C.E. Its capital was Constantinople, named after the Emperor Constantine.; eventually a center for Orthodix Christianity.

Alexander the Great

(356 BCE-323 BCE) He conquered most of the ancient world from Asia Minor to Egypt and India, which began the Hellenistic culture which was a blending of Greek, Persian, Indian, and Egyptian influences.

Battle of Marathon

(490 B.C.E.) Battle where the Persians who invaded Greece were defeated on the Plain of Marathon by an Athenian army.


(500BC) Established the world's first democracy in Athens "father of democracy"-all citizens had the right to participate in assembly


(Hinduism and Buddhism) the effects of a person's actions that determine his destiny in his next incarnation

Long term vs. Short term gratification

- First called "Confucian dynamism" - Broadly refers to a society's time orientation - Also called "Pragmatism" - Delay of Gratification

Cross-cultural training

- Formal program preparing employees to interact effectively with others of another culture - Culture general vs. specific - Currently, most of this training is optional if it is available - Can be gender specific

The bad of globalization

- Rich get richer, the poor get poorer! - Little international regulation - Cultural melding leads to loss of culture and tradition - Outsourcing/Off-shoring...

ITP correlated with power distance


SJT correlated with power distance


What did the Mongols Fail to Capture?

-1293 = Java -The 1274 and 1281 invasions of Japan from Korea

When did the Mongols capture China?

-13th century under the forces of Chinggis Khan -They defeated the Jin Army

Selim I

-1514-1517: Sultan Selim I took control over Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Arabia This put him in control of Makkah and Medina - the holy cities of Islam

What are characteristics of Sonata Form?

-1st movements of symphonies -tempo = fast -form -outline -exposition (introduces 2 themes/melodies) -development (develop those themes) -recapitulation -Coda

What did a string quartet consists of?

-2 violins -1 viola -1 cello

What are some characteristics of Chamber Music?

-2-12 players (no conductor) -most popular chamber music ensemble = string quartet -performed in small venues, such as the courts

Who were the Mongols?

-A combination of forest and prairie peoples -They lived by hunting and livestock herding -The ones who lived were strong because of animal products that had high levels of protein

Spread of Culture during the Atlantic slave trade

-Africans spread throughout Americas-African Diapore -everntually led to spread of culture-art, music, religion-throughout Western World

What were the four world zones and when did they cease to exist?

-Afro-Eurasia, Americas, Australasian, and Pacific zone -Until Columbus and the emergence of early modern global economic system

Mongol Military Skills

-Archers = uniquely skilled because they were made of fine materials (sinew, wood, and horns) plus, this made them deadly accurate (over 200 yards) -Used horses with saddles that allowed them to aim arrows without stopping. Horses = constantly replaced

Height of Mughal Civilization

-Arts=music,literature, painting - Lavish courts & large libraries - Built the Taj Mahal - Increasedtrade - Muslim architects introduced the dome and the arch - Broughtporcelain, paper, and gunpowder from China to India

Why did the Mongols start to Conquest Areas?

-At first, wanting to graze lands -As they acquired lands, they craved control to increase wealth and power -Depended on settled people for things like grain and manufactured goods.

Akbar the Great

-Babur's grandson; ruled 1556-1605 - Greatest of Mughal rulers - Brought peace and order to India; ruled humanely, -encouraged religious tolerance

When/ What did Mongol Expansion do?

-Began 1206 under a united cluster of tribes -Chinggis Khan = launched series of conquests southward across the Great Wall of China, and westward to Afghanistan and Persia. -1231 = invaded Korea -Overall, they touched all four of Afro-Eurasian regions = connected by land and sea in historical unparalleled ways

Taj Mahal

-Built by Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan - Mausoleum for his 3rd wife - She died giving birth to their 14th child

Ottoman Decline

-By 1600, empire had reached its peak and started to decline Sultans became less involved in governing, officials became more inept and corrupt Economic problems Faced constant attacks from enemies on its borders - 1918: Finally collapsed after its loss in WWI (it fought with the Central Powers)

Role of Women in Mongol Society

-Child-rearing -Shearing and milking livestock -Processing pelts for clothing -Took part in battles -Mongol wives had the right to divorce and own property -Elite woman = political roles

Major Exports

-Chinese silk and porcelain -Indian textiles -Indonesian spices, gold, slaves, iron, timber from Africa -Eastern Europe and Turkey -Egyptian textiles -Western European Glass

What are some facts about Haydn's career?

-Choir boy in Vienna as a child -become a freelance musician for a time -later, in the service of the Esterhazy family -many responsibilities in his job

How did Islam Connect to the World Through Religion?

-Common Rituals -Traditions -Language -The Hajj (Pilgrimage to Mecca)


-Dutch fortress located after 1620 on island of Java

What are some facts about W.A. Mozart's Career?

-Early: patronage system (the Archbishop of Salzburg) -Broke free- freelance musician -popularity divided as he aged -died a pauper

Safavid Empire

-East of Ottoman Empire - Persia (Modern- day Iran)


-Founded Mughal Dynasty in 1526 by conquering northern India - Descended from great conquerors such as Genghis Khan -Ruled 1526-1530 : Orderly government Expanded the arts

Ottoman Empire

-Founded by Sunni Turks -Started in Anatolia

Where did Islam Begin to Spread?

-From the Prophet (570-632 CE) to the Empire! -The Muslim heartland: the Middle East and beyond (Spain, West Africa, South Asia, etc.)

Islam and Trade

-Geography: being in the middle matters -Cultural attitudes toward trade -Importance of Cities: Cairo, Baghdad, Damascus, Samarkand, etc.

What happened to the Mongols during Baghdad?

-Hulagu in 1258 slaughtered the people (who were of a bigger population) and even hunted some down -Demolished Abbasid caliphate (with no respect) and after the defeat of Baghdad they went on to Syria.

Safavid Decline

-Incompetent Safavid rulers weakened the empire after 1629: Poor leadership and misuse of money Religious orthodoxy (conforming to traditional beliefs) increased - Women lost freedoms - Territory was lost & empire divided up when -Afghans seized Persia in 1722; Persia sank into anarchy

Ottoman Rule Vocabulary

-Islamic religious leader = caliph - Political ruler =called a sultan - "Right-hand ma n"to the sultan =grand vizier

How did the Mongols change the World?

-It reshaped Afro-Eurasia's social landscape -Islam would never have a unifying authority (like the caliphate). -Changed China by introducing Persian, Islamic, and Byzantine, this influences China's architecture, art, science and medicine -Yuan policy of tolerance = brought Christianity, Judaism, Zoroastrianism, and Islam into the Chinese mix -Helped China open up their fine goods, traders, and technology to the rest of the world for centuries -Encouraged an Afro-Eurasian Interconnectedness -Overall, they increased trade, migration, and contacts amoungst the Afro-Eurasian world

What happened of Hangzhou?

-It scrambled in 1276 (this was the last Song capital) -They bowed to Kubilai Khan's comander Bayan -Empress Dowager tried to buy them off but no -Emperor and Empress were escorted = treated with honor -By 3 years Song dynasty was defeated and Mongols established the Yuan Dynasty -Overall they kept this city great

Mughal Empire

-Located in India - Kingdom center = Delhi - Established by Muslim Turks - United India under a single government & culture

Ottoman Empire General Characteristics

-Maintained strong navy in Mediterranean region to protect trade routes - Captured Byzantine capital of Constantinople in 1453 & renamed it Istanbul - Remained a significant sea power until the 1700s

Suleyman I

-Ruled 1520-1566 Organized Ottoman law Strengthened military Converted young Christian boys to Islam & drafted them into the military = called Devshirme Janissaries = elite infantry force Arts, literature, architecture, textiles all flourished under his rule Women a bit more free than other Islamic societies

Who was Kubilai Khan (1215-1294)?

-Seized Southern China (1260) by pushed through the plateaus of Southwest China and attacked South China's economic heartland. -Overall, the Southern Song army fell

How did the Mongols Slow their Conquering Down?

-The Egyptian Mamluks prevented Egypt from falling to the Mongols -Mongols struggled to rule their positions in other states as well as feuding amoungst themselves -By the fourteenth century, Mongols run collapsed in China and Persia

How did Islam connect through Science and Learning

-The cutting edge of medieval science and scholarship -Heirs of Greek philosophical tradition

Ottoman Rule

-Tolerant of other religions but they had to pay a tax "gunpowderempire" - Successful in using firearms and cannons in conquering and unifying conquered areas - True of all three Muslim Empires - Sultan's (Ruler's) power and prestige increased over time - Empire divided into provinces - Imperial council led by the grand vizier (chief minister)


-Turkic founder of Safavid Dynasty in 1501, calling himself shah (king) -followed Shia version of Islam -Ruled 1501-1524: introduced sharp divide between Sunni and Shi'ite Muslims to the heartland of Islam - 1508: conquered Baghdad and massacred Sunni Muslims there

What slowed the process of capturing China?

-Yangzi River change = made pple ill (from malaria) and horses died from heat -To concur the semitropical south = took boats to fight

What are some facts about Beethoven?

-born in Germany -spent a majority of his career in Vienna -developed the "modified patronage system" -sought respect as a musician -at age 29, began to lose his hearing -his music reflects his emotions (new concept in Classical era) -music pushed towards the Romantic Era

What were the living conditions in the Middle Passge?

-captive americans chained together, forced into dark, cramped quarters below ship's decks -could not sit or stand-journey lasted 3-6 weeks,10-20% died, scarce food

What are some facts about W.A. Mozart?

-child prodigy (symphony @ age 7) -toured Europe as a child -studied in Italy -Master of Opera

Where were the venues for musical performances?

-church -courts -public concerts

What changes were made at the end of the basso continuo?

-composers maintained more control this way -all music written out for performers -little to no improvisation -growing numbers of amateur musicians --necessitated music being written out --harmonies now written out, unlike in the Baroque Era

What are some characteristics of Music in the Classical Era?

-contrast of mood -simplicity***** -homophonic texture (main melody w/ accompaniment) -use of dynamics (crescendos & decrescendos utilized)

Describe Mozart's music (melodies/textures).

-elegant, singable, and memorable melodies -simple, homophonic textures

what were the economies like in Africa during the Atlantic slave trade?

-forced labor among slaves to enrich other parts of the world -labor of A. slaves built eeconomies for many American colonies -their info. of argriculture contributed to growth of rice industry in English colonies

Native Americans in Atlantic slave trade

-planters first used them-European diseaes killed millions -1600s-indentured servents -it was expensive to support workers

What are some facts about Beethoven's music?

-pushed limits -utilized elements of Classical era music -wider dynamic ranges used -music is more dramatic than Mozart's or Haydn's -wrote 9 symphonies -symphonies in the traditional 4 movement form -symphonies often peak in intensity during the 4th movement

What are some characteristics of Classical Melodies?

-simple -memorable -predictable -short -singable -Ex.: Beethoven, Symphony No. 5

What effect did the Atlantic Slave trade have on Africa?

-slave raiders captured the strongest young-future leaders -divided Africans one from another -decline of some African states-disappearing people -New African states arose whose way of life depended on the slave trade-rulers waged war in order to gain control of slave trade

What are some characteristics of a Classical Orchestra?

-standardized instrumentation --unlike in the Baroque Era --two of each woodwind & brass instruments --more ppl can afford instruments (rising middle class) -larger orchestra than in the Baroque Era (venues)

Why did the Islamic world play such an important role in the Indian Ocean trade?

-they controlled goods that Egypt had that they gave to Asia who traded with Venice -This connected Islam and Europe

What are the characteristics of a Classical Concerto?

-virtuosic "showpiece" for soloist -Three Movements (fast, slow, fast) -Cadenza

What are some facts about Haydn?

-wrote folk-like melodies -simple, optimistic sounding music -Master of developing themes/melodies -member of the First Viennese School

1: Monarchy- rule by a tyrant-king or queen 2: Oligarchy-rule by a few, which might be an aristocracy or nobility or upper class people 3: Democracy- rule by many people​


Greek thinkers and historians have produced works that shape peoples' views of the world today. The Sophists influence us today as can be seen through the importance of public speaking in political debates between candidates. Socrates' Socratic Method is used by teachers with their students. Plato introduced the idea that government should be fair and just. Aristotle's political idea that the rich and the poor should run the government was adopted by our founding fathers when the United States Constitution was written. Historians today follow the methods of Thucydides focusing on getting the facts accurate.


Negative effects of European exploration and/or colonization


Pluralism in politics


Positive effects of European exploration and/or colonization


Serfdom vs. slavery


Cross-cultural training significantly predicted job performance in Japan

.38 with instructors' ratings of training performance .45 with Japanese language proficiency

Correlations between cognitive ability and supervisory rating

.57 for high complexity jobs .51 for medium complexity jobs .38 for low complexity jobs

SJT correlated with subjective well-being


Meta-analysis using 85 European samples

.67 for managers .66 for sales .63 for engineers .55 for skilled workers .54 for electricians .45 for drivers .24 for police

Impact of African Slave Trade

1. Decrease in African population - especially on the west coast 2. Increase in tribal warfare 3. Overall weakening of the power to resist outsiders from taking over

What is the summary of the 13 Jewish beliefs penned by Moses Maimonides?

1. God is a single spirit being 2. Jews must worship God alone 3. God speaks through prophets; Moses is the greatest 4. Scriptures are of divine origin 5. God punishes the evil and rewards the good 6. God will send a messiah 7. God will resurrect the dead

Reasons why Native Americans slavery was unsuccessful.

1. Knowledge of the land - could escape easily 2. Lacked immunity to European diseases - many died 3. Communicated with each other

What are the 3 religious divisions of Judaism?

1. Orthodox Judaism 2. Conservative Judaism 3. Reformed Judaism

Scientific Method

1.Have a question 2. Then do background research on the question 3.Construct a Hypothesis 4.Test your hypothesis by doing an experiment 5. Anaylze your data by doing an experiment 6. Figure out if your hypothesis was correct.

Catherine the Great Absolute ruler

1.Kept the Serfdom-crushed rebellions and enforced serfdom amongst the peasants 2.Favored the nobles-exempt from tax/majority starved 3.No religious toleration(Jews were foreigners)

Peter the Great Reforms under the tzar

1.Modernizing Russia to be more like the wast 2.Finding warm water ports for trading purposes 3.Russian expansion 4.Boosted Economy 4.Created the Capital St. Petersburg to rival Versailles 5.First Russian navy

The First Crusade

1097&1098- captured Edessa, Antioch, and other strategic cities. 1099- captured Jerusalem ---〉 Egyptians + Turks + Muslims worked together 1187- Salah al-Din recaptured Jerusalem

1st crusade

1099 come to Jerusalem, kill people, and left, but the Muslims take it back

Aristotle-Greek philosopher-

4) Aristotle-Greek philosopher- Aristotle was Plato's best student and had enrolled at the Academy school in 367B.C., and stayed there for 20 years. Aristotle wrote over 200 books on topics such as government, planets and stars. Some believe he is the father of modern science. In 335B.C. he opened his own school called the Lyceum. At his school he taught the "Golden Mean", which is an idea that no person should do things in excess. (Moderation in all things: such as don't eat too much candy, or don't sit in front of the computer too long.) He is the first person to group observations in the field of science according to their similarities and differences. His studies about history led him to write the book "Politics", where he puts governments into three types or categories:


? took control of the lands left unoccupied and became more powerful

Tycho Brahe

A Danish nobleman and astronomer who received money from the king of Denmark to build an advanced observatory where he studied the stars and planets; collecting over twenty years of data. Corrected the Copernican Tables and the Overlap of Jupiter and Saturn. HYPOTHESIZED A UNIVERSE THAT WAS PART PTOLEMAIC AND PART COPERNICAN.

joint-stock company

A business, often backed by a government charter, that sold shares to individuals to raise money for its trading enterprises and to spread the risks (and profits) among many investors.


A complex of palaces, reception halls, and treasury buildings erected by the Persian kings Darius I and Xerxes in the Persian homelan

Declaration of Independence

A document declaring the American colonies independent from British rule and listed the liberties of the people.

English Bill of Rights

A document that listed the rights for Parliament and the English people that was approved in 1689. The document builds on the Magna Carta.

Johann Tetzel

A friar who was raising money to rebuild St. Peter's Cathedral in Rome by selling indulgences. Indulgences were not supposed to affect God's right to judge. Unfortunately, he gave people the impression that by buying indulgences, they could buy their way into heaven.


A key figure in the 17th century scientific revolution, he is best known for his laws of planetary motion. THREE LAWS OF PLANETARY MOTION- He proved mathematically the relations of a sun centered solar system.


A period where reason was applied in guiding people's thoughts about philosophy, society and politics.


A person is no longer able to receive the sacraments and to be considered a member of the Church.


A philosophical movement in eighteenth-century Europe that fostered the belief that one could reform society by discovering rational laws that governed social behavior and were just as scientific as the laws of physics. Influenced RUssian westernization


A philosophy that adheres to the teachings of the Chinese philosopher Confucius. It shows the way to ensure a stable government and an orderly society in the present world and stresses a moral code of conduct. The system of ethics, education, and statesmanship taught by Confucius and his disciples, stressing love for humanity, ancestor worship, reverence for parents, and harmony in thought and conduct.


A political system in which nobles are granted the use of lands that legally belong to their king, in exchange for their loyalty, military service, and protection of the people who live on the land.

Mandate of Heaven

A political theory of ancient China in which those in power were given the right to rule from a divine source


A religious movement of the 16th century that began as an attempt to reform the Roman Catholic Church and resulted in the creation of Protestant churches

Cyrus the Great

A remarkable leader who managed to reunite he Persian Empire in a powerful kingdom. Under Cyrus, Persia began building an empire larger than any yet seen in the world

Royal Road

A road for the government use built by the ancient Persian ruler Darius which helped unite the empire


A small, highly maneuverable three-masted ship used by the Portuguese and Spanish in the exploration of the Atlantic. used in the 15th-17th centuries

Why does a society need a surplus of agriculture?

A society needs a surplus of agriculture so it can support the large population of people.

Great Western Schism

A split within the Church that lasted from 1378 to 1417, when there were two or three claimants to the papacy at once. Also called the Papal Schism.


A state in which people of all races and ethnicities are distinct but have equal social standing. China has very little pluralism.

Which leader unified Arabia into a Muslim state through battle?

Abu Bakr

persecuting Christians

After the Turkish conquest, stories spread throughout Europe that the Turks were ? visiting the region

What is the nickname for the Classical Era?

Age of Enlightenment

Chinggis Khan

Also known as Temujin; he united the Mongol tribes into an unstoppable fighting force; created largest single land empire in history.

Benjamin Franklin

American scientist and philosopher who argued that the British had no right to tax the colonies because colonists had no representation in English Parliament.


Amorite ruler of Babylon (r. 1792-1750 B.C.E.). He conquered many city-states in southern and northern Mesopotamia and is best known for a code of laws, inscribed on a black stone pillar, illustrating the principles to be used in legal cases.

Black Death

An outbreak of bubonic plague that spread across Asia, North Africa, and Europe in the mid-fourteenth century, carrying off vast numbers of persons.


Another name for the middle class members.

Aristotle Conclussion

Aristotle was the first to create a comprehensive system of western philosophy which includes logic and science, politics and metaphysics and aesthetics that continue to act a as a basis for philosophers and scientists today.


Armed pilgrimages to the Holy Land by Christians determined to recover Jerusalem from Muslim rule. The Crusades brought an end to western Europe's centuries of intellectual and cultural isolation. 1096 Christian Europe aim to reclaim Jerusalem and aid they Byzantines; 1st success and the rest a failure; weakens the Byzantines; opens up trade.

Rejection of Sacrifice

Aryans were settling and trying hard to build up herds of animals and did not want to kill them Settled in desert which made raising livestock difficult. Killing an animal was too much of a burden

Mary Wollstonecraft

British writer who argued that women should have the same rights as men.


But the 4th Crusaders found that they could not afford to pay


By 1291, the Muslims had once more driven the Christians completely ? of the Holy Land


By the late 1000s, the city of Jerusalem had fallen to North African Muslims called the ?

What was Catal Huyuk and what does it tell us about early humans?

Catal Huyuk one of the first cities to develop because of agriculture. Now that the people don't have to go around following their food, they could settle down. This is how Catal Huyuk was created, and as this city developed, the group population increased because the food supply could support more people.

The Crusades did what for the lives of the people of Europe?

Changed their lives


Chinese admiral who led seven overseas trade expeditions under Ming emperor Yunglo between 1405 and 1423; demonstrated that the Chinese were capable of major ocean exploration


Christians who adopted many Arab customs, but did not convert. They began to face criticism on both sides and both Arabs and Christians began to feel that this mixing of culture was a threat to them both


City on the Mediterranean coast of Egypt founded by Alexander. It became the capital of the Hellenistic kingdom of Ptolemy. It contained the famous Library and the Museum and was a center for leading scientific and literary figures in the classical and postclassical eras.


City on the Niger River in the modern country of Mali. It was founded by the Tuareg as a seasonal camp sometime after 1000. As part of the Mali empire, Timbuktu became a major major terminus of the trans-Saharan trade and a center of Islamic learning.


City on the tip of the Malayan peninsula; a center for trade to the southeastern Asian islands; became a major Portuguese trading base.


Class of warriors in feudal Japan who pledged loyalty to a noble in return for land. Professional Japanese warrior employed by a shogun for protection

Why were Eunuchs useful to the Emperor?

Couldn't have children that could take over the emperor

What was the name of the great meeting called by Pope Urban II?

Council of Clermont

India, Russia, China

Countries conquered by Mongols

Blaise Pascal

Created a Pascaline and early version of a calculator, Pascal discovered the chance of probability Invented the wrist watch and Furthered our knowledge and understanding in geometry, physics, and the computer sciences.

*What are the significant consequences of the scientific revolution?*

Creation of an international scientific community; scholars could engage in discourse about theories and ideas, thus expanding knowledge. The modern scientific method. But the greatest impact of all was on how people thought and believed.

Bubonic Plague

Disease that killed a great part of the population. It came from rats and was spread by fleas. Trade impulsed the spread of this disease.

What was life like in the Paleolithic Age?

During this Era, people were known as nomads, in which they moved from place to place in search of food and shelter. They also lived in small groups.

Aristotle and classical Greek learning

During this period in history, natural philosophy started to replace religion in explaining natural occurrences.

How did the Dutch and British begin to profit from the Asian trade network?

Dutch - rely on fees charged for transporting products here there, depend on profits gained from buying Asian productions and trade them in Europe at inflated prices, peaceful commerce better than forcible controls English - same as Dutch, but enterprises focused along Indian coast and cloth trade not spices of SE Asia


Early-sixteenth-century Spanish adventurers who conquered Mexico, Central America, and Peru. (Examples Cortez, Pizarro, Francisco.)

the Aristotelian View of the Universe

Earth is the center of the universe and everything else rotates around it


Eliminating jobs within an organization by having those labor functions performed in cheaper labor markets in other countries (out of the country, but not necessarily out of the organization)

Qing Dynasty emperor

Emperor Kangxi

What measures were introduced by Hongwu to cut down on court factionalism?

Emperor's wives from humble family origins, end power plays of consorts, no more eunuchs occupying positions of independent power, limit # of eunuchs to prevent plots against ruler and fights over succession, exile all potential rivals, rivals no involve in political affairs, thought control

Tang Empire

Empire unifying China and part of Central Asia, founded 618 and ended 907. The Tang emperors presided over a magnificent court at their capital, Chang'an. (p. 277) dynasty often referred to as China's Golden age that reigned during 618-907 AD

What does empiricism emphasize?

Empiricism emphasizes the role of experience and evidence, especially sensory perception, in the formation of ideas


Employees who are assigned to work in a foreign country on a temporary basis to complete a time-based task or achieve an organizational goal

What was the economic downfall of the Ming Dynasty?

Empty government treasury to pay for defense, famine, rebellion

What did the Mongols do that led to their downfall?

Ended Chinese customs, many leaders from outside of China.

Francis Bacon

English Renaissance statesman and philosopher, best known for his promotion of the scientific method.This paved the way for the sound of scientific knowledge Paved a key role in shaping Modern Philosophy

Sir Isaac Newton

English physicist and mathematician, most famous for his law of gravitation, was instrumental in the scientific revolution of the 17th century. Considered the Father of Modern Physics.

Native Americans & English - relationship

English wanted land and pushed Natives westward

Native Americans & Spanish - relationship

Enslaved Natives - forced them to work on plantations and in mines

Bubonic plague/black death

Epidemic that swept through Europe during the Middle Ages?


Europeans worked hard during day doing what? ***

Ptolemaic View of the Universe

Everything meaning every planet in the solar system was revolving around the Earth, making the earth the "center of the Universe," leaving the Sun, the Moon, stars, and other known planets to orbit around the earth.

Cross-cultural psychology

Examines the degree to which psychological concepts and findings generalize to people in other cultures and societies

What special privileges did gentry households have?

Exempted from land taxes, carried around in chair, use fans & umbrellas


First known kingdom in sub-Saharan West Africa between the sixth and thirteenth centuries C.E. Also the modern West African country once known as the Gold Coast. gold and salt trade.

Describe the Dutch trading empire in Asia.

Fortified towns and factories, warships on patrol, monopoly control of limited # of products, more numerous and better armed shops, regulate supply of spices by uprooting ones they didn't control, forcibly removed/wiped out island peoples who cultivated the spices w/out Dutch supervision & dared to sell to Dutch rivals


Founder of Zoroastrianism Attempts on his life as an infant but he was protected by heavenly forces; educated; multiple wives and children Had a prophetic vision and began trying to convert people. First convert was 10 years after vision (cousin). Eventually converted a local king by the healing of the king's favorite horse Killed while tending to a sacred fire by an opposition force at age 77

King Henry VIII

Founder of the church in England and ruled England from 1509-1547. He broke the Catholic church because he couldn't get a divorce

Who postulated the theory of inertia? What did it state?

Galileo , and object at rest tends to stay at rest, but an object in in motion tends to stay in motion.

General Adjustment

General living conditions, food, transportation, public services, etc.

Toyotomo (as earlier) Hideyoshi

General under Nobunaga; succeeded as a leading military power in central Japan; continued efforts to break power of the daimyos; became military master of Japan in 1590; died 1598.

Ahura Mazda

God of zoroastrianism: kind of made zoroastrianism sound like christianty

what Russians called the Khanate in Russia

Golden Horde Khanate

Kievan Russia

Government established at Kiev in Ukraine around 879 CE by Scandinavian adventurers asserting authority over a mostly Slavic farming population. A medieval nation focused on trade rather than feudalism; A monarchy established in present day Russia in the 6th and 7th centuries. It was ruled through loosely organized alliances with regional aristocrats from. The Scandinavians coined the term "Russia". It was greatly influenced by Byzantine

Why were the Europeans able to control coastal areas, but not inland?

Greatly outnumbered by superior Asian armies


Greek Historian, considered the father of History. He came from a Greek community in Anatolia and traveled extensively, collecting information in western Asia and the Mediterranean lands.

Hellenistic Age

Greek culture spread across western Asia and northeastern Africa after the conquests of Alexander the Great. The period ended with the fall of the last major Hellenistic kingdom to Rome, but Greek cultural influence persisted until the spread of Islam.


Greek historian known as the Father of Western History- In 435B.C. he wrote the History of the Persian Wars. He tried to separate fact from fiction. His history includes errors and gods and goddesses to explain some events he is still considered the Father of Western History.


Greek philosopher. A pupil of Plato, the tutor of Alexander the Great, and the author of works on logic, metaphysics, ethics, natural sciences, politics, and poetics, he profoundly influenced Western thought. In his philosophical system, which led him to criticize what he saw as Plato's metaphysical excesses, theory follows empirical observation and logic, based on the syllogism, is the essential method of rational inquiry.


Greek thinkers, who believed the human mind, could understand everything/Many philosophers became teachers.


Greek word for "love of wisdom"/Philosophy led to the study of history, political science, science, and mathematics.

What is the significance of Gresham College to the discipline of science?

Gresham College in London is established and attempts to link theoretical science with applied science.


Groups of people that were specialized in particular works. They were responsible for the regulation of apprenticeship, guarantee of gook workmanship, and admission to various trades.

chartered companies

Groups of private investors who paid an annual fee to France and England in exchange for a monopoly over trade to the West Indies colonies.; companies sponsored by colonies


Groups of towns in Italy that joined and became independent states?

What famous composer had a career option in the patronage system?


Who was a master of developing themes in the Classical Era?


Socrates- Greek philosopher

He developed the Socratic Method and died for his beliefs in democracy. He died because some of the leaders in Athens considered his teachings a threat to their power. He was teaching his pupils/students how to think using reason and not to believe everything they were told was true.


He was an important Muslim leader throughout part of the Crusades.

Prince Vladimir of Kiev

He was the Russian prince who selected Greek Orthodoxy as the national religion. This added cultural bonds to the Byzantine Empire to the already existing commercial ties.

Pope Urban II

He wrote a letter to call for the "holy wars".


Heavily armed Greek infantrymen who marched and fought in close ranks; most of the recruits were middle-class citizens


Heavily armored Greek infantryman of the Archaic and Classical periods who fought in the close-packed phalanx formation. Hoplite armies-militias composed of middle- and upper-class citizens supplying their own equipment. Famously defeated superior numbers of opponents by fighting as a unit.

Anne Boleyn

Henry VIII mistress during the time of the English Reformation, she gave birth to Elizabeth, future queen of England. One of the reasons Henry VIII wanted to get his marriage to Catherine annulled is so that he could marry her.

High uncertainty avoidance

High need for security and more trust in expert knowledge More structure & rules Fewer risks taken by management, lower voluntary turnover & generally less ambitious employees (less risk-taking behavior) Examples: Spain, Germany, Japan


In lieu of payment, the 4th Crusaders agreed to attack the city of ?, a port that had once belonged to Venice but was now held by the Christian king of Hungary

What is meant by hunting-gathering?

In the past, people would hunt-gather. This means that to obtain food, men would hunt and the women would gather berries to eat.

Role of geography in Europe's political structure

It created a very fragmented society since the natural geographic features made it hard to make one unified empire. Stated Simply: Europe was divided

Why did Christians call it the Holy Land?

It was where Jesus lived and taught

What was the Neolithic Revolution? Why is it considered a turning point in history?

It's considered a turning point in history because this was one people began to farm(agriculture). Because of this, they wouldn't have to move around and they would just stay in one place because of the new supply of food.

Robert Di Nobli

Italian Jesuit active in India during the early 1600s; failed in a policy of first converting indigenous elites.


Italian astronomer and mathematician who was the first to use a telescope to study the stars; demonstrated that different weights descend at the same rate; perfected the refracting telescope that enabled him to make many discoveries (1564-1642)


Italian city-state was the birthplace of the Renaissance, center of Renaissance banking


Italian city-state- manufactured weapons and silk in Renaissance Italy


Italian city-state- port city and manufactured glass in Renaissance Italy

Leonardo da Vinci

Italian painter, engineer, musician, and scientist. The most versatile genius of the Renaissance, Leonardo filled notebooks with engineering and scientific observations that were in some cases centuries ahead of their time. As a painter Leonardo is best known for The Last Supper (c. 1495) and Mona Lisa (c. 1503).


Italian scientist and scholar and made pioneering observations that laid the foundation for modern physics and astronomy. Experimental Method - rather than speculate, he conducted controlled experiments to find conclusions. - "rest is NOT the natural state of objects Dropped a 10lb and 1lb ball of leaning tower of Piza they both hit at the same time. Put on trial for heresy for countering the Catholic Church by the Catholic Church. Finally absolved by Pope John Paul II in 1992.

Structured vs. Unstructured Interviews

Italians usually use only an interview

Who put forth the three laws of planetary motion?

Johannes Kepler

The Bible

Luther claimed the bible was the supreme authority, not the pope. He was helped by the printing press to translate this into the the vernacular

Faith in God - "Justification by Grace through Faith"

Luther's idea of salvation derived from St Paul who said "the just shall live by faith". Luther said the way to heaven was inner faith not outward acts

What two ports in China were open to European traders?

Macao and Canton


Made a calendar that gave the risings and setting of the stars in the morning and evening twilight. He Changed the way we looked at the world. He influenced Columbus because he thought he could get to india. He Wrote a number of world changing Astronomical, Mathematical, and Geographic books.

What was the response by the natives to the Portuguese traders?

Made fun of for "crude" tools, local merchants uninterested but later find out Asians would accept silver as payment for Asian goods

Ferdinand Magellan

Magellan was Portuguese but he sailed on behalf of Spain and discovered the Philippine Islands on his voyage around the world. /These islands became of interest to the Spanish because of they were close to China and the Spice Islands.

What nomadic group seized control of China in the 1640's?

Manchu nomads

Established Qing


Ming fell because of



Many Christians also believed that Christ would come again only once Christians held ?


Many Europeans began to view all non-Christians as ?

What is the Swahili civilization?

Many city-states in East Africa which is a mix of Islam and Bantu.

Which Ottoman leader became known was the "the Conqueror"?

Mehmed II

Chaghatai Turks

Mongol band that had adopted Turkish language and customs after living for many years in Turkish-held lands

Golden Horde

Mongol khanate founded by Genghis Khan's grandson Batu. It was based in southern Russia and quickly adopted both the Turkic language and Islam. Also known as the Kipchak Horde.


Mongol term for "universal Leader"

Khubilai Khan

Mongolian king Marco Polo said he was best buds with

Who was last in charge of China before the Ming?


Political Power of China

Mongols had all power, Chinese were left out of Government and Military

Persian influence on the Mongols

Mongols used Persian bureaucratic techniques, let Persians continue running Persia, some learned Persian, many converted to Islam, some gave up pastoral lifestyle for agricultural lifestyle

Low uncertainty avoidance

More willing to accept risks and unknowns Examples: Denmark, United Kingdom

Who is the founder of Judaism?


What is the spectrum of Jewish divisions from most traditional to least?

Most Orthodox Conservative Reformed Least

Where were the critical geographic points of trade?

Mouths of Red Sea & Persian Gulf and Straits of Malacca

What famous composer had a career option in the Freelance Musician?


Who were the 1st members of the Viennese School?

Mozart, Beethoven, and Haydn


Name for a Russian noble

What two general characteristics were present in the Asian trade system at the time the Portuguese arrived?

No central control, military force usually absent from commercial exchanges - peaceful exchanges because everyone got what they wanted

Qing ideals

No intermarriage with native Chinese

What did the plague make the Chinese think about their rulers?

No mandate of heaven

What three Japanese military leaders helped unite the Japanese in the 16th century?

Nobunaga, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, Tokugawa Ieyasu

Describe the social conditions for women in the Ming era.

Normal women went underground to secretly pursue own careers or lessen subordination, had to get as much status and respect w/in family as can, succeed if have boys; in court, rulers advised by fave wives, moms, and aunts; upper class girls taught to read and write, write poems, play instruments, but not allowed to take exam; most worked in fields, but for more independence, some were courtesans and entertainers but apart from prostitutes

Why were the Spanish able to control the northern Philippines (Luzon), but not the southern Philippines (Mindanao)?

Northern - animists living in small states, so easy to control. Southern - united, 1 Muslim kingdom, resisted Christian dominance


Northern island of the Philippines; conquered by Spain during the 1560s; site of a major Catholic missionary effort.

The Water Margin, Monkey, and The Golden Lotus

Novels written during the Ming period; recognized as classics and established standards for Chinese prose literature.

What did Hongwu get rid of and why?

Officials and positions to increase the power of the emperor

Who was one of the most famous Sufi poets?

Omar Khayyam

Byzantine Empire

Once in control of Persia, the Turks attacked the ?


Parents have to be Zoroastrian 7-10 years old Given a cord (kusti) and vest (sadre) to wear for the rest of their lives Re-tie cord 5x a day - prayers are said when this is done; reminder of one's faith and protect one from evil forces


Persian influenced literary form of Hindi written in Arabic characters

What did trade regulations in China lead to?

Piracy and smuggling

What role did Europeans play in the Indian Ocean network in the Early Modern Period?

Portugal found water route to Asia


Portuguese establishment at the southern end of the Persian Gulf; a major trading base.

Where did the Dutch take control and where did the British?

Portuguese fort of Malacca and made new port at Batavia; India

What did China's isolation cause?

Prevented most influences, trade continued but not as much as it could have been, smuggling and piracy

What was the governmental reason that China tried to isolate itself?

Protect from outside threats, culturally superior

What did Hongwu start governmentally?

Provincial system

What happened to bureaucrats found guilty of corruption or incompetence?

Public beatings or spankings


Renaissance astronomer; provided evidence that the sun is the center of the solar system; conflicted with the church and placed under house arrest.

printing press

Renaissance invention; made possible the mass production of printed books and other texts,; increased literacy.


Richard was ? able to drive the Muslims out of the Holy Land or to take Jerusalem


SAID THE SUN WAS THE CENTER OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM which is know as the HELIOCENTRIC THEORY. Religious authorities attacked his theory and Martin Luther did not agree.


Saladin overthrew the Fatimids and took the title of ? for himself


Salah ad-Din was known to Europeans as ?

2nd pillar of Islam

Salat- Prayer

What day of the week is the Jewish Sabbath?


4th pillar of Islam

Sawm- Fasting

Tokugawa Shogunate

Shogun clan who believed that outside influences were bad for Japan and who closed off the country from Europe./While the Tokugawa kept Japan from trading with European countries, they maintained trade with China and Korea.


Siberia became a major source of furs for Western Europe and the Ottoman Empire./The abundance of furs was the chief reason for the rapid expansion of Russia across Siberia. Russia required tribute from the inhabitants of Siberia payable in furs and ensured these were given by holding family members hostage.


Southern island of the Philippines; a Muslim area able to successfully resist Spanish conquest.

Which of the following areas was NOT conquered by the Muslims during the 600s?


European countries that explored & colonized

Spain, Portugal, France, the Netherlands, & England (Britain)


Spanish conquistador who defeated the Aztecs and conquered Mexico (1485-1547)

Ibn al'Arabi

Spanish mystic-philosopher, famous Sufi. Created The Meccan Revelation, his major work on Sufism, The Interpreter of Desires, a collection of poems, and The Edges of Wisdom, another great work of Sufism


Term for towns with operating guilds? (Germany)

Dutch trading empire

The Dutch system extending into Asia with fortified towns and factories, warships on patrol, and monopoly control of a limited number of products.

What demands did the Zionism movement create?

The Jews asked for a place of their own (Israel specifically) where they wouldn't be persecuted

What was the most important difference between the Sunni and the Shia?

The Shia thought that caliphs had to be related to Muhammad

Spanish Philippines

The Spanish assumed control over the Philippine Islands almost without bloodshed primarily because the local population consisted of militarily weak societies and no other country was competing for them./ Over the next century of so, the Philippine Islands became a colony of Spain and remained so until coming under the rule of the US after the Spanish-American War.

What are the 3 components of the Tanakh?

The Torah ("teachings"), the Nevi'im ("prophets"), and the Kethuvim ("writings")

What is The Shema?

The belief that there is only one God

Spenta Mainyu

The beneficent spirit in Zoroastrianism

Edo (Tokyo)

The capital of the Tokugawa Shogunate


The catholic churches and all those who follow and are apart of the church are impacted by these new discoveries because they disprove their beliefs on many topics. The discoveries go against what they are taught to believe and for doing that they are said to be heretics.


The characteristic cargo and passenger ship of the Arabian sea

Fur trade

The depletion of furs in Europe and the advent of a Little Ice Age with unusually cold temperatures made furs very valuable./European traders saw the Americas as a ready source of furs. Many paid local Indians for their furs./A high demand for beaver pelts led to the near extinction of the animal.


The first shogun of the Tokugawa Shogunate

What is the Tanakh?

The hebrew bible, the 24 hebrew scriptures composed of the Torah(teachings), the Nevi'im(prophets), and the Kethuvim(writings)

Scientific Revolution

The intellectual movement in Europe, initially associated with planetary motion and other aspects of physics, that by the seventeenth century had laid the groundwork for modern science. A major change in European thought, starting in the mid-1500s, in which the study of the natural world began to be characterized by careful observation and the questioning of accepted beliefs.


The only gender allowed to perform as entertainers

Macao and Canton

The only two ports in Ming China where Europeans were allowed to trade.

African Diaspora

The practice of capturing and transporting Africans out of Africa created a spread of African people across the Atlantic./These Africans changed the populations of the lands where they were enslaved and they brought with them their culture and traditions which influenced those societies in ways apparent even today.


The scientific revolution caused people to start thinking and questioning against the church about the way things operate and why things happen according to god. This questioning made for many people to be labeled as heretics for going against the word of god, but also to set a basis for todays modern sciences, mathematics, philosophy, and all round way of thinking.


The third king of the Persian Achaemenid Empire. He ruled the empire at its peak. He organized the empire by dividing it into provinces and placing satraps to govern it. He organized a new uniform money system, along with making Aramaic the official language of the empire. He also worked on construction projects throughout the empire.

In what way did the mosques change as the Muslim world grew richer?

They became more elaborately decorated

How did Europe participate in the Indian Ocean trade?

They traded what they got from Egypt to the Ottomans.

Which of the following is true of the Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal empires?

They tried to expand their territory through warfare


This architectural style first appeared in the Middle Ages.

How did the Neolithic Revolution change the way of life for humans?

This changed the way of life for humans because without being able to farm, we would have still been moving around and following our food because we wouldn't be able to settle down and plant it instead.


This city was the seat of Greek art, science, and philosophy. Paul visited this city during his second missionary journey and spoke to the citizens about their altar to the unknown god.

Dutch East India Company

This company was given a charter by the Dutch government giving them a trade monopoly and the right to wage war and govern conquered people./As part of these efforts, the Dutch used force to gain a monopoly on some spices by seizing control of some spice producing islands and replacing the native populations with Dutch settlers.

British East India Company

This company was given a charter by the English government giving them a trade monopoly and the right to wage war and govern conquered people./Due to their military might, the British and Dutch were able to overtake the Portuguese in the Indian Ocean trade arena.

Trading Post Empire

This is the type of empire established by the Portuguese in the Indian Ocean trading arena./The Portuguese sought to control the commerce in the area and did not want to control large areas of land.


This sought to synthesize the beliefs and values of Christianity with the logical rigor of Greek philosophy. Often associated with St. Thomas Aquinas. A medieval philosophical and theological system that tried to reconcile faith and reason


This type of writing uses the mother language.

Trans-Saharan slave trade

This was a trade network that carried African captives into the Mediterranean to be slaves./This trade network operated primarily in the Muslim world.

Name the following for the listening portion of Serenade. -Title -Composer -Genre -Time Period

Title: Eine Kleine Nachtmusik, K. 525 (a little light music)(Third Movement) Composer: Mozart Genre: Serenade (dance-like) Time Period: Classical Era (1750-1825) -small orchestra

Name the following for the listening portion of Opera. -Title -Composer -Genre -Time Period

Title: Excerpts from Don Giovanni Composer: Mozart Genre: Opera Time Period: Classical Era (1750-1825)

Name the following for the listening portion of Chamber Music. -Title -Composer -Genre -Time Period -Form

Title: String Quartet, Op.18, No. 4 Composer: Beethoven Genre: Chamber Music Time Period: Classical Era (1750-1825) Form: Rondo Form

Name the following for the listening portion of Symphony for Haydn. -Title -Composer -Genre -Time Period

Title: Symphony No. 96 (Surprise Symphony)(Second Movement) Composer: Haydn Genre: Symphony Time Period: Classical Era (1750-1825) -folk like melody is the basis for this piece

Why did Hongwu bring back Confucianism?

To bring back stability

Why did the Abbasids reorganize the government?

To make it easier to rule their large region

Why did people join the Crusades?

To make money, heavenly and earthly rewards, protection of property and family, debts were cancelled, criminals relieved of punishment

Goal of the Crusades

To recover Jerusalem and the Holy Land from the Muslims Turks.

Why was the First Crusade called?

To regain the Holy Land from the Muslims


Tokugawa capital, modern-day Tokyo; center of Tokugawa shogunate.

Silk Roads

Trade routes used to connect the Mongol Empire. Mongol armies protected trade.

Dutch West India Company

Trading company chartered by the Dutch government to conduct its merchants' trade in the Americas and Africa.


Translation of the original measure or documents into the new language Have an independent person translate the document from the new language back into the original language (Blind Back-Translation) Compare the back-translated version of the measure with the original measure; revise to resolve discrepancies.

Elizabeth I

Tudor Queen of England. Succeeded Mary I in 1558 and ruled until 1603. In addition to leading the defeat of the Spanish Armada and developing England into a world power, she strengthened Protestantism. Daughter of Henry VIII.


Turkic military slaves who formed part of the army of the Abbasid Caliphate in the ninth and tenth centuries; they founded their own state in Egypt and Syria from the thirteenth to the early sixteenth centuries

Spanish Empire

Unlike the Portuguese who were only interested in controlling trade, Spain setup colonies and sought to control land , people and resources./Spanish colonies also provided opportunities for missionary efforts.

Explain how the Portuguese were able to gain a position in the Asian trade system.

Used force to get spices etc. from Asia b/c far outnumbered & could only trade valuable things to them, ships except for Chinese war fleets couldn't withstand firepower of Portuguese squadrons, surprised them to keep enemies off balance in early years of empire building; forces small but united in drive for wealth and religious converts, took advantage of deep divisions among Asians and inability to combine forces effectively in battle


Utterance, or writing showing contempt for something sacred

Tokugawa Ieyasu

Vassal of Toyotomo Hideyoshi; succeeded him as the most powerful military figure in Japan; granted title of shogun in 1603 and established the Tokugawa shogunate; established political unity in Japan.

Marco Polo

Venetian merchant and traveler. His accounts of his travels to China offered Europeans a firsthand view of Asian lands and stimulated interest in Asian trade.

Why was the Chinese court interested in the Christian missionaries?

Very learned, more technologically advanced

What location was famous for Classical Era music?

Vienna, Austria

System of competing states

Western Europe was highly fragmented creating competition that ultimately drove exploration.

Spanish colonization location

Western coast of South America, Central America, Western coast of North America, present-day Florida, Caribbean, and the Philippines

3rd Crusade

What Crusade pitted Richard the Lion-Hearted against Saladin in a fierce competition for control of Jerusalem?

Translated the Bible into German

What Luther did while hiding


What is the name of the city considered holy by Christians, Muslims, and Jews?


What was the city where Christian forces joined before marching to Antioch?

Council of Trent

What was the meeting of church leaders where they helped clarify church position on doctrine from 1545-1563?

Anglican Church

What was the name of the new church started by King Henry that allowed him to divorce?


When colonists were allowed to use Indians for forced labor in colonial South America as a form of taxation. The Inca had previously used a similar practice.

European peasants wanted to see new lands

Which of the following was not a cause of the Crusades?

Relations between Christians and Jews strengthened

Which of the following was not an effect of the Crusades?

1st Crusade

Which of the following was the only truly successful Crusade?

William Harvey

Who is the English physician who studied the HEART and the circulation in the body and described the movement of blood through the veins and arteries? ***


Who was the leader that united the Muslim forces and defended against the Christians?

Richard the Lionhearted

Who was the monarch who went on the crusade of the kings?

Urban II

Who was the pope that called for the first crusade?

Pope Leo X

Who was the pope who wanted to raise money to rebuild St. Peter's Basilica in Rome?, began to sell indulgences to raise money to rebuild St. Peter's Basilica in Rome; tried to get Luther to recant his criticisms of the church; condemned him an outlaw and a heretic when he would not do so; banned his ideas and excommunicated him from the church


Within a few years the Muslims began to ? lands that they had lost in the First Crusade


Within the Catholic Church, this is the remission punishment for ones sins. Such as for a sin that has already been forgiven by God but which still carries with it some kind of punishment. Centuries ago the Church would sell certificates that would get a person out of purgatory. This practice contributed to the Protestant reformation. key word: sell!!!

Work Adjustment

Work environment, job responsibilities, supervisory support, coworker interdependence, etc.

95 Theses

Written by Martin Luther and is widely regarded as the primary catalyst for the Protestant Reformation. It is vitally important to understand that these theses were used for the intent of displaying Luther's displeasure with the Church's indulgences

stages of political rule in china

Yellow river basin(northern china)⤑Xia⤑Shang⤑Zhou⤑Period of warning states⤑Qin dynasty⤑Former Han dynasty⤑ Later Han dynasty

Mayan Empire

a Mesoamerican empire that stretched from southern Mexico into Central America; made up of independent city-states linked by trade; created a calendar, the most advanced writing system in the ancient Americas, and produced a series of highly skilled astronomers and mathematicians; economy was based in agriculture; famous for cities featuring giant pyramids, temples, palaces, and elaborate stone carvings; its peoples believed in many gods


a city that with its surrounding territory forms an independent state.


a class of traveling poets, minstrels, and entertainers whom aristocratic women enthusiastically patronized

trading post empire

a collection of colonies used to exchange items, typically along an established trade route - common in Asia & Africa

What is the Mishnah?

a collection of oral teachings of rabbis addressing legal, social, and spiritual matters

What is the Talmud?

a compendium of rabbinical teaching and literature; the key source of Jewish law & textual interpretation

What is the religion of Judaism based on?

a covenant with Yahweh


a legal, binding agreement; a contract

Hugh Capet

a minor noble elected by lords of France to serve as king after the last of Carolingians dies in 987 C.E.


a port that dominated the narrowest part of the strait

In Judaism, who is God?

a singular, monotheistic idea of a creator being

What is the Yarmulke?

a skullcap worn to express humility before God

plantation colony

a type of colony in which large areas of land are farmed by enslaved people to grow cash crops

siege of Jerusalem

a victory for the 1st trained knights Crusaders that involved terrible fighting and ended in disaster for the city's inhabitants


a way of thinking and learning that stresses the importance of human abilities and actions.

how Mongols ruled China

accommodated its customs and extracted as much wealth as possible from it

Teamwork, Communication, and Adaptability

accounted for incremental variance in language acquisition and training performance above cognitive ability and personality traits.

The Hanseatic League

association of trading cities

Medici Family

banking family from Florence

how the Mongols were legitimized in China

because they had successfully invaded, some people actually believed they and the mandate of heaven

Contributing factors to Muslim and Christian animosity

both religions became increasingly hostile towards each other. Muslims invaded Christian Europe in the 8th and 9th centuries and Christians later led crusades into the Muslim territory.

What is orthodox Judaism? What are some of their practices?

branch of Judaism committed to retaining traditional beliefs and practices, no bat mitzvahs, women and men seated separately in synagogue, most influential, smallest branch

What is conservative Judaism? What are some of their practices?

branch of Judaism that accepts change, but strives to retain most important and beloved traditions, men and women sit together in synagogue, religious services are held in the local language

Xiain Bei

brought mahayana buddhism to China

Minarets were used to

call Muslims to prayer

Papal State

central Italy ruled by the pope

Fire Temples

central places for Zoroastrian worship; buildings that have fire burning in them all the time priest maintains them and perform rituals No communal worship

Rabban Bar Sauna

christian from Beijing who traveled all the way to Rome

Tools used by Europeans for exploring and colonizing

compass, astrolabe, caravel, rudder, rifles, & cannons

Habsburg Empire

controlled much of Europe and was in control of the Holy Roman Empire. The Habsburgs were in fact one family. Reigned supreme in Europe for many years. This particular excerpt concerns Eastern Europe in the late 1600s. The Habsburgs once exercised great power over all of Europe. Habsburgs had control of the seat of Holy Roman Emperor and therefore all of the Holy Roman Empire, and they also had power over several Eastern European satellite states. However, when Charles VI had no male heir to succeed him, he had to write the Pragmatic Sanction to elect his daughter, Maria Theresa, the new leader of the Habsburgs, significantly decreasing the power of the family.

What is Orthopraxy?

correct practice/action

Zheng He

court eunuch of 3rd Ming emperor, Yunglo; led series of 7 overseas trade expeditions 1405-1433; only Chinese attempt to create worldwide trade empire

Zoroastrianism - Monotheism

creator of all things entirely good evil comes from Angra Mainyu

how the Mongols exploited Russia

demanded tribute, took large taxes, raided the boarders periodically for slaves

Zoroastrianism - Heaven and Hell

depending on how we choose, we are either rewarded with heaven or punished with hell 2 judgments - first is 3 days after death (with the bridge); second is at the end of time


economic system based on private ownership of resources and production - people own & operate businesses

Adam Smith

economist who wrote "The Wealth of Nations." He encouraged free trade and attacked mercantilism.

Pope Urban II

emperor of Byzantine Empire called ? for help when he lost the Battle of Manzikert


first foreign dynasty - really Mongols, control all of Asia in the 1200s, Kublai Khan is the most important ruler, Marco Polo is a member of the court and introduces gunpowder, porcelain, and ramen noodles to Europe from China, rulers prefer foreigners and put themselves in the government, brutal in war but tolerant in peace, safe passage guaranteed along Silk Roads because it was a time of Pax Mongolica, Bubonic Plague travels down Silk Roads, build Beijing, and try to invade Japan but fail because of Japanese kamikaze and the dynasty is over(1274-1368)


first official dynasty, 7 or 8 families ruled, each moved the capital, king started to be seen as an intermediary between heaven and earth, artistic bronze usage begins, pottery was created because of a food surplus, veneration of ancestors begins, 2 horse chariots are made, and oracle bones start being used(1750-1040BC)


height of Chinese ancient world, collapse led to the Warring States Era, beginning of filial piety, physically the largest dynasty until the Tang, give the Chinese people their name (Sons of ______), paper introduced for the first time as opposed to silk/bark, promote Confucian ideals, the Analects are popular, introduction of Silk Roads, and contemporary of Pax Romana(206BC-8AD)

What is Justinian best remembered for?

his reform of the law

What subject did the Byzantine scholars study most?


how Mongol facilitated trade

honored merchants, gave them greater price than asking price, gave them access to the relay system; gave them tax breaks; standardized weights and measures


idea to paint and sculpt subjects realistically. It involves a number of techniques that make the subjects and background look like they would in real life.

how the Mongols ruled Russia

indirectly from the nearby steppes

What happened to the Byzantine empire during the Fourth Crusade?

invaders plundered the city and sent the treasure westward; empire never recovered from defeat

Socratic Method

is a method from the philosopher, Socrates, who believed in absolute truths. The Socratic Method is used to force students to use their reason and to see things for themselves.

Which of the following best describes how the Ottoman Empire and the Mughal Empire were similar?

it greatly expanded its power and territory


it takes ? years for trained knights to reach Jerusalem

What did the Byzantine empire later decline into?

just the city of Constantinople

What is reformed Judaism? What are some of their practices?

liberal branch of Judaism that has thoroughly modernized belief and practice in accordance with contemporary world, women are allowed to be rabbits and girls can have bat mitzvahs


longest dynasty, feudalistic society, allegiance to emperor from local rulers, written law, currency in the form of iron coins on a string, Hundred Schools Era in which the three big ideas are developed: Confucianism, Daoism (Lai Tzu), Legalism (Han Fe), and first to claim the Mandate of Heaven(1100-256BC)


means "rebirth", an era which emphasizes education, art and critical thinking.


members of a Hindu warrior caste from northern India that made up 15% of the Mughal emperor Akbar's political appointments


members of the Sufi order

Columbian Exchange

movement of people, goods, ideas, and diseases across the Atlantic Ocean


one of the most important inventions. Changed horseback riding forever.


physically largest amount of land to date, unicorn horn shaped because of the Silk Roads, hyper empire - political stability, literacy, economic stability, wealth, foot binding begins and continues for 1000 years, Li Bo was a poet who was quoted regularly, CSE reimplemented with 3 tiers, Silk Roads were guaranteed safe passage, Empress Wu, the only female empress in Chinese history, supported poetry, the arts, Buddhism, block printed began so literacy and the demand for books increased, the first major book being "Diamond Sutra," a Buddhist novelporcelain invented, and scholar gentry start to replace traditional landed gentry aristocracy


points where spices and other products could be stored until they were shipped to Europe


r1556-1605, Mughal emperor who pushed the borders of the Mughal Empire and reformed Mughal administrative structure, religious policies, and cultural interactions

why Mongols fell in China

rising prices, plague, peasant rebellion => overthrown

Pope Innocent III

sent military to destroy the Cathars

The leader of the Safavid Empire was called the


Mongol religion

shamanistic, involved rituals with ancestors, communicated with the spirit world, had a sky god Tengri

what happened to the wealth the Mongols gained from invasion

shared to benefit everybody

Janissaries were

slave soldiers in the Ottoman army.

What did the Byzantine empire's greatest strengths come from?

strong central government and a prosperous economy

What are three things that undermined the strength of the Byzantine empire?

struggles over succession, court intrigues, and constant wars


study of the structure of the human body


term that describes the resurgence of Confucianism and the influence of Confucian scholars during the T'ang Dynasty; a unification of Daoist or Buddhist metaphysics with Confucian pragmatism. a philosophy that emerged in Song-dynasty China; it revived Confucian thinking while adding in Buddhist and Daoist elements


the 4th Crusade was a ? because of disorganization and a lack of strong leadership


the 4th Crusaders ransacked ? and made one of their leaders the new emperor

why the Mongols had good timing in invading China

the Jurchens had already taken part of China

who Mongols were influenced by in the invasion of Russia

the Kipchak: converted to Islam for them, spoke their language, etc.

who held the real power in the Abbasid Caliphate

the Turkic Sultans


the act of searching or traveling for the purpose of discovery


the branch of Islam that regards Ali as the legitimate successor to Mohammed and rejects the first three caliphs

what enabled the Bedouins to gain power and become better fighters

the camel saddle (allowed them to stay on their camels to fight)

What is Rabbinical Judaism?

the form and practice of Judaism that developed after the destruction of the 2nd temple, is practiced wherever Jews live, religious life centered on the synagogue and home, Rabbis formal religious leaders, study of scripture

What is Biblical Judaism?

the form and practice of Judaism up until the destruction of the 2nd temple, covers period that is read in scriptures, centered in Israel, religious life centered on temple, Levites were formal religious leaders, ritual sacrifice major component

What is involved in the Jewish practice of Study?

the learning and teaching of Hebrew scriptures, Talmud, and traditional texts

What is Yom Kippur?

the most important day in the Jewish religion, "Day of Atonement", one of the High Holy Days, prayer and strict fasting to atone for sins

Hundred Years War

the series of wars between England and France, 1337-1453, in which England lost all its possessions in France except Calais. Series of conflicts between England and the Capetian monarchs of France for control of the French Kingdom; England believed they were the rightful rulers of France because William Normandy had owned land in French lands

What work from the Byzantine empire contributed to the European cultural flowering that became known as the Renaissance?

their Greek manuscripts

What is involved in the Jewish practice of Worship?

traditional prayers and devotional acts in the home and synagogue (using ritual items, depending on tradition)


trained knights were ? for the hardship of their journey

why its hard to make a nomad state

tribes very competitive with each other, not enough surplus wealth to support a bureaucracy/military

2nd Crusade

try to kill people, but get beaten back


type of Buddhism that spread to China from India

settler colony

type of colony where people move from their home countries to create permanent settlements or towns

Pope Urban

unhappy about the Great Schsim, but helps Byzantine because it is the land of Jesus

how Mongols were influenced by China

used Chinese administrative practices, gave themselves a Chinese dynasty title (Yuan)


valuing caring for others and quality of life Emphasize relationships Examples: Scandinavia, Costa Rice


valuing success, money, and things Competitiveness Emphasize achievement Strongly defined gender roles Examples: United States, Germany


vassal ally of Hideyoshi, built up powerful rule in heavily populated Kanto plain, winner after war after Hideyoshi died, consolidate power in Japan, lands held by daimyos allied w/ shoguns

the Mongols commerce/infrastructure

very efficient, good census to tax all citizens, centralized bureaucracy where all decrees were translated to languages of the Empire, relay system for rapid trade/communication

Mongol stance on religion

very religiously tolerant

The Crusades

war between European Christians and Muslims (Seljuk Turks) over control of holy land

Pax Mongolia

was a Golden Age of Mongol peace


works for a master in the store and gets paid


works in a guild and votes, owns a store

Magna Carta

written in 1215 to limit the powers of the English king

al Tabari

wrote positively on Jesus and his crucifixion, but used the Old Testament to back up the teachings of the Qur'an

What is mercantilism and how does mercantilism work?

• An economic system • The mother country colonizes new lands to monopolize resources found there • Exports and imports were very important

Who were the principal explorers for each country, 1450 - 1650?

• Columbus - Spain • Cartier - France • Cabot - England

What evidence of religious traditions brought to the area of South and Central America in the 1400s can still be seen in the region today?

• Festivals are celebrated that link to Spanish missionaries • Landmarks, statues, and buildings still exist today that were built during the Spanish colonization in the 1500s

What role did King Ferdinand and Queen Isabel of Spain play in Spanish exploration, specifically regarding Christopher Columbus?

• Funded Columbus's Exploration • Gave Columbus 10% of profit, power to govern, ships/caravel to make the voyage with.

B3. To what do the "3 Gs" refer in terms of early European exploration? (hint: all 3 are reasons for exploration)

• Gold- finding gold to give countries power • God -spread the catholic faith and spread Christianity • Glory- countries and or explorers wanted to be known as the best and most powerful

How was religion a motivating factor in early exploration?

• Missionaries wanted to spread the catholic faith to make the catholic church stronger

What religion is found throughout South America today?

• Roman Catholicism

Where three countries settles mainly in north America?

• Spain • France • England

What were the top five European countries that explored North and South America, 1450 to 1650?

• Spain • France • English • Dutch • Portugal

Why were the islands of the Caribbean appealing to Christopher Columbus and the country for whom he sailed (which was)?

• Spain wanted new lands to control resources found there -ex. sugarcane

What policies were introduced to bring about Japanese isolation?

→ want to isolate from outside influences What policies were introduced to bring about Japanese isolation? Forbidden to trade or sail overseas 1630s, limited # Dutch and Chinese ships allowed to come 1640s, some nations excluded (Spain) or not worth risk (English), W books banned, foreigners allowed to live and travel only in very limited areas

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