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The Average Total Fertility Rate (TFR) is worldwide even though the World is still growing at 1.05% per year without a carrying capacity.

1000 people

The Crude Birth Rate and Crude Death Rate (CBR and CDR) is the number of births and deaths out of


The Earth's surface is covered by what percent of salt water?

tropical rain forest

The biome with the highest diversity is the

Erosion from agricultural land

Which of the following characteristically produces non point-source pollution?

few young, parental care

Which of the following characteristics are most representative of a K-selected species?

The biodiversity of community A is higher than B

Which of the following communities has the highest biodiversity? Both communities were sampled with the same plot size. Community A = Species A - 100 individuals, Species B - 78 individuals, Species C - 98 individuals. Community B = Species A - 350 individuals, Species B - 4 individuals, Species C - 2 individuals

Costa Rica

Which of the following countries would be considered developing or less-developed?


Cold grassland with permafrost and a short growing season. Located at the poles or alpine areas.

sunlight does not penetrate to great depths in water

Phytoplankton are most abundant in the upper few hundred feet of most bodies of water because


Refer to the figure below, which shows five different marine zones. The zone in which species are adapted to the lowest light and the highest pressure.


Refer to the figure below, which shows five different marine zones. The zone which has the greatest total mass of decompostable matter (nutrients)?


Refer to the figure below, which shows five different marine zones. Which zone has the greatest diversity of life per unit area?

100 years

Refer to the following graph. At which time after clear-cutting does the ecosystem exhibit the greatest species richness?

Sweet Gum

Refer to the following graph. Which tree species grows best with full sunlight?


Refer to the graph below of bird and mammal extinctions over three centuries. Approximately how many more mammal species became extinct in the period 1901-2000 than became extinct in the period 1801-1900?

Increased environmental disturbances from human activities altered bird habitats.

Refer to the graph below of bird and mammal extinctions over three centuries. Which of the following is the most likely reason that the greatest number of extinctions of bird species occurred in the period 1901-2000?

Normal rainfall

Refer to the pH scale below. The arrow represents the approximate pH of which of the following?


Refer to the pH scale below. The concentration of H+ ions in a solution with a pH value of 4 is how many times as great as the concentration of H+ ions in a solution with a pH value of 7?

They are not designed to remove pharmaceutical chemicals from wastewater.

Which of the following is true of sewage treatment plants in the United States?

Public housing priority for families with more than two children

Which of the following measures would be most likely to promote fertility above replacement level?

High life expectancy and low infant mortality

Which of the following pairs of statistics would most likely indicate the highest quality of life in a country?

Reducing human population size

Which of the following practices would have the biggest impact on achieving global sustainability?

Removing debris and trash - aeration and bacteria growth - Disinfection

Which of the following represent the sewage treatment order system best?

Arctic Ocean ice melts ‹ ocean surface water temperature increases ‹ more ice melts

Which of the following represents a positive feedback loop in the Arctic that is associated with anthropogenic climate change?

The use of plants to absorb and accumulate toxic materials from the soil

Which of the following statements best describes the concept of phytoremediation?

India has a higher population growth rate than China and Australia have.

Which of the following statements is best supported by the population doubling times indicated on the map?


Which population growth model most closely describes the current growth for the worldwide human population growth?

Stage 2 (transitional)

Which stage is the country's population growing the fastest during the demographic transition?


Which term describes the temperature, precipitation, and humidity of an area over hours or days?


Which type of aquatic system takes longer to clean using oxygen and bacteria after natural or human biodegradable matter is added (sewage, manure, decomposing matter like leaf litter) input?

they marry at a young age

Women are least likely to have fewer and healthier children when

Oak and hickory are late-successional species; pioneer species will dominate for many decades before the oaks and hickories are reestablished.

A North Carolina timber company proposes to clear-cut 45 hectares of oak-hickory deciduous forest in the Appalachian Mountains. The company has said that the forest will regrow naturally, and 50 years after the clear-cutting the company plans to harvest again, cutting all the oaks and hickories that have at least a 40-centimeter diameter. A local citizens' group claims that this is not a realistic plan. Which of the following, if true, best supports the claim of the citizens' group?


A city has a CBR of 4 and a CDR of 2, what is the % growth or decline of this city?


A crab eating decaying matter on the bottom of a sandy ocean floor is called?

would be green and murky from the algae growing throughout and higher nutrients

A eutrophic lake

Bacteria in soil and in root nodules converted free nitrogen into nitrogen compounds.

A field is abandoned, and an invasive plant that can live in nutrient-poor soil moves into the field. If the land is later cleared of this invasive species and it is discovered that the soil has an abundance of nitrogen compounds, what conclusion can best be made?


A gaseous decay product of uranium that is found in rocks and leaks into houses

Reducing storm damage and flooding of inland development

A good exalple of an economic service of salt marshes and mangrove forest would be.


A hammerhead shark would be considered what type of organism?

To observe the effect of organic waste on DO

A laboratory experiment was done to show the effects of organic waste en the dissolved oxygen (DO) content in water. Five tanks were set up each containing fresh water and a small amount of single-celled green algae. Specified amounts of organic waste were added to the tanks. The results below show the amount of DO in each tank after a period of one week.

Repeating the experiment several times and comparing the results

A laboratory experiment was done to show the effects of organic waste on the dissolved oxygen (DO) content in water. Five tanks were set up, each containing fresh water and a small amount of single-celled green algae. Specified amounts of organic waste were added to the tanks. The results below show the amount of DO in each tank after a period of one week.

The algae multiplied and then died and decomposed.

A laboratory experiment was done to show the effects of organic waste on the dissolved oxygen (DO) content in water. Five tanks were set up, each containing fresh water and a small amount of single-celled green algae. Specified amounts of organic waste were added to the tanks. The results below show the amount of DO in each tank after a period of one week.


A leading cause of lung cancer in the United States


A photosynthetic free-floating organism in the ocean is called?

The country is at the industrial stage of the demographic transition.

A small developing country with negligible rates of immigration and emigration is going through a demographic change. Thirty years ago the crude birth rate was 44 per thousand per year and the crude death rate was 17 per thousand per year. Now the crude birth rate is 16 per thousand per year and the crude death rate is 5 per thousand per year. Which of the following statements about the country now is most likely to be true?

have doubled between 1950 and 2150

According to the graph, the global human population will most likely

adding nitrates

All of the following are commonly used to deal with the side effects of eutrophication in lakes EXCEPT

They exist north of 40 degrees latitude

All of the following are true about mangroves, except.

decrease in nutrients (nitrates and phosphates)

All of the following problems are leading to the decline in coral reefs, except.

high infant mortality

All of the following should help reduce population growth in a country except.

They tend to have low reproductive rates.

All of the following statements about invasive exotic species are true EXCEPT:

other countries that export produce to the United States still use DDT

Although the use of DDT was banned in the United States in 1972, a test of the body tissue of an average United States resident today would most likely reveal the presence of DDT because

Comparing plant survivorship in areas where hikers stay on the trail with plant survivorship in the area where hikers leave the trail

An alpine area of a national park near a trail is normally covered by plants, but much of the area is now bare soil. Park rangers suspect that trampling by hikers has killed the plants. Which of the following will best test the hypothesis?

The transitional

As a country goes through the demographic transition, the greatest rate of population growth takes place during which phase?

When precipitation varies, streams in watershed II experience the greatest fluctuations in water volume.

Based on the information shown in the graph, which of the following statements is most likely to be true?

more people can be fed using less agricultural land because vegetarians eat at a lower trophic level

Being a vegetarian or eating less meat is often cited as a partial solution to the growing problem of deforestation and other types of habitat destruction as the human population continues to grow. The reason for this is

The number of cars on the road increased.

Between 1960 and 1970, world oil consumption approximately doubled. Which of the following explanations is consistent with this increase?


Blocks light from algal growth


Causes dead zones with a lack of oxygen

Oil Spills

Covers animals with fur and feathers and causes a loss of body heat

The TFR is below replacement level, but the country continues to grow slightly due to immigration

Currently the US is growing at 0.4% during the past year (2020). The TFR is at its lowest rate in 30 years at 1.6 births per woman. Which of the following phrases about the US is true.

carbon dioxide

Decomposers add this to the air due to respiration as they decompose decaying matter.

asphyxiation from lack of oxygen

Eutrophication results in the death of trout and other fish as a result of

Boreal or Taiga Forests

Evergreen trees with a short growing season and cold winter.


For a primary producer, the main function of photosynthesis is to manufacture

At each step, energy is lost from the system as a result of keeping the organisms alive.

For most terrestrial ecosystems, pyramids of numbers, biomass, and energy are essentially the same, exhibiting a broad base and a narrow top. The primary reason for this pattern is


Guano from fish-eating birds is a commercial source of this element.

Temperate Grassland

High nutrients and a deep soil due to seasonal die off of leaves and high growth in the summer. Makes the best farmland

Carbon that has been sequestered underground is added to the carbon cycling between the atmosphere and the biosphere.

How does the burning of fossil fuels contribute to the net increase in atmospheric carbon?


How would you describe the distribution of individual dandelions in a population?


IF a country has the same CBR and CDR three generations, what will the shape of the pyramid look like?

5850 kcal/m2/year

If GPP in a tropical forest plot is 6,000 kcal/m2/year and those plants require 150 kcal/m2/year to survive through cellular respiration, what is the NPP of this plant community?


If a population pyramid looks like a pyramid, with more pre-reproductive individuals at the base, the population is


If a toxin from plastic stays in muscle tissue and moves through the food chain, this is called and it causes top predators to have more of the toxin than organism lower on the food chain.


If an area was originally forested and then underwent urban development, which of the following shows the most likely effects on various parts of the water cycle in the area?


If the city of Freemont had 300 people in 2012 and the current population is 410, what is the % change of this population?

40 years

If the population of a country is growing at a rate of 1.75 percent per year, the population will double in approximately how many years?

455 people/ square mile

If there are 45,500 people in a city that is on 100 square miles of land. What is the density of the population?

littoral, limnetic, profundal, benthic

If you are walking into a lake, the order of zones you will wallk through (provided the pond is shallow enough to walk or you have diving gear) is most likely in the following order.

have coevolved with native plant species

In North America, native pollinators often increase the quantity and quality of crops of native plants that are insect pollinated more effectively than European honeybees do. The most likely reason for the phenomenon is that native pollinators


In a pond the most algal cells would probably be located in which zone?

primary consumer

In the ocean ecosystem if a sea bird eats a fish that has eaten algae, what is a fish?


Located near coastal areas. It is temperate with mild wet winters and fires in the summer. These evergreen shrubs are adapted to fire.

discharge of sewage to surface waters

Major anthropogenic sources of nitrogen pollution include commercial fertilizers, vehicle exhaust, industrial air pollution, and

Secondary consumers

Many synthetic chemicals, such as PCBs, act as estrogen mimics. In an ecosystem, these persistent chemicals would have the greatest effect on which of the following?


Marine sediments that form limestone are a major sink for this element.


Members of the baby-boom generation make up % of all adult Americans.

warm air rises at the equator, cools, and sinks at 30° latitude

Most deserts on Earth are located near the 30° north and 30° south latitudes because humidity is lower at 30°. The best explanation for the lower humidity is that


Moves through the food web and at high concentrations in fish can affect human brain function

Open ocean

Of the following ecosystems, which has the lowest net primary productivity, measured as kilo-calories of energy produced per square meter per year?

the increase in the spread of infectious diseases

Of the phenomena that correlate with the data above, the one that is the most direct consequence of the trend in air travel is

low, but the large expanse of the oceans supports enormous numbers of producers such as phytoplankton

Open oceans produce the largest share of Earth's biomass because the net primary productivity (NPP) of the oceans is

bacteria break down biodegradable wastes

Oxygen sag curves occur when

the introduced species compete for resources more effectively than native species

Population biologists are concerend about introduced species such as the zebra mussel in North America because


Poses a health risk to humans who eat large quantities of marine fish such as swordfish and tuna

Red pine distribution will shift northward into Canada.

Red pine trees are currently found growing in only the cool northernmost areas of the central and eastern United States. Climate change is expected to have an impact on the distribution of the species. Which of the following describes the most likely change to the distribution of red pine over the next 200 years?


Some toxic compounds are ingested and retained in the tissues. These pollutants pose special risks to humans and other organisms high on the food chain because of which process?


Step P. Water is passed through a screen to remove debris. Step Q. Pathogenic organisms are killed by chlorination, UV, or ozone. Step R. Suspended particles clump and settle out. Step S. A floccing agent, such as alum, is added to the water. The processes described above are steps in the purification and treatment of municipal wastewater. The steps are listed in random order. Which of the following lists the steps in the correct sequence?

decomposition zone

Streams are able to recover from sewage/manure input. This recovery follows the oxygen sag curve. Which zone still has some fish, but dissolved oxygen is decreasing and biochemical oxygen demand is at its highest?

few offspring with high levels of parental care

The K-selection reproductive strategy maximizes survival of offspring by producing

67 years to double

The World population is growing at 1.05% (2020). What is the doubling time in years of the World population? Which number is the closest to the number of years the World's population will double.


The approximate carrying capacity of the daphnia population is


The atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide increased from 278 ppm in 1790 to 383 ppm in 2007. What 1s the approximate percent increase in carbon dioxide concentration from 1790 to 2007?

35 years

The country of Sudan has an estimated annual growth rate of 2 percent. At this rate of growth, approximately how many years will it take for the population of Sudan to double?

excess nutrients grows more algae, the algae dies, grows more bacteria that take oxygen out of the water.

The cultural eutrophication follows this timeline.

well-insulated homes

The danger from radon gas would most likely be greatest in

The death rate of the pigeons exceed the birth rate

The graph below shows a population of pigeons living in a neighborhood over a 10 year period. Which of the following statements could account for the change in population seen between years 7 and 8?


The graph below shows the average pH of precipitation from several regions of the world. Approximately how many more times acidic, in terms of H+ concentration, is precipitation in the northeastern United States as compared to precipitation in the South Pacific?

burning of nitrogen-containing fossil fuels from cars and oil refineries that produce NO2 and NO

The graph below shows the average pH of precipitation from several regions of the world. The primary cause of acid precipitation in the northeastern United States is

an equal number of deaths and births

The graph below shows the changes in a caribou population over time. Based on the graph, which of the following is a possible explanation for the stabilization of the caribou population?


The graph below shows the effect of sewage on biological oxygen demand (BOD) and dissolved oxygen (DO) in flowing stream. The smallest fish populations will most probably be found at point

Seasonal cycles of temperature and precipitation produce abundant vegetative growth.

The great grasslands of the world have which of the following primary characteristics in common?


The natural nutrient enrichment of a shallow lake, estuary, or slow moving stream is called

nitrates found in plant and meats that are consumed

The nitrogen cycle is shown below. The nitrogen that is used by primary and secondary consumers comes in the form of

non-point source fertilizer pollution

The oxygen depletion causing a dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico is due to.

upside down pyramid

The pyramid of Germany, Denmark, and Japan, has this shape?

an increase in moisture on the windward side of mountain rangea

The rain shadow effect refers to

increase in the biological oxygen demand

The release of a large amount of sewage and other organic wastes into a river would likely result in a sharp


The sequence A through E represents stages of ecological succession in a given area. Which diagram (A-E) shows the greatest amount of pioneer organisms?

Type III

The survivorship curve has type I, II, and III. Which type is typical of r-selected species?

temperature and precipitation

The two abiotic factors most responsible for biome location is

Hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico

The use of nitrogen-based fertilizers in the Midwestern United States is a major contributing factor to which of the following?

increasing numbers of women entering the workforce in developing nations

The world population growth rate in 2015 is about 1 percent. It is expected to drop to 0.5 percent by 2050, partly because of increased access to birth control in developing nations. Another likely cause for the expected decline is


The zone of the ocean where the temperatures changes the most. Colder as you go down, is called the


Tropical grassland with the occasional legume tree. Many herbivore and predator species use as habitat.

Site C

Until 2005 the entire Postawko Creek Watershed in Fremont County consisted of a national forest interspersed with hay meadows and houses on lots with a minimum size of five acres. In 2005 Farmer Cobb opened a dairy farm in the watershed, and the citizens of Fremont County became concerned that the runoff from the dairy farm would negatively impact the water quality of the watershed. Scientists employed by the county collected water quality data at five sites in the watershed; some of the data are compiled in the table above. Based on these data, which site is most likely immediately downstream from the dairy farm?


Use the figure above to answer the following question Choose the letter that represents dry cool air falling to Earth.


Use the figure above to answer the following question(s). Choose the letter that representes warmer air rising then the water vapor cooling and condensing into rain. A location for forests.


Using the food web, identify the following: the secondary consumer


Was once widely used in the United States as a gasoline additive and can come from corroding pipes.

US Economy and Immigration Laws

What are the two factors that are most closely related to immigration into the United States (similar in other countries)?


What is the % change of the following population? A small town called Freemont had 4,000 people in 2001 and currently has 4,500 people.

2.5 and due to a higher infant mortality rate

What is the replacement level fertility rate of a developing country and the reason why?

removing nitrates and phosphates

What is the tertiary treatment in the sewage treatment system if it is present?


What is the ultimate energy source for our ecosystems on Earth (_)? Upper or lowercase doesn't matter, spelling does.

inadequate sunlight

What prevents coral reefs from surviving below the euphotic zone?


What would be a typical distribution of individuals in a population for the following situation. -territorial predator that lives solitary lifestyle.

Z, X, Y, W

When Mt St. Helens volcano erupted, the blast covered much of the surrounding area with ash. Based on the diagram above, which list shows the sequence of secondary succession that followed the eruption?

The beetles that received no pesticide

When conducting an experiment to test the amount of pesticide that might kill non-pest species. This experiment was conducted. A representative non-pest beetle that eats decaying material was put in several aquariums. Different amounts of pesticide were used. The scientists counted the number of individuals that died each day. The beetles were kept in the same conditions; light, temperature, day length, food availability, etc. Match the appropriate part of the experiment to the experimental design term: Control

The temperature, light, food, etc.

When conducting an experiment to test the amount of pesticide that might kill non-pest species. This experiment was conducted. A representative non-pest beetle that eats decaying material was put in several aquariums. Different amounts of pesticide were used. The scientists counted the number of individuals that died each day. The beetles were kept in the same conditions; light, temperature, day length, food availability, etc. Match the appropriate part of the experiment to the experimental design term: Controlled variable

The number of beetles that died each day

When conducting an experiment to test the amount of pesticide that might kill non-pest species. This experiment was conducted. A representative non-pest beetle that eats decaying material was put in several aquariums. Different amounts of pesticide were used. The scientists counted the number of individuals that died each day. The beetles were kept in the same conditions; light, temperature, day length, food availability, etc. Match the appropriate part of the experiment to the experimental design term: Dependent variable

The amount of pesticide used

When conducting an experiment to test the amount of pesticide that might kill non-pest species. This experiment was conducted. A representative non-pest beetle that eats decaying material was put in several aquariums. Different amounts of pesticide were used. The scientists counted the number of individuals that died each day. The beetles were kept in the same conditions; light, temperature, day length, food availability, etc. Match the appropriate part of the experiment to the experimental design term: Independent Variable

always at the end before it enters the natural water way

When does disinfection using UV or chlorine occur?


Which chemical cycle has no gas phase?


Which country is currently facing a declining population?


Which environment is characterized by the highest diversity of tree species?


Which environment is most likely to be characterized by being temperate (seasons), with a mild winter, wetter summer, and deciduous forests?

number of people 60 or older

Which factor below is least likely to affect birth and fertility rates today?

storing water in expandable tissues

Which is an effective strategy adopted by desert plants for survival?


Which latitude shown on the diagram above experiences 24 hours of daylight on December 21 ?

Clean Water Act 1972

Which law results in US stream areas becoming more fishable and swimmable from 36% to 60%?


Which of the countries listed in the chart above is most likely experiencing a population decline?


Which of the countries listed in the chart above is most likely to have limited educational opportunities for women?


Which of the following age structure diagrams represents a population that most likely has a negative growth rate?

2%..35 years

Which of the following annual population growth rates is paired with the correct doubling time?

climate change and acidification

Which of the following are the two greatest long-term threats to coral reefs?

Doubling in size over equal increments of time

Which of the following best characterizes a population that is growing exponentially with time?

They recycle nutrients.

Which of the following best explains why decomposers in soil and water are important to ecosystems?

Population increases rapidly, birth rate remains high, death rate decreases

Which of the following describes the changes in a country's demographics as it begins its transition from a preindustrial state to an industrial state?


Which of the following diagrams correctly illustrates the nitrogen cycle?

tropical rain forests

Which of the following does not belong with the others?


Which of the following ecological concepts includes all of the others?


Which of the following elements is most likely to limit primary production


Which of the following is a density independent limiting factor?

The total fertility of a society decreases as the society progresses through the demographic transition.

Which of the following is a true statement about the total fertility of a society?

Seal or ventilate places where radon enters the living space.

Which of the following is an appropriate remediation strategy for removing radon gas from the home?

Deposition of organic matter on the deep ocean floor

Which of the following is an example of a carbon sink?

competition for food

Which of the following is density dependent limiting factor?

They have longer life spans.

Which of the following is generally true of K- strategist species as compared to r-strategist species?

They have lorger life spans.

Which of the following is generally true of K- strategist species as compared to r-strategist species?

The absorption of a substance by an organism at a rate greater than the rate of elimination

Which of the following is the best description of bioaccumulation?

Sea otter

Which of the following is the best example of a keystone species?

Water that has been used for bathing and for washing clothes

Which of the following is the best example of gray water?

Water pollution from oil rigs concentrated in the Gulf of Mexico

Which of the following is the best example of the tragedy of the commons?

Depletion of fishing stocks in the North Atlantic

Which of the following is the best illustration of the tragedy of the commons?


Which of the following is the zone of a pond or lake in which rooted, emergent plants such as cattails and rushes are located?

20 deer per year

You have a deer population that has 400 births and 200 deaths in a 10-year period, what is the change in deer per year?


be released from corrosive pipes or old paint chips and can affect brain development and cognitive function.

Deciduous forest

temperate forest with leaf litter that slowly decomposes, providing nutrients.

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