apush (17+18) NOT MINE

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Who created the Compromise of 1850?

Immortal trio

Aboltionists and ardent free soilers (republicans) were

Infuriated with browns execution (did not support him but still mad that he got executed)

1856 election

James Buchanan won election with all southern state votes except Maryland.

President of the CSA

Jefferson Davis

Where was popular sovereignty first used

Kansas and Nebraska

Mexican Cession

Lands sold by Mexico to the US following the Mexican War

John Calhoun opinion on how to solve problem

Leave slavery alone, runaway slaves to return, give south rights as minority resorting balance

Leading politician of republicans


California Gold Rush

Mass migration to California following the discovery of gold in 1848 (attracted tens and thousands of people, resulted in rise of crime)

Charles summer

Massachusetts Senator in 1856, his strong abolitionist convictions caused him to antagonize the South in a speech called "The Crime Against Kansas".

Popular sovereignty eliminates

Missouri compromise (which said for every slave state added a free state must be added and vice-versa)

Due to popular sovereignty, southerners began to

Move to Kansas with weaponry ( goal was to add pro-slave vote and scare everyone else with the weapons)

Even though a sectional party, the republicans were


Popular Sovereignty

New states needed a vote to decide if they want to be free or not

Any president between Polk and Lincoln were

Not up to challenge for what was addressing the United States (slave, tariff, etc)

Why was South Carolina happy for Lincoln being elected

Now they had excuse to secede

Election of 1860 virtually had 2 elections

One for north and one for south

Harper's Ferry

Place where John Brown schemed to invade the South with armed slaves, seized the federal arsenal; killed seven men, Brown and remnants were caught by Robert E. Lee and the US Marines; convicted of murder and treason, Brown was hanged

1855 Election in Kansas

Pro slavery "border ruffians" came from Missouri to vote early

Federal commissioner handled case of a fugitive

Runaway was freed - earned 5$ If not - earned 10$

southern chivalry argument vs clubs

Sarcastic propaganda portraying south (Preston brooks) showing the south's form of "chivalry". (War vs violence, argument vs clubs)

Slave supporters set up puppet government at

Shawnee mission

1st state to leave the union

South Carolina

Dred Scott v. Sanford

Supreme Court case that decided US Congress did not have the power to prohibit slavery in federal territories and slaves, as private property, could not be taken away without due process - basically slaves would remain slaves in non-slave states and slaves could not sue because they were not citizens

Discovery of gold was near

Sutters mill California

Why did the public like popular sovereignty?

it fit in with the democratic tradition of self-determination

Republican Party (1854)

organized in 1854 by antislavery Whigs, Democrats, and Free Soilers in response to the passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act; nominated John C. Frémont for president in 1856 and Abraham Lincoln in 1860

John brown

radical abolitionist who believed in the violent overthrow of the slavery system (hacking people to pieces)

Second era of good feelings

this brief period dawned after the Compromise in 1850, when talk of secession subsided and people of the North and the South were determined that the compromises should be final and the issue of slavery buried.

Fugitive Slave Law

this law required that northern states forcibly returned escaped slaves to their owners.

Goal of all 3 men were

To make concessions between north and south (compromises)

In 1848 who do the Whigs nominate

Zachary Taylor

Opium War

a conflict between Britain and China, lasting from 1839 to 1842, over Britain's opium trade in China

Gun Boat Diplomacy

a show of military force, historically naval force, to intimidate an adversary

Underground Railroad

a system of secret routes used by escaping slaves to reach freedom in the North or in Canada (This was a chain of anti slavery homes that led escaped slaves to Canada)

Republicans were

against slavery

South Carolina threatened to secede if

"Sectional" Lincoln wins

Compromise of 1850

(1) California admitted as free state, (2) territorial status and popular sovereignty of Utah and New Mexico, (3) resolution of Texas-New Mexico boundaries, (4) federal assumption of Texas debt, (5) slave trade abolished in DC, and (6) new fugitive slave law; advocated by Henry Clay and Stephen A. Douglas

Effects of the Kansas-Nebraska Act

(1) wrecked both the Missouri Comp. of 1820 and the Comp. of 1850 (2) northerners regarded the repeal of the Missouri Compromise as an intolerable breach of faith; all future compromise would be difficult (infuriated northerners) (3) creation of the Republican Party from opponents of the act

Zachary Taylor

(1849-1850), Whig president who was a Southern slave holder, and war hero (Mexican-American War). Won the 1848 election. Surprisingly did not address the issue of slavery at all on his platform. He died during his term and his Vice President was Millard Fillmore. (Known as hero of buena vista)

3 reasons for Dred Scott case

- Scott was black slave not even a Citizen - he was private property - fifth amendment

Republicans believed

- nonexistence of slavery - protective tariff - for immigrants, no abridgment of rights -pacific railroad -internal improvements - free homesteads

Why was planting slavery in Kansas not a good idea

- since slaves were a valuable property, it is not smart to bring them in the middle of a war zone

Why did the states secede

- threatened by north's "despotic majority of numbers" -weary of free-soil criticism, abolitionists, and northern interference like the Underground Railroad and John brown - they expected "greedy" republicans to pass oppressive tariff

Confederate States of America (CSA)

-Formed by seven seceding states in Montgomery, Alabama in February 1861 -Chose Jefferson Davis as their president

2 immediate causes of civil war

-Lincoln elected - attack on fort Sumter

Lincoln campaign and election

-Sectionalist president - ten southern states did not have his name on ballots

4 more will join later bringing total to

11 states seceded

Franklin Pierce

14th President, weak and indecisive, he was a northerner pro south, accepted slavery

Kansas-Nebraska Act

1854 - Created Nebraska and Kansas as states and gave the people in those territories the right to chose to be a free or slave state through popular sovereignty.

Treaty of Kanagawa

1854 treaty between Japan and the US. Japan agreed to open two ports to American ships (used Gunboat diplomacy)

Dred Scott

A black slave, had lived with his master for 5 years in Illinois and Wisconsin Territory(Free states). Backed by interested abolitionists, he sued for freedom on the basis of his long residence on free soil. The ruling on the case was that He was a black slave and not a citizen, so he had no rights.

Nebraska (west of free-soil Iowa )presumably would choose to become

A free state

Stephen Douglas

A moderate, who introduced the Kansas-Nebraska Act in 1854 and popularized the idea of popular sovereignty.

Commodore Matthew Perry

A navy commander who, on July 8, 1853, became the first foreigner to break through the barriers that had kept Japan isolated from the rest of the world for 250 years.

Bleeding Kansas

A sequence of violent events involving abolitionists and pro-Slavery elements that took place in Kansas-Nebraska Territory. The dispute further strained the relations of the North and South, making civil war imminent.

Kansas (west of slaveholding Missouri)presumably would choose to become

A slave state

Who won the 1860 election ?

Abraham Lincoln

Taylor avoided

All troublesome issues

Caleb Cushing

American diplomat who negotiated the Treaty of Wanghia with China in 1844

South had what party

Democratic Party

1852 Election

Democrats nominated "dark horse", Franklin pierce Whigs nominated "old fuss and feathers", Winfield Scott

South painted the picture that all northerners were

Brown loving republicans (made north look bad)

Why did Douglas only have 12 electoral votes

Campaigns for north and south but neither liked him

Immortal Trio

Clay, Calhoun, and Webster

South Carolina Called a special convention

Convention voted unanimously to secede (action set off chain reaction of secession)

After taylor dies who takes over


Free soil party

Formed in result of Mexican American war, they argued that new territories added should be free states

Nickname for people who wanted gold

Forty niners

To south brown was

Apostle of treason and murderer

republicans platform

Appealed to every non southern group

Senator Stephen Douglas proposed that territory of Nebraska should be

Divided into 2 territories (Kansas and Nebraska)

Kanas might be voted

Free under popular sovereignty (bc north people moved there)

Northern authority undermined by

Fugitive slave law

What party did north have

Had no set party

Most well known conductor of Underground Railroad

Harriet Tubman

John brown was considered as what to free soilers and abolionists

Terrorist butcher (Did not like his ideas)

James Buchanan

The 15th President of the United States (1857-1861). He tried to maintain a balance between proslavery and antislavery factions, but his moderate views angered radicals in both North and South, and he was unable to forestall the secession of South Carolina on December 20, 1860.

Treaty of Wanghia

The first diplomatic agreement between China and America in history, signed on July 3, 1844. Since America signed as a nation interested in trade instead of colonization, it was rewarded with extraordinary amount of trading power.

Civil War in Kansas

The first state to show signs of a civil war (short term cause of main civil war). Destroyed millions of dollars of property, costed many lives, Kansas applied for statehood on popular sovereignty basis.

Even though abolitionists helped run the Underground Railroad,

They did not profit from their lawlessness

Only way to open region to popular sovereignty was

To repeal Missouri compromise

Free Soilers established their regime in


John Brown's studied tactics from what

Toussaint L'Ouverture, and Nat turner (learned from his mistake)

opium war led to

Uk control of Hong Kong

How were runaway slaves assisted during their escape

Underground Railroad

Henry clay's opinion on how to solve problem

Urged both north and south to make concessions, north to create fugitive slave law

Webster opinion on how to solve problem

Urged for concessions, and fugitive slave law

Preston brooks

Was a Congressman from South Carolina, notorious for brutally assaulting senator Charles Sumner on the floor of the United States Senate pounding him with a cane until it broke.

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