APUSH Celebration of Knowledge Chapter 34 and 35

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6. What effect did the war have on the nation's minorities?

African-Americans: *As many as 1.6 million African-Americans left the South and moved to the North and West, as race relations began to constitute a national issue and the mechanical cotton picker removed the necessity for manual field labor. Also, organizations like the NAACP and the Congress of Racial Equality saw their membership skyrocket.* Native Americans: *Thousands of Native men and women found war work in major cities, and thousands more answered Uncle Sam's call to arms, with twenty-five thousand Native American men serving in the armed forces, with some as "code-talkers",* whose language was incomprehensible to the Germans and Japanese. Mexicans: Mexicans and Mexican-Americans *faced distressingly violent friction. In 1943 the Zoot Suit Riots occurred in Los Angeles, with order only restored by the intervention of a Mexican ambassador who pointed to such outbreaks as fodder for Nazi propaganda mills.*

10. What further steps did the United States take after the fall of France?

After France fell, *Roosevelt called for the building of a huge air fleet and a two-ocean Navy; they then passed a conscription law that would create America's first peacetime draft to train up to 2 million troops.*

14. What was so controversial about Lend-Lease?

Lend-Lease was controversial because its detractors called it a *"blank-check bill" and the "new AAA bill", and said it was designed to "plow under every fourth American boy."* *Secondly, because most people recognized that abandoning neutral policies would mean getting involved in the increasing european troubles.*

5. What were the reasons for American isolationism?

Reasons: America was dealing with the Great Depression, and affairs of other nations were becoming more and more troublesome: communist/facist dictators were rising up in Europe (i.e. Stalin, Mussolini, & Adolf Hitler)

4. In what way can it be said that the reason's for Japanese immigrants' success also caused them trouble?

Successful: they had worked in intensive farming for decades, so they made good laborers in agriculture heavy California. Trouble: were forced to endure racist barbs, social segregation, and various denials of their immigration as well as their ability to own land (middle class white workers felt threatened)

18. What was the military impact of the atomic bomb?

The military impact of the Atomic Bomb was that it would *mark a revolutionary turn in regards to the power of man-made explosives/war tactics*

13. Why could June 6, 1944 be considered THE turning point of the war?

(D-Day) can be considered the turning point of World War II *because it was the biggest Allied victory since the war began, and because it served as the beginning of the decline of Nazi Germany. D-Day was responsible for the liberation of France from German control, specifically in Paris, which allowed the Allied Powers a clear path into the heart of Nazi Germany, signaling the end of Adolf Hitler's Third Reich.*

5. What opportunities were open to woman as a result of the war?

*The main opportunity afforded to women during World War II came in factories (where 6 million woman worked in factories)*

16. How did America's implementation of the Lend-Lease policy bring us closer to war?

*it enabled Americans to trade with British merchants, which the German government saw as an Act of War*. Germany then *began to sink American ships as a warning, aggravating the US closer to joining the war*

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