APUSH Ch. 12-15 Quizzes

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The subject of Charles Sumner's speech that led to his beating on the floor of Congress was

"Bleeding Kansas"

Ulysses S. Grant depended on this group for his presidential victory in 1868

African Americans

Lee surrendered to Grant at

Appomattox Court House

A conflict between rival groups of lumbermen on the Maine-Canadian border

Aroostook War

The bloodiest day of the Civil War

Battle of Antietam

Zachary Taylor defeated Santa Anna at this battle

Battle of Buena Vista

This battle is remembered as the most one sided battle of the Civil War

Battle of Fredericksburg

The turning point of the Civil War

Battle of Gettysburg

Sam Houston defeated Santa Anna at this battle

Battle of San Jacinto

This battle was fought near an abandoned Methodist Church

Battle of Shiloh

This battle was the key to the Mississippi Campaign

Battle of Vicksburg

The first significant battle of the Civil War took place at

Bull Run

Stated slave owners had the same constitutional protection of their property in the new territories as they had in their own states

Calhoun Resolutions

An agreement between Britain the US not to seek control over building a canal in Central America

Clayton-Bulwer Treaty

They did not like Zachary Taylor and opposed slavery

Conscience Whigs

One of the major political scandals of the Grant presidency involved

Credit Mobilier

This caused a decline in grain exports contributing to the onset of the Panic of 1857

Crimean War

Who gave the "Seventh of March" speech?

Daniel Webster

Union naval commander who captured New Orleans

David Farragut

This legalized slavery in the new territories

Dred Scott Case

He introduced interchangeable parts

Eli Whitney

His invention took much of the production of clothing out of homes and into factories

Elias Howe

This court case supported the suspension of the writ of habeas corpus

Ex Parte Milligan

The president could use federal troops to suppress resistance to federal law through the

Force Act

The Civil War began on April 12, 1861, at

Fort Sumter

Conscience Whigs, Northern Democrats, and the abolitionist Liberty party formed this party

Free Soil Party

In response to the Whig party nomination of Zachary Taylor in 1848, many "conscience Whigs" fled the party, joined with antislavery Democrats, and formed the

Free Soil Party

They branded slavery "a great moral, social, and political evil"

Free Soil Party

This group proclaimed the providential hand of God in expansion

Free Soilers

This was the final act of Manifest Destiny

Gadsden Purchase

The Anaconda Plan was

General Winfield Scott's strategy for encircling and squeezing the South into submission

He wrote Sociology for the South, questioned the principle of equal rights for "unequal men"

George Fitzhugh

This treaty gave the US the right to build a canal

Hay-Pauncefote Treaty

He is called the "Great Compromiser"

Henry Clay

This act promotes settlement of the west

Homestead Act

He exhorted Americans to "Go west, young man"

Horace Greeley

The winner of the 1856 presidential election was

James Buchanan

"Fifty-Four Forty or Fight" was associated with

James Polk

The president of the Confederacy was

Jefferson Davis

He proposed a series of amendments to bring reconciliation, but the attempt was a little too late

John Crittenden

He coined the term manifest destiny

John Louis O'Sullivan

Gold was found on his land leading to the 1849 gold rush

John Sutter

Ships with iron rams

Laird rams

Buchanan's first challenge was to accept or reject

Lecompton Constitution

He promoted the idea of popular sovereignty

Lewis Cass

In the election of 1848, the idea of popular sovereignty was most closely identified with

Lewis Cass

South Carolina attacked Fort Sumter when

Lincoln announced his plan to peacefully resupply the fort

The Kansas-Nebraska Act proposed organizing two territories from

Louisiana Purchase

Succeeded because of the election of Abraham Lincoln

Lower South

The first black regiment

Massachusetts 54th Regiment

One of the major problems faced by Union armies during the campaigns of 1862 was

McClellan's reluctance to fight

By going to war, the US gained the territory labeled as the

Mexican Cession

He signed the Compromise of 1850 into law

Millard Fillmore

This act allowed the sale of federal land grants to build agricultural/technical colleges

Morrill Land Grant Act

This organization was organized by abolitionists and Free Soilers to aid the transportation of antislavery settlers to Kansas

New England Emigrant Aid Company

General Winfield Scott's nickname was

Old Fuss and Feathers

The Oregon Territory consisted of

Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia

This economic event greatly affected the north, not so much the south

Panic of 1857

The term manifest destiny refers to the belief that

Providence had destined the American continent to be dominated by the United States

The ones pushing for more reforms in the south in favor of African Americans were the

Radical Republicans

The Panic of 1873 was primarily caused by which industry?


Founder of the Transcendentalists

Ralph Waldo Emerson

The destruction of the Whig party led to the formation of the

Republican party

Most former northern members of the American Party became


Two Years Before the Mast, which helped to encourage westward expansion, was written by

Richard Henry Dana

At the Battle of the Seven Days, Confederate armies prevented George McClellan from capturing which vital southern city?


The appointment of ________ to command Confederate armies in Virginia marked a turning point in the Civil War

Robert E. Lee

He was the Chief Justice in the Dred Scott Case

Roger Taney

General Zachary Taylor's nickname was

Rough and Ready

He developed America's first textile mill

Samuel Slater

The Mexican commander who granted Texas independence from Mexico was

Santa Anna

He was the most successful empresario

Stephen Austin

He introduced the Kansas-Nebraska Act

Stephen Douglas

The man most responsible for passing the Compromise of 1850 was

Stephen Douglas

In the "Freeport Doctrine"

Stephen Douglas suggested that the territories could maintain popular sovereignty by refusing to protect slavery there

Almost brought Britain into the war

Trent Affair

The emphasis of this book was the well-being of the slave family

Uncle Tom's Cabin

Introduced as a result of the Fugitive Slave Act

Underground Railroad

In the famous naval battle of 1861, the northern ship Monitor face the southern ironclad, the


This treaty with Britain over the northern border of Maine and the border between Minnesota and Canada

Webster-Ashburton Treaty

The four-time invader of Central America and the self-proclaimed president of Nicaragua was

William Walker

One attempt to prevent slavery in the territories was the

Wilmot Proviso

Proposed slavery be prohibited in any territory acquired from Mexico

Wilmot Proviso

The congressional act that opposed the extension of slavery into any territory ceded by Mexico was the

Wilmot Proviso

General-in-Chief who developed the Anaconda Plan

Winfield Scott

He was the architect of the Anaconda Plan

Winfield Scott

The Ostend Manifesto was

a document in which the United States threatened to seize control of Cuba

On of the problems of the southern economy on the eve of the Civil War was

a lack of diversification

Which of the following was not a border state? a. Tennessee b. Maryland c. Kentucky d. Missouri

a. Tennessee

President Polk was motivated to reject the treaty with Mexico because of which of the following? a. many southerners wanted the US to get larger gains in territory b. many Whigs opposed the treaty and were willing to continue the war c. the US was in a dispute with Great Britain over the Canadian border d. the treaty called for the US to give up the territories known as Upper California and New Mexico

a. many southerners want the US to get larger gains in territory

Which of the following was not part of the Compromise of 1850? a. repeal of all existing fugitive slave laws b. abolition of the slave trade in the District of Colombia c. guarantee of slavery in the District of Columbia d. admission of California as a free state e. settlement of the Texas-New Mexico boundary

a. repeal of all existing fugitive slave laws

Which of the following is true of Andrew Johnson's impeachment trial? a. the Senate sat as a court to try Johnson on charges drawn up by the House b. all the Republican senators voted for conviction c. a three-fourths majority in both Houses was required to remove Johnson from office d. the vote against him was unanimous e. Johnson voluntarily reigned before he could be removed

a. the Senate sat as a court to try Johnson on charges drawn up by the house

Which of the following best describes both militaries? a. they were mostly volunteers early on b. they were always supplied well c. they were always upper class d. neither side utilized African Americans e. they were all draftees

a. they were mostly volunteers early on

In 1850, southerners were most upset by the

admission of California as a free state

What does the word empresario mean?


Southern whites regarded Carpetbaggers as

agents of an army of occupation

The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

all of these choices (authorized the US to pay $15 million to Mexico, fixed the Texas border at the Rio Grande, ended the US's war with Mexico, and ceded the Northwestern section of Mexico to the US)

The Kansas-Nebraska Act

all of these choices (divided the Nebraska Territory into two territories, repealed the Missouri Compromise, represented the interests of the southern faction of the Democratic Party, and was supported by Stephen Douglas)

President Polk provoked a war with Mexico

all of these choices (in order to acquire New Mexico and California, by sending General Zachary Taylor and 4 thousand soldiers to patrol the Rio Grande, by encouraging settlers in Monterey, California, to dream of US annexation, and by attempting to buy New Mexico and California)

The primary goal of President John Tyler was to

annex Texas

The filibusters of the 1840s and 1850s

attempted to acquire new territories in which to extend slavery

The Pacific Railway Act

authorized the building of a transcontinental railroad

Who of the following would have argued that "freedom is not possible without slavery?" a. Stephen Douglas b. John C. Calhoun c. James Buchanan d. Henry Clay e. Nathaniel Hawthorne

b. John C. Calhoun

Which of the following slave states did not secede from the US? a. Kansas b. Kentucky c. Arkansas d. Tennessee e. Texas

b. Kentucky

Which of the following was not a trail heading out west? a. Oregon Trail b. Utah Trail c. Mormon Trail d. Santa Fe Trail

b. Utah Trail

The Mexican War's first phase was carried out by which of the following? a. Abraham Lincoln b. Zachary Taylor c. Winfield Scott d. Stonewall Jackson e. Jefferson Davis

b. Zachary Taylor

Which of the following was not a part of the Compromise of 1877? a. removal of federal troops from southern states b. appointment of a southern vice president c. federal aid for a southern railroad d. federal appropriations to rebuild war-destroyed levees e. appointment of a southern postmaster general

b. appointment of a southern vice president

Which was not a northern military advantage over the south? a. large manpower advantages b. better commanding officers in the field c. industrial advantages d. transportation and communications advantages e. greater bank capital and wealth

b. better commanding officers in the field

All of the following were northern advantages except a. greater population b. defensive was as a strategy c. greater industrial production d. larger military e. superior resources

b. defensive was as a strategy

All of the following were part of the 14th Amendment except it a. gave all citizens equal protection of the law b. funded the Confederate war debt c. created a constitutional definition of citizenship d. gave Congress broad powers to enforce the amendment e. provided for equal protection under the law

b. funded the Confederate war debt

According the this diary entry, President Polk felt pressure to accept the treaty with Mexico for which of the following? a. he was eager to expand into New Mexico and Upper California b. he believed the Whigs would not support more aggressive expansion c. he wanted to support a treaty proposed by the Whigs d. he feared expanding the war with Mexico if the treaty was rejected

b. he believe the Whigs would not support more aggressive expansion

Members of the Know-Nothing party were all of the following except a. American-born Protestants b. middle-aged and elderly professional men c. supporters of the temperance movement d. advocates of legislation increasing the naturalization period e. pledged to maintain secrecy about their order

b. middle-aged and elderly professional men

The Kansas and Nebraska Territories were organized for which of the following reasons? a. to finally resolve the issue of slavery b. to begin construction on a transcontinental railroad c. to resolve issues regarding Native American reservations d. to alleviate population pressures in the East e. to further scientific research on violent weather

b. to begin construction on a transcontinental railroad

All of the following statements regarding the 15th Amendment are true except it a. prohibited states from denying the right to vote on grounds of race or color b. was popular among northern women c. encountered much resistance in the white south d. was part of the congressional reconstruction plan e. was required by Congress that southern states ratify it

b. was popular among northern women

The majority of southern Republican voters were


Slave states that did not secede from the Union

border states

The organization of the Nebraska territory was necessary in order to

build a railroad across the area

Which of the following was not a reason Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation? a. keep Britain from joining the war b. encourage blacks to join the war c. allow southerners to join the north d. keep border states

c. allow southerners to join the north

The 14th Amendment did all of the following except a. define blacks as American citizens b. grant equal protection of the law c. guarantee the Confederate debt d. disqualify a significant number of ex-Confederates from holding federal or state office e. grant due process under the law

c. guarantee the Confederate debt

All of the following statements regarding Brigham Young are true except he a. was married to 55 women b. led the Mormons to Utah and created a prosperous community there c. was the founder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints d. was the governor of the Utah territory for 7 years e. selected the site for the Mormon settlement

c. was the founder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

The Kansas-Nebraska Act

called for the repeal of the Missouri Compromise

President Lincoln delayed issuing the Emancipation Proclamation because of his concern that it would

cause the border states to secede

John Brown was noted for all of the following except

coining the phrase "the irrepressible conflict" to explain the coming of the Civil War

The most important crop in the south was


All of the following fought for Texas's independence from Mexico except a. Davey Crockett b. Sam Houston c. Jim Bowie d. Andrew Jackson e. William Travis

d. Andrew Jackson

To issue the Emancipation Proclamation, Lincoln felt tht he needed which of the following? a. a constitutional amendment b. Supreme Court approval c. Republican control of Congress d. a military victory

d. a military victory

The main purpose of the Ku Klux Klan during Reconstruction was to

destroy the Republican party in the south

California's population increased dramatically in the late 1840s due to the

discovery of gold

In the Dred Scott decision, the Supreme Court argued all of the following except a. blacks were not citizens b. Dred Scott had no right to petition the Court c. slavery was a state issue not a federal issue d. restricting slavery was unconstitutional e. the Supreme Court did not have jurisdiction in the case

e. the Supreme Court did not have jurisdiction in the case

The Emancipation Proclamation

freed all slaves in rebel controlled territory

This was the most contentious part of the Compromise of 1850

fugitive slave law

The Confiscation Acts

gave power to seize enemy property used to wage war against the United States

The Legal Tender Act created this currency


What did Matthew Perry do

he opened up the trade doors with Japan

The impeachment of Andrew Johnson was

in retaliation for his opposition to congressional reconstruction

The Panic of 1857

increased hostility between northerners and southerners who disagreed over the tariff issue

The First Battle of Bull Run is most significant because

it was a wake-up call to the north that this war would be long and drawn out

The destruction of the Whig Party

led to the formation of the Republican party

Robert E. Lee joined the Confederacy because he

loved his home state of Virginia and could not fight against it

A member of a political group advocating or fighting for national independence, a strong national government


The major issue for the Know-Nothing Party was


The result of John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry was

outrage and fear throughout the south

The main purpose of the Freedmen's Bureau was to

oversee relations between former masters and slaves

The final act that destroyed the Whigs as a national political party was the

passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act

The violence in "Bleeding Kansas" involved clashes between

pro-slavery and antislavery groups

In the election of 1844, James K. Polk

promised to acquire Texas and Oregon

The most important social distinction in the south was


The Morrill Tariff Act

raised tariff rates to increase revenue and protect American manufacturers

The Black Codes

reduced freedmen to a condition close to slavery

The Tenure of Office Act

required Senate approval before the president could remove a cabinet member

Radical Republicans objected to Lincoln's initial Reconstruction plan because it

restored the political rights of white men who had fought against the Union

The process of cutting spiral grooves in a gun's barrel to impart a spiral to the bullet


Ulysses S. Grant's presidency is known as an era of

scandal and corruption at all levels of government

On the issue of secession, most northerners agreed that

secession was unconstitutional, treasonable, and impossible

"Popular sovereignty" was the belief that

settlers to a territory should decide for themselves whether or not to permit slavery

The central issue in the Lincoln-Douglas debates of 1858 was


Under the Missouri Compromise

slavery would be excluded in the new territory of Nebraska

This was the most important invention concerning the railroad industry

standard gauge

On the issue of slavery in the territories, John C. Calhoun asserted that

the Constitution protected the right of citizens to move from place to place and to take their property with them

In the 1830s and 1840s the arid plains of the west were known as

the Great American Desert

After serving 4 terms in the Illinois legislature and one term in Congress, Abraham Lincoln was propelled back into politics by shock of

the Kansas-Nebraska bill

What was the significance of the Goliad?

the Mexican army executed 300 American prisoners

The Compromise of 1877 signified

the end of Reconstruction

During the Reconstruction period

the illiteracy rate among southern blacks was reduced significantly

The Supreme Court case Prigg v. Pennsylvania (1842) involved

the kidnapping of fugitive slaves

The term Oregon Fever refers to

the mass migration of thousands of farm families to the Northwest

The central theme of Uncle Tom's Cabin is

the tragedy of the breakup of families by slavery

The term "bayonet rule" refers to

the use of federal troops to support Republican state governments and black rights in the south

Ulysses S. Grant was guilty of

unwise appointments of public officials

In The Impending Crisis of the South, Hinton Rowan Helper

used statistic to demonstrate slavery weakened the south''s economy

The main issue addressed by the 15th Amendment was


The Union war effort was financed primarily by

war bonds

Anthony Burns

was a runaway slave arrested under the Fugitive Slave Act

In the election of 1848, Zachary Taylor carried southern states primarily because he

was a slaveholder

The Dred Scott decision of the US Supreme Court involved a slave who

was suing for his freedom because his master had taken him into free territory

As promised, the Deep South secede from the Union

when Abraham Lincoln was elected president

Scalawags were

white, southern-born Republicans

This solved the Oregon dispute

49th Parallel

Which period was the peak of manifest destiny?


What were the years of the Mexican American war?


This amendment abolished slavery


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