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Barry Goldwater's defeat in 1964 demoralized his conservative supporters. Select one: True False


Jimmy Carter, a Democrat, immediately succeeded Richard Nixon as president. Select one: True False


Lyndon Johnson refused to watch television coverage of the war in Vietnam for fear of seeing criticism of his policies. Select one: True False


Medicare and Medicaid were curtailed during the Nixon administration. Select one: True False


Medicare provides nationally funded medical coverage for low-income citizens. Select one: True False


President Nixon signed no significant environment legislation. Select one: True False


Richard Nixon won a landslide victory in 1968. Select one: True False


Ronald Reagan campaigned for Lyndon Johnson in 1964. Select one: True False


The "Great Society" usually is associated with the presidency of John F. Kennedy. Select one: True False


The Civil Rights Act of 1968 dealt with voting rights. Select one: True False


The Khmer Rouge established a free and democratic government in Cambodia. Select one: True False


The Strategic Arms Limitation Talks marked the Nixon administration's most dramatic break with the Cold War past. Select one: True False


The chief legal counsel to the president, and the man who linked Richard Nixon to the Watergate cover-up, was John Mitchell. Select one: True False


The general in charge of the U.S. war effort in Vietnam was Norman Schwartzkopf. Select one: True False


The campaign of sustained bombing launched by Lyndon Johnson against North Vietnam in 1964 was known as Select one: a. "Rolling Thunder." b. "Agent Orange." c. "Operation Jungle." d. "Operation Desert Storm." e. "Operation Overlord."

The correct answer is: "Rolling Thunder."

Which of the following was not part of Lyndon Johnson's "war on poverty"? Select one: a. Head Start program b. "just say no" campaign c. model cities program d. community action program e. legal services program

The correct answer is: "just say no" campaign

The Republican nominee for the presidency in 1964 was Select one: a. Lyndon B. Johnson. b. Barry Goldwater. c. Richard Nixon. d. George Wallace. e. Dwight Eisenhower.

The correct answer is: Barry Goldwater.

In 1970, President Richard Nixon escalated the war in Indochina by invading ____, a supposedly neutral nation. Select one: a. Thailand b. Laos c. Burma d. Cambodia e. China

The correct answer is: Cambodia

In 1972, President Richard Nixon broke with the past with his dramatic and historic visit to Select one: a. Cuba. b. China. c. Vietnam. d. the Vatican. e. Brazil.

The correct answer is: China.

The progressive-minded chief justice of the Supreme Court during the 1950s and 1960s was Select one: a. Warren Burger. b. Richard Nixon. c. William Rehnquist. d. William O. Douglas. e. Earl Warren.

The correct answer is: Earl Warren.

The opponent to Richard Nixon in the 1972 presidential election was Select one: a. Edmund Muskie. b. Lyndon Johnson. c. Edward Kennedy. d. Jimmy Carter. e. George McGovern.

The correct answer is: George McGovern.

The congressional act that was tantamount to a declaration of war against North Vietnam was the Select one: a. Geneva Accords. b. Paris Peace Treaty. c. Gulf of Tonkin Resolution. d. Vietnam War Resolution. e. Rolling Thunder Resolution.

The correct answer is: Gulf of Tonkin Resolution.

Which of the following was true of Lyndon Johnson? Select one: a. Like John F Kennedy, Johnson was sophisticated, urbane, and charismatic. b. He tried to create a consensus in support of his policies by using flattery and threats. c. He hated paperwork and was bored by legislative details. d. He had held only one elective office before he became president of the United States. e. He was ineffective in dealing with Congress.

The correct answer is: He tried to create a consensus in support of his policies by using flattery and threats.

The Republican judge who was unyielding in the search for justice following the Watergate break-in was Select one: a. Earl Warren. b. Warren Burger. c. Thurgood Marshall. d. John Sirica. e. Felix Frankfurter

The correct answer is: John Sirica.

Which of the following best characterizes the reason the United States sent ground troops to Vietnam and became involved in the Vietnam War? Select one: a. Johnson promised that if he was elected in 1964, he would commit land troops to battle. b. Johnson feared his domestic programs would be undermined if the Communists won in Vietnam. c. Johnson considered Vietnam strategically necessary to protect the Philippines. d. The Joint Chiefs of Staff assured Johnson that U.S. troops could easily win the war. e. Congress declared war after a lengthy public debate.

The correct answer is: Johnson feared his domestic programs would be undermined if the Communists won in Vietnam.

Four students were killed by National Guard troops in 1970 at the ____ campus during an antiwar demonstration. Select one: a. Columbia b. Berkeley c. Stanford d. Kent State e. the University of Texas

The correct answer is: Kent State

Archibald Cox was replaced as Watergate special prosecutor by Select one: a. John Dean. b. John Sirica. c. John Mitchell. d. Leon Jaworski. e. Gerald Ford.

The correct answer is: Leon Jaworski.

The winner of the 1964 presidential election was Select one: a. Lyndon B. Johnson. b. Richard M. Nixon. c. John F. Kennedy. d. Gerald Ford. e. Barry Goldwater.

The correct answer is: Lyndon B. Johnson.

The year 1968 was significant for all of the following reasons except Select one: a. both Martin Luther King, Jr. and Robert Kennedy were assassinated. b. Lyndon Johnson announced he would not seek reelection so he could devote his time to ending the Vietnam War. c. antiwar demonstrators and the Chicago police rioted at the Democratic Convention. d. Lyndon Johnson won the war on poverty. e. Richard Nixon was elected President.

The correct answer is: Lyndon Johnson won the war on poverty.

The charismatic black Muslim leader who challenged the nonviolent approach of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was Select one: a. Elijah Muhammad. b. Malcolm X. c. Stokely Carmichael. d. Louis Farrakhan. e. Jesse Jackson.

The correct answer is: Malcolm X.

Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated in Select one: a. Los Angeles. b. Chicago. c. Atlanta. d. Memphis. e. Dallas.

The correct answer is: Memphis.

The official withdrawal of U.S. troops from Vietnam occurred after the 1973 ____ Peace Accords. Select one: a. Geneva b. Paris c. London d. Rome e. Berlin

The correct answer is: Paris

Which of the following was not part of the Great Society agenda? Select one: a. Medicare b. Medicaid c. Job Corps d. Community Action Program e. Peace Corps

The correct answer is: Peace Corps

The author of the expose on auto safety titled Unsafe at Any Speed was Select one: a. Ralph Nader. b. Betty Friedan. c. Earl Warren. d. George Wallace. e. John Kenneth Galbraith.

The correct answer is: Ralph Nader.

The landslide winner of the 1972 presidential election was Select one: a. Gerald Ford. b. Jimmy Carter. c. Richard Nixon. d. Ronald Reagan. e. Lyndon Johnson.

The correct answer is: Richard Nixon.

The "New Left" organization that launched its political efforts in 1962 with the Port Huron Statement was the Select one: a. Youth International Party (YIPPIES). b. Students for a Democratic Society (SDS). c. Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC). d. Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC). e. Congress of Racial Equality (CORE).

The correct answer is: Students for a Democratic Society (SDS).

The North Vietnamese military attack of 1968 that destroyed the myth of American progress in Vietnam was the Select one: a. Tet Offensive. b. Laos Offensive. c. Battle of Dien Bien Phu. d. Battle for Hanoi. e. Cambodia Offensive.

The correct answer is: Tet Offensive.

The SALT I talks, begun in 1969, were held between the Select one: a. United States and Vietnam. b. United States and China. c. United States and Cuba. d. United States and the Soviet Union. e. Soviet Union and China.

The correct answer is: United States and the Soviet Union.

The large-scale riots that garnered national attention in 1965 occurred in Select one: a. Watts (Los Angeles). b. St. Louis. c. San Francisco. d. the Bronx. e. Dallas.

The correct answer is: Watts (Los Angeles).

Richard Nixon's policy of détente toward the Soviet Union and China was characterized by Select one: a. continuous confrontation and hostility. b. heavy U.S. investment, land purchases, and economic influence. c. threats to use nuclear weapons. d. a return to the isolationist position of the 1920s and 1930s. e. accommodation, easing of tensions, and establishment of moderately friendly relations

The correct answer is: accommodation, easing of tensions, and establishment of moderately friendly relations

Johnson's "war on poverty" included Select one: a. the establishment of the Office of Economic Opportunity. b. a work-study plan to help college students. c. loans for rural and small-business development. d. the Job Corps work-training program. e. all of the above.

The correct answer is: all of the above.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 Select one: a. attempted to fight job discrimination. b. prohibited discrimination in public accommodations. c. barred discrimination based on gender. d. established the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. e. all of the above.

The correct answer is: all of the above.

During the "Freedom Summer" of 1964, Select one: a. the FBI gathered information for Johnson to use to discredit southern segregationists. b. civil rights legislation was included in the Republican Party platform. c. Lyndon Johnson used his influence to support the dissident "Freedom Democratic Party" at the Democratic Convention. d. students marched on Washington to protest the Vietnam War. e. almost a thousand volunteers from various states helped register black voters in Mississippi.

The correct answer is: almost a thousand volunteers from various states helped register black voters in Mississippi.

Question 16 Richard Nixon was Select one: a. an aggressive, ruthless campaigner and hardline anticommunist whose presidency increased polarization and conflict in U.S. society. b. a pacifist Quaker who always opposed the Vietnam War. c. a friendly, charming personality who avoided confrontations whenever possible. d. a trained economist who virtually ended unemployment and inflation during his presidency. e. an inexperienced politician.

The correct answer is: an aggressive, ruthless campaigner and hardline anticommunist whose presidency increased polarization and conflict in U.S. society.

Which of the following was not part of the Economic Opportunity Act? Select one: a. an expansion of the Food Stamp program b. creation of a work-study program for college students c. establishment of the Job Corps, a work-training program d. creation of a domestic version of the Peace Corps e. loans for rural and small-business development

The correct answer is: an expansion of the Food Stamp program

Which of the following was not part of the "black power" crusade? Select one: a. a new emphasis on African-American culture and heritage b. establishment of self-defense groups to protect African Americans from police harassment c. demands for the release of African-American prisoners d. continuation of nonviolent protests against segregation e. guaranteed employment for all citizens

The correct answer is: continuation of nonviolent protests against segregation

Lyndon Johnson secured passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 by Select one: a. appealing to the public with a televised "fireside chat." b. gaining support from leading Republicans in Congress. c. persuading southern congressmen that segregation was morally wrong. d. promising segregationists that enforcement of the law would be left entirely in the hands of state officials. e. getting the support of the Supreme Court.

The correct answer is: gaining support from leading Republicans in Congress.

By 1970, ____ of all persons in families headed by women were receiving AFDC payments. Select one: a. half b. one-third c. one-quarter d. two-thirds e. one-tenth

The correct answer is: half

Student dissidents of the 1960s Select one: a. abandoned the civil rights movement when the Vietnam War heated up. b. were mostly Communists who hoped to destroy capitalism in the United States. c. held "teach-ins" and draft-card burnings to protest the rigidity of U.S. institutions and traditions. d. came mostly from the lower socioeconomic strata of American society. e. supported U.S. foreign policy.

The correct answer is: held "teach-ins" and draft-card burnings to protest the rigidity of U.S. institutions and traditions.

During Richard Nixon's first year in office, the percentage of federal funds spent on domestic programs Select one: a. remained unchanged. b. decreased dramatically. c. fell to zero. d. decreased slightly. e. increased steadily.

The correct answer is: increased steadily.

Lyndon Johnson's policy in Vietnam Select one: a. demoralized North Vietnam and brought about "a peace with honor." b. abandoned South Vietnam to "go it alone" in the war against communism. c. outlawed the use of chemical weapons and fire bombs. d. instituted the use of napalm. e. won overwhelming support in the U.S.

The correct answer is: instituted the use of napalm.

The primary reason for SALT I's negligible impact on the arms race was Select one: a. widespread Soviet violations of the agreed upon limits. b. widespread American violations of the agreed upon limits. c. its failure to win public support in the U.S. and the Soviet Union. d. widespread Soviet and American violations of the agreed upon limits. e. its failure to limit the number of warheads that each missile could carry

The correct answer is: its failure to limit the number of warheads that each missile could carry

The articles of impeachment against Richard Nixon included all of the following except Select one: a. obstruction of justice. b. lying to Congress. c. violation of constitutional liberties. d. refusal to produce evidence requested during the impeachment process. e. none of the above.

The correct answer is: lying to Congress.

Johnson's Great Society was criticized for all of the following reasons except Select one: a. not including a tax cut to provide money for business investment. b. creating large federal deficits that conservatives believed would slow economic growth. c. not attempting to radically redistribute wealth and income. d. relying too heavily on bureaucratic professionals rather than grassroots activists to design and implement programs. e. directing money into unproductive social experiments.

The correct answer is: not including a tax cut to provide money for business investment.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 included new provisions that Select one: a. guaranteed the right to vote to black Americans. b. guaranteed the right to vote to women. c. proposed federal remedies for fighting job discrimination. d. protected women in the workplace. e. reinforced states rights.

The correct answer is: proposed federal remedies for fighting job discrimination.

Rachel Carson's Silent Spring Select one: a. launched the free speech movement of the 1960s. b. helped initiate the women's movement. c. raised public awareness about the continuing problem of poverty in America. d. raised concerns about the use of pesticides in agriculture. e. was a best-selling romance novel.

The correct answer is: raised concerns about the use of pesticides in agriculture.

On August 9, 1974, President Richard Nixon became the only president in U.S. history to Select one: a. be impeached. b. be indicted. c. resign. d. be sent to jail. e. refuse to leave after his removal from office.

The correct answer is: resign.

The most emotional rights-related cases of the Warren Court involved Select one: a. civil rights. b. abortion rights. c. women's rights. d. rights of persons accused of violent crimes. e. immigrant rights.

The correct answer is: rights of persons accused of violent crimes.

The "Saturday Night Massacre" refers to Select one: a. the execution of thousands of South Vietnamese government officials after the fall of Saigon. b. the shooting of students at Kent State c. the impeachment of President Richard Nixon. d. the ambush of American troops in South Vietnam. e. the firing of special Watergate prosecutor Archibald Cox.

The correct answer is: the firing of special Watergate prosecutor Archibald Cox.

During Richard Nixon's presidency, the U.S. economy experienced Select one: a. the first trade deficit of the twentieth century. b. the lowest unemployment rate since the 1920s. c. a decrease in prices and an increase in the buying power of the average American. d. a significant increase in overall standards of living. e. a period of peace abroad and prosperity at home.

The correct answer is: the first trade deficit of the twentieth century.

Conservatives believed that the United States "lost" the Vietnam War because Select one: a. the military did not rely enough on bombing. b. the North Vietnamese army greatly outnumbered U.S. troops in most battles. c. the media, student protesters, and a weak-willed Congress undermined the war effort. d. the Defense Department was incompetent and had no realistic goals or plans for victory. e. U.S. troops were cowards.

The correct answer is: the media, student protesters, and a weak-willed Congress undermined the war effort.

The Johnson administration evaluated the success of the U.S. effort in Vietnam on the basis of Select one: a. public demonstrations in support of the war. b. diplomatic progress made between the North and South Vietnamese governments. c. the amount of enemy territory seized by U.S. troops each month. d. the weekly tally or "body count" of enemy dead. e. the number of prisoners of war taken.

The correct answer is: the weekly tally or "body count" of enemy dead.

In the 1964 presidential campaign, Senator Barry Goldwater Select one: a. criticized Lyndon Johnson's foreign policy as too aggressive. b. was the only Republican senator to vote in favor of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. c. was characterized by critics as a fanatical, reactionary extremist. d. believed that the federal government had exclusive enforcement powers in issues of individual rights. e. strongly supported the Social Security program.

The correct answer is: was characterized by critics as a fanatical, reactionary extremist.

In the 1964 presidential campaign, Senator Barry Goldwater Select one: a. criticized Lyndon Johnson's foreign policy as too aggressive. b. was the only Republican senator to vote in favor of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. c. was characterized by critics as a fanatical, reactionary extremist. d. believed that the federal government had exclusive enforcement powers in issues of individual rights. e. strongly supported the Social Security program.

The correct answer is: was characterized by critics as a fanatical, reactionary extremist.

Breaking into the office of Daniel Ellsberg's psychiatrist was the first "dirty trick" perpetrated by Richard Nixon's plumbers. Select one: True False


Congress passed the Equal Rights Amendment in 1972. Select one: True False


In 1965, the United States invaded the Dominican Republic. Select one: True False


In 1971, Daniel Ellsberg released the "Pentagon Papers," a top-secret study of U.S. involvement in Vietnam, to the press. Select one: True False


In Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court ruled that a state law that declared abortion a criminal offense violated a woman's right to privacy. Select one: True False


In the 1960s, the Republican Party attracted conservative white southern voters with its states' rights position on anti-discrimination legislation. Select one: True False


James Earl Ray was convicted of killing Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Select one: True False


Lyndon Johnson considered doubt about the war in Vietnam to be unpatriotic. Select one: True False


Lyndon Johnson received conflicting advice from his advisers about whether to escalate American involvement in Vietnam. Select one: True False


Lyndon Johnson served as majority leader of the U.S. Senate during the 1950s. Select one: True False


Lyndon Johnson's policies expanded the size, role, and power of the federal government at home and abroad. Select one: True False


Only a small percentage of young people fully embraced countercultural values. Select one: True False


Phyllis Sclafly led opposition to the Equal Rights Amendment. Select one: True False


Richard Nixon's "new economic policy" mandated a 90-day freeze on any increase in wages and prices, to be followed by government monitoring to detect excessive increases in either. Select one: True False


Spending on the military sector far outstripped that for social programs. Select one: True False


The "black power" movement of the 1960s rejected integration and called for violent confrontations. Select one: True False


The Nixon administration's devaluation of the U.S. dollar in 1973 had little impact on the deterioration of U.S. trade balances. Select one: True False


The author of the anti-"war on poverty" book Losing Ground was Charles Murray. Select one: True False


The simultaneous increase in both inflation and unemployment, which economists called "stagflation," defied conventional economic thinking. Select one: True False


Two African-American students were killed by law-enforcement officials following an antiwar protest rally at Jackson State College in 1970. Select one: True False


Vice President Spiro Agnew resigned in October 1973 after pleading "no contest" to income tax evasion. Select one: True False


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