APUSH Ch. 6 and 7

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Define Fort Necessity

This was a fort that George Washington had set up. In order to retaliate, the French attacked it, forcing Washington and his men to surrender.

William Pitt

"Great Commoner", who changes british strategy (lessen assaults on the West Indies and go for Canada) -victory: Louisbourg ('58)

Describe the territory claimed by Britain and that claimed by France and Spain before 1763.

Britain clamed a majority of the eastern coast. Spain claimed Florida, some of the Gulf, and throughout Mexico. France claimed a lot of the Midwest and Canada regions.

British ways to prevent smuggling

-1761: writs of assistance -james otis' case

Global War

-After 3 anglo-french wars in Europe, America fights in the 7 years war -powers involved: British and Prussia vs France, Spain, Austria, and Russia -france uses all of its resources fighting the war in Germany, so "America was conquered in Germany" (William Pitt)

Impact of Enlightenment (Origin of the Revolution)

-John Locke: social contract and natural rights -Montesquieu: separation of powers -Rousseau: direct democracy, general will "Life, liberty, and the pursuit of property" (John Adams changes this quote to happiness)

Acts of Trade and Navigation (1660-1767)

-british ships only -enumerated articles only to Britain (tobacco, sugar, wool, indigo) -export duties to crown -restricted goods: not compete with Britain (Hat Act, Wool Act, Molasses Act, Iron Act) -causes SMUGGLING

British government beliefs

-divine right of king -virtual representation (as a result, colonists give up on parliament and seek the king's help) -limited suffrage (voting) -unwritten constitution -Anglican Church -English rights

George Washington: war w France

-fighting over Ohio Valley and 3 Rivers Stadium -1754: fort duqesne and fort necessity -washington and men eventually go home -acadians (under british control since 1713) are forced to go to Louisiana and become Cajun -WASHINGTON NOT CAPTAIN

War's Aftermath

-french gone (bad for the Indians, who played the colonial powers against themselves) -pontiac's uprising -British station troops on the frontier


-had British regulars and colonial "buckskins" -Fought at Ft. Duquesne -European style battle -road to the West -causes Indians to ravage frontier from PA to NC -Gen Washington warns Braddock to not attack, but he dies. -washington gets men and retreats


-had despotism -colonists were worried the same thing would happen to them

problems of mercantilism

-limited choices of exports and imports -South was the "pet" (British and South have a better relationship than the North) because they grew non-English goods -New England: mistreated (seeds of revolution); merchants needed a market and were hurt by the Stamp Act -low prices on American goods in Great Britain, causing debt

benefits of mercantilism

-not strictly enforced (SALUTARY NEGLECT) -tobacco was a guaranteed monopoly -english price supports -rights of england -self government -protection

French in Canada

-protestant huguenots (murdered by Catholics), st bart, edict of nantes (kept French out of Canada) -1st settlement: St. Lawrence River and Quebec in 1608 -Champlain and Huron Indian tribes -Ohio Valley and Iroquois-British -French had more mingling with the Indians. -little incentive for landowning French peasants to move, protestant huguenots denied refuge (slow growth in Canada) -king louis liked the West Indies more -coureurs de bois-beaver trappers -beaver, booze, small pox, exploration


-there was a lack of colonial unity, so the British government created an intercolonial congress in 1754 in Albany to unite them -priority: keep Iroquois on the British side (power is purchased)

restless colonists

-under arms -high confidence after fighting -British are weak after war: debt -British want professional regiments, not colonial militia -British crackdown on America trading with enemies -colonists bribed to defend themselves

Proclamation of 1763

-way to settle boundary disputes -prohibits settlement beyond Appalachian mountains -Americans defy this rule -british threatened


-wealth measured in gold or silver (acquired through foreign trade) -favorable: more British exports than imports -use colonies to import raw materials, and then export finished goods -colonies purpose: benefit motherland

Why did Americans not like the Sugar Act of 1764

Americans did not like the Sugar Act because it raised tax revenue and increased duty on foreign sugar from the West Indies.

What was Parliament's response to the currency shortage?

As a result, Parliament prohibited the colonists from printing paper currency, as it might harm British merchants.

Baron von Steuben

Baron von Steuben helped to organize and experience the Continental Army.

How did Parliament respond to the Stamp Act protests?

Because of the unemployment and bad economy, the Stamp Act was repealed.

James Wolfe

British general who was able to capture Quebec ('59)

What happened and what was the result at Lexington and Concord (April of 1775)

British troops were sent to seize gunpowder and get Samuel Adams and John Hancock. At Lexington, the colonial troops did not disperse and were killed by the redcoats. At Concord, the British were forced to retreat to Boston. It was the start of a war.

treaty of paris

French are able to keep a small part of the West Indies, but all of New France goes to the British. Spain gets Louisiana and Cuba, and gives Florida to the British -BRITISH: LEADING POWER

Define the French and Indian War (Seven Years War)

It was the fourth Anglo-French colonial war, but unlike the first three, it started in America. It sparked the Seven Years War in Europe. It was due to territorial control, of the British and French, specifically the Ohio Valley

Define the Associations

It called for the complete boycott of British goods

How did New France's differences affect its development

It caused a slower population growth, as the people who were looking for religious refuge were denied and the landowning French peasants had to reason to move.

Define Fort Duquesne

It is one of the many forts that the French set up along the Ohio River. It is where the Monongahela and Allegheny Rivers join to form the Ohio River. At this site, the Virginians fired the first shorts, starting the new war.

Define the Proclamation of 1763 and explain its significance.

It prohibited settlement beyond the Appalachian. It was made to make peace with the Indians, and prevent another rebellion. But Americans were angry and thought they had rights to the land. It was significant because they were starting to defy the British government and be more independent.

Define the Townshend Duties and how were they different from the Stamp Act

It was a light import duty on glass, white lead, paper, paint, and tea. It was different from the Stamp Act because it was an indirect customs duty that was paid at the ports. (it was an indirect tax)

Define Albany Plan

It was a plan created by Benjamin Franklin to have colonial home rule and a unified government for the colonies. The colonies and the British rejected it.

Define First Continental Congress

It was a response to the Intolerable Acts. Delegates from 12 colonies (not GA) met in Philadelphia to discuss their grievances. It was not considered a legislative but a consultative body. This Congress helped to make documents such as the Declaration of Rights. They also created the Association, where they boycotted British goods. These delegates did not want to be independent, but to repeal the legislations.

Define Albany Congress

It was an intercolonial congress in Albany, set up by the British. It was made in order to create colonial unity, which would help the fight against the French.

Define the committees of correspondence

It was organized in Massachusetts by Samuel Adams. They exchanged letters locally, to spread the resistance of British policy.

Define virtual representation

It's the belief that Parliament represents all the British subjects in America, therefore they have representation. The colonists did not accept that because Parliament was taxing them, and they believed that only their American officials should be able to do this. They did not feel like they were being represented well in Parliament.

What effect did the outcome of the Fr./Indian War have on the Indian tribes of the Ohio R. Valley and the trans-Mississippi South?

Many tribes, such as the Iroquois, Creeks, and some interior tribes were devastated. Because the French and Spanish power was removed, they had to negotiate with the British. In 1763, they allied with the French to drive the British out of the Ohio Country (Pontiac Uprising).

Marquis de Lafayette

Marquis de Lafayette was a French nobleman, who was made a major general in the colonial army. He secured aid from France for the colonies.

How was New France different culturally and politically from the British colonies

New France was different culturally and politically from the British colonies because it was under direct control of the king. There were no representative assemblies. Because there was little incentive to leave France, so there was less people. The French had more mingling with the Indians. It had mostly Catholics and peasants.

Why was New France established?

New France was established for fur trapping. They also expanded in the Gulf, to prevent Spanish penetration into the Mississippi and Louisiana region.

Nonimportation agreements

Nonimportation agreements was when the colonists did not want to buy British goods, and at the same time, uniting Americans (public defiance).

Were the colonists more unified or less unified by their involvement in the war? Argue both sides of the proposition and substantiate your opinion with evidence.

One could argue that the colonists were more unified because they found that they shared common ideals with other colonists. There was a similar cause among the colonists. Another could argue that they were less unified because they were all spread out, and had various nationalities and belief systems.

Define radical whiggism

Radical Whigs did not want the monarch taking away their liberty, which they worked so hard to achieve

Define republicanism

Republicanism is when citizens gave up their private interests to the common good.

What was Robert de La Salle's dream and where did he explore?

Robert de La Salle's dream was to build a French empire, in Louisiana, named after his king, King Louis XIV.

What were the advantages and disadvantages for the American side at the outset of the war?

Some disadvantages of the American side were that Britain had more people, money, and naval power. The American militia was also more poorly trained than the British. Also, they had a lot of land, meaning there wasn't a common urban center. But, they had great leaders, such as Washington and Franklin. They all shared a common cause, but were poorly organized

What are mercantilism's pros and cons

Some merits are that the colonies had a monopoly in the British market and received protection with the British navy on their side. It made them dependent on the British though and there were many liabilities.

What caused the Boston Tea Party to take place and what was Parliament's Reaction

The British East India Company had too much excess unsold tea, so it got a monopoly of the American tea business. It resulted in cheaper tea, but the Americans thought the British were trying to trick them. It was caused by the tea tax, when Bostonians dumped the tea into the Atlantic. Parliament reacted by passing the Intolerable Acts.

What occurred in the Boston Massacre and what was the British response?

The British brought soldiers to the colonies to enforce the law. Bostonians taunted the soldiers, who then killed some citizens. Only a few of the soldiers are found guilty of manslaughter.

What were some of the British views towards the American militia and public in regards to their participation in the battle?

The British looked down on the colonial militia. They set limits on what rank they could achieve. They were very condescending and believed that they didn't support the cause fully. Other colonists did not want to provide troops if they did not have the same rights as Englishmen.

Why was there a currency shortage in the colonies?

The British policy resulted in a currency shortage because the colonists bought more from Britain than they sold.

Define the Paris Peace Settlement (1763)

The French power was eliminated from North America, but the French population remained. The French were allowed to have small sugar islands in the West Indies. They had to cede Mississippi-Louisiana to the Spanish. Spain turned Florida over to England, in return for Cuba.

Give examples of British mercantilist laws made intended to control colonial economic behavior.

The Navigational Laws ensured that commerce to and from the colonies could only be transported in British ships. Some other laws made sure that goods had to land in Britain first, where they would take some of the money. The colonies had to ship enumerated products, like tobacco, exclusively to England.

What happened in the Pontiac's Rebellion (1763), what was the outcome, and why was the event significant?

The Ottawa chief Pontiac led tribes, aided by the French to drive the British out of the Ohio Country. Detroit was sieged, and many British posts were overrun. The British realized that they needed to make peace with the Indians, and keep troops on the frontier.

Define the Quebec Act

The Quebec Act was seen as a response to the actions in Boston. It was a good law though and helped administer the French subjects. They were allowed to retain their Catholic beliefs, retain their customs, and the province was expanded. The French were not allowed a trial by jury or representative assemblies, and the colonists feared that the same would happen to them. Many Americans did not like it because it dealt with a wider range, not just Massachusetts. Many land speculators were worried, and anti-Catholics were mad.

Sons and Daughters of Liberty

The Sons of Liberty and Daughters of Liberty was more violent, where there were mobs and the killing of stamp agents. There was no way to collect the taxes, as all of the stamp agents had resigned.

Stamp Act Congress

The Stamp Act Congress brought together delegates, who wrote down their grievances, hoping to repeal it. It was a step toward intercolonial unity.

What are three colonial responses to the Stamp Act

The Stamp Act Congress, nonimportation agreements, Sons and Daughters of Liberty

Why did Americans not like the Stamp Act of 1765

The Stamp Act raised revenues to support the military force. It required by law that stamped paper be used for the payment of tax. These acts jeopardized the basic rights of the colonists, especially in court.

What was the colonial reaction to the currency shortage?

The colonists reacted by using things such as butter, nails, pitch, and feathers as money.

Define Mercantilism and its goals and purpose

The goals of mercantilism revolved around the economic wealth for the mother country and more power (gold and silver in treasury). They wanted more exports than imports, and raw materials. The colonies would be able to send these raw materials to England and provide a guaranteed market.

Why did Americans not like the Quartering Act

They did not like the Quartering Act because it required the colonists to provide housing and food for the British troops.

What effect did the fighting have on American colonists?

They had more confidence than ever, especially in their military strength because they were recruited for the war. It also created tension between the colonists and the British officers.

Define the Intolerable Acts

They were a response to the Boston Tea Party and included the closing of the Boston Port, revoking rights of the MA charter, and expansion of the Quartering Act.

Define the intercolonial committees of correspondence

This is where colonies had central committees that were able to exchange ideas and communicate with other colonies. It stimulated favor of united action and resistance.

After two wars for control of North America, England and France signed a peace treaty in 1713 that granted a. Acadia, Newfoundland, and Hudson Bay to the British b. Acadia, Newfoundland, and Hudson Bay to the French c. Maine and the Ohio Valley to France d. Louisiana to the British e. limited trading rights in Spanish Florida to the French

a. Acadia, Newfoundland, and Hudson Bay to the British

How did British leader William Pitt earn the nickname "Organizer for Victory"? a. He shifted the failing British military strategy toward Quebec and Montreal. b. He relied on the experience of older generals to lead. c. He forced France to hand over its southernmost territories to Spain. d. He trained colonists for military service. e. He convinced colonists to donate funds for the war.

a. He shifted the failing British military strategy toward Quebec and Montreal.

How did the government of the French colonies differ from that of the English colonies? a. The French colonies were run entirely by the crown. b. The French colonies established governments that were completely independent of the crown. c. Commercial companies had control over the French colonies d. Colonists were granted a wide range of rights, including trial by jury. e. Settlers established a representative form of government elected by the people.

a. The French colonies were run entirely by the crown.

Colonists came away from their experience of the French and Indian War feeling a. confident of their military might. b. the desire for Britain to better safeguard its colonies. c. increasingly concerned about Indian attacks. d. a greater sense of oneness with their British compatriots. e. eager to break off ties with England

a. confident of their military might.

radical whigs

suspicion of power -loss of their power=gain of British power

The republican and Whig ideologies that English colonists embraced by the mid-eighteenth century included all of the following tenets EXCEPT a. power should be centralized within the monarchy b. citizens should put the public good ahead of their self-interests c. a functioning society is based on the virtue of its citizenry d. self-sufficiency, courage, and civic involvement are crucial for republican societies e. hierarchical governments breed corruption

a. power should be centralized within the monarchy

The First Continental Congress met in 1774 principally to a. strategize ways to redress colonial grievances b. declare the colonies' independence from Britain. c. outline a new national government for the future US. d. organize a colonial army. e. enlist the support of other countries in its conflict with England.

a. strategize ways to redress colonial grievances

Britain's relationship with its colonies was based on mercantilism, the theory that a. wealth is power, and colonies could be used to enrich the mother country. b. colonies should develop independent trade so as not to financially burden the mother country. c. commerce should be allowed to develop, uninhibited by government interference. d. Britain had the right to tax and regulate the colonies as it saw fit. e. the colonies should become economically self-sufficient within twenty-five years of settlement.

a. wealth is power, and colonies could be used to enrich the mother country.

Why did tea become the focus of protests against British policies that ended with the Boston Tea Party in 1773? a. the price of tea had skyrocketed under the British East India Company's trade monopoly. b. Colonists resented England's attempt to force only one tea source on them c. Tea touched the lives of colonists from every social class. d. Tea was England's leading export e. Colonists could easily go without tea.

b. Colonists resented England's attempt to force only one tea source on them

What decision did French explorer Samuel de Champlain make that had long-term negative consequences for France's conquest of the New World? a. He established Quebec as the capital of the New France. b. He befriended the Huron Indians. c. He befriended the Iroquois d. He drove out English settlers in the region. e. He antagonized Spanish and English explorers

b. He befriended the Huron Indians.

Americans responded to Britain's many new taxes in the 1760s with the line,"No taxation without representation." What did this mean exactly? a. That Americans wanted to have representatives in Parliament before they would accept tax legislation passed there. b. That only colonial legislatures could tax the colonies. c. That colonists would accept virtual representation in fiscal matters. d. That Parliament put the needs of citizens in England above those of its colonists. e. That the king was the ultimate representative, and therefore, exclusively held the power to tax.

b. That only colonial legislatures could tax the colonies.

The Boston Massacre, which occurred on March 5, 1770, describes a. a protest in which colonists burned Governor Thomas Hutchinson's house to the ground. b. a standoff between colonists and redcoats that resulted in the deaths of eleven Bostonians. c. a mob protest in which two dozen British soldiers were killed. d. the first military battle between the Sons of Liberty and the British e. the dumping of 342 chests of imported tea and other goods into the Boston harbor.

b. a standoff between colonists and redcoats that resulted in the deaths of eleven Bostonians.

Prompted by the British to promote greater intercolonial unity and defense during the French and Indian War, the Albany Congress failed in its attempts to establish colonial home rule because a. not all colonies sent representatives to Albany. b. colonists felt it did not offer enough independence. c. English authorities deemed such efforts illegal. d. colonists were unwilling to fund the venture. e. colonists wanted to preserve their individuality and did not see the need for union.

b. colonists felt it did not offer enough independence.

The colonists detested the mercantilist system for all of these reasons EXCEPT that a. it kept them in a state of economic dependency. b. it caused a currency surplus. c. Britain nullified any laws passed by colonial governments that interfered with the mercantilist system. d. it restricted how American goods could be transported or sold. e. it required the colonies to buy certain goods only from Britain.

b. it caused a currency surplus

All of the following Anglo-French colonial wars began in Europe EXCEPT a. King William's War b. the French and Indian War c. the War of Austrian Succession d. Queen Anne's War e. the War of Jenkins's Ear

b. the French and Indian War

What kept France from exploring the New World until the late sixteenth century? a. lack of interest by the crown b. Ill-fated missions by early English settlers c. Foreign wars and internal conflicts d. the cost of financing an expedition e. fear of repercussions from Spain and England

c. Foreign wars and internal conflicts

To raise money to cover debts incurred in the Seven Years' War and to reassert authority over its North American colonies, Britain passed and enforced all of the following measures EXCEPT the a. Navigation Acts b. Sugar Act c. Intolerable Act d. Quartering Act e. Stamp Act

c. Intolerable Act

Which of these protests against the Stamp Act was most effective in ultimately securing its repeal? a. The Stamp Act Congress of 1765 b. Petitions to Parliament c. Nonimportation agreements d. Violent protests e. Refusal to pay the tax

c. Nonimportation agreements

How did George Washington start the global war in 1754 that would later come to be known as the Seven Years' War? a. Washington forcibly relocated thousands of French Acadians from the area known as Nova Scotia to other French territories. b. Washington claimed, for his family, the same Ohio territory where the French had built Fort Duquesne. c. Washington's men killed a French military leader on the outskirts of Fort Duquesne. d. Washington recklessly attacked French forces without a battle plan. e. Washington sent an insulting letter to French leaders in the Ohio territory.

c. Washington's men killed a French military leader on the outskirts of Fort Duquesne.

The Proclamation of 1763 a. exacted burdensome taxes from the colonists to finance Britain's war debts. b. granted some frontier territory to Native Americans c. prohibited colonists from settling beyond the Appalachians d. established royal governors in the colonies e. made Florida a British territory.

c. prohibited colonists from settling beyond the Appalachians

battle of quebec

causes montreal to fall and the french power is gone

The intercolonial disunity that prevailed during the French and Indian War was caused by all of the following conditions EXCEPT a. the prevalence of conflicting religions b. an enormous sense of geographic distance from one colony to the next. c. varied nationalities. d. differences about the continuation of slavery. e. class tensions.

d. differences about the continuation of slavery.

British colonists were outraged by the Townshend Act for all of the following reasons EXCEPT a. it sought to skirt the issue of taxation by imposing "duties" instead. b. it taxed many of their favorite imported goods. c. monies collected under the act would pay the salaries of royal officials. d. it included a provision to close any colonial port that did not pay the duties. e. it was yet another example of taxation without representation.

d. it included a provision to close any colonial port that did not pay the duties.

Which of the following circumstances did NOT influence Americans' attitudes about rights and the nature of government by the 1750s? a. the aristocracy that was common in Britain never took hold in the colonies b. property ownership and political participation were more easily accessible in the colonies c. colonists had become accustomed to running things themselves, with little inference from the crown d. they universally embraced religious toleration e. the vast ocean expanse that distanced Britain from the colonies also weakened Britain's ability to exert its authority

d. they universally embraced religious toleration

Why were the colonies disunited

distance, geological barriers, different religions and nationalities, different types of government, boundary disputes, backcountry vs aristocracy

In what ways did mercantilism benefit the colonists? a. Britain provided subsidies for surplus crops. b. Mercantilism helped several colonial merchants become wealthy. c. It elevated some colonists to positions of political power. d. It stimulated American wool manufacturing. e. Britain granted them certain trade monopolies and protected them militarily.

e. Britain granted them certain trade monopolies and protected them militarily.

Both Britain and Spain pressured their colonies with new taxes to help pay their share of the Seven Years' War, but reaction to these policies led to a war for independence only among British colonists for all of the following reasons EXCEPT that a. Britain had rich and powerful enemies that colonists could tap for assistance. b. Spanish colonies were far more ethnically and racially divided. c. British settlers were accustomed to more liberal local governments than those in Spain and its colonies. d. rights were a central component of British vs Spanish notions of citizenship e. British colonists had established local militias from the earliest days of settlement.

e. British colonists had established local militias from the earliest days of settlement.

Settlement of the French colonies in New Canada grew very slowly until 1750 for all of the following reasons EXCEPT a. there was plenty of available land for those who wanted it in their French homeland. b. Protestant Huguenots were prohibited from immigrating to the French colonies. c. The government focused on developing its Caribbean colonies. d. Canada's cold, snowy climate presented a difficult challenge. e. Consumer demand for New France's main export, beaver skins, had dropped off considerably.

e. Consumer demand for New France's main export, beaver skins, had dropped off considerably.

What was the most significant role of the Committees of Correspondence? a. Writing broadsides. b. Encouraging women's participation in boycotts and rebellions. c. Building momentum for a complete break with England. d. Seeking every colony's participation in the first American Congress. e. Organizing local letter-writing campaigns to fortify colonial resistance to British policies.

e. Organizing local letter-writing campaigns to fortify colonial resistance to British policies.

What key strategic tool did the Indians lose as a result of the war's outcome and the Treaty of Paris? a. Alliances with Quaker and Christian missionaries b. French and Spanish protection against the British c. Strategic trading posts d. Control of vital frontier territory e. The ability to play rival European countries against each other.

e. The ability to play rival European countries against each other.

Which of the following was NOT a principal motivation for French exploration of territory beyond New France in the eighteenth century? a. converting Indians to Christianity b. keeping British settlers from moving into the nearby Ohio Valley c. seeking new beaver supplies d. thwarting Spain's attempts to claim land north of Mexico e. difficulties with local native populations

e. difficulties with local native populations

Clash of powers

french, british, native american allies fight for north america -william, anne, and utrecht (1713) -the ear (Jenkin's) and the War of Austrian Succession

Pontiac's Uprising

indian resistance to British penetration in the Ohio Valley

writs of assistance

officials are able to search without a warrant or cause -1761

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