APUSH Chapter 19

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Which of the following statements describes immigrants' accommodation to city life in the United States around 1900? Select one: A. Many relied on native-language newspapers, the conviviality of saloons, and the assistance of mutual-aid societies. B. They discarded their ethnic customs and traditional holidays as quickly as possible to blend in with native-born Americans. C. Each family looked out solely for its own interests, abandoning older community-oriented patterns. D. Irish and German immigrants frequently joined temperance societies to become sober American workers.

A. Many relied on native-language newspapers, the conviviality of saloons, and the assistance of mutual-aid societies.

Around the turn of the century, African Americans moving to cities in the North experienced which of the following? Select one: A. More discrimination than even the most downtrodden European immigrants B. Substantially less racism than did African Americans in the South C. Plentiful job opportunities and access to integrated housing. D. More opportunities to become skilled workers than they had two decades earlier

A. More discrimination than even the most downtrodden European immigrants

The Triangle Shirtwaist Company fire of 1911 led to which of the following outcomes? Select one: A. New York State's passage of the most advanced labor code in the country at that time B. The jailing of the company's owner for arson after seeking to collect on his insurance C. The New York State Factory Commission to blame worker negligence for producing unsafe working conditions D. A final break between progressive reformers and New York City's Tammany Hall political machine

A. New York State's passage of the most advanced labor code in the country at that time

The settlement houses that emerged in early twentieth-century cities established which new occupational field? Select one: A. Social Work B. Midwifery C. Early Childhood Education D. Political bureaucrat

A. Social Work

Which of the following statements characterizes urban political reform efforts in the late 1800s and early 1900s? Select one: A. Some reform mayors modeled their reform efforts on cutting-edge European efforts in cities such as Glasgow and Dusseldorf. B. Many large American cities adopted the professional city manager system in an attempt to run more like a business. C. Urban reform politicians rejected municipally owned utilities in favor of private sector ownership. D. The efforts of urban reform politicians could not compete with those sponsored by the political machines they targeted.

A. Some reform mayors modeled their reform efforts on cutting-edge European efforts in cities such as Glasgow and Dusseldorf.

Which invention transformed urban and suburban communications in the United States after 1876? Select one: A. Telephone B. Walkie-talkie C. Telegraph D. Elevator

A. Telephone

Which of the following made the growth of skyscrapers possible? Select one: A. The development of steel girders, plate glass, and elevators B. Architects competing for the Form Follows Function award C. Government subsidies to contractors who would build them D. The newly built system of canals that connected cities to sources for building materials

A. The development of steel girders, plate glass, and elevators

What did women like Jane Addams seek to provide to the working-class people they served through settlement houses in early twentieth century cities? Select one: A. The resources and political voice they needed to improve their lives B. Art classes and other cultural programs to expand their minds C. Lessons on American history to help recent immigrants assimilate D. A stronger sense of "civic enterprise and moral conviction"

A. The resources and political voice they needed to improve their lives

Which of the following describes metropolitan newspapers in the period after the Civil War? Select one: A. They expanded to include human-interest stories and society and sports sections. B. Newspapers lost urban readership as the influx of poor immigrants led to declining literacy rates. C. Building a reputation for factual, objective news coverage, newspapers ignored national scandals. D. Influenced by the increasing efficiency of communication, they covered more national and international news than local events.

A. They expanded to include human-interest stories and society and sports sections.

What spurred many big cities' pursuit of state-of-the-art sewage and drainage systems at the end of the nineteenth century? Select one: A. They sought to improve public health. B. Urban land became too valuable to use for privies. C. The federal government offered tax incentives. D. Cities smelled so bad they were nearly uninhabitable.

A. They sought to improve public health.

What made young women vulnerable in the new system of dating and "treating" that emerged in early twentieth-century cities? Select one: A. Women's low wages B. Their low marriage prospects C. A high percentage of bachelors D. Sexualized dancing and music

A. Women's low wages

What was the key to the successful building of skyscrapers in American cities in the late nineteenth century?

An interior skeleton made of manufactured steel beams

What entrepreneur donated money that was used to found more than a thousand libraries across the United States

Andrew Carnegie

What entrepreneur donated money that was used to found more than a thousand libraries across the United States?

Andrew Carnegie

Which of the following statements describes Charles Darwin's theories as presented in his book, On the Origin of Species?

Animals and plants adapt to better suit their environment through natural selection.

What did New York State do in response to the public outrage expressed here over the Triangle fire tragedy?

Appointed a factory commission that developed labor reform

A mob of whites attacked the black community in 1906 in which city


The City Beautiful movement is associated with which of the following activities?

Attempts to build more and better urban park spaces, including playgrounds and gardens

Who was Joseph Pulitzer and what made him significant? Select one: A. An investigative reporter who exposed the unhealthy conditions of the meatpacking industry B. A St. Louis newspaper publisher who built his sales base with sensational investigations C. A circus showman who claimed that "He who is without a newspaper is cut off from his species" D. The artist whose comic strip, "The Yellow Kid," gave its name to yellow journalism

B. A St. Louis newspaper publisher who built his sales base with sensational investigations

The City Beautiful movement is associated with which of the following activities? Select one: A. Efforts to clean up the mud rivers created by spring rains in many cities B. Attempts to build more and better urban park spaces, including playgrounds and gardens C. Attempts to clean up the tremendous air pollution that hung in the air of many cities D. Efforts by municipal commissioners to preserve green space in rapidly expanding industrial cities

B. Attempts to build more and better urban park spaces, including playgrounds and gardens

Which of the following describes the tenements that were typical of many urban areas in the early twentieth century? Select one: A. Light-manufacturing factories prevalent in many urban warehouse districts B. Buildings that housed many families in cramped, airless apartments C. Government-subsidized housing for the poor D. Modern and sleek no-frills apartments that housed poor families

B. Buildings that housed many families in cramped, airless apartments

Why was Margaret Sanger indicted for her newspaper column "What Every Girl Should Know" in the 1910s? Select one: A. The column discussed white slavery and prostitution openly. B. Her discussion of birth control violated obscenity laws. C. Sanger advocated mixed-race marriages. D. It suggested that New York's homosexual community was not immoral.

B. Her discussion of birth control violated obscenity laws.

Which of the following statements most characterizes residential patterns in the typical American city around 1900? Select one: A. Most immigrants were required by zoning laws to live in downtown ghettos. B. Immigrants from a particular region of a country tended to settle by ethnic group. C. Members of various ethnic groups mingled throughout the city. D. Most immigrants had to settle far from the factories where they worked.

B. Immigrants from a particular region of a country tended to settle by ethnic group.

Which of the following describes the emerging profession of social work at the turn of the nineteenth century? Select one: A. Social workers were motivated by their strong religious beliefs. B. Most social workers at this time viewed themselves as advocates of social justice. C. Social work was one profession women could pursue without a college degree. D. Until the mid-twentieth century, most American social workers were male.

B. Most social workers at this time viewed themselves as advocates of social justice.

To what did the Tammany ward boss George Washington Plunkitt refer when he talked about "honest graft"? Select one: A. Confessing past bribes B. Profiting from insider status C. Paying taxes on briberies D. Bribing politicians for good purposes

B. Profiting from insider status

David Graham Phillips established his credentials as a muckraker when he wrote a scathing analysis on which subject? Select one: A. Tammany Hall B. The U.S. Senate C. Child labor D. Standard Oil Company

B. The U.S. Senate

Florence Kelley became a famous advocate for Select one: A. prostitutes and orphans. B. female and child laborers. C. housewives and professional working women. D. migrant farm workers.

B. female and child laborers.

In the late nineteenth century, George Washington Plunkitt was Select one: A. the first important African American politician elected in the city of Baltimore. B. the Tammany ward boss who courted all ethnic groups to win their support. C. a major political boss who operated in the city of Chicago. D. a humorous character created by a newspaper columnist to satirize ward politics.

B. the Tammany ward boss who courted all ethnic groups to win their support.

Which of the following described the tenements that were typical of many urban areas in the early twentieth century?

Buildings that housed many families in cramped, airless apartments

Which of the following describes the tenements that were typical of many urban areas in the early twentieth century?

Buildings that housed many families in cramped, airless apartments

How did the early-twentieth-century campaign against prostitution affect prostitutes in many Americans cities at the time?

By closing brothels, new laws worsened many prostitutes' lives.

How did the development of outlying suburbs in the middle and late nineteenth century change the social structure of cities?

By separating well-off suburbanites from working-class urbanites

Which of the following statements characterizes Theodore Roosevelt's attitude toward the muckrakers? Select one: A. Inspired, he declared that their stories "gripped my heart until I felt I must tell of them, or burst, or turn anarchist." B. Impressed, Roosevelt commended the muckrakers for being good followers of his own progressive principles. C. Appalled, he dismissed them as muckrakers who overemphasized America's negative aspects. D. Admiring them, Roosevelt urged the muckrakers on by exclaiming, "Bully!"

C. Appalled, he dismissed them as muckrakers who overemphasized America's negative aspects.

Which of the following phenomena emerged as an important new influence on urban entertainment in the early twentieth century? Select one: A. Saloons B. Middle-class reformers' priorities C. Black music D. Opera houses

C. Black music

To what late nineteenth-century phenomenon does the term "private city" refer? Select one: A. The federal government's lack of influence over urban administration B. The existence of an underground gay urban subculture C. Businesses' role in the creation of urban environments D. The notion that urban family life functioned like a small city

C. Businesses' role in the creation of urban environments

Which of these inventions made residents feel safer in urban areas in the late nineteenth century? Select one: A. Telegraph B. Radio C. Electric light D. Subway

C. Electric light

Which of the following statements describes the anti-black race riots that occurred in cities in the early twentieth century? Select one: A. Black on white crimes were the primary trigger of race riots. B. The violent events often caused much damage but few, if any, deaths. C. Race riots foreshadowed a worsening of urban racial tensions. D. Race riots occurred almost exclusively in the South.

C. Race riots foreshadowed a worsening of urban racial tensions.

Which of the following statements characterizes gay culture in early twentieth-century New York? Select one: A. New York's gay subculture was quiet, invisible, and careful not to challenge Victorian ideals. B. Due to high levels of stigma and discrimination, there were too few gay people to form a culture. C. The city's exuberant gay subculture provoked harassment but officials tolerated its existence. D. New York's gay underground was dangerous due to the frequency of police raids and arrests.

C. The city's exuberant gay subculture provoked harassment but officials tolerated its existence.

During the 1890s, what caused voters to start turning away from urban political machines and start embracing urban political reformers? Select one: A. The rampant spread of urban organized crime B. A decrease in the number of immigrants C. The economic depression D. A series of political assassinations

C. The economic depression

What was the primary complaint against trolleys in American cities in the late 1800s? Select one: A. The expensive ticket prices B. Their high construction costs C. Their frequent accidents D. They served only elite neighborhoods

C. Their frequent accidents

Why did Galveston, Texas adopt a commission system in 1900, that later became a nationwide model for efficient government? Select one: A. To encourage industrial development in the city B. To end the rampant homelessness and hunger C. To rebuild after a hurricane killed roughly 6,000 people D. To curb the influence of corporate interests in the government

C. To rebuild after a hurricane killed roughly 6,000 people

Why was the New York legislation dealing with safety in factories and enacting wages-and-hour laws for women and children? Select one: A. Anthracite Coal Strike B. Niagara Movement C. Triangle Shirtwaist fire D. Danbury Hatters Boycott

C. Triangle Shirtwaist fire

By 1900, which of the following was the primary means of urban mass transit in the United States? Select one: A. Elevated railroad B. Cable car C. Trolley car D. Subway

C. Trolley car

To what phenomenon did the book title The Shame of the Cities specifically refer? Select one: A. Racial violence in urban slums B. Conspicuous consumption among the rich C. Urban political corruption D. Prostitution in big cities

C. Urban political corruption

William Randolph Hearst's and Joseph Pulitzer's sensationalist style of reporting was known as which of the following? Select one: A. Scandal sheet copy B. Paparazzi coverage C. Yellow journalism D. Human interest writing

C. Yellow journalism

Before the Civil War, most manufacturing operations sprang up in Select one: A. northeastern cities. B. seaports. C. countryside locations. D. railroad hubs.

C. countryside locations.

The first skyscraper in the United States was built in 1885 in which city?


Which city suffered a terrible fire in 1871


Which city suffered a terrible fire in 1871?


Which of the following was the most popular destination for late 19th century immigrants to the United States?

Cities and rural and "boomtown" areas of the West

Which of the following was the most popular destination for late 19th century immigrants to the US

Cities and rural boom town areas of the west

The social geography of the suburbs in the late nineteenth century was in large part determined by which of the following factors?

Class structures

The Jungle: Upton Sinclair's Jungle was primarily concerned about working conditions. Which of the following most directly helped organize labor?

Clayton Anti-Trust Act

Which sport was the most controversial in the late 1800s?

College football

Around 1900, if an ordinary American city dweller, whether immigrant or native-born, needed a favor done by a person with authority, he or she would have most likely turned to whom? Select one: A. An ombudsman B. A member of Congress C. A newspaper columnist D. An alderman or ward boss

D. An alderman or ward boss

Who of the following was the greatest benefactor of public libraries in nineteenth-century America, who in 1881 announced that he would build a library in any city that was prepared to maintain it? Select one: A. John D. Rockefeller B. J. P. Morgan C. George W. Vanderbilt D. Andrew Carnegie

D. Andrew Carnegie

How did the early twentieth century campaign against urban prostitution affect women working as prostitutes at that time? Select one: A. The campaign reduced the number of men seeking prostitutes' services in cities. B. New obstacles to interstate transport limited most prostitutes' mobility. C. New laws made it easier for prostitutes to find more respectable work. D. By closing brothels, new laws worsened many prostitutes' working conditions.

D. By closing brothels, new laws worsened many prostitutes' working conditions.

Why was Margaret Sanger's newspaper column "What Every Girl Should Know" significant? Select one: A. The column educated girls and women about the dangers of prostitution. B. It publicized the notion that women as well as men could attend college. C. Sanger linked the practice of "treating" with sexually transmitted diseases. D. It contributed to launching a national birth control movement.

D. It contributed to launching a national birth control movement.

Which of the following muckrakers is correctly matched with his or her reform area? Select one: A. David Graham Phillips—an exposé of Standard Oil B. Ida Tarbell—the plight of the poor C. Jacob Riis—the meatpacking industry D. Lincoln Steffens—the corruption of America's urban governments

D. Lincoln Steffens—the corruption of America's urban governments

Which of the following describes the urban political machines of the late nineteenth century? Select one: A. They mediated between municipal governments and state and federal governments. B. Political machines were an obstacle to the creation of urban infrastructure. C. They protected American city-dwellers from powerful economic interests. D. Machines acted as social service agencies, providing assistance in times of trouble.

D. Machines acted as social service agencies, providing assistance in times of trouble.

Which of these statements describes the newly rising American middle class around 1900? Select one: A. They preferred to live in luxurious high-rise apartments in the city. B. They remained near the ethnic neighborhoods where they had grown up. C. They imitated the rich by constructing scaled-down villas in the country. D. Many preferred to live in the suburbs because of the safety and space it afforded them.

D. Many preferred to live in the suburbs because of the safety and space it afforded them.

What accounted for the relocation of manufacturing operations into urban areas after the Civil War? Select one: A. Tax incentives B. Electricity C. Railroad expansion D. Steam power

D. Steam power

Where did almost 90 percent of African Americans live in 1900? Select one: A. Northern cities B. The western states C. Mississippi and Alabama D. The South

D. The South

Which level of government generally saw the most corruption in the late 1800s? Select one: A. Rural B. Federal C. State D. Urban

D. Urban

Which of these inventions made residents feel safer in urban areas in the late nineteenth century?

Electricity light

Robert M. Lafollette: Which of the following during world war 1 proved the most direct threat to the perspective on civil rights in this excerpt?

Espionage and Seditions Act

Arthur Zimmerman German foreign minister When the Zimmerman message was made public, many people in the US?

Expressed nationalist anger against Germans

Dissenting Opinion in Plessy v Ferguson: Harlan's opinion goes against the majority opinion on the supreme court that

Facilities could be segregated by race if they were "separate but equal"

Which Hull House volunteer became the first American woman to hold a U.S. cabinet post

Frances Perkins

What city was struck by a violent hurricane in 1900, leading to a major reform of its city government structure

Galveston, Texas

What city was struck by a violent hurricane in 1900, leading to a major reform of its city government structure?

Galveston, Texas

Arthur Zimmerman German foreign minister Which if the following does this excerpt support as the primary cause of the U.S declaration of war in April 1917?

Germany's violation of US neutral rights

What innovation did Detroit mayor Hazen Pingree offer to address the problems of the depression of the 1890s

Giving city land for urban gardens

What innovation did Detroit mayor Hazen Pingree offer to address the problems of the depression of the 1890s?

Giving city land for urban gardens

Which of the following statements summarizes Booker T. Washington's approach to racial change in the United States?

He promoted industrial education for blacks as a strategy for lessening white prejudice.

How did Henry Huntington expand the suburban ideal in southern California in the early twentieth century?

He used his family's fortune to buy up real estate and subdivide it into lots.

Which of the following statements most characterizes residential patterns in the typical American city around 1900?

Immigrants from a particular region of a country tended to settle by ethnic group

Why did New York State undertake serious workplace safety reforms after the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire of 1911?

In response to public outrage

(Propaganda poster) beat back the hun (evil German) During World War 1, the government propaganda, such as poster shown above, most likely contributed too which of the following?

Increase fears of foreigners and immigrants

What impact did city politics have on immigrant communities in the United States in the late nineteenth century

Integrated them into urban society

What impact did city politics have on immigrant communities in the United States in the late nineteenth century?

Integrated them into urban society

Which ethnic group was the largest in Boston in the late nineteenth century?


How did the city of Chicago address its sewage problem around the turn of the century?

It reversed the course of the Chicago River

Who founded Hull House in 1889 in Chicago as part of the settlement movement

Jane Addams

The muckraker Ida Tarbell exposed which industrialist in McClure's magazine around the turn of the nineteenth century

John D. Rockefeller

Which of the following muckrakers is correctly matched with his or her reform area?

Lincoln Steffens- the corruption of America's urban governments

What were the political machines that played such a vital role in late-nineteenth-century American cities

Local party bureaucracies that controlled elected and appointed offices

What were the political machines that played such a vital role in late-nineteenth-century American cities?

Local party bureaucracies that controlled elected and appointed offices

Which of these statements describes the newly rising American middle class around 1900?

Many preferred to live in the suburbs because of the safety and space it afforded them.

The Jungle: The jungle directly contributed to the passage of the

Meat inspection Act

Working separately in the 1880s and 1890s, researcher Helen Campbell and photographer Jacob Riis both sought to call attention to what problem

Miserable conditions in urban tenement housing

Working separately in the 1880s and 1890s, researcher Helen Campbell and photographer Jacob Riis both sought to call attention to what problem?

Miserable conditions in urban tenement housing

Where in the United States did the blues music popular in the 1910s originate?


The Jungle: The above excerpt is most closely associated with which sector of the progressive movement?


American Liberty, Your Duty Poster: Which of the following early 20th century cultural conflicts most directly contradicted the scene portrayed in the image above

Native born versus new immigrants

In the late nineteenth century, many cities cut death rates from typhoid, yellow fever, and cholera by instituting what

New sewage and drainage systems

In the late nineteenth century, many cities cut death rates from typhoid, yellow fever, and cholera by instituting what?

New sewage and drainage systems

Joseph Pulitzer worked in which industry in the late nineteenth century?


In the early 1900s, a baby born to a Slavic woman in an American city had what chance of dying in infancy?

One in 3

Which of these late 19th-century US Supreme Court ruling settled the question of African Americans' access to regular first-class seats on American railroad cars until the 1950s?

Plessy vs, Ferguson

Which of the following groups was most sympathetic to the concerns expressed in the testimony above?


Platform of American Anti-Imperialism: Which of the following represents a policy that the authors of the excerpt would most likely support

President Wilsons's signing of the Jones Act in 1916

Which of the following bore primary responsibility for developing the infrastructure of late-nineteenth-century American cities

Private enterprise

Which of the following bore primary responsibility for developing the infrastructure of late-nineteenth-century American cities?

Private enterprise

What did the New York Tammany ward boss George Washington Plunkitt mean by "honest graft"?

Profiting from insider status

Paul Johnson: In the early 1900s, which of the following groups most supported the political changes described in the excerpt?


Robert D. Johnston: Which of the following would most directly support the argument that Progressives we "exclusionary"?

Progressives did little to end the segregation of African americans

Highland Park Assembly: How did the progressive reformers attempt to better the lives of workers such as those in the photograph above?

Progressives urged the creation of new organizations aimed at addressing social problems associated with an industrial society

Congress passed the Mann Act in 1910 to achieve what purpose

Prohibit the transportation of prostitutes across state lines

Congress passed the Mann Act in 1910 to achieve what purpose?

Prohibit the transportation of prostitutes across state lines

In 1880s, the Women's Christian Temperance Movement (WCTU) controversially threw its supported behind the

Prohibition Party.

Late 19th century urban immigrants identified in the map above most commonly relied on support from

Settlement houses

Late 19th-century urban immigrants identified in the map above most commonly relied on support from...

Settlement houses

The settlement houses that emerged in early twentieth-century cities established which new occupation field?

Social Work

Which of the following statements characterizes urban political reform efforts in the late 1800s and early 1900s?

Some reform mayors modeled their reform efforts on cutting-edge European efforts in cities such as Glasgow and Dusseldorf.

Between 1880-1900, the largest group of immigrants to the United States came from...

Southern and Eastern Europe

Why did big cities in the United States become sites of manufacturing as well as finance and trade after the Civil War

Steam engines allowed factory operators to move away from water-driven power

What accounted for the relocation of manufacturing operations into urban areas after the Civil War?

Steam power

The dominance of private development in U.S. cities and the preference for business solutions to city needs are expressed in what concept?

The "private city"

Robert M. Lafollette: Which of the following conflicts raised the most similar concerns about the violation of civil rights as did World War 1

The American Civil War

Which institution was the first major art museum in the United States

The Corcoran Gallery of Art

Why were audiences at the Metropolitan Opera in New York shocked by an opera presented there in 1907

The Metropolitan performed the sexually scandalous opera Salome

Which 19th-century reform movement was most clearly associated with the activities described above?

The Social Gospel

At the turn of the twentieth century, 90 percent of African Americans still lived in what region?

The South

Which of the following wa the most direct result of the policy stated in the excerpt?

The US intervened in the American countries in the early 20th century

The growth of the YMCA in late 19th century American cities resulted from which of the following factors?

The YMCA prompted "muscular Christianity" for white-collar workers.

Woodrow wilson Address: Which foreign policy approach is most consistent with the sentiments expressed by wilson in the excerpt above?

The defense of humanitarian and democratic principles

Which of the following made the growth of skyscrapers possible?

The development of steel girders, plate glass, and elevators

Robert D. Johnston: Which of the following progressive reforms most directly promoted "active citizenship?

The direct election of senators

Which of the following was a reason American businesses embraced baseball in the 19th century ?

The game was a wholesome way to promote discipline and teamwork.

What new institution arose as a result of the work with children of Julia Lathrop, one of the workers at Chicago's Hull House

The juvenile justice system

The development described in the excerpt most strongly suggests which of the following about that time?

The presence of large numbers of young working people in cities fostered New Attitudes about sexuality.

Which institution of progressivism offered a laboratory to experiment with solving social problems?

The settlement movement

Which of the following describes metropolitan newspapers in the period after the Civil War?

They expanded to include human-interest stories and society and sports sections.

Why did most black men and women who migrated to the large cities of the North between 1880 and 1917 end up working in the service sector

They were routinely rejected from other jobs

What was the purpose of the phenomenon that took shape in the United States in the late nineteenth century and came to be known as progressivism?

To combat the problems caused by industrialization and urbanization in the United States

Why did journalist Upton Sinclair write his 1904 novel The Jungle?

To expose labor exploitation in Chicago's meatpacking plants

By 1900, which of the following was the primary means of urban mass transit in the United States?

Trolley car

During the depression of the 1890s, what percentage of working-class Americans was unemployed?

Up to 25 percent

Which level of government generally saw the most corruption in the late 1800s?


To what does the term "private city" refer in historians' discussions of urban life in the United States in the late nineteenth century

Urban areas shaped by individuals and profit-seeking businesses

To what does the term "private city" refer in historians' discussions of urban life in the United States in the late nineteenth century?

Urban areas shaped by individuals and profit-seeking businesses

Arthur Zimmerman German foreign minister The issue of freedom of the seas in World War 1 most closely resembles the cause of which of the following conflicts?

War of 1812

Which region of the United States had responded to the women's voting rights movement by 1900?


What prompted urban reform movements in the 1890s

Widespread suffering from the depression of that decade

What political boss made Tammany Hall a byword for corruption in the late nineteenth century

William Marcy Tweed

What political boss made Tammany Hall a byword for corruption in the late nineteenth century?

William Marcy Tweed

Dissenting Opinion in Plessy v Ferguson: Harlan's opinion was consistent with the beliefs expressed by the

Writer WEB Du Bois

William Randolph Hearst's and Joseph Pulitzer's sensationalist style of reporting was known as which of the following?

Yellow journalism

"In the nineteenth century, the emergent [middle] class found ways to distinguish itself culturally from working-class immigrants, Afro-Americans, and the idle rich. The bourgeois world view counterposed such values as sobriety and domesticity against the dissipation and promiscuity of those higher and lower in social rank. By the early twentieth century however, these groups—by virtue of their very 'otherness'—offered sensuality, colorful adventure, and expressiveness to segments of the urban middle class. While some New Yorkers looked on with disapproval, others found working women who 'put on style' an amusing, fashionable, and admirable part of the cultural landscape. What had been seen as rowdy girls' deviant behavior in the mid-nineteenth century was evaluated more ambiguously by the early 1900s." Kathy Peiss, historian, Cheap Amusements, 1986 The excerpt best reflects which of the following historical patterns associated with late-nineteenth-century American cities?

Young adults' creation of "dating" and its increasing visibility and popularity

By the early 1900s, many business leaders encouraged their male workers to participate in sports to...

adjust to the demands of the industrial clock

National Women's Temperance: The above excerpt most directly reflects that the temperance movement

appealed to a varied constituency of reformers

National Women's Temperance: The prohibition movement was similar to the other progressive reforms because it

began on the local and state levels before becoming national

Some segments of society during the Gilded Age enjoyed previously unimaginable wealth,

but many more Americans lived in poverty

Robert M. Lafollette: What does the author imply by the phrase, "not one of the rights that the citizens of this country are called upon to surrender in time of war"?

citizens do not lose their freedom of speech during war

The image above most clearly epitomized the Gilded Age focus on....


American Liberty, Your Duty Poster: In 1917, president wilson brought the US into world war 1 based on his started intention to

defend humanitarian and democratic principles

New York Journal: Who of the following would most strongly support the sentiments in these headlines

expansionist such as henry cabot lodge

Highland Park Assembly: While industries such as the one in the photograph above led to increasing conflicts between management and labor from 1890 to 1930, they also contributed to

improved standards of living

The excerpt most directly reflects the continuation of the policy that

independent nations of the americas should remain free from european intervention

How did the city of Chicago address its sewage problem around the turn of the century

it reversed the course of the Chicago River

The quote above illustrates growing unrest between...

labor and management

Testimony Machinist John Morrison: The quote above illustrates growing unrest between

labor and managment

Much of the urban reform described above was carried out by...

middle-class women challenging their prescribed "place".

The changes described in the excerpt above most clearly demonstrate an evolution in...

national identity

Highland Park Assembly: The scene depicted in the photograph above was made possible by

new technologies and manufacturing techniques

To which political party did the American reform mayors of the early twentieth century belong

no particular party

Woodrow wilson Address: In the excerpt above, president wilson signaled a willingness to abandon which long-held American policy?

noninvolvement in european affairs

In the early 1900s, a baby born to a Slavic woman in an American city had what chance of dying in infancy

one in 3

Testimony Machinist John Morrison: Which of the following groups was most sympathetic to the concerns expressed in the testimony above?


Robert D. Johnston: Which of the following interpretations of progressivism would most likely support the excerpt?

progressives were a diverse group who supported various reformers

American Liberty, Your Duty Poster: Which of the following federal actions during world war 1 most directly undercut the message of the poster above?

restrictions on freedom of speech

Woodrow wilson Address: Which of the following took place during world war 1 in response to wilson's assurance made at the end of the excerpt above?

restrictions on freedom of speech

Paul Johnson: Many of those who supported wilson's efforts to "impose a little order on this new giant" were also eager to

see an expansion of democratic principles throughout the government

The settlement houses that emerged in early-twentieth-century cities pioneered what new occupational field

social work

Which invention transformed urban and suburban communications in the US after 1876?


The dominance of private development in U.S. cities and the preference for business solutions to city needs are expressed in what concept

the "private city"

At the turn of the twentieth century, 90 percent of African Americans still lived in what region

the South

Which of the following events in the late 19th and early 20th centuries resulted from the idea described in the passage above?

the acquisition of island territories by the US

New York Journal: The point of view of this newspaper most clearly reflects

the concept if jingoism or extreme patriotism

New York Journal: Newspaper headlines such as those above most directly contributed to which of the following?

the declaration of war against Spain by the US congress

With which of the following would supporters of this excerpt most likely agree

the peoples of asia had a right to govern themselves without outside interference

(Propaganda poster) beat back the hun (evil German) During the war, a government agency named the committee of public information, headed by George creel, was?

the producer of vast number of posters, pamphlets, and films

Which of the following most directly contributed the the anti imperialist sentiments expressed in the excerpt?

the provisions of the peace treaty ending the spanish american wawr

What factor most influence "the tendency for expansion" noted in inn's passage above?

the transition of the US from a rural agricultural society to an urban industrial one

By 1900, which of the following was the primary means of urban mass transit in the US?

trolley car

During the depression of the 1890s, what percentage of working-class Americans was unemployed

up to 25 percent

Testimony Machinist John Morrison: Large scale production assisted by the strategies outlined in the quote above

were supported by financial and management structures

Large-scale production assisted by the strategies outlines in the quote above...

were supported by financial and management structures.

What form of government did the leaders of the National Municipal League advise cities in the United States to institute in the early twentieth century?

A city manager system

What spurred the US Congress to pass the Pure Food and Drug Act in 1906?

A public uproar caused by Upton Sinclair's realist novel The Jungle

What was the Triangle factory fire

A sweatshop fire that resulted in the deaths of nearly 150 people

What spurred the U.S. Congress to pass the Pure Food and Drug Act in 1906? Select one: A. A public uproar caused by Upton Sinclair's realist novel The Jungle B. High infant mortality rates that resulted from the widespread problem of adulterated milk C. The publication of Leona Prall Groetzinger's expose titled "The City's Perils" D. A horrific yellow fever epidemic in Memphis, Tennessee, that killed 12 percent of its people

A. A public uproar caused by Upton Sinclair's realist novel The Jungle

Suburbs for the well-to-do first began to emerge on the outskirts of major American cities in which of these periods? Select one: A. Before the Civil War B. During the Reconstruction era C. After 1900 D. In the late 1800s

A. Before the Civil War

The rise of nickelodeons, amusement parks, dance halls, vaudeville, and other "cheap amusements" in the late nineteenth-century cities had which of the following effects? Select one: A. Challenging traditional courtship rituals B. Undermining businesses efforts to instill workplace discipline C. Increasing tax revenues so the government could build more libraries and parks D. Reinforcing Victorian values

A. Challenging traditional courtship rituals

The first skyscraper in the United States was built in 1885 in which city? Select one: A. Chicago B. New York C. Boston D. Cleveland

A. Chicago

Which of the following Hull House volunteers became the first American woman to hold a U.S. cabinet post? Select one: A. Frances Perkins B. Jane Addams C. Florence Kelley D. Ellen Gates Starr

A. Frances Perkins

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